< Numbers 18 >

1 And the Lord sayd vnto Aaron, Thou, and thy sonnes and thy fathers house with thee, shall beare the iniquitie of the Sanctuarie: both thou and thy sonnes with thee shall beare the iniquitie of your Priestes office.
dixitque Dominus ad Aaron tu et filii tui et domus patris tui tecum portabitis iniquitatem sanctuarii et tu et filii tui simul sustinebitis peccata sacerdotii vestri
2 And bring also with thee thy brethren of the tribe of Leui of ye familie of thy father, which shalbe ioyned with thee, and minister vnto thee: but thou, and thy sonnes with thee shall minister before the Tabernacle of the Testimonie:
sed et fratres tuos de tribu Levi et sceptro patris tui sume tecum praestoque sint et ministrent tibi tu autem et filii tui ministrabitis in tabernaculo testimonii
3 And they shall keepe thy charge, euen the charge of all the Tabernacle: but they shall not come neere the instruments of the Sanctuary, nor to the altar, lest they die, both they and you:
excubabuntque Levitae ad praecepta tua et ad cuncta opera tabernaculi ita dumtaxat ut ad vasa sanctuarii et altare non accedant ne et illi moriantur et vos pereatis simul
4 And they shalbe ioyned with thee, and keepe the charge of the Tabernacle of the Congregation for all the seruice of the Tabernacle: and no stranger shall come neere vnto you:
sint autem tecum et excubent in custodiis tabernaculi et in omnibus caerimoniis eius alienigena non miscebitur vobis
5 Therefore shall ye keepe the charge of the Sanctuarie, and the charge of the altar: so there shall fall no more wrath vpon the children of Israel.
excubate in custodia sanctuarii et in ministerio altaris ne oriatur indignatio super filios Israhel
6 For lo, I haue taken your brethren the Leuites from among the children of Israel, which as a gift of yours, are giuen vnto the Lord, to do the seruice of the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
ego dedi vobis fratres vestros Levitas de medio filiorum Israhel et tradidi donum Domino ut serviant in ministeriis tabernaculi eius
7 But thou, and thy sonnes with thee shall keepe your Priestes office for all things of the altar, and within the vaile: therefore shall ye serue: for I haue made your Priestes office an office of seruice: therefore the stranger that cometh neere, shalbe slayne.
tu autem et filii tui custodite sacerdotium vestrum et omnia quae ad cultum altaris pertinent et intra velum sunt per sacerdotes administrabuntur si quis externus accesserit occidetur
8 Againe the Lord spake vnto Aaron, Behold, I haue giuen thee the keeping of mine offrings, of all the hallowed things of the children of Israel: vnto thee I haue giuen them for the anoyntings sake, and to thy sonnes, for a perpetuall ordinance.
locutus est Dominus ad Aaron ecce dedi tibi custodiam primitiarum mearum omnia quae sanctificantur a filiis Israhel tibi tradidi et filiis tuis pro officio sacerdotali legitima sempiterna
9 This shalbe thine of the most holy things, reserued from the fire: all their offering of all their meate offring, and of all their sinne offring, and of all their trespasse offring, which they bring vnto me, that shalbe most holy vnto thee, and to thy sonnes.
haec ergo accipies de his quae sanctificantur et oblata sunt Domino omnis oblatio et sacrificium et quicquid pro peccato atque delicto redditur mihi et cedet in sancta sanctorum tuum erit et filiorum tuorum
10 In the most holy place shalt thou eate it: euery male shall eate of it: it is holy vnto thee.
in sanctuario comedes illud mares tantum edent ex eo quia consecratum est tibi
11 This also shalbe thine: the heaue offering of their gift, with all the shake offerings of the children of Israel: I haue giuen them vnto thee and to thy sonnes and to thy daughters with thee, to be a duetie for euer al the cleane in thine house shall eate of it.
primitias autem quas voverint et obtulerint filii Israhel tibi dedi et filiis ac filiabus tuis iure perpetuo qui mundus est in domo tua vescetur eis
12 All the fat of the oyle, and all the fat of the wine, and of the wheate, which they shall offer vnto the Lord for their first fruites, I haue giuen them vnto thee.
omnem medullam olei et vini ac frumenti quicquid offerunt primitiarum Domino tibi dedi
13 And the first ripe of al that is in their land, which they shall bring vnto Lord, shalbe thine: all the cleane in thine house shall eate of it.
universa frugum initia quas gignit humus et Domino deportantur cedent in usus tuos qui mundus est in domo tua vescetur eis
14 Euery thing separate from the common vse in Israel, shalbe thine.
omne quod ex voto reddiderint filii Israhel tuum erit
15 All that first openeth the matrice of any flesh, which they shall offer vnto the Lord, of man or beast, shalbe thine: but the first borne of man shalt thou redeeme, and the first borne of the vncleane beast shalt thou redeeme.
quicquid primum erumpet e vulva cunctae carnis quam offerunt Domino sive ex hominibus sive de pecoribus fuerit tui iuris erit ita dumtaxat ut pro hominis primogenito pretium accipias et omne animal quod inmundum est redimi facias
16 And those that are to bee redeemed, shalt thou redeeme from the age of a moneth, according to thy estimation, for the money of fiue shekels, after the shekel of the Sanctuarie, which is twentie gerahs.
cuius redemptio erit post unum mensem siclis argenti quinque pondere sanctuarii siclus viginti obolos habet
17 But the first borne of a kow, or the first borne of a sheepe, or the first borne of a goate shalt thou not redeeme: for they are holy: thou shalt sprinkle their blood at the altar, and thou shalt burne their fat: it is a sacrifice made by fire for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord.
primogenitum autem bovis et ovis et caprae non facies redimi quia sanctificata sunt Domino sanguinem tantum eorum fundes super altare et adipes adolebis in suavissimum odorem Domino
18 And the flesh of them shalbe thine, as the shake breast, and as the right shoulder shalbe thine.
carnes vero in usum tuum cedent sicut pectusculum consecratum et armus dexter tua erunt
19 All the heaue offrings of the holy things which the children of Israel shall offer vnto the Lord, haue I giuen thee, and thy sonnes, and thy daughters with thee, to be a duetie for euer: it is a perpetual couenant of salt before the Lord, to thee, and to thy seede with thee.
omnes primitias sanctuarii quas offerunt filii Israhel Domino tibi dedi et filiis ac filiabus tuis iure perpetuo pactum salis est sempiternum coram Domino tibi ac filiis tuis
20 And the Lord sayde vnto Aaron, Thou shalt haue none inheritance in their lande, neyther shalt thou haue any parte among them: I am thy part and thine inheritance among the children of Israel.
dixitque Dominus ad Aaron in terra eorum nihil possidebitis nec habebitis partem inter eos ego pars et hereditas tua in medio filiorum Israhel
21 For beholde, I haue giuen the children of Leui all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their seruice which they serue in the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
filiis autem Levi dedi omnes decimas Israhelis in possessionem pro ministerio quo serviunt mihi in tabernaculo foederis
22 Neyther shall the children of Israel any more come neere the Tabernacle of the Congregation, lest they susteine sinne, and die.
ut non accedant ultra filii Israhel ad tabernaculum nec committant peccatum mortiferum
23 But the Leuites shall do the seruice in the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and they shall beare their sinne: it is a law for euer in your generations, that among the children of Israel they possesse none inheritance.
solis filiis Levi mihi in tabernaculo servientibus et portantibus peccata populi legitimum sempiternum erit in generationibus vestris nihil aliud possidebunt
24 For the tythes of the children of Israel, which they shall offer as an offring vnto the Lord, I haue giuen the Leuites for an inheritance: therfore I haue said vnto them, Among the children of Israel ye shall possesse none inheritance.
decimarum oblatione contenti quas in usus eorum et necessaria separavi
25 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
locutusque est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
26 Speake also vnto the Leuites and say vnto them, When ye shall take of the children of Israel the tithes, which I haue giuen you of them for your inheritance, then shall ye take an heaue offring of that same for the Lord, euen the tenth part of the tithe.
praecipe Levitis atque denuntia cum acceperitis a filiis Israhel decimas quas dedi vobis primitias earum offerte Domino id est decimam partem decimae
27 And your heaue offering shalbe reckened vnto you, as the corne of the barne, or as the abundance of the wine presse.
ut reputetur vobis in oblationem primitivorum tam de areis quam de torcularibus
28 So ye shall also offer an heaue offring vnto the Lord of all your tithes, which ye shall receiue of the children of Israel, and ye shall giue thereof the Lords heaue offring to Aaron the Priest.
et universis quorum accipitis primitias offerte Domino et date Aaron sacerdoti
29 Ye shall offer of all your gifts al the Lords heaue offrings: of all the fat of the same shall ye offer the holy things thereof.
omnia quae offertis ex decimis et in donaria Domini separatis optima et electa erunt
30 Therefore thou shalt say vnto them, When ye haue offred the fat thereof, then it shalbe couted vnto the Leuites, as the encrease of the corne floore, or as the encrease of the wine presse.
dicesque ad eos si praeclara et meliora quaeque obtuleritis ex decimis reputabitur vobis quasi de area et torculari dederitis primitias
31 And ye shall eate it in al places, ye, and your housholdes: for it is your wages for your seruice in the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
et comedetis eas in omnibus locis vestris tam vos quam familiae vestrae quia pretium est pro ministerio quo servitis in tabernaculo testimonii
32 And ye shall beare no sinne by the reason of it, when ye haue offred the fatte of it: neither shall ye pollute the holy things of the children of Israel, lest ye die.
et non peccabitis super hoc egregia vobis et pinguia reservantes ne polluatis oblationes filiorum Israhel et moriamini

< Numbers 18 >