< Numbers 9 >

1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses in the wildernes of Sinai, in the first moneth of the second yeere, after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying,
Jehova Nyasaye nowuoyo gi Musa e Thim mar Sinai e dwe mokwongo mar higa mar ariyo bangʼ kane gisewuok Misri. Nowachone niya,
2 The children of Israel shall also celebrate the Passeouer at ye time appointed thereunto.
“Ket jo-Israel otim nyasi mar Pasaka e kinde moketne mowinjore.
3 In the fourtenth day of this moneth at euen, ye shall keepe it in his due season: according to all the ordinances of it, and according to all the ceremonies thereof shall ye keepe it.
Tim nyasini e kinde moketne, ma en kinde mag odhiambo mar odiechiengʼ mar apar gangʼwen mar dweni, kaluwore gi chikene kod buchene duto.”
4 Then Moses spake vnto the children of Israel, to celebrate the Passeouer.
Omiyo Musa nowacho ne jo-Israel mondo otim nyasi mar Pasaka,
5 And they kept the Passeouer in the fouretenth day of the first moneth at euen in the wildernesse of Sinai: according to all that the Lord had comanded Moses, so did ye children of Israel.
kendo negitimo kamano e Thim mar Sinai e kinde mag odhiambo mar odiechiengʼ mar apar gangʼwen mar dwe mokwongo. Jo-Israel notimo gik moko duto mana kaka Jehova Nyasaye nochiko Musa.
6 And certaine men were defiled by a dead man, that they might not keepe the Passeouer the same day: and they came before Moses and before Aaron the same day.
To jomoko kuomgi ne ok obedo e nyasi mar Pasaka e odiechiengʼno nikech negibedo mogak bangʼ mulo ringre joma otho. Omiyo negibiro ir Musa kod Harun mana godiechiengno
7 And those men said vnto him, We are defiled by a dead man: wherefore are wee kept backe that we may not offer an offering vnto the Lord in the time thereunto appointed among the children of Israel?
mi giwachone Musa niya, “Wasebedo mogak nikech wamulo ringre joma otho, to en angʼo momiyo ditamwa chiwo misango ne Jehova Nyasaye kaka jo-Israel mamoko e kinde moketne?”
8 Then Moses saide vnto them, Stande still, and I will heare what the Lord will commande concerning you.
Musa nodwokogi niya, “Horeuru nyaka angʼe gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho kuomu.”
9 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya,
10 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say, If any amog you, or of your posteritie shalbe vncleane by ye reason of a corps, or be in a log iourney, he shall keepe the Passeouer vnto ye Lord.
“Nyis jo-Israel kama: ‘Ka ngʼato angʼata kuomu kata nyikwau obedo mogak nikech ringruok motho kata ka gidhi wuoth, to pod ginyalo mana timo nyasi mar Pasaka mar Jehova Nyasaye.
11 In the fourtenth day of the second moneth at euen they shall keepe it: with vnleauened bread and sowre herbes shall they eate it.
Nyasini ginitim chiengʼ mar apar gangʼwen mar dwe mar ariyo e seche mag odhiambo. Ginicham nyarombo, kaachiel gi makati ma ok oketie thowi kod alode makech.
12 They shall leaue none of it vnto the morning, nor breake any bone of it: according to all the ordinance of the Passeouer shall they keepe it.
Kik giwe chiemogo machop okinyi bende kik gitur choke rombono. E kinde ma gitimo nyasi mar Pasaka nyaka gine ni giluwo chike duto.
13 But the man that is cleane and is not in a iourney, and is negligent to keepe the Passeouer, the same person shalbe cut off from his people: because he brought not the offring of the Lord in his due season, that man shall beare his sinne.
To ka ngʼat ma ok ogak kendo ma ok odhi wuoth otamore timo nyasi mar Pasaka, ngʼatno nyaka gol oko kuom jogi nikech ne ok ochiwo misango ne Jehova Nyasaye e kinde moketne. Ngʼat ma kamano noyud kum moromore gi richone.
14 And if a stranger dwell among you, and wil keepe the Passeouer vnto the Lord, as the ordinance of the Passeouer, and as the maner thereof is, so shall he do: ye shall haue one lawe both for the stranger, and for him that was borne in the same lande.
“‘Japiny moro modak kodu madwaro timo nyasi mar Pasaka mar Jehova Nyasaye nyaka tim kamano kaluwore gi chikene kod buchene. Nyaka ubed gi chike machalre ne japiny moro kod ngʼat monywol e gwengʼno.’”
15 And when the Tabernacle was reared vp, a cloude couered the Tabernacle, namely the Tabernacle of the Testimonie: and at euen there was vpon the Tabernacle, as the appearance of fire vntill the morning.
E odiechiengʼ mane osetiek gero kar lemo, ma en Hema mar Singruok, bor polo noume. Chakre odhiambo nyaka okinyi bor polo mane oumo kar lemo ne chalo ka mach.
16 So it was alway: the cloude couered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night.
Mano e kaka nochalo ka bor polo oume godiechiengʼ to gotieno ochalo ka mach.
17 And when the cloude was taken vp from the Tabernacle, then afterwarde the children of Israel iourneyed: and in the place where the cloude abode, there the children of Israel pitched their tents.
E kinde moro amora ma bor polo ne oa ewi Hema, jo-Israel ne chako wuoth; to e kinde ma bor polo nopiyo ewi Hema, jo-Israel ne goyo kambi.
18 At the commandement of the Lord the children of Israel iourneyed, and at the comandement of the Lord they pitched: as long as the cloude abode vpon the Tabernacle, they lay still.
Kane Jehova Nyasaye ogolo chik, to jo-Israel ne chako wuoth, kendo kane ogolo chik to negigoyo kambi. E kinde duto ma bor polo nosiko ewi kar lemo, negisiko e kambi.
19 And when the cloude taryed stil vpon the Tabernacle a long time, the childre of Israel kept the watch of the Lord, and iourneyed not.
Kane bor polo osiko koumo kar lemo kuom thuolo malach, jo-Israel norito buche Jehova Nyasaye kendo ne ok giwuok.
20 So when the cloud abode a few dayes vpon the Tabernacle, they abode in their tents according to the comandement of ye Lord: for they iourneyed at the commandement of the Lord.
Seche moko bor polo neumo kar lemo kuom ndalo manok kende; to ka Jehova Nyasaye nogolo chik to negidak, bangʼe kochako ogolo chik to gichako wuoth.
21 And though the cloud abode vpon the Tabernacle from euen vnto the morning, yet if the cloude was taken vp in the morning, then they iourneyed: whether by daye or by night the cloude was taken vp, then they iourneyed.
Seche moko bor polo ne ni kanyo chakre odhiambo nyaka okinyi kende, to kane oyawore gokinyi to negichako wuoth. Bed ni en odiechiengʼ kata otieno, to e kinde ma bor polo noyawore, negichako wuoth.
22 Or if the cloude taryed two dayes or a moneth, or a yeere vpon the Tabernacle, abiding thereon, the children of Israel abode still, and iourneyed not: but when it was taken vp, they iourneyed.
Bed ni bor polo nosiko koumo kar lemo kuom ndalo ariyo, dwe achiel kata higa achiel, to jo-Israel ne siko e kambi kendo ne ok gichak wuoth; to ka bor polono ne oyawore, to negichako wuoth.
23 At the commandement of the Lord they pitched, and at the commandement of the Lord they iourneyed, keeping the watch of the Lord at the commandement of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
Kane Jehova Nyasaye ogolo chik negibet e kambi, kendo kane ochako ogolo chik to negichako wuoth. Negirito weche Jehova Nyasaye, kaluwore gi chik mane ochiwo kokalo kuom Musa.

< Numbers 9 >