< Micah 5 >

1 Nowe assemble thy garisons, O daughter of garisons: he hath layed siege against vs: they shall smite the iudge of Israel with a rod vpon the cheeke.
Tanu te hlap laeh. Caem loh mamih taengah vongup a khueh coeng. Israel laitloek kah a kam te caitueng neh a vuek uh pawn ni.
2 And thou Beth-leem Ephrathah art litle to bee among the thousandes of Iudah, yet out of thee shall he come forth vnto me, that shalbe the ruler in Israel: whose goings forth haue bene from the beginning and from euerlasting.
Bethlehem Epharath nang tah Judah a thawng a sang lakli ah a noe la na om. Nang lamkah te kai yueng la thoeng vetih Israel aka taem la om ni. Te dongah hlamat lamkah khosuen tue lamloh a naat nah coeng.
3 Therefore will he giue them vp, vntill the time that shee which shall beare, shall trauaile: then the remnant of their brethren shall returne vnto the children of Israel.
Te dongah amih te ca-om cacun tue hil a tloeng ni. Te vaengah a manuca hlangrhuel tah Israel ca taengla mael uh ni.
4 And he shall stand, and feed in the strength of the Lord, and in the maiestie of the Name of the Lord his God, and they shall dwel still: for now shall he be magnified vnto the ends of the world.
Anih te BOEIPA kah sarhi dongah, a Pathen BOEIPA ming kah mingthennah dongah pai vetih a luem puei ni. Anih te diklai bawt duela rhoeng sak hamla kho a sak ni.
5 And hee shall be our peace when Asshur shall come into our lande: when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seuen shepheardes, and eight principall men.
Mamih khohmuen la ha kun vaengah Assyria neh rhoepnah om ni. Mamih kah impuei long a cawt vaengah anih taengah hlang aka dawn parhih neh boeimang hlang parhet neh n'thoo ni.
6 And they shall destroy Asshur with the sword, and the land of Nimrod with their swordes: thus shall he deliuer vs from Asshur, when hee commeth into our lande, and when he shall tread within our borders.
Assyria khohmuen khaw, Nimrod khohmuen neh a thohka khaw cunghang neh luem uh ni. Tedae mamih khohmuen la ha kun tih mah khorhi te a cawt vaengah Assyria lamloh n'huul ni.
7 And the remnant of Iaakob shalbe among many people, as a dewe from the Lord, and as the showres vpon the grasse, that waiteth not for man, nor hopeth in the sonnes of Adam.
Jakob kah a meet tah pilnam lakli ah BOEIPA taeng lamkah buemtui bangla, baelhing dongkah mueitui bangla muep om ni. Te te hlang ham lamtawn pawt tih hlang ca ham khaw a ngaiuep dae moenih.
8 And the remnant of Iaakob shalbe among the Gentiles in the middes of many people, as the lyon among the beastes of the forest, and as the lyons whelpe among the flockes of sheepe, who when he goeth thorow, treadeth downe and teareth in pieces, and none can deliuer.
Jakob rhaengnaeng te pilnam miping khui kah namtom taengah om ni. Duup rhamsa lakli kah sathueng bangla, tuping boiva lakli kah sathuengca bangla te te a pah tih, a taelh tih a baeh phoeiah tah aka huul a om moenih.
9 Thine hand shall bee lift vp vpon thine aduersaries, and all thine enemies shalbe cut off.
Na kut te na rhal soah phuel uh vetih na thunkha rhoek te boeih a saii uh ni.
10 And it shall come to passe in that day, sayth the Lord, that I will cut off thine horses out of the middes of thee, and I will destroy thy charets.
BOEIPA kah olphong khohnin te a pai vaengah tah na khui lamkah na marhang te ka hnawt vetih na leng te ka poo sak ni.
11 And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and ouerthrowe all thy strong holdes.
Na khohmuen kah khopuei rhoek ka hnawt vetih na hmuencak boeih te ka koengloeng ni.
12 And I will cut off thine enchanters out of thine hande: and thou shalt haue no more southsayers.
Sungrhai te na kut lamloh ka hnawt vetih kutyaek aka so khaw na taengah om mahpawh.
13 Thine idoles also will I cut off, and thine images out of the middes of thee: and thou shalt no more worship the woorke of thine hands.
Na mueidaep neh na kaam te na khui lamloh ka hnawt vetih na kut saii taengah na bakop voel mahpawh.
14 And I wil plucke vp thy groues out of the middes of thee: so will I destroy thine enemies.
Na khui lamloh nang kah Asherah te ka phong vetih na khopuei khaw ka milh sak ni.
15 And I will execute a vegeance in my wrath and indignation vpon the heathen, which they haue not heard.
A yaak uh pawt bangla namtom taengah phulohnah te thintoek neh kosi neh ka saii ni.

< Micah 5 >