< Philippians 2 >
1 If there be therfore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of loue, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any compassion and mercie,
Ibhaga, ndamo jenunji mwa a Kilishitu jilikumpanganga mashili, ibhaga kupali kuangalala kokowe nkupingana na Bhenebho, ibhaga kupali kulundana kokowe naka Mbumu jwa Ukonjelo, na ibhaga gupali uguja gogowe na bhonelana shiya.
2 Fulfill my ioye, that ye be like minded, hauing the same loue, being of one accorde, and of one iudgement,
Bhai, nkamilishanje kuangalala kwangu kwa kola ng'aniyo imo, kupingana kumo, na ntima gumo, na tumbilila kumo.
3 That nothing be done through contention or vaine glory, but that in meekenesse of minde euery man esteeme other better then himselfe.
Nnatendanje shindu shoshowe kwa taukangana eu kwa kwiipuna, ikabhe mwiitimalikanje mwaashayenenji, kila mundu annganishiye nnjakwe kuti jwa mmbone kupunda nnyene.
4 Looke not euery man on his owne things, but euery man also on the things of other men.
Mundu analoleye pwaida jakwe nnyene, ikabhe na pwaida ja ashaajakwenji.
5 Let the same minde be in you that was euen in Christ Iesus,
Nkolanje ng'aniyo mmitima jenunji malinga ibhaakwete a Yeshu Kilishitu.
6 Who being in ye forme of God, thought it no robberie to be equall with God:
Bhenebho kuumila kundandubho pubhaliji malinga a Nnungu, ikabheje kubha malinga a Nnungu, bhangatolelela kuti shindu shangakomboleka kuleka.
7 But he made himself of no reputation, and tooke on him ye forme of a seruant, and was made like vnto men, and was founde in shape as a man.
Ikabhe, kwa engwa kwabho bhayene, gubhaleshile yowe ibhakwete, gubhaitendile mbuti ntumwa, nibha malinga mundu.
8 He humbled himselfe, and became obedient vnto the death, euen the death of the Crosse.
Bhakabhonesheje malinga mundu, nikwiinyegaya na kunda mpaka kuwa, elo, kuwa munshalabha.
9 Wherefore God hath also highly exalted him, and giuen him a Name aboue euery name,
Kwa nneyo, na Bhalabho a Nnungu gubhaakweshiye kunani kaje, gubhaapele lina likulungwa kupunda mena gowe.
10 That at the Name of Iesus shoulde euery knee bowe, both of things in heauen, and things in earth, and things vnder the earth,
Nkupinga kwa lina lya ambi libhapegwilwe a Yeshu, indu yowe ya kunnungu, na ya pa shilambolyo, na ya pai litaka, yaatindibhalile,
11 And that euery tongue shoulde confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord, vnto the glory of God the Father.
na kila mundu alumbe kuti, bhene bhaashemwa a Yeshu Kilishitu ni Bhakulungwa, kwa ukonjelo gwa Atati a Nnungu.
12 Wherefore my beloued, as ye haue alwayes obeyed me, not as in my presence only, but now much more in mine absence, so make an end of your owne saluation with feare and trembling.
Bhai ashaambwiga ajangunji, malinga shimwambilikanilangaga mobha gowe punaliji na mmanganyanji, bhai nkali nnaino shini kwataliya shino, mpundanje kumbilikanila. Ntendanje liengo kwa ligongo lya kamilisha ntapulo gwenunji, kwa jogopa na ungumila.
13 For it is God which worketh in you, both the will and the deede, euen of his good pleasure.
Pabha a Nnungu ni bhaatenda liengo mmitima jenunji, nkunkomboyanga nkupinga ntendanje indu ibhapinga Bhayene.
14 Do all things without murmuring and reasonings,
Ntendanje indu yowe gwangali inginika na wala mitau,
15 That ye may be blamelesse, and pure, and the sonnes of God without rebuke in the middes of a naughtie and crooked nation, among whom yee shine as lights in the world,
nkupinga nnakolanje shilebho na mmanganje bha ndamo ja mmbone. Nkupinga mmanganje bhana bha mmbone bha a Nnungu bhangalinginji ila munkumbi gwa bhandu bhangalinginji bha mmbone na bhaobhilenje bha pa shilambolyo pano. Mmanganje shilangaya malinga shiikulangaya ndondwa kuliunde,
16 Holding forth the worde of life, that I may reioyce in the day of Christ, that I haue not runne in vaine, neither haue laboured in vaine.
nnikwaalungushiyanga malobhe ga gumi. Na penepo nne shingole ligongo lya kwiipuna lyubha lya kwiya a Kilishitu, shiimanyishe kuti liengo lyangu na tumbila kwangu nngabha kwayoyo.
17 Yea, and though I bee offered vp vpon the sacrifice, and seruice of your faith, I am glad, and reioyce with you all.
Nkali gumi gwangu ushoywaga nibha mbepei, pamo na ngulupai jenunji jili mbepei kwa a Nnungu, bhai, ngunakuinonyela na angalila na mmanganyanji mmowe.
18 For the same cause also be ye glad, and reioyce with me.
Nneyo peyo, na mmanganyanji nnapinjikwanga kwinonyela na angalila pamo na nne.
19 And I trust in the Lord Iesus, to sende Timotheus shortly vnto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I knowe your state.
Nkwaakulupalila Bhakulungwa a Yeshu, shinaatume a Timoteo bhajiye kunngwenunji agano mobha pegano, nkupinga nndaganje ntima pushimbilikane genu mmanganyanjipo.
20 For I haue no man like minded, who will faithfully care for your matters.
Pabha nangali mundu juna akwete ntima gumo na nne malinga bhenebho, shibhajiye kunnolanga na kunnjangutilanga.
21 For all seeke their owne, and not that which is Iesus Christes.
Bhananji bhowe ibhaloleyanga ibhapinganga ashaayenenji, wala nngabha ya a Yeshu Kilishitu.
22 But yee knowe the proofe of him, that as a sonne with the father, hee hath serued with me in the Gospel.
Ikabheje mmanganyanji mwaamanyinji a Timoteo shibhashite bhoneka, kuti bhashikamula liengo lya lunguya Ngani ja Mmbone na nne, mbuti mwana naka nng'inagwe.
23 Him therefore I hope to send assoone as I knowe howe it will goe with me,
Bhai ngunakulupalila kwaatuma bhenebho kunngwenunji, pene pushiniimanye ishindendelweyo.
24 And trust in the Lord, that I also my selfe shall come shortly.
Numbe namwene nkwaakulupalila Bhakulungwa shinyiye kunngwenunjiko nngabha pa kabha.
25 But I supposed it necessarie to sende my brother Epaphroditus vnto you, my companion in labour, and fellowe souldier, euen your messenger, and he that ministred vnto me such things as I wanted.
Bhai ngunaganishiya kwaatuma kabhili apwanga a Epapulodito kunngwenunji, bhakamula liengo na nne, bhakomana ngondo ajangu, numbe ni bhantenga bhenunji na bhanyangutile nne kwa indu inapinjile.
26 For he longed after all you, and was full of heauinesse, because yee had heard that hee had beene sicke.
Pabha bhashikola lilaka lya kwiya kunnolanga mmowe, ikabheje bhashiinjika malinga shimpilikenenje kuti bhatendaga lwala.
27 And no doubt he was sicke, very neere vnto death: but God had mercie on him, and not on him onely, but on me also, least I should haue sorowe vpon sorowe.
Kweli bhashinkulwala kwa tome na kuwa, ikabheje a Nnungu gubhaabhonele shiya, na nngabha bhenebhope, ikabheje na nne gubhamonele shiya nkupinga ngunapunde injika, nkuinjika.
28 I sent him therefore the more diligently, that when yee shoulde see him againe, yee might reioyce, and I might be the lesse sorowfull.
Kwa nneyo, ngunatumbilila kwa kaje kwaatuma kunngwenunji, nkupinga pushimwaabhonanje kabhilipo nng'angalalanje, na nne lipamba lyangu linjoshe.
29 Receiue him therefore in the Lord with all gladnesse, and make much of such:
Bhai, mwaaposhelanje kwa angalala nkulundana na Bhakulungwa, na bhandunji bha nneyo mwaaishimiyanje,
30 Because that for the woorke of Christ he was neere vnto death, and regarded not his life, to fulfill that seruice which was lacking on your part towarde me.
pabha kwa ligongo lya liengo lya a Kilishitu pubhaliji tome na kuwa ni jogoya ndamo jabho, nkupinga bhanyangutile nne pumwalepelenje mmanganyanji, pabha mwalinginjiji kwa taliya.