< Matthew 8 >

1 Nowe when he was come downe from the mountaine, great multitudes followed him.
Pu umwene avile ikhile ukhuhuma pakhyamba, avanyalulundamano vingi vakongile.
2 And loe, there came a Leper and worshipped him, saying, Master, if thou wilt, thou canst make me cleane.
Pu lola, akhincha umunu unyabuuba, akhata, “Nkhuludeva unave winogwa wimonie uvutamu.”
3 And Iesus putting foorth his hand, touched him, saying, I will, be thou cleane: and immediatly his leprosie was clensed.
U yesu pwakhagolosya ikhivokho khyamwene akhamwabasya akhata, “Ninogwa upone. Pu akhapona useikhe gulagula ibuuba.
4 Then Iesus saide vnto him, See thou tell no man, but goe, and shewe thy selfe vnto the Priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a witnesse to them.
Pu u Yesu akhambula akhata, “Lola khyomela ukhumbula umunu eikhidego eikhi. Pu lutage ukhivonesye khuntekhenchi, pukhahumye neinekhelo nduva alagile u Mose muvamanyile avane”
5 When Iesus was entred into Capernaum, there came vnto him a Centurion, beseeching him,
Pu uYesu avile afikhe khu Kapernaumu, pu undongonchi vavasikhali akhincha khumwene,
6 And saide, Master, my seruant lieth sicke at home of the palsie, and is grieuously pained.
pu leino unchongonchi ula akhasimelencha akhata, “'Veinkuludeva, umunu vango aleipa kaya alambalieile igona umbeili gwa mwene gufwe eiganji hange aleinuluvavo fincho.”
7 And Iesus saide vnto him, I will come and heale him.
Pu u Yesu akhambula akhata, “'Nikhwinja neinjaveile apone”.
8 But the Centurion answered, saying, Master, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe: but speake the worde onely, and my seruant shall be healed.
Pu ula undongonchi vavasikhali akhamwamula akhata, “Inkhuludeva, vango sapanogile ukhuta uve wingile mukaya yango, pu ni doova unchove eilimenyu vuvule pu umbombi vango ipona.
9 For I am a man also vnder the authoritie of an other, and haue souldiers vnder me: and I say to one, Goe, and he goeth: and to another, Come, and he commeth: and to my seruant, Doe this, and he doeth it.
Ulwa khuva une na yune neilimunu neiveikhivwe pulungonchi vwa vasikhali ava valipasi palyune. Nei ngale khyuyu “'Luta' khuvuleive, pu iluta 'Vuvule' pu khuyunga neingate inchaga khunu ikhwincha vuvule, hange umunu umbombi vango neingate,' vomba eikheive puivomba vuvule.
10 When Iesus heard that, he marueiled, and said to them that folowed him, Verely, I say vnto you, I haue not found so great faith, euen in Israel.
Pu u Yesu vuapulikhe ndavule adegilee fincho nukhuvavula avakongaga akhata, “Ncha yeilweli nikhuvavula, saneigelile lusikhu umunu unya lweideikho ndulu mu Israeli eiyei yooni.
11 But I say vnto you, that many shall come from the East and West, and shall sit downe with Abraham, and Isaac, and Iacob, in the kingdome of heauen.
Nune nikhuvavula eiyakhuta avingi valahuma khuvuhumo wa linchuva na khuvusemo wa linchuva, valatama pupaninie nu Abrahimu, nu Isaka, nu Yakobo, pakhulya ifinu mundudeeva lwa khukyanya.
12 And the children of the kingdome shall be cast out into vtter darkenes: there shalbe weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Pu leino avene avana valudeeva vala lahwagwa muhisi ya khunji, pu ukhwa khulava neikhileilo nu lugaduncho lwa meno.”
13 Then Iesus saide vnto the Centurion, Goe thy way, and as thou hast beleeued, so be it vnto thee, And his seruant was healed the same houre.
Na voope uYesu akhambula undongonchi vavasikhali akhata, “Lutaga! puyive nduvunchovile ukhuta umunu umbombi vakho apane, Ukhukongana nu lweidekho lwakho.” Pu leino umbimbi va mwene akhapona useikhe gulagula.
14 And when Iesus came to Peters house, he sawe his wiues mother layed downe, and sicke of a feuer.
Pu uYesu akhafikha khukaya ya Petro, pwakhambuna unkwive va Petro vaninemwa va dala va mwene, igona pakhihaga aleineimungu.
15 And he touched her hande, and the feuer left her: so she arose, and ministred vnto them.
Pu uYesu akhamwabasia ikhivokho khya mwene imungu puyeikhandekha.
16 When the Euen was come, they brought vnto him many that were possessed with deuils: and he cast out the spirits with his worde, and healed all that were sicke,
Pu pakhimihe vukhwilile pu avanu vakhavagega vavingi avavule ni mepo imbivi. Akhandimenyu lya mwene akhavaponia vooni avo vale vatamu hange vatokhile.
17 That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Esaias the Prophet, saying, He tooke our infirmities, and bare our sickenesses.
Pu yeikhava limalile ukhuvombekha eiliemenyu leila ilyanchoviwagwa nu nyamalago u Isaya, eilyakhuta umwene avatulile uvudekhedekhe vwito, nu vutamu vwito wooni avupeimbeile”
18 And when Iesus sawe great multitudes of people about him, he commanded them to goe ouer the water.
Pu umwene u Yesu avile avwene ikhipuga khya vanu vuvingi vanchungutile akhavavula nuvalagila ukhuta tuvukhe tulovokhe khumwambo khunyanja eiyamu Galilaya.
19 Then came there a certaine Scribe, and said vnto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoeuer thou goest.
Pu umunu uyungu usimbi vakalata akhandutila uYesu, pwakhata, veimanyisi uve nikhukhukonga khyoni ukhuwiluta.”
20 But Iesus saide vnto him, The foxes haue holes, and the birdes of the heauen haue nestes, but the Sonne of man hath not whereon to rest his head.
U Yesu akhamwamula akhata, “Amakave galeinamaguli umwakhugona ifidege fyope filinuvufumba, pu umwana vanya munu aleinchila pakhuveikha uluvafu nukhuhagalila untwe.”
21 And another of his disciples saide vnto him, Master, suffer me first to goe, and burie my father.
Ukongi va mwene uyunge akhambula akhata, “Nkuludeva, nidova nilute nikhasyile u Daada.” Pu u Yesu akhata,
22 But Iesus said vnto him, Followe me, and let the dead burie their dead.
“Ung'ongage une uvalekhe avafwile vasyiilage vavo.”
23 And when he was entred into ye ship, his disciples followed him.
U Yesu akhingeila muliboti, avakongi va mwene vakhakonga.
24 And beholde, there arose a great tempest in the sea, so that the ship was couered with waues: but he was a sleepe.
Lola inyanja yikhahambukha vu umbelo guleikhukulugata neimepo yale mbaha fincho. Pu leino u Yesu agonelile utulu.
25 Then his disciples came, and awoke him, saying, Master, saue vs: we perish.
Avakongi vakhanduteila vakhasisimula nukhata, gwe Nkhuludeva utupokhe ufwe tuleivanya khyongomela munyanja.
26 And he said vnto them, Why are ye fearefull, O ye of litle faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea: and so there was a great calme.
U Yesu akhavavula akhata khiikhi muleivadwaanchi umwe, khikhi mulei nulwidikho ludebe umwe?” Akhasisimukha, pu akhava munu va khutama khu kulugutu ugunya mepo eiyinya mbelo uguleikhupiga eiliboti pu einyanja yeikhalitama,
27 And the men marueiled, saying, What man is this, that both the windes and the sea obey him!
avanu vooni vakhadeya nukhuta umunu uyu aleinamakha makhi, hange aleindakhikhi pakhuva ukulugutu gwa mepo eiyinyambelo gyope gukhudwaada?”
28 And when he was come to the other side into ye countrey of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with deuils, which came out of the graues very fierce, so that no man might goe by that way.
Pu useikhi ugu uYesu avile alutile khumwambo khu khilunga eikhya vaMagadala, valepo na vanu vaveili avanya mepo imbivi vakhaganila nave. Avanu avo vahumile khumapumba pu valeikhuvagatancha fincho avanu, pa navava gendanjeila savaleikhugenda einjeila yeila.
29 And beholde, they cryed out, saying, Iesus the sonne of God, what haue we to do with thee? Art thou come hither to tormet vs before ye time?
Lola, puvakhovela eilimenyu vakhaya, “Tuleinakhikhi nuve vei mwana va Nguluve? Winchile apa pakhuta kineila vu pakhale useikhi sagufikhe?”
30 Nowe there was, afarre off from them, a great heard of swine feeding.
Pu kwale neikhipuga khya ngube pu nchale pipi navo, hange valepo na vadeimi vagube,
31 And the deuils besought him, saying, If thou cast vs out, suffer vs to goe into the heard of swine.
imepo imbivi punchilikhukuta khwa Yesu ukhuta. “Pu ungave ulwamwile ukhutuhumya utuheileikhe magubenchila.”
32 And he said vnto them, Go. So they went out and departed into the heard of swine: and beholde, the whole heard of swine ranne headlong into the sea, and died in the water.
Pu uYesu akhata, “Lutaga!” Pu imepo imbivi nchikhahuma khu vanu vala nukhunchikhingeila khugube. Lola eikhipuga khyoni khikhikha ukhuhuma khukhyamba leikhaluta nukhwingila munyanja punchikhafwa mumagosi.
33 Then the heardmen fled: and when they were come into the citie, they tolde all things, and what was become of them that were possessed with the deuils.
Pu leina avadeimi vagube vakhanyila ukhuvuya, vavile vafikhe khu vanchege vwa vanu vakhayavula nchooni inchuvanchiwene na vavanu avanya mepo imbivi.
34 And beholde, all ye citie came out to meete Iesus: and when they sawe him, they besought him to depart out of their coastes.
Lola, uvunchenge wooni wa vanu vakhincha khukhwaganila nu Yesu. Vaveile va mbwene vakhasimeileincha ahegage nu khilunga khyavo.

< Matthew 8 >