< Micah 3 >

1 And I sayd, Heare, I pray you, O heads of Iaakob, and yee princes of the house of Israel: should not ye knowe iudgement?
Da sagde jeg: Hør dog, I Jakobs Høvdinger, I Dommere af Israels Hus! Kan Kendskab til Ret ej ventes af eder,
2 But they hate the good, and loue the euill: they plucke off their skinnes from them, and their flesh from their bones.
I, som hader det gode og elsker det onde, I, som flaar Huden af Folk og Kødet af deres Ben,
3 And they eate also the flesh of my people, and flay off their skinne from them, and they breake their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.
æder mit Folks Kød og flænger dem Huden af Kroppen, sønderbryder deres Ben og breder dem som Kød i en Gryde, som Suppekød i en Kedel?
4 Then shall they crye vnto the Lord, but he will not heare them: he wil euen hide his face from them at that time, because they haue done wickedly in their workes.
Engang skal de raabe til HERREN, han lader dem uden Svar; da skjuler han sit Aasyn for dem, fordi deres Gerninger er onde.
5 Thus saith the Lord, Concerning the prophets that deceiue my people, and bite them with their teeth, and cry peace, but if a man put not into their mouthes, they prepare warre against him,
Saa siger HERREN om Profeterne, de, som vildleder mit Folk, de, som raaber om Fred, naar kun de faar noget at tygge, men ypper Krig med den, der intet giver dem i Munden:
6 Therefore night shalbe vnto you for a vision, and darkenesse shalbe vnto you for a diuination, and the sunne shall goe downe ouer the prophets, and the day shalbe darke ouer them.
Derfor skal I opleve Nat uden Syner, Mørke, som ej bringer Spaadom; Solen skal gaa ned for Profeterne, Dagen skal sortne for dem.
7 Then shall the Seers bee ashamed, and the southsayers confounded: yea, they shall all couer their lippes, for they haue none answere of God.
Til Skamme skal Seeren blive, blues skal de, som spaar; alle skal tilhylle Skægget, thi Svar er der ikke fra Gud.
8 Yet notwithstanding I am full of power by the Spirite of the Lord, and of iudgement, and of strength to declare vnto Iaakob his transgression, and to Israel his sinne.
Jeg derimod er ved HERRENS Aand fuld af Styrke, af Ret og af Kraft til at forkynde Jakob dets Brøde, Israel, hvad det har syndet.
9 Heare this, I pray you, ye heades of the house of Iaakob, and princes of the house of Israel: they abhorre iudgement, and peruert all equitie.
Hør det, I Jakobs Huses Høvdinger, I Dommere af Israels Hus, I, som afskyr Ret og gør alt, som er lige, kroget,
10 They build vp Zion with blood, and Ierusalem with iniquitie.
som bygger Zion med Blod og Jerusalem med Uret.
11 The heads thereof iudge for rewardes, and the Priestes thereof teache for hyre, and the prophets thereof prophecie for money: yet wil they leane vpon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among vs? no euill can come vpon vs.
Dets Høvdinger dømmer for Gave, dets Præster kender Ret for Løn; dets Profeter spaar for Sølv og støtter sig dog til HERREN: »Er HERREN ej i vor Midte? Over os kommer intet ondt.«
12 Therefore shall Zion for your sake bee plowed as a field, and Ierusalem shalbe an heape, and the mountaine of the house, as the hye places of the forest.
For eders Skyld skal derfor Zion pløjes som en Mark, Jerusalem blive til Grushobe, Tempelbjerget til Krathøj.

< Micah 3 >