< Matthew 27 >

1 When the morning was come, all the chiefe Priests, and the elders of the people tooke counsell against Iesus, to put him to death,
2 And led him away bounde, and deliuered him vnto Pontius Pilate the gouernour.
3 Then when Iudas which betraied him, sawe that hee was condemned, hee repented himselfe, and brought againe the thirtie pieces of siluer to the chiefe Priestes, and Elders,
4 Saying, I haue sinned, betraying the innocent bloud. But they sayde, What is that to vs? see thou to it.
說:「我出賣了無辜的血,犯了罪了!」他們卻說:「這與我們何干? 是你自己的事 !」
5 And when hee had cast downe the siluer pieces in the Temple, hee departed, and went, and hanged himselfe.
6 And the chiefe Priestes tooke the siluer pieces, and sayde, It is not lawfull for vs to put them into the treasure, because it is the price of bloud.
7 And they tooke counsell, and bought with them a potters fielde, for the buriall of strangers.
8 Wherefore that field is called, The field of bloud, vntill this day.
9 (Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Ieremias the Prophet, saying, And they tooke thirtie siluer pieces, ye price of him that was valued, whom they of ye children of Israel valued.
10 And they gaue them for the potters fielde, as the Lord appointed me.)
11 And Iesus stood before ye gouernour, and the gouernour asked him, saying, Art thou that King of the Iewes? Iesus said vnto him, Thou sayest it.
耶穌站在總督面前,總督便審問衪說:「你是猶太人的君王嗎? 」耶穌回答說:「你說的是。」
12 And when he was accused of the chiefe Priestes, and Elders, he answered nothing.
13 Then saide Pilate vnto him, Hearest thou not howe many things they lay against thee?
於是比拉多對衪說:「你沒有聽見他們提出多少證據告你嗎? 」
14 But he answered him not to one worde, in so much that the gouernour marueiled greatly.
15 Nowe at the feast, the gouernour was wont to deliuer vnto the people a prisoner whom they would.
16 And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas.
17 When they were then gathered together, Pilate said vnto the, Whether will ye that I let loose vnto you Barabbas, or Iesus which is called Christ?
當他們聚集在一起時,比拉多對他們說:「你們願意我給你們釋放那一個? 巴辣巴,或是那稱為默西亞的耶穌? 」
18 (For he knewe well, that for enuie they had deliuered him.
19 Also when he was set downe vpon the iudgement seate, his wife sent to him, saying, Haue thou nothing to do with that iust man: for I haue suffered many things this day in a dreame by reason of him.)
20 But the chiefe Priestes and the Elders had persuaded the people that they shoulde aske Barabbas, and should destroy Iesus.
21 Then the gouernour answered, and said vnto them, Whether of the twaine will ye that I let loose vnto you? And they said, Barabbas.
總又向他們發言說:「這兩個人中,你們願意我給你們釋放那一個? 」他們說:「巴拉巴。」
22 Pilate said vnto them, What shall I do then with Iesus, which is called Christ? They all said to him, Let him be crucified.
比拉多對他們說:「那麼,對於那稱為默西亞的耶穌我該怎麼辦? 」眾人答說:「該釘他在十字架上。」
23 Then saide the gouernour, But what euill hath he done? Then they cryed the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
24 When Pilate saw that he auailed nothing, but that more tumult was made, he tooke water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this iust man: looke you to it.
比拉多見事毫無進展,反而更為混亂,就拿水,看民眾洗手說:「對這義人的血,我是無罪的,你們自己負責吧? 」
25 Then answered all the people, and saide, His bloud be on vs, and on our children.
26 Thus let he Barabbas loose vnto them, and scourged Iesus, and deliuered him to be crucified.
27 Then the souldiers of the gouernour tooke Iesus into the common hall, and gathered about him the whole band,
28 And they stripped him, and put about him a skarlet robe,
29 And platted a crowne of thornes, and put it vpon his head, and a reede in his right hand, and bowed their knees before him, and mocked him, saying, God saue thee King of the Iewes,
30 And spitted vpon him, and tooke a reede, and smote him on the head.
31 Thus when they had mocked him, they tooke the robe from him, and put his owne rayment on him, and led him away to crucifie him.
32 And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, named Simon: him they compelled to beare his crosse.
33 And when they came vnto the place called Golgotha, (that is to say, the place of dead mens skulles)
34 They gaue him vineger to drinke, mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drinke.
35 And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, and did cast lottes, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the Prophet, They deuided my garments among them, and vpon my vesture did cast lottes.
36 And they sate, and watched him there.
37 They set vp also ouer his head his cause written, THIS IS IESVS THE KING OF THE IEVVES.
38 And there were two theeues crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left.
39 And they that passed by, reuiled him, wagging their heades,
40 And saying, Thou that destroyest ye Temple, and buildest it in three dayes, saue thy selfe: if thou be ye Sonne of God, come downe from ye crosse.
「你這拆毀聖殿而三日內重建起來的,救你自己吧! 如果你是天主子,從十字架上下來!」
41 Likewise also the hie Priests mocking him, with the Scribes, and Elders, and Pharises, said,
42 He saued others, but he cannot saue him selfe: if he be ye King of Israel, let him now come downe from ye crosse, and we will beleeue in him.
43 He trusted in God, let him deliuer him nowe, if he will haue him: for he saide, I am the Sonne of God.
44 The selfe same thing also ye theeues which were crucified with him, cast in his teeth.
45 Now from ye sixt houre was there darkenesse ouer all the land, vnto the ninth houre.
46 And about ye ninth houre Iesus cryed with a loud voyce, saying, Eli, Eli, lamasabachthani? that is, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
47 And some of them that stoode there, when they heard it, said, This man calleth Elias.
48 And straightway one of them ran, and tooke a spondge, and filled it with vineger, and put it on a reede, and gaue him to drinke.
49 Other said, Let be: let vs see, if Elias wil come and saue him.
其餘的卻說:「等一等,我們看,是否厄里亞來救他! 」
50 Then Iesus cryed againe with a loude voyce, and yeelded vp the ghost.
51 And behold, the vayle of the Temple was rent in twaine, from the top to the bottome, and the earth did quake, and the stones were cloue.
52 And the graues did open themselues, and many bodies of the Saintes, which slept, arose,
53 And came out of the graues after his resurrection, and went into the holy citie, and appeared vnto many.
54 When the Centurion, and they that were with him watching Iesus, saw the earthquake, and the thinges that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truely this was the Sonne of God.
55 And many women were there, beholding him a farre off, which had folowed Iesus from Galile, ministring vnto him.
56 Among whom was Marie Magdalene, and Marie the mother of Iames, and Ioses, and the mother of Zebedeus sonnes.
57 And when the euen was come, there came a riche man of Arimathea, named Ioseph, who had also himselfe bene Iesus disciple.
58 He went to Pilate, and asked ye body of Iesus. Then Pilate commanded ye body to be deliuered.
59 So Ioseph tooke the body, and wrapped it in a cleane linnen cloth,
60 And put it in his new tombe, which he had hewen out in a rocke, and rolled a great stone to the doore of the sepulchre, and departed.
61 And there was Marie Magdalene, and the other Marie sitting ouer against the sepulchre.
62 Nowe the next day that followed the Preparation of the Sabbath, the hie Priestes and Pharises assembled to Pilate,
63 And said, Syr, we remember that that deceiuer saide, while he was yet aliue, Within three dayes I will rise.
64 Command therefore, that the sepulchre be made sure vntill the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steale him away, and say vnto the people, He is risen from the dead: so shall the last errour be worse then the first.
65 Then Pilate saide vnto them, Ye haue a watch: goe, and make it sure as ye knowe.
66 And they went, and made the sepulchre sure with the watch, and sealed the stone.

< Matthew 27 >