< Numbers 24 >

1 When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to blesse Israel, then he went not, as certaine times before, to set diuinations, but set his face toward the wildernesse.
Omiyo kane Balaam oneno ni berne Jehova Nyasaye mondo ogwedh Israel, ne ok otimo tim jwok kaka ne osetimo e kinde mokalo, to nolokore kongʼiyo yo thim.
2 And Balaam lift vp his eyes, and looked vpon Israel, which dwelt according to their tribes, and the Spirit of God came vpon him.
Kane Balaam ongʼiyo oko mi oneno jo-Israel kochokore e dhoot ka dhoot, Roho mar Nyasaye nobiro kuome
3 And he vttered his parable, and sayd, Balaam the sonne of Beor hath sayde, and the man, whose eyes were shut vp, hath sayd,
mi nochiwo ote mare kama: “Ote Balaam wuod Beor, ote mar ngʼat ma wengene neno maber,
4 He hath sayde, which heard the wordes of God, and sawe the vision of the Almightie, and falling in a traunce had his eyes opened:
ote mar ngʼat mawinjo weche Nyasaye, ngʼat maneno fweny moa kuom Nyasaye Maratego, ngʼat mopodho piny auma, kendo ma wengene oyawore.
5 How goodly are thy tentes, O Iaakob, and thine habitations, O Israel!
“Mano kaka hembe magi ber neno, yaye Jakobo, kuondeni mag dak, yaye Israel!
6 As the valleis, are they stretched forth, as gardes by the riuers side, as the aloe trees, which the Lord hath planted, as the cedars beside the waters.
“Gilandore ka holni, mana ka puothe mantiere e bath aora, mana ka mane-mane ma Jehova Nyasaye opidho, bende mana ka yiend sida mopidh but pi.
7 The water droppeth out of his bucket, and his seede shalbe in many waters, and his king shall be hier then Agag, and his kingdome shall bee exalted.
Pi ma aa e dapigeni biro pongʼ mao oko; kendo kothgi nochal gi pi mabubni. “Ruodhgi nobed gi teko moloyo Agag; pinyruodhgi notingʼ malo.
8 God brought him out of Egypt: his strength shalbe as an vnicorne: he shall eate the nations his enemies, and bruise their bones, and shoote them through with his arrowes.
“Nyasaye nogologi Misri; kendo gin gi teko machalo mar jowi. Gikidho oganda jowasikgi kendo gituro chokegi matindo tindo; kendo gichwowogi gi aserni mag-gi.
9 He coucheth and lieth downe as a yong lion, and as a lion: who shall stirre him vp? blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee.
Gilidho ka ginindo piny mana ka sibuor madichwo, bende mana ka sibuor madhako maonge ngʼama nyalo chiewo? “Mad joma ogwedhi gwedhi to joma kwongʼi mondo okwongʼ!”
10 Then Balak was very angry with Balaam, and smote his handes together: so Balak sayde vnto Balaam, I sent for thee to curse mine enemies, and beholde, thou hast blessed them nowe three times.
Eka Balak nobedo gi mirima mager gi Balaam. Noriwo lwetene kanyakla mi owachone niya, “Ne aomi mondo ikwongʼna wasika, to isemana gwedhogi ndalo adekgi.
11 Therefore nowe flee vnto thy place: I thought surely to promote thee vnto honour, but loe, the Lord hath kept thee backe from honour.
Koro aa sani sani mondo idhi dala! Ne awachoni ni abiro miyi chudo maber, to Jehova Nyasaye osetami yudo chudono.”
12 Then Balaam answered Balak, Tolde I not also thy messengers, which thou sentest vnto me, saying,
Balaam nodwoko Balak niya, “Donge ne anyiso joote mane ioro ira niya,
13 If Balak would giue me his house ful of siluer and gold, I can not passe the commandement of the Lord, to doe either good or bad of mine owne minde? what the Lord shall commaund, the same will I speake.
‘Kata bed ni Balak ne miya ode mar ruoth mopongʼ gi fedha gi dhahabu, to ne ok anyal timo gimoro amora gi pacha awuon mopogore gi chik Jehova Nyasaye bed ni ber kata rach?’
14 And nowe behold, I goe vnto my people: come, I will aduertise thee what this people shall doe to thy folke in the later dayes.
Koro adok ir jowa, to kapok adhi to we anyisi gima jo-Israel biro timo, asiemi kuom gik ma jogi biro timo ne jogi e ndalo mabiro.”
15 And he vttered his parable, and sayd, Balaam the sonne of Beor hath sayde, and the man whose eyes were shut vp, hath sayd,
Eka Balaam nohulo ote moa kuom Nyasaye kama: “Ote mar Balaam wuod Beor, ote mar ngʼat man-gi wangʼ maneno ler,
16 He hath said that heard the words of God, and hath the knowledge of the most High, and sawe the vision of the Almightie, and falling in a traunce had his eyes opened:
ote mar ngʼat mawinjo weche Nyasaye, ngʼat man-gi rieko moa kuom Nyasaye Man Malo Moloyo, ngʼat maneno fweny moa kuom Nyasaye Maratego, ngʼat moriere piny auma, kendo ma wengene oyawore.
17 I shall see him, but not nowe: I shall behold him, but not neere: there shall come a starre of Iaakob, and a scepter shall rise of Israel, and shall smite the coastes of Moab, and destroy all the sonnes of Sheth.
“Anene, to ok sani; asudo machiegni, to ok bute. Sulwe biro wuok koa kuom Jakobo; ludh loch biro wuok ei Israel. Obiro toyo wiye jo-Moab, kod wiye yawuot Sheth duto.
18 And Edom shalbe possessed, and Seir shall be a possession to their enemies: but Israel shall do valiantly.
Obiro loyo piny jo-Edom e lweny mi okaw; kendo Seir ma wasike, nokaw, to Israel nomed bedo motegno.
19 He also that shall haue dominion shall bee of Iaakob, and shall destroy the remnant of the citie.
Jatelo noa e oganda joka Jakobo, kendo enotiek joma otony mag dala maduongʼ.”
20 And when he looked on Amalek, he vttered his parable, and sayd, Amalek was the first of the nations: but his latter ende shall come to destruction.
Eka Balaam noneno Amalek kendo nowachone ote mar Nyasaye kama: “Amalek ema ne okwongo kuom ogendini, to gikone ibiro tieke.”
21 And he looked on the Kenites, and vttered his parable, and sayde, Strong is thy dwelling place, and put thy nest in the rocke.
Eka noneno jo-Keni kendo ochiwo oteneni: “Kar dak mari nigi kwe, kari mar pondo ni e bwo lwanda;
22 Neuerthelesse, the Kenite shalbe spoyled vntill Asshur cary thee away captiue.
kata kamano un jo-Keni ibiro negu ndalo ma Ashur oterou e twech.”
23 Againe he vttered his parable, and sayd, Alas, who shall liue when God doeth this?
Eka nochiwo otene niya, “Yaye, en ngʼa manyalo bedo mangima ka Nyasaye otimo ma?
24 The ships also shall come from the coastes of Chittim, and subdue Asshur, and shall subdue Eber, and he also shall come to destruction.
Yiedhi madongo mathoth nobi koa e dho nam mar Kitim; gibiro mako Ashur kod Eber, to kata gin bende ibiro tiekgi.”
25 Then Balaam rose vp, and went and returned to his place: and Balak also went his way.
Eka Balaam noa malo mi odok dala kendo Balak bende nodhi e yore owuon.

< Numbers 24 >