< Nehemiah 9 >

1 In the foure and twentieth day of this moneth the children of Israel were assembled with fasting, and with sackecloth, and earth vpon them.
in die autem vicesimo quarto mensis huius convenerunt filii Israhel in ieiunio et in saccis et humus super eos
2 (And they that were of the seede of Israel were separated from all the strangers) and they stoode and confessed their sinnes and the iniquities of their fathers.
et separatum est semen filiorum Israhel ab omni filio alienigena et steterunt et confitebantur peccata sua et iniquitates patrum suorum
3 And they stood vp in their place and read in the booke of the Lawe of the Lord their GOD foure times on the day, and they confessed and worshipped the Lord their God foure times.
et consurrexerunt ad standum et legerunt in volumine legis Domini Dei sui quater in die et quater confitebantur et adorabant Dominum Deum suum
4 Then stoode vp vpon the staires of the Leuites Ieshua, and Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chenani, and cryed with a loud voyce vnto the Lord their God.
surrexit autem super gradum Levitarum Iosue et Bani Cedmihel Sebnia Bani Sarebias Bani Chanani et inclamaverunt voce magna Dominum Deum suum
5 And the Leuites said, euen Ieshua and Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodiiah, Shebaniah and Pethahiah, Stande vp, and praise the Lord your God for euer, and euer, and let them praise thy glorious Name, O God, which excelleth aboue all thankesgiuing and praise.
et dixerunt Levitae Iosue et Cedmihel Bonni Asebia Serebia Odoia Sebna Fataia surgite benedicite Domino Deo vestro ab aeterno usque in aeternum et benedicant nomini gloriae tuae excelso in omni benedictione et laude
6 Thou art Lord alone: thou hast made heauen, and the heauen of all heauens, with all their hoste, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and al that are in them, and thou preseruest them all, and the host of the heauen worshippeth thee.
tu ipse Domine solus tu fecisti caelum caelum caelorum et omnem exercitum eorum terram et universa quae in ea sunt maria et omnia quae in eis sunt et tu vivificas omnia haec et exercitus caeli te adorat
7 Thou art, O Lord, the God, that hast chosen Abram, and broughtest him out of Vr in Caldea, and madest his name Abraham,
tu ipse Domine Deus qui elegisti Abram et eduxisti eum de igne Chaldeorum et posuisti nomen eius Abraham
8 And foundest his heart faithful before thee, and madest a couenant with him, to giue vnto his seede the lande of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, and Perizzites, and Iebusites, and Girgashites, and hast performed thy wordes, because thou art iust.
et invenisti cor eius fidele coram te et percussisti cum eo foedus ut dares ei terram Chananei Chetthei Amorrei et Ferezei et Iebusei et Gergesei ut dares semini eius et implesti verba tua quoniam iustus es
9 Thou hast also considered the affliction of our fathers in Egypt, and heard their cry by the red Sea,
et vidisti adflictionem patrum nostrorum in Aegypto clamoremque eorum audisti super mare Rubrum
10 And shewed tokens and wonders vpon Pharaoh, and on all his seruants, and on all the people of his land: for thou knewest that they dealt proudely against them: therefore thou madest thee a Name, as appeareth this day.
et dedisti signa et portenta in Pharao et in universis servis eius et in omni populo terrae illius cognovisti enim quia superbe egerant contra eos et fecisti tibi nomen sicut et in hac die
11 For thou didest breake vp the Sea before them, and they went through the middes of the Sea on dry lande: and those that pursued them, hast thou cast into the bottomes as a stone, in the mightie waters:
et mare divisisti ante eos et transierunt per medium maris in sicca persecutores autem eorum proiecisti in profundum quasi lapidem in aquas validas
12 And leddest them in the day with a pillar of a cloude, and in the night with a pillar of fire to giue them light in the way that they went.
et in columna nubis ductor eorum fuisti per diem et in columna ignis per noctem ut appareret eis via per quam ingrediebantur
13 Thou camest downe also vpon mount Sinai, and spakest vnto them from heauen, and gauest them right iudgements, and true lawes, ordinances and good commandements,
ad montem quoque Sinai descendisti et locutus es cum eis de caelo et dedisti eis iudicia recta et legem veritatis caerimonias et praecepta bona
14 And declaredst vnto them thine holy Sabbath, and commandedst them precepts, and ordinances, and lawes, by the hande of Moses thy seruant:
et sabbatum sanctificatum tuum ostendisti eis et mandata et caerimonias et legem praecepisti eis in manu Mosi servi tui
15 And gauest them bread from heauen for their hunger, and broughtest forth water for them out of the rocke for their thirst: and promisedst them that they shoulde goe in, and take possession of the land: for the which thou haddest lift vp thine hand for to giue them.
panem quoque de caelo dedisti eis in fame eorum et aquam de petra eduxisti eis sitientibus et dixisti eis ut ingrederentur et possiderent terram super quam levasti manum tuam ut traderes eis
16 But they and our fathers behaued them selues proudely, and hardened their neck, so that they hearkened not vnto thy commandements,
ipsi vero et patres nostri superbe egerunt et induraverunt cervices suas et non audierunt mandata tua
17 But refused to obey, and would not remember thy marueilous works that thou haddest done for them, but hardened their neckes, and had in their heads to returne to their bondage by their rebellion: but thou, O God of mercies, gratious and full of compassion, of long suffring and of great mercie, yet forsookest them not.
et noluerunt audire et non sunt recordati mirabilium tuorum quae feceras eis et induraverunt cervices suas et dederunt caput ut converterentur ad servitutem suam quasi per contentionem tu autem Deus propitius clemens et misericors longanimis et multae miserationis non dereliquisti eos
18 Moreouer, when they made them a molten calfe (and said, This is thy God that brought thee vp out of the land of Egypt) and committed great blasphemies,
et quidem cum fecissent sibi vitulum conflatilem et dixissent iste est Deus tuus qui eduxit te de Aegypto feceruntque blasphemias magnas
19 Yet thou for thy great mercies forsookest them not in the wildernesse: the pillar of the cloude departed not from them by day to leade them the way, neither the pillar of fire by night, to shew them light, and the way whereby they should goe.
tu autem in misericordiis tuis multis non dimisisti eos in deserto columna nubis non recessit ab eis per diem ut duceret eos in via et columna ignis in nocte ut ostenderet eis iter per quod ingrederentur
20 Thou gauest also thy good Spirite to instruct them, and withheldest not thy MAN from their mouth, and gauest them water for their thirst.
et spiritum tuum bonum dedisti qui doceret eos et manna tuum non prohibuisti ab ore eorum et aquam dedisti eis in siti
21 Thou didest also feede them fourtie yeres in ye wildernes: they lacked nothing: their clothes waxed not old, and their feete swelled not.
quadraginta annis pavisti eos in deserto nihilque eis defuit vestimenta eorum non inveteraverunt et pedes eorum non sunt adtriti
22 And thou gauest them kingdomes and people, and scatteredst them into corners: so they possessed the land of Sihon and the land of ye King of Heshbon, and the land of Og King of Bashan.
et dedisti eis regna et populos et partitus es eis sortes et possederunt terram Seon et terram regis Esebon et terram Og regis Basan
23 And thou diddest multiplie their children, like the starres of the heauen, and broughtest them into the lande, whereof thou haddest spoken vnto their fathers, that they should goe, and possesse it.
et filios eorum multiplicasti sicut stellas caeli et adduxisti eos ad terram de qua dixeras patribus eorum ut ingrederentur et possiderent
24 So the children went in, and possessed the lande, and thou subduedst before them the inhabitants of the lande, euen the Canaanites, and gauest them into their handes, with their Kings and the people of the lande, that they might do with them what they would.
et venerunt filii et possederunt terram et humiliasti coram eis habitatores terrae Chananeos et dedisti eos in manu eorum et reges eorum et populos terrae ut facerent eis sicut placebat illis
25 And they tooke their strong cities and the fat lande, and possessed houses, full of all goods, cisternes digged out, vineyardes, and oliues, and trees for foode in abundance, and they did eate, and were filled, and became fat, and liued in pleasure through thy great goodnesse.
ceperunt itaque urbes munitas et humum pinguem et possederunt domos plenas cunctis bonis cisternas ab aliis fabricatas vineas et oliveta et ligna pomifera multa et comederunt et saturati sunt et inpinguati sunt et abundavere deliciis in bonitate tua magna
26 Yet they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and cast thy Lawe behinde their backes, and slewe thy Prophets (which protested among them to turne them vnto thee) and committed great blasphemies.
provocaverunt autem te ad iracundiam et recesserunt a te et proiecerunt legem tuam post terga sua et prophetas tuos occiderunt qui contestabantur eos ut reverterentur ad te feceruntque blasphemias grandes
27 Therefore thou deliueredst them into the hande of their enemies that vexed them: yet in the time of their affliction, when they cryed vnto thee, thou heardest them from the heauen, and through thy great mercies thou gauest them sauiours, who saued them out of the hande of their aduersaries.
et dedisti eos in manu hostium suorum et adflixerunt eos et in tempore tribulationis suae clamaverunt ad te et tu de caelo audisti et secundum miserationes tuas multas dedisti eis salvatores qui salvaverunt eos de manu hostium suorum
28 But when they had rest, they returned to doe euill before thee: therefore leftest thou them in the hande of their enemies, so that they had the dominion ouer them, yet when they conuerted and cryed vnto thee, thou heardest them from heauen, and deliueredst them according to thy great mercies many times,
cumque requievissent reversi sunt ut facerent malum in conspectu tuo et dereliquisti eos in manu inimicorum suorum et possederunt eos conversique sunt et clamaverunt ad te tu autem de caelo audisti et liberasti eos in misericordiis tuis multis temporibus
29 And protestedst among them that thou mightest bring them againe vnto thy Lawe: but they behaued them selues proudely, and hearkened not vnto thy commandements, but sinned against thy iudgements (which a man should doe and liue in them) and pulled away the shoulder, and were stiffenecked, and woulde not heare.
et contestatus es eos ut reverterentur ad legem tuam ipsi vero superbe egerunt et non audierunt mandata tua et in iudiciis tuis peccaverunt quae faciet homo et vivet in eis et dederunt umerum recedentem et cervicem suam induraverunt nec audierunt
30 Yet thou diddest forbeare them many yeeres, and protestedst among them by thy Spirite, euen by the hande of thy Prophets, but they woulde not heare: therefore gauest thou them into the hande of the people of the lands.
et protraxisti super eos annos multos et contestatus es eos in spiritu tuo per manum prophetarum tuorum et non audierunt et tradidisti eos in manu populorum terrarum
31 Yet for thy great mercies thou hast not consumed them, neither forsaken them: for thou art a gracious and mercifull God.
in misericordiis autem tuis plurimis non fecisti eos in consumptione nec dereliquisti eos quoniam Deus miserationum et clemens tu es
32 Nowe therefore our God, thou great God, mightie and terrible, that keepest couenant and mercie, let not all the affliction that hath come vnto vs, seeme a litle before thee, that is, to our Kings, to our princes, and to our Priests, and to our Prophets, and to our fathers, and to all thy people since the time of the Kings of Asshur vnto this day.
nunc itaque Deus noster Deus magne fortis et terribilis custodiens pactum et misericordiam ne avertas a facie tua omnem laborem qui invenit nos reges nostros principes nostros et sacerdotes nostros prophetas nostros et patres nostros et omnem populum tuum a diebus regis Assur usque in diem hanc
33 Surely thou art iust in all that is come vpon vs: for thou hast dealt truely, but we haue done wickedly.
et tu iustus in omnibus quae venerunt super nos quia veritatem fecisti nos autem impie egimus
34 And our kings and our princes, our Priests and our fathers haue not done thy Lawe, nor regarded thy commandements nor thy protestations, wherewith thou hast protested among them.
reges nostri principes nostri sacerdotes nostri et patres nostri non fecerunt legem tuam et non adtenderunt mandata tua et testimonia tua quae testificatus es in eis
35 And they haue not serued thee in their kingdome, and in thy great goodnesse that thou shewedst vnto them, and in the large and fat lande which thou diddest set before them, and haue not conuerted from their euill workes.
et ipsi in regnis suis bonis et in bonitate tua multa quam dederas eis et in terra latissima et pingui quam tradideras in conspectu eorum non servierunt tibi nec reversi sunt ab studiis suis pessimis
36 Beholde, we are seruants this day, and the lande that thou gauest vnto our fathers, to eate the fruite thereof, and the goodnesse thereof, beholde, we are seruants therein.
ecce nos ipsi hodie servi sumus et terram quam dedisti patribus nostris ut comederent panem eius et quae bona sunt eius et nos ipsi servi sumus in ea
37 And it yeeldeth much fruit vnto the kings whom thou hast set ouer vs, because of our sinnes: and they haue dominion ouer our bodyes and ouer our cattell at their pleasure, and we are in great affliction.
et fruges eius multiplicantur regibus quos posuisti super nos propter peccata nostra et in corporibus nostris dominantur et in iumentis nostris secundum voluntatem suam et in tribulatione magna sumus
38 Now because of all this we make a sure couenant, and write it, and our princes, our Leuites and our Priestes seale vnto it.
super omnibus ergo his nos ipsi percutimus foedus et scribimus et signant principes nostri Levitae nostri et sacerdotes nostri

< Nehemiah 9 >