< Matthew 7 >
1 Judge not, that ye be not iudged.
yathA yUyaM doSIkRtA na bhavatha, tatkRte'nyaM doSiNaM mA kuruta|
2 Eor with what iudgement ye iudge, ye shall be iudged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you againe.
yato yAdRzena doSeNa yUyaM parAn doSiNaH kurutha, tAdRzena doSeNa yUyamapi doSIkRtA bhaviSyatha, anyaJca yena parimANena yuSmAbhiH parimIyate, tenaiva parimANena yuSmatkRte parimAyiSyate|
3 And why seest thou the mote, that is in thy brothers eye, and perceiuest not the beame that is in thine owne eye?
aparaJca nijanayane yA nAsA vidyate, tAm anAlocya tava sahajasya locane yat tRNam Aste, tadeva kuto vIkSase?
4 Or howe sayest thou to thy brother, Suffer me to cast out the mote out of thine eye, and beholde, a beame is in thine owne eye?
tava nijalocane nAsAyAM vidyamAnAyAM, he bhrAtaH, tava nayanAt tRNaM bahiSyartuM anujAnIhi, kathAmetAM nijasahajAya kathaM kathayituM zaknoSi?
5 Hypocrite, first cast out that beame out of thine owne eye, and then shalt thou see clearely to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye.
he kapaTin, Adau nijanayanAt nAsAM bahiSkuru tato nijadRSTau suprasannAyAM tava bhrAtR rlocanAt tRNaM bahiSkartuM zakSyasi|
6 Giue ye not that which is holy, to dogges, neither cast ye your pearles before swine, lest they treade them vnder their feete, and turning againe, all to rent you.
anyaJca sArameyebhyaH pavitravastUni mA vitarata, varAhANAM samakSaJca muktA mA nikSipata; nikSepaNAt te tAH sarvvAH padai rdalayiSyanti, parAvRtya yuSmAnapi vidArayiSyanti|
7 Aske, and it shall be giuen you: seeke, and ye shall finde: knocke, and it shall be opened vnto you.
yAcadhvaM tato yuSmabhyaM dAyiSyate; mRgayadhvaM tata uddezaM lapsyadhve; dvAram Ahata, tato yuSmatkRte muktaM bhaviSyati|
8 For whosoeuer asketh, receiueth: and he, that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.
yasmAd yena yAcyate, tena labhyate; yena mRgyate tenoddezaH prApyate; yena ca dvAram Ahanyate, tatkRte dvAraM mocyate|
9 For what man is there among you, which if his sonne aske him bread, woulde giue him a stone?
Atmajena pUpe prArthite tasmai pASANaM vizrANayati,
10 Or if he aske fish, wil he giue him a serpent?
mIne yAcite ca tasmai bhujagaM vitarati, etAdRzaH pitA yuSmAkaM madhye ka Aste?
11 If ye then, which are euill, can giue to your children good giftes, howe much more shall your Father which is in heauen, giue good thinges to them that aske him?
tasmAd yUyam abhadrAH santo'pi yadi nijabAlakebhya uttamaM dravyaM dAtuM jAnItha, tarhi yuSmAkaM svargasthaH pitA svIyayAcakebhyaH kimuttamAni vastUni na dAsyati?
12 Therefore whatsoeuer ye woulde that men should doe to you, euen so doe ye to them: for this is the Lawe and the Prophets.
yUSmAn pratItareSAM yAdRzo vyavahAro yuSmAkaM priyaH, yUyaM tAn prati tAdRzAneva vyavahArAn vidhatta; yasmAd vyavasthAbhaviSyadvAdinAM vacanAnAm iti sAram|
13 Enter in at the streight gate: for it is the wide gate, and broade way that leadeth to destruction: and many there be which goe in thereat,
saGkIrNadvAreNa pravizata; yato narakagamanAya yad dvAraM tad vistIrNaM yacca vartma tad bRhat tena bahavaH pravizanti|
14 Because the gate is streight, and the way narowe that leadeth vnto life, and fewe there be that finde it.
aparaM svargagamanAya yad dvAraM tat kIdRk saMkIrNaM| yacca vartma tat kIdRg durgamam| taduddeSTAraH kiyanto'lpAH|
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you, in sheepes clothing, but inwardly they are rauening wolues.
aparaJca ye janA meSavezena yuSmAkaM samIpam Agacchanti, kintvantardurantA vRkA etAdRzebhyo bhaviSyadvAdibhyaH sAvadhAnA bhavata, yUyaM phalena tAn paricetuM zaknutha|
16 Ye shall know them by their fruites. Doe men gather grapes of thornes? or figges of thistles?
manujAH kiM kaNTakino vRkSAd drAkSAphalAni zRgAlakolitazca uDumbaraphalAni zAtayanti?
17 So euery good tree bringeth foorth good fruite, and a corrupt tree bringeth forth euill fruite.
tadvad uttama eva pAdapa uttamaphalAni janayati, adhamapAdapaevAdhamaphalAni janayati|
18 A good tree can not bring forth euil fruite: neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruite.
kintUttamapAdapaH kadApyadhamaphalAni janayituM na zaknoti, tathAdhamopi pAdapa uttamaphalAni janayituM na zaknoti|
19 Euery tree that bringeth not forth good fruite, is hewen downe, and cast into the fire.
aparaM ye ye pAdapA adhamaphalAni janayanti, te kRttA vahnau kSipyante|
20 Therefore by their fruites ye shall knowe them.
ataeva yUyaM phalena tAn pariceSyatha|
21 Not euery one that sayeth vnto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdome of heauen, but he that doeth my Fathers will which is in heauen.
ye janA mAM prabhuM vadanti, te sarvve svargarAjyaM pravekSyanti tanna, kintu yo mAnavo mama svargasthasya pituriSTaM karmma karoti sa eva pravekSyati|
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, haue we not by thy Name prophecied? and by thy name cast out deuils? and by thy name done many great workes?
tad dine bahavo mAM vadiSyanti, he prabho he prabho, tava nAmnA kimasmAmi rbhaviSyadvAkyaM na vyAhRtaM? tava nAmnA bhUtAH kiM na tyAjitAH? tava nAmnA kiM nAnAdbhutAni karmmANi na kRtAni?
23 And then will I professe to them, I neuer knewe you: depart from me, ye that worke iniquitie.
tadAhaM vadiSyAmi, he kukarmmakAriNo yuSmAn ahaM na vedmi, yUyaM matsamIpAd dUrIbhavata|
24 Whosoeuer then heareth of mee these words, and doeth the same, I will liken him to a wise man, which hath builded his house on a rock:
yaH kazcit mamaitAH kathAH zrutvA pAlayati, sa pASANopari gRhanirmmAtrA jJAninA saha mayopamIyate|
25 And the raine fell, and the floods came, and the windes blewe, and beat vpon that house, and it fell not: for it was grounded on a rocke.
yato vRSTau satyAm AplAva Agate vAyau vAte ca teSu tadgehaM lagneSu pASANopari tasya bhittestanna patati
26 But whosoeuer heareth these my wordes, and doeth them not, shall be likened vnto a foolish man, which hath builded his house vpon the sand:
kintu yaH kazcit mamaitAH kathAH zrutvA na pAlayati sa saikate gehanirmmAtrA 'jJAninA upamIyate|
27 And the raine fell, and the floods came, and the windes blewe, and beat vpon that house, and it fell, and the fall thereof was great.
yato jalavRSTau satyAm AplAva Agate pavane vAte ca tai rgRhe samAghAte tat patati tatpatanaM mahad bhavati|
28 And it came to passe, when Iesus had ended these wordes, the people were astonied at his doctrine.
yIzunaiteSu vAkyeSu samApiteSu mAnavAstadIyopadezam AzcaryyaM menire|
29 For he taught them as one hauing authoritie, and not as the Scribes.
yasmAt sa upAdhyAyA iva tAn nopadideza kintu samarthapuruSaiva samupadideza|