< Micah 2 >

1 Woe vnto them, that imagine iniquitie, and worke wickednesse vpon their beddes: when the morning is light they practise it because their hande hath power.
Mano kaka nobed malit ne joma chano timo richo, ka giriere e kitendinigi! Gokinyi ka chiengʼ wuok to gichopo chenrogi nikech gin gi teko mar timo kamano.
2 And they couet fields, and take them by violence, and houses, and take them away: so they oppresse a man and his house, euen man and his heritage.
Gigombo puothe gi udi mag ji kendo gikawogi githuon. Giwuondo ngʼato ma gimaa dalane kendo kata anywolagi bende gimayo girkeni magi.
3 Therefore thus saieth the Lord, Beholde, against this familie haue I deuised a plague, whereout yee shall not plucke your neckes, and ye shall not go so proudly, for this time is euill.
Emomiyo Jehova Nyasaye wacho kama: “Achano kelo chandruok ne jogi maonge ngʼama notony. Ok unuchak uwuothi gi ngʼayi nikech enobed kinde mar masira.
4 In that daye shall they take vp a parable against you, and lament with a dolefull lamentation, and say, We be vtterly wasted: hee hath changed the portion of my people: how hath he taken it away to restore it vnto mee? he hath deuided our fieldes.
E ndalono ji nogou ngero; kendo ginichuognu wer malit mar kuyo ni: ‘Osetiekwa chuth, mwanduwa osepog jomoko nono. Eri omayowagi! Opogo puothewa ne joma ndhogowa.’”
5 Therefore thou shalt haue none that shall cast a corde by lot in the Congregation of the Lord.
Kuom mano ok unubed gi ngʼato kata achiel e chokruok mar Jehova Nyasaye ma nogo ombulu kipogo lowo.
6 They that prophecied, Prophecie ye not. They shall not prophecie to them, neither shall they take shame.
Jonabi mag-gi wacho niya, “Kik ukor wach. Kik ukor wach kuom gigi; wichkuot ok nomakwa.”
7 O thou that art named of the house of Iaakob, is the Spirite of the Lord shortened? are these his workes? are not my wordes good vnto him that walketh vprightly?
Yaye od Jakobo, inyalo wacho niya: “Bende Roho mar Jehova Nyasaye dikechi? Bende dotim gik ma kamago?” “Donge wechena timo maber ne ngʼatno ma yorene oriere?
8 But hee that was yesterday my people, is risen vp on the other side, as against an enemie: they spoyle the beautifull garment from them that passe by peaceably, as though they returned from the warre.
E ndalogi, joga oselokore wasik ji. Ulonyo oko lewni ma nengogi tek kuom joma kadho ka ok udewo, mana ka joma odwogo oa e lweny.
9 The women of my people haue ye cast out from their pleasant houses, and from their childre haue ye taken away my glorie continually.
Umonjo monde joga kendo uriembogi e miechgi mabeyo. Umayogi chuth gweth ma asegwedhogo nyithindgi.
10 Arise and depart, for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, euen with a sore destruction.
Auru malo, dhiuru kucha! Nikech kae ok en kar yweyo maru, nimar odwanyore, kendo okethore ma ok nyal kony.
11 If a man walke in the Spirit, and would lie falsely, saying, I wil prophecie vnto thee of wine, and of strong drinke, he shall euen be the prophet of this people.
Ka ja-miriambo ma jawuond obiro kawacho niya, ‘Abiro koronu wach mondo ubed gi divai gi kongʼo mangʼeny,’ to ngʼat makamano ema bedo janabi ma jogi ohero!
12 I will surely gather thee wholy, O Iaakob: I will surely gather the remnant of Israel: I will put them together as the sheepe of Bozrah, euen as the flocke in the mids of their folde: the cities shall be full of brute of the men.
“Abiro chokou un duto ma ok orem, yaye joka Jakobo; abiro kelo jo-Israel modongʼ kaachiel ma ok orem. Anakelgi kaachiel ka rombe manie abila, kendo kaka jamni manie lek. Kanyo nopongʼ gi ji.
13 The breaker vp shall come vp before them: they shall breake out, and passe by the gate, and goe out by it, and their King shall goe before them, and the Lord shalbe vpon their heades.
Jal mayawo yore modinore nodhi nyimgi kotelonegi. Ginimuom rangach mi gitony. Ruodhgi nokwong okadh kotelonegi. Jehova Nyasaye notelnegi.”

< Micah 2 >