< Matthew 9 >

1 Then hee entred into a shippe, and passed ouer, and came into his owne citie.
anantaraṁ yīśu rnaukāmāruhya punaḥ pāramāgatya nijagrāmam āyayau|
2 And loe, they brought to him a man sicke of the palsie, laid on a bed. And Iesus seeing their faith, saide to the sicke of the palsie, Sonne, be of good comfort: thy sinnes are forgiuen thee.
tataḥ katipayā janā ēkaṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ svaṭṭōpari śāyayitvā tatsamīpam ānayan; tatō yīśustēṣāṁ pratītiṁ vijñāya taṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ jagāda, hē putra, susthirō bhava, tava kaluṣasya marṣaṇaṁ jātam|
3 And beholde, certaine of the Scribes saide with themselues, This man blasphemeth.
tāṁ kathāṁ niśamya kiyanta upādhyāyā manaḥsu cintitavanta ēṣa manuja īśvaraṁ nindati|
4 But when Iesus saw their thoughts, he said, Wherefore thinke yee euil things in your hearts?
tataḥ sa tēṣām ētādr̥śīṁ cintāṁ vijñāya kathitavān, yūyaṁ manaḥsu kr̥ta ētādr̥śīṁ kucintāṁ kurutha?
5 For whether is it easier to say, Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee, or to say, Arise, and walke?
tava pāpamarṣaṇaṁ jātaṁ, yadvā tvamutthāya gaccha, dvayōranayō rvākyayōḥ kiṁ vākyaṁ vaktuṁ sugamaṁ?
6 And that ye may knowe that the Sonne of man hath authoritie in earth to forgiue sinnes, (then saide he vnto the sicke of the palsie, ) Arise, take vp thy bed, and goe to thine house.
kintu mēdinyāṁ kaluṣaṁ kṣamituṁ manujasutasya sāmarthyamastīti yūyaṁ yathā jānītha, tadarthaṁ sa taṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ gaditavān, uttiṣṭha, nijaśayanīyaṁ ādāya gēhaṁ gaccha|
7 And hee arose, and departed to his owne house.
tataḥ sa tatkṣaṇād utthāya nijagēhaṁ prasthitavān|
8 So when the multitude sawe it, they marueiled, and glorified God, which had giuen such authoritie to men.
mānavā itthaṁ vilōkya vismayaṁ mēnirē, īśvarēṇa mānavāya sāmarthyam īdr̥śaṁ dattaṁ iti kāraṇāt taṁ dhanyaṁ babhāṣirē ca|
9 And as Iesus passed foorth from thence, hee sawe a man sitting at the custome, named Matthewe, and saide to him, Followe me. And he arose, and followed him.
anantaraṁ yīśustatsthānād gacchan gacchan karasaṁgrahasthānē samupaviṣṭaṁ mathināmānam ēkaṁ manujaṁ vilōkya taṁ babhāṣē, mama paścād āgaccha, tataḥ sa utthāya tasya paścād vavrāja|
10 And it came to passe, as Iesus sate at meate in his house, beholde, many Publicanes and sinners, that came thither, sate downe at the table with Iesus and his disciples.
tataḥ paraṁ yīśau gr̥hē bhōktum upaviṣṭē bahavaḥ karasaṁgrāhiṇaḥ kaluṣiṇaśca mānavā āgatya tēna sākaṁ tasya śiṣyaiśca sākam upaviviśuḥ|
11 And when the Pharises sawe that, they saide to his disciples, Why eateth your master with Publicanes and sinners?
phirūśinastad dr̥ṣṭvā tasya śiṣyān babhāṣirē, yuṣmākaṁ guruḥ kiṁ nimittaṁ karasaṁgrāhibhiḥ kaluṣibhiśca sākaṁ bhuṁktē?
12 Nowe when Iesus heard it, hee sayde vnto them, The whole neede not a Physition, but they that are sicke.
yīśustat śrutvā tān pratyavadat, nirāmayalōkānāṁ cikitsakēna prayōjanaṁ nāsti, kintu sāmayalōkānāṁ prayōjanamāstē|
13 But goe yee and learne what this is, I will haue mercie, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.
atō yūyaṁ yātvā vacanasyāsyārthaṁ śikṣadhvam, dayāyāṁ mē yathā prīti rna tathā yajñakarmmaṇi|yatō'haṁ dhārmmikān āhvātuṁ nāgatō'smi kintu manaḥ parivarttayituṁ pāpina āhvātum āgatō'smi|
14 Then came the disciples of Iohn to him, saying, Why doe we and the Pharises fast oft, and thy disciples fast not?
anantaraṁ yōhanaḥ śiṣyāstasya samīpam āgatya kathayāmāsuḥ, phirūśinō vayañca punaḥ punarupavasāmaḥ, kintu tava śiṣyā nōpavasanti, kutaḥ?
15 And Iesus saide vnto them, Can the children of the marriage chamber mourne as long as the bridegrome is with them? But the daies will come, when the bridegrome shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.
tadā yīśustān avōcat yāvat sakhīnāṁ saṁṅgē kanyāyā varastiṣṭhati, tāvat kiṁ tē vilāpaṁ karttuṁ śakluvanti? kintu yadā tēṣāṁ saṁṅgād varaṁ nayanti, tādr̥śaḥ samaya āgamiṣyati, tadā tē upavatsyanti|
16 Moreouer no man pieceth an olde garment with a piece of newe cloth: for that that should fill it vp, taketh away from the garment, and the breach is worse.
purātanavasanē kōpi navīnavastraṁ na yōjayati, yasmāt tēna yōjitēna purātanavasanaṁ chinatti tacchidrañca bahukutsitaṁ dr̥śyatē|
17 Neither doe they put newe wine into olde vessels: for then the vessels would breake, and the wine woulde be spilt, and the vessels shoulde perish: but they put new wine into newe vessels, and so are both preserued.
anyañca purātanakutvāṁ kōpi navānagōstanīrasaṁ na nidadhāti, yasmāt tathā kr̥tē kutū rvidīryyatē tēna gōstanīrasaḥ patati kutūśca naśyati; tasmāt navīnāyāṁ kutvāṁ navīnō gōstanīrasaḥ sthāpyatē, tēna dvayōravanaṁ bhavati|
18 While hee thus spake vnto them, beholde, there came a certaine ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is nowe deceased, but come and laie thine hande on her, and shee shall liue.
aparaṁ tēnaitatkathākathanakālē ēkō'dhipatistaṁ praṇamya babhāṣē, mama duhitā prāyēṇaitāvatkālē mr̥tā, tasmād bhavānāgatya tasyā gātrē hastamarpayatu, tēna sā jīviṣyati|
19 And Iesus arose and followed him with his disciples.
tadānīṁ yīśuḥ śiṣyaiḥ sākam utthāya tasya paścād vavrāja|
20 (And beholde, a woman which was diseased with an issue of blood twelue yeres, came behinde him, and touched the hemme of his garment.
ityanantarē dvādaśavatsarān yāvat pradarāmayēna śīrṇaikā nārī tasya paścād āgatya tasya vasanasya granthiṁ pasparśa;
21 For shee saide in her selfe, If I may touche but his garment onely, I shalbe whole.
yasmāt mayā kēvalaṁ tasya vasanaṁ spr̥ṣṭvā svāsthyaṁ prāpsyatē, sā nārīti manasi niścitavatī|
22 Then Iesus turned him about, and seeing her, did say, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole at that same moment.)
tatō yīśurvadanaṁ parāvarttya tāṁ jagāda, hē kanyē, tvaṁ susthirā bhava, tava viśvāsastvāṁ svasthāmakārṣīt| ētadvākyē gaditaēva sā yōṣit svasthābhūt|
23 Nowe when Iesus came into the Rulers house, and saw the minstrels and the multitude making noise,
aparaṁ yīśustasyādhyakṣasya gēhaṁ gatvā vādakaprabhr̥tīn bahūn lōkān śabdāyamānān vilōkya tān avadat,
24 He said vnto them, Get you hence: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorne.
panthānaṁ tyaja, kanyēyaṁ nāmriyata nidritāstē; kathāmētāṁ śrutvā tē tamupajahasuḥ|
25 And when the multitude were put foorth, hee went in and tooke her by the hande, and the maide arose.
kintu sarvvēṣu bahiṣkr̥tēṣu sō'bhyantaraṁ gatvā kanyāyāḥ karaṁ dhr̥tavān, tēna sōdatiṣṭhat;
26 And this bruite went throughout all that lande.
tatastatkarmmaṇō yaśaḥ kr̥tsnaṁ taṁ dēśaṁ vyāptavat|
27 And as Iesus departed thence, two blinde men followed him, crying, and saying, O sonne of Dauid, haue mercie vpon vs.
tataḥ paraṁ yīśustasmāt sthānād yātrāṁ cakāra; tadā hē dāyūdaḥ santāna, asmān dayasva, iti vadantau dvau janāvandhau prōcairāhūyantau tatpaścād vavrajatuḥ|
28 And when hee was come into the house, the blinde came to him, and Iesus saide vnto them, Beleeue yee that I am able to doe this? And they sayd vnto him, Yea, Lord.
tatō yīśau gēhamadhyaṁ praviṣṭaṁ tāvapi tasya samīpam upasthitavantau, tadānīṁ sa tau pr̥ṣṭavān karmmaitat karttuṁ mama sāmarthyam āstē, yuvāṁ kimiti pratīthaḥ? tadā tau pratyūcatuḥ, satyaṁ prabhō|
29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it vnto you.
tadānīṁ sa tayō rlōcanāni spr̥śan babhāṣē, yuvayōḥ pratītyanusārād yuvayō rmaṅgalaṁ bhūyāt| tēna tatkṣaṇāt tayō rnētrāṇi prasannānyabhavan,
30 And their eyes were opened, and Iesus gaue them great charge, saying, See that no man knowe it.
paścād yīśustau dr̥ḍhamājñāpya jagāda, avadhattam ētāṁ kathāṁ kōpi manujō ma jānīyāt|
31 But when they were departed, they spread abroad his fame throughout all that land.
kintu tau prasthāya tasmin kr̥tsnē dēśē tasya kīrttiṁ prakāśayāmāsatuḥ|
32 And as they went out, beholde, they brought to him a domme man possessed with a deuill.
aparaṁ tau bahiryāta ētasminnantarē manujā ēkaṁ bhūtagrastamūkaṁ tasya samīpam ānītavantaḥ|
33 And when the deuill was cast out, the domme spake: then the multitude marueiled, saying, The like was neuer seene in Israel.
tēna bhūtē tyājitē sa mūkaḥ kathāṁ kathayituṁ prārabhata, tēna janā vismayaṁ vijñāya kathayāmāsuḥ, isrāyēlō vaṁśē kadāpi nēdr̥gadr̥śyata;
34 But the Pharises saide, He casteth out deuils, through the prince of deuils.
kintu phirūśinaḥ kathayāñcakruḥ bhūtādhipatinā sa bhūtān tyājayati|
35 And Iesus went about all cities and townes, teaching in their Synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the kingdome, and healing euery sickenesse and euery disease among the people.
tataḥ paraṁ yīśustēṣāṁ bhajanabhavana upadiśan rājyasya susaṁvādaṁ pracārayan lōkānāṁ yasya ya āmayō yā ca pīḍāsīt, tān śamayan śamayaṁśca sarvvāṇi nagarāṇi grāmāṁśca babhrāma|
36 But when he saw the multitude, he had compassion vpon them, because they were dispersed, and scattered abroade, as sheepe hauing no shepheard.
anyañca manujān vyākulān arakṣakamēṣāniva ca tyaktān nirīkṣya tēṣu kāruṇikaḥ san śiṣyān avadat,
37 Then saide he to his disciples, Surely the haruest is great, but the labourers are fewe.
śasyāni pracurāṇi santi, kintu chēttāraḥ stōkāḥ|
38 Wherefore pray the Lord of the haruest, that he woulde sende foorth labourers into his haruest.
kṣētraṁ pratyaparān chēdakān prahētuṁ śasyasvāminaṁ prārthayadhvam|

< Matthew 9 >