< Numbers 29 >

1 Moreouer, in the first day of the seuenth moneth ye shall haue an holy conuocation: ye shall doe no seruile worke therein: it shall be a day of blowing the trumpets vnto you.
mensis etiam septimi prima dies venerabilis et sancta erit vobis omne opus servile non facietis in ea quia dies clangoris est et tubarum
2 And ye shall make a burnt offering for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord: one yong bullocke, one ram, and seuen lambes of a yeere olde, without blemish.
offeretisque holocaustum in odorem suavissimum Domino vitulum de armento unum arietem unum agnos anniculos inmaculatos septem
3 And their meat offring shalbe of fine floure mingled with oyle, three tenth deales vnto the bullocke, and two tenth deales vnto the ramme,
et in sacrificiis eorum similae oleo conspersae tres decimas per singulos vitulos duas decimas per arietem
4 And one tenth deale vnto one lambe, for the seuen lambes,
unam decimam per agnum qui simul sunt agni septem
5 And an hee goate for a sinne offering to make an atonement for you,
et hircum pro peccato qui offertur in expiationem populi
6 Beside the burnt offring of the moneth, and his meat offring, and the continual burnt offring, and his meate offring and the drinke offrings of the same, according to their maner, for a sweete sauour: it is a sacrifice made by fire vnto ye Lord.
praeter holocaustum kalendarum cum sacrificiis suis et holocaustum sempiternum cum libationibus solitis hisdem caerimoniis offeretis in odorem suavissimum incensum Domino
7 And ye shall haue in ye tenth day of the seuenth moneth, an holy conuocation: and ye shall humble your soules, and shall not doe any worke therein:
decima quoque dies mensis huius septimi erit vobis sancta atque venerabilis et adfligetis animas vestras omne opus servile non facietis in ea
8 But ye shall offer a burnt offring vnto the Lord for a sweete sauour: one yong bullocke, a ramme, and seuen lambes of a yeere olde: see they be without blemish.
offeretisque holocaustum Domino in odorem suavissimum vitulum de armento unum arietem unum agnos anniculos inmaculatos septem
9 And their meate offering shall be of fine floure mingled with oyle, three tenth deales to a bullocke, and two tenth deales to a ramme,
et in sacrificiis eorum similae oleo conspersae tres decimas per vitulos singulos duas decimas per arietem
10 One tenth deale vnto euery lambe, thoroughout the seuen lambes,
decimam decimae per agnos singulos qui sunt simul septem agni
11 An hee goate for a sinne offring, (beside ye sinne offring to make the atonement and the continual burnt offring and the meat offring thereof) and their drinke offrings.
et hircum pro peccato absque his quae offerri pro delicto solent in expiationem et holocaustum sempiternum in sacrificio et libaminibus eorum
12 And in the fifteenth day of the seuenth moneth ye shall haue an holie conuocation: ye shall do no seruile worke therein, but yee shall keepe a feast vnto the Lord seuen daies.
quintadecima vero die mensis septimi quae vobis erit sancta atque venerabilis omne opus servile non facietis in ea sed celebrabitis sollemnitatem Domino septem diebus
13 And ye shall offer a burnt offring for a sacrifice made by fire of sweete sauour vnto the Lord, thirteene yong bullockes, two rammes, and fourtene lambes of a yeere olde: they shall bee without blemish.
offeretisque holocaustum in odorem suavissimum Domino vitulos de armento tredecim arietes duos agnos anniculos quattuordecim inmaculatos
14 And their meate offering shall bee of fine floure mingled with oyle, three tenth deales vnto euery bullocke of the thirteene bullockes, two tenth deales to either of the two rammes,
et in libamentis eorum similae oleo conspersae tres decimas per vitulos singulos qui sunt simul vituli tredecim et duas decimas arieti uno id est simul arietibus duobus
15 And one tenth deale vnto eche of ye fourteene lambes,
et decimam decimae agnis singulis qui sunt simul agni quattuordecim
16 And one hee goate for a sinne offring, beside the continuall burnt offring, his meate offring, and his drinke offring.
et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno et sacrificio et libamine eius
17 And the second day ye shall offer twelue yong bullockes, two rams, fourteene lambes of a yeere olde without blemish,
in die altero offeres vitulos de armento duodecim arietes duos agnos anniculos inmaculatos quattuordecim
18 With their meate offring and their drinke offrings for the bullockes, for the rammes, and for the lambes according to their nomber, after the maner,
sacrificiaque et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos rite celebrabis
19 And an hee goate for a sinne offring, (beside the continuall burnt offering and his meate offring) and their drinke offrings.
et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno sacrificioque eius et libamine
20 Also the third day ye shall offer eleuen bullocks, two rams, and fourteene lambes of a yeere olde without blemish,
die tertio offeres vitulos undecim arietes duos agnos anniculos inmaculatos quattuordecim
21 With their meate offring and their drinke offrings, for the bullockes, for the rams, and for the lambes, after their nomber according to the maner,
sacrificiaque et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos rite celebrabis
22 And an hee goat for a sinne offring, beside the continuall burnt offring, and his meate offring and his drinke offring.
et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno et sacrificio et libamine eius
23 And the fourth day ye shall offer tenne bullocks, two rammes, and fourteene lambes of a yeere olde without blemish.
die quarto offeres vitulos decem arietes duos agnos anniculos inmaculatos quattuordecim
24 Their meate offring and their drinke offrings, for the bullockes, for the rammes, and for the lambes according to their nomber, after the maner,
sacrificiaque eorum et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos rite celebrabis
25 And an hee goate for a sinne offering beside the continuall burnt offring, his meate offering and his drinke offering.
et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno sacrificioque eius et libamine
26 In the fifth day also ye shall offer nine bullockes, two rammes, and fourteene lambes of a yeere olde without blemish,
die quinto offeres vitulos novem arietes duos agnos anniculos inmaculatos quattuordecim
27 And their meat offering and their drinke offrings for the bullockes, for the rammes, and for the lambes according to their nomber, after the maner,
sacrificiaque et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos rite celebrabis
28 And an hee goat for a sinne offring, beside the continuall burnt offring, and his meat offring and his drinke offering.
et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno sacrificioque eius et libamine
29 And in the sixt day ye shall offer eight bullockes, two rams, and fourteene lambes of a yeere olde without blemish,
die sexto offeres vitulos octo arietes duos agnos anniculos inmaculatos quattuordecim
30 And their meate offring, and their drinke offrings for the bullockes, for the rammes, and for the lambes according to their nomber, after the maner,
sacrificiaque et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos rite celebrabis
31 And an hee goat for a sinne offring, beside the continuall burnt offring, his meate offring and his drinke offrings.
et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno sacrificioque eius et libamine
32 In the seuenth day also ye shall offer seuen bullocks, two rammes and fourteene lambes of a yeere olde without blemish,
die septimo offeres vitulos septem arietes duos agnos anniculos inmaculatos quattuordecim
33 And their meate offering and their drinke offrings for the bullockes, for the rammes, and for the lambes according to their nomber, after their maner,
sacrificiaque et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos rite celebrabis
34 And an hee goate for a sinne offring, beside the continuall burnt offring, his meate offering and his drinke offring.
et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno sacrificioque eius et libamine
35 In the eight day, yee shall haue a solemne assemblie: yee shall doe no seruile worke therein,
die octavo qui est celeberrimus omne opus servile non facietis
36 But yee shall offer a burnt offering, a sacrifice made by fire for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord, one bullocke, one ram, and seuen lambes of a yeere old without blemish,
offerentes holocaustum in odorem suavissimum Domino vitulum unum arietem unum agnos anniculos inmaculatos septem
37 Their meate offring and their drinke offrings for the bullocke, for the ramme, and for the lambes according to their nomber, after the maner,
sacrificiaque et libamina singulorum per vitulos et arietes et agnos rite celebrabis
38 And an hee goat for a sinne offring, beside the continuall burnt offring, and his meate offring, and his drinke offring.
et hircum pro peccato absque holocausto sempiterno sacrificioque eius et libamine
39 These things ye shall do vnto the Lord in your feastes, beside your vowes, and your free offrings, for your burnt offrings, and for your meate offrings, and for your drinke offrings and for your peace offrings.
haec offeretis Domino in sollemnitatibus vestris praeter vota et oblationes spontaneas in holocausto in sacrificio in libamine et in hostiis pacificis
40 Then Moses spake vnto the children of Israel according to all that the Lord had commanded him,
narravitque Moses filiis Israhel omnia quae ei Dominus imperarat

< Numbers 29 >