< Numbers 21 >

1 When King Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt toward the South, heard tel that Israel came by the way of the spies, then fought hee against Israel, and tooke of them prysoners.
Kane ruodh Arad ma ja-Kanaan, mane odak Negev, nowinjo ni Israel ne wuotho e yo kochiko Atharim, nomonjo jo-Israel mi omako moko.
2 So Israel vowed a vowe vnto the Lord, and said, If thou wilt deliuer and giue this people into mine hand, then I wil vtterly destroy their cities.
Eka Israel nosingore ne Jehova Nyasaye kama: “Ka ichiwonwa jogi e lwetwa, to wabiro tieko miechgi madongo duto.”
3 And the Lord heard the voyce of Israel, and deliuered them the Canaanites: and they vtterly destroied them and their cities, and called ye name of the place Hormah.
Jehova Nyasaye nochiko ite ne kwayo Israel kendo nochiwo jo-Kanaan ne gin. Negitiekogi duto kod miechgi; omiyo kanyo negichako ni Horma.
4 After, they departed from the mount Hor by the way of the red Sea, to compasse the land of Edom: and the people were sore grieued because of the way.
Negiwuotho ka gia Got Hor ka giluwo yo mochiko Nam Makwar, mondo giluor Edom. To ji chunygi nojok ka gin e yo;
5 And the people spake against God and against Moses, saying, Wherefore haue ye brought vs out of Egypt, to die in the wildernesse? for here is neither bread nor water, and our soule lotheth this light bread.
omiyo negikwedo Nyasaye kod Musa, mi giwacho niya, “En angʼo momiyo ne igolowa Misri mondo watho e thimni? Waonge chiemo, waonge pi! Ok wadwar chiemo marachni!”
6 Wherefore the Lord sent fierie serpents among ye people, which stung the people: so that many of the people of Israel died.
Eka Jehova Nyasaye noolo thuonde man-gi kwiri mager kuomgi; negikayo ji kendo jo-Israel mathoth notho.
7 Therefore the people came to Moses and said, We haue sinned: for wee haue spoken against the Lord, and against thee: pray to the Lord, that he take away the serpents from vs: and Moses prayed for the people.
Ji nobiro ir Musa mi giwachone niya, “Ne watimo richo e kinde mane wakwedo Jehova Nyasaye kod in. Lamnwa mondo Jehova Nyasaye ogol thuondegi oa kuomwa.” Omiyo Musa nolamone jogo.
8 And the Lord said vnto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it vp for a signe, that as many as are bitten, may looke vpon it, and liue.
Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya, “Los thuond mula kendo ikete ewi luth; ma ngʼato angʼata ma thuol okayo kongʼiye to chango.”
9 So Moses made a serpent of brasse, and set it vp for a signe: and when a serpent had bitten a man, then he looked to the serpent of brasse, and liued.
Omiyo Musa noloso thuol mar mula mi okete ewi luth. Kane ngʼato thuol okayo mi bangʼe ongʼiyo thuond mulano to nochango.
10 And ye children of Israel departed thence, and pitched in Oboth.
Jo-Israel nodhi nyime giwuoth mi gigo kambi kama iluongo ni Oboth.
11 And they departed from Oboth, and pitched in lie-abarim, in the wildernesse, which is before Moab on the Eastside.
Eka ne giwuok Oboth mi gigo kambi kama iluongo ni Iye Abarim, mantiere e thim mochomo piny Moab kochiko yo wuok chiengʼ.
12 They remoued thence, and pitched vpon the riuer of Zared.
Kane giwuok kanyo negidhi nyime gi wuoth mi gigo kambi Holo mar Zered.
13 Thence they departed, and pitched on the other side of Arnon, which is in the wildernesse, and commeth out of the coasts of the Amorites: (for Arnon is the border of Moab, betweene the Moabites and the Amorites)
Negiwuok kanyo mi gigo kambi e bath aora Arnon, ma en thim molawore nyaka e piny jo-Amor. Arnon en kiewo mar Moab, mantiere e kind Moab kod jo-Amor.
14 Wherefore it shall be spoken in the booke of the battels of the Lord, what thing he did in the red sea, and in the riuers of Arnon,
Mano emomiyo Kitabu mar Lweny mar Jehova Nyasaye wacho niya, “Waheb mantiere Sufa kod holo mar aora Arnon,
15 And at the streame of the riuers that goeth downe to the dwelling of Ar, and lieth vpon the border of Moab.
kod kuonde mopie mag holo matut, kendo diny mochiko kar tich mar Ar kendo manie e kiewo mar Moab.”
16 And from thence they turned to Beer: the same is the well where the Lord said vnto Moses, Assemble the people, and I wil giue them water.
Koa kanyo negidhi nyime nyaka Beer, ma en soko kama Jehova Nyasaye nonyisoe Musa niya, “Chok ji obed kanyakla kendo abiro miyogi pi.”
17 Then Israel sang this song, Rise vp well, sing ye vnto it.
Eka Israel nower wendni: “Yaye soko, bubni oko! Werne soko,
18 The princes digged this well, the captaines of the people digged it, euen the lawe giuer, with their staues. And from the wildernesse they came to Mattanah,
wer kuom soko mane rawera matin okunyo, mano mane joka ruoth okunyo; joka ruoth molony e chike kendo man-gi odunga.” Eka negiwuok e thimno ka gidhi Matana,
19 And from Mattanah to Nahaliel, and from Nahaliel to Bamoth,
ka gia Matana negidhi Nahaliel, ka gia Nahaliel negidhi Bamoth,
20 And from Bamoth in the valley, that is in the plaine of Moab, to the top of Pisgah that looketh toward Ieshimon.
kendo kane gia Bamoth negidhi e holo mar Moab kama omanyore gi wi got Pisga minyalo nenogo kama otwo.
21 Then Israel sent messengers vnto Sihon, King of the Amorites, saying,
Israel nooro joote mondo owach ne Sihon ma ruodh jo-Amor kama:
22 Let me goe through thy land: we wil not turne aside into the fieldes, nor into the vineyardes, neither drinke of the waters of ye welles: we will goe by the kings way, vntill we be past thy countrey.
“Yienwauru wakal e pinyu. Ok wanabar tenge e puothu moro amora kata e mago mag mzabibu, kata modho pi moa e soko moro amora. Wabiro wuotho e yor ruoth moriere tir nyaka wakal pinyruodhi.”
23 But Sihon gaue Israel no licence to passe through his countrey, but Sihon assembled all his people, and went out against Israel into the wildernesse: and he came to Iahoz, and fought against Israel.
To Sihon notamo jo-Israel kalo e pinye. Nochoko ogandane mar lweny duto kendo negidhi e thim mondo giked gi Israel. Kane ochopo Jahaz, nokedo gi Israel.
24 But Israel smote him with the edge of the sword, and conquered his land, from Arnon vnto Iabok, euen vnto ye children of Ammon: for the border of the children of Ammon was strong.
Kata kamano jo-Israel nonege gi ligangla kendo gikawo puothe koa aora Arnon nyaka Jabok, ma en tongʼ mar jo-Amon kendo ne giyudo e pinyno ka jogo roteke.
25 And Israel tooke al these cities, and dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites in Heshbon and in all the villages thereof.
Israel nomako mier madongo duto mag jo-Amor kendo negidak kuondego, kaachiel gi Heshbon kod kuonde dak duto molwore.
26 For Heshbon was the citie of Sihon the king of the Amorites, which had fought beforetime against the king of the Moabites, and had taken al his land out of his hand, euen vnto Arnon.
Heshbon ne en dala maduongʼ mar Sihon ruodh jo-Amor mane osekedo gi ruoth machon mar Moab kendo nosemayo lopene duto mochopo nyaka aora Arnon.
27 Wherefore they that speake in prouerbes, say, Come to Heshbon, let the citie of Sihon bee built and repaired:
Mano emomiyo jochuog wer nowero niya, “Bi Heshbon mondo mi ogere kendo; mad dala maduongʼ mar Sihon ochal kaka chon.
28 For a fire is gone out of Heshbon, and a flame from the citie of Sihon, and hath consumed Ar of the Moabites, and the lords of Bamoth in Arnon.
“Mach nowuok Heshbon, en mach makakni moa e dala maduongʼ mar Sihon. Nowangʼo Ar man Moab, ma gin jokanyo mag kuonde motingʼore malo mag Arnon.
29 Wo be to thee, Moab: O people of Chemosh, thou art vndone: he hath suffered his sonnes to be pursued, and his daughters to be in captiuitie to Sihon the king of the Amorites.
Okwongʼi, yaye Moab, otieku duto, yaye jo-Kemosh! Oseweyo yawuote e lwet nono mobedo jonjore kendo nyige obedo joma oter e twech, ir Sihon ruodh jo-Amor.
30 Their empire also is lost from Heshbon vnto Dibon, and wee haue destroyed them vnto Nophah, which reacheth vnto Medeba.
“To waseloko loch margi; Heshbon osetieki duto nyaka ochopo Dibon. Wasemukogi nyaka chopi Nofa, modhi nyaka Medeba.”
31 Thus Israel dwelt in the lande of the Amorites.
Omiyo Israel nodak e piny jo-Amor.
32 And Moses sent to searche out Iaazer, and they tooke the townes belonging thereto, and rooted out the Amorites that were there.
Bangʼ ka Musa noseoro jonon piny Jazer, jo-Israel nokawo kuonde dak molwore kendo ne giriembo jo-Amor mane ni kanyo.
33 And they turned and went vp toward Bashan: and Og the King of Bashan came out against them, hee, and all his people, to fight at Edrei.
Eka negigomo ma giluwo yo madhi Bashan, kendo Og ruodh Bashan gi jolweny mage duto nowuok riat mokedo kodgi e lweny Edrei.
34 Then the Lord said vnto Moses, Feare him not: for I haue deliuered him into thine hand and all his people, and his land: and thou shalt do to him as thou diddest vnto Sihon the king of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon.
Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Musa niya, “Kik iluore, nimar asechiwe e lweti, en kaachiel gi jolweny mage duto kod pinye. Timne kaka ne itimone Sihon ruodh jo-Amor, mane obedo gi loch e piny Heshbon.”
35 They smote him therefore, and his sonnes, and all his people, vntill there was none left him: so they conquered his land.
Omiyo neginege, en kaachiel gi yawuote kod jolweny mage duto, maonge ngʼama otony mane odongʼ. Kendo negikawo pinye.

< Numbers 21 >