< Philippians 1 >
1 Paul and Timotheus the seruants of IESVS CHRIST, to all the Saintes in Christ Iesus which are at Philippi, with the Bishops, and Deacons:
paulatīmathināmānau yīśukhrīṣṭasya dāsau philipinagarasthān khrīṣṭayīśōḥ sarvvān pavitralōkān samitēradhyakṣān paricārakāṁśca prati patraṁ likhataḥ|
2 Grace be with you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ.
asmākaṁ tāta īśvaraḥ prabhu ryīśukhrīṣṭaśca yuṣmabhyaṁ prasādasya śāntēśca bhōgaṁ dēyāstāṁ|
3 I thanke my God, hauing you in perfect memorie,
ahaṁ nirantaraṁ nijasarvvaprārthanāsu yuṣmākaṁ sarvvēṣāṁ kr̥tē sānandaṁ prārthanāṁ kurvvan
4 (Alwayes in all my praiers for all you, praying with gladnesse)
yati vārān yuṣmākaṁ smarāmi tati vārān ā prathamād adya yāvad
5 Because of the fellowship which ye haue in the Gospel, from the first day vnto nowe.
yuṣmākaṁ susaṁvādabhāgitvakāraṇād īśvaraṁ dhanyaṁ vadāmi|
6 And I am persuaded of this same thing, that he that hath begunne this good worke in you, wil perfourme it vntill the day of Iesus Christ,
yuṣmanmadhyē yēnōttamaṁ karmma karttum ārambhi tēnaiva yīśukhrīṣṭasya dinaṁ yāvat tat sādhayiṣyata ityasmin dr̥ḍhaviśvāsō mamāstē|
7 As it becommeth me so to iudge of you all, because I haue you in remembrance that both in my bands, and in my defence, and confirmation of the Gospell you all were partakers of my grace.
yuṣmān sarvvān adhi mama tādr̥śō bhāvō yathārthō yatō'haṁ kārāvasthāyāṁ pratyuttarakaraṇē susaṁvādasya prāmāṇyakaraṇē ca yuṣmān sarvvān mayā sārddham ēkānugrahasya bhāginō matvā svahr̥dayē dhārayāmi|
8 For God is my recorde, howe I long after you all from the very heart roote in Iesus Christ.
aparam ahaṁ khrīṣṭayīśōḥ snēhavat snēhēna yuṣmān kīdr̥śaṁ kāṅkṣāmi tadadhīśvarō mama sākṣī vidyatē|
9 And this I pray, that your loue may abound, yet more and more in knowledge, and in all iudgement,
mayā yat prārthyatē tad idaṁ yuṣmākaṁ prēma nityaṁ vr̥ddhiṁ gatvā
10 That ye may alowe those things which are best, that ye may be pure, and without offence vntill the day of Christ,
jñānasya viśiṣṭānāṁ parīkṣikāyāśca sarvvavidhabuddhē rbāhulyaṁ phalatu,
11 Filled with the fruites of righteousnesse, which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glorie and praise of God.
khrīṣṭasya dinaṁ yāvad yuṣmākaṁ sāralyaṁ nirvighnatvañca bhavatu, īśvarasya gauravāya praśaṁsāyai ca yīśunā khrīṣṭēna puṇyaphalānāṁ pūrṇatā yuṣmabhyaṁ dīyatām iti|
12 I would ye vnderstood, brethren, that the things which haue come vnto me, are turned rather to the furthering of the Gospell,
hē bhrātaraḥ, māṁ prati yad yad ghaṭitaṁ tēna susaṁvādapracārasya bādhā nahi kintu vr̥ddhirēva jātā tad yuṣmān jñāpayituṁ kāmayē'haṁ|
13 So that my bandes in Christ are famous throughout all the iudgement hall, and in all other places,
aparam ahaṁ khrīṣṭasya kr̥tē baddhō'smīti rājapuryyām anyasthānēṣu ca sarvvēṣāṁ nikaṭē suspaṣṭam abhavat,
14 In so much that many of the brethren in the Lord are boldened through my bandes, and dare more frankely speake the word.
prabhusambandhīyā anēkē bhrātaraśca mama bandhanād āśvāsaṁ prāpya varddhamānēnōtsāhēna niḥkṣōbhaṁ kathāṁ pracārayanti|
15 Some preache. Christ euen through enuie and strife, and some also of good will.
kēcid dvēṣād virōdhāccāparē kēcicca sadbhāvāt khrīṣṭaṁ ghōṣayanti;
16 The one part preacheth Christ of contention and not purely, supposing to adde more affliction to my bandes.
yē virōdhāt khrīṣṭaṁ ghōṣayanti tē pavitrabhāvāt tanna kurvvantō mama bandhanāni bahutaraklōśadāyīni karttum icchanti|
17 But the others of loue, knowing that I am set for the defence of the Gospell.
yē ca prēmnā ghōṣayanti tē susaṁvādasya prāmāṇyakaraṇē'haṁ niyuktō'smīti jñātvā tat kurvvanti|
18 What then? yet Christ is preached all maner wayes, whether it be vnder a pretence, or syncerely: and I therein ioye: yea and will ioye.
kiṁ bahunā? kāpaṭyāt saralabhāvād vā bhavēt, yēna kēnacit prakārēṇa khrīṣṭasya ghōṣaṇā bhavatītyasmin aham ānandāmyānandiṣyāmi ca|
19 For I knowe that this shall turne to my saluation through your prayer, and by the helpe of the Spirit of Iesus Christ,
yuṣmākaṁ prārthanayā yīśukhrīṣṭasyātmanaścōpakārēṇa tat mannistārajanakaṁ bhaviṣyatīti jānāmi|
20 As I feruently looke for, and hope, that in nothing I shalbe ashamed, but that with all confidence, as alwayes, so nowe Christ shalbe magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death.
tatra ca mamākāṅkṣā pratyāśā ca siddhiṁ gamiṣyati phalatō'haṁ kēnāpi prakārēṇa na lajjiṣyē kintu gatē sarvvasmin kālē yadvat tadvad idānīmapi sampūrṇōtsāhadvārā mama śarīrēṇa khrīṣṭasya mahimā jīvanē maraṇē vā prakāśiṣyatē|
21 For Christ is to me both in life, and in death aduantage.
yatō mama jīvanaṁ khrīṣṭāya maraṇañca lābhāya|
22 And whether to liue in the flesh were profitable for me, and what to chuse I knowe not.
kintu yadi śarīrē mayā jīvitavyaṁ tarhi tat karmmaphalaṁ phaliṣyati tasmāt kiṁ varitavyaṁ tanmayā na jñāyatē|
23 For I am distressed betweene both, desiring to be loosed and to be with Christ, which is best of all.
dvābhyām ahaṁ sampīḍyē, dēhavāsatyajanāya khrīṣṭēna sahavāsāya ca mamābhilāṣō bhavati yatastat sarvvōttamaṁ|
24 Neuerthelesse, to abide in the flesh, is more needefull for you.
kintu dēhē mamāvasthityā yuṣmākam adhikaprayōjanaṁ|
25 And this am I sure of, that I shall abide, and with you all continue, for your furtherance and ioy of your faith,
aham avasthāsyē yuṣmābhiḥ sarvvaiḥ sārddham avasthitiṁ kariṣyē ca tayā ca viśvāsē yuṣmākaṁ vr̥ddhyānandau janiṣyētē tadahaṁ niścitaṁ jānāmi|
26 That ye may more aboundantly reioyce in IESVS CHRIST for me, by my comming to you againe.
tēna ca mattō'rthatō yuṣmatsamīpē mama punarupasthitatvāt yūyaṁ khrīṣṭēna yīśunā bahutaram āhlādaṁ lapsyadhvē|
27 Onely let your conuersation be, as it becommeth the Gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you, or els be absent, I may heare of your matters that ye continue in one Spirit, and in one mind, fighting together through the faith of the Gospel.
yūyaṁ sāvadhānā bhūtvā khrīṣṭasya susaṁvādasyōpayuktam ācāraṁ kurudhvaṁ yatō'haṁ yuṣmān upāgatya sākṣāt kurvvan kiṁ vā dūrē tiṣṭhan yuṣmākaṁ yāṁ vārttāṁ śrōtum icchāmi sēyaṁ yūyam ēkātmānastiṣṭhatha, ēkamanasā susaṁvādasambandhīyaviśvāsasya pakṣē yatadhvē, vipakṣaiśca kēnāpi prakārēṇa na vyākulīkriyadhva iti|
28 And in nothing feare your aduersaries, which is to them a token of perdition, and to you of saluation, and that of God.
tat tēṣāṁ vināśasya lakṣaṇaṁ yuṣmākañcēśvaradattaṁ paritrāṇasya lakṣaṇaṁ bhaviṣyati|
29 For vnto you it is giuen for Christ, that not onely ye should beleeue in him, but also suffer for his sake,
yatō yēna yuṣmābhiḥ khrīṣṭē kēvalaviśvāsaḥ kriyatē tannahi kintu tasya kr̥tē klēśō'pi sahyatē tādr̥śō varaḥ khrīṣṭasyānurōdhād yuṣmābhiḥ prāpi,
30 Hauing the same fight, which ye sawe in me, and nowe heare to be in me.
tasmāt mama yādr̥śaṁ yuddhaṁ yuṣmābhiradarśi sāmprataṁ śrūyatē ca tādr̥śaṁ yuddhaṁ yuṣmākam api bhavati|