< Matthew 19 >

1 And it came to passe, that when Iesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galile, and came into ye coasts of Iudea beyond Iordan.
anantaram ētāsu kathāsu samāptāsu yīśu rgālīlapradēśāt prasthāya yardantīrasthaṁ yihūdāpradēśaṁ prāptaḥ|
2 And great multitudes followed him, and he healed them there.
tadā tatpaścāt jananivahē gatē sa tatra tān nirāmayān akarōt|
3 Then came vnto him the Pharises tempting him, and saying to him, Is it lawfull for a man to put away his wife vpon euery occasion?
tadanantaraṁ phirūśinastatsamīpamāgatya pārīkṣituṁ taṁ papracchuḥ, kasmādapi kāraṇāt narēṇa svajāyā parityājyā na vā?
4 And he answered and sayd vnto them, Haue ye not read, that hee which made them at the beginning, made them male and female,
sa pratyuvāca, prathamam īśvarō naratvēna nārītvēna ca manujān sasarja, tasmāt kathitavān,
5 And sayd, For this cause, shall a man leaue father and mother, and cleaue vnto his wife, and they which were two shalbe one flesh.
mānuṣaḥ svapitarau parityajya svapatnyām āsakṣyatē, tau dvau janāvēkāṅgau bhaviṣyataḥ, kimētad yuṣmābhi rna paṭhitam?
6 Wherefore they are no more twaine, but one flesh. Let not man therefore put asunder that, which God hath coupled together.
atastau puna rna dvau tayōrēkāṅgatvaṁ jātaṁ, īśvarēṇa yacca samayujyata, manujō na tad bhindyāt|
7 They said to him, Why did then Moses commaund to giue a bill of diuorcement, and to put her away?
tadānīṁ tē taṁ pratyavadan, tathātvē tyājyapatraṁ dattvā svāṁ svāṁ jāyāṁ tyaktuṁ vyavasthāṁ mūsāḥ kathaṁ lilēkha?
8 He sayd vnto them, Moses, because of the hardnesse of your heart, suffered you to put away your wiues: but from the beginning it was not so.
tataḥ sa kathitavān, yuṣmākaṁ manasāṁ kāṭhinyād yuṣmān svāṁ svāṁ jāyāṁ tyaktum anvamanyata kintu prathamād ēṣō vidhirnāsīt|
9 I say therefore vnto you, that whosoeuer shall put away his wife, except it be for whoredome, and marry another, committeth adulterie: and whosoeuer marieth her which is diuorced, doeth commit adulterie.
atō yuṣmānahaṁ vadāmi, vyabhicāraṁ vinā yō nijajāyāṁ tyajēt anyāñca vivahēt, sa paradārān gacchati; yaśca tyaktāṁ nārīṁ vivahati sōpi paradārēṣu ramatē|
10 Then sayd his disciples to him, If the matter be so betweene man and wife, it is not good to marry.
tadā tasya śiṣyāstaṁ babhāṣirē, yadi svajāyayā sākaṁ puṁsa ētādr̥k sambandhō jāyatē, tarhi vivahanamēva na bhadraṁ|
11 But he sayd vnto them, All men cannot receiue this thing, saue they to whom it is giuen.
tataḥ sa uktavān, yēbhyastatsāmarthyaṁ ādāyi, tān vinānyaḥ kōpi manuja ētanmataṁ grahītuṁ na śaknōti|
12 For there are some eunuches, which were so borne of their mothers belly: and there be some eunuches, which be gelded by men: and there be some eunuches, which haue gelded them selues for the kingdome of heauen. He that is able to receiue this, let him receiue it.
katipayā jananaklībaḥ katipayā narakr̥taklībaḥ svargarājyāya katipayāḥ svakr̥taklībāśca santi, yē grahītuṁ śaknuvanti tē gr̥hlantu|
13 Then were brought to him litle children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.
aparam yathā sa śiśūnāṁ gātrēṣu hastaṁ datvā prārthayatē, tadarthaṁ tatsamīṁpaṁ śiśava ānīyanta, tata ānayitr̥n śiṣyāstiraskr̥tavantaḥ|
14 But Iesus sayd, Suffer the litle children, and forbid them not to come to me: for of such is the kingdome of heauen.
kintu yīśuruvāca, śiśavō madantikam āgacchantu, tān mā vārayata, ētādr̥śāṁ śiśūnāmēva svargarājyaṁ|
15 And when he had put his hands on them, he departed thence.
tataḥ sa tēṣāṁ gātrēṣu hastaṁ datvā tasmāt sthānāt pratasthē|
16 And beholde, one came and sayd vnto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I doe, that I may haue eternall life? (aiōnios g166)
aparam ēka āgatya taṁ papraccha, hē paramagurō, anantāyuḥ prāptuṁ mayā kiṁ kiṁ satkarmma karttavyaṁ? (aiōnios g166)
17 And he said vnto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, eue God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keepe ye commandemets.
tataḥ sa uvāca, māṁ paramaṁ kutō vadasi? vinēścaraṁ na kōpi paramaḥ, kintu yadyanantāyuḥ prāptuṁ vāñchasi, tarhyājñāḥ pālaya|
18 He sayd to him, Which? And Iesus sayde, These, Thou shalt not kill: Thou shalt not commit adulterie: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalt not beare false witnesse.
tadā sa pr̥ṣṭavān, kāḥ kā ājñāḥ? tatō yīśuḥ kathitavān, naraṁ mā hanyāḥ, paradārān mā gacchēḥ, mā cōrayēḥ, mr̥ṣāsākṣyaṁ mā dadyāḥ,
19 Honour thy father and mother: and thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe.
nijapitarau saṁmanyasva, svasamīpavāsini svavat prēma kuru|
20 The yong man sayd vnto him, I haue obserued all these things from my youth: what lacke I yet?
sa yuvā kathitavān, ā bālyād ētāḥ pālayāmi, idānīṁ kiṁ nyūnamāstē?
21 Iesus sayd vnto him, If thou wilt be perfite, go, sell that thou hast, and giue it to the poore, and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen, and come, and follow me.
tatō yīśuravadat, yadi siddhō bhavituṁ vāñchasi, tarhi gatvā nijasarvvasvaṁ vikrīya daridrēbhyō vitara, tataḥ svargē vittaṁ lapsyasē; āgaccha, matpaścādvarttī ca bhava|
22 And when the yong man heard that saying, he went away sorowfull: for he had great possessions.
ētāṁ vācaṁ śrutvā sa yuvā svīyabahusampattē rviṣaṇaḥ san calitavān|
23 Then Iesus sayd vnto his disciples, Verely I say vnto you, that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdome of heauen.
tadā yīśuḥ svaśiṣyān avadat, dhanināṁ svargarājyapravēśō mahāduṣkara iti yuṣmānahaṁ tathyaṁ vadāmi|
24 And againe I say vnto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter into ye kingdome of God.
punarapi yuṣmānahaṁ vadāmi, dhanināṁ svargarājyapravēśāt sūcīchidrēṇa mahāṅgagamanaṁ sukaraṁ|
25 And whe his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amased, saying, Who then can be saued?
iti vākyaṁ niśamya śiṣyā aticamatkr̥tya kathayāmāsuḥ; tarhi kasya paritrāṇaṁ bhavituṁ śaknōti?
26 And Iesus behelde them, and sayde vnto them, With men this is vnpossible, but with God all things are possible.
tadā sa tān dr̥ṣdvā kathayāmāsa, tat mānuṣāṇāmaśakyaṁ bhavati, kintvīśvarasya sarvvaṁ śakyam|
27 Then answered Peter, and said to him, Beholde, we haue forsaken all, and followed thee: what therefore shall we haue?
tadā pitarastaṁ gaditavān, paśya, vayaṁ sarvvaṁ parityajya bhavataḥ paścādvarttinō 'bhavāma; vayaṁ kiṁ prāpsyāmaḥ?
28 And Iesus said vnto them, Verely I say to you, that when the Sonne of man shall sit in the throne of his maiestie, ye which folowed me in the regeneration, shall sit also vpon twelue thrones and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel.
tatō yīśuḥ kathitavān, yuṣmānahaṁ tathyaṁ vadāmi, yūyaṁ mama paścādvarttinō jātā iti kāraṇāt navīnasr̥ṣṭikālē yadā manujasutaḥ svīyaiścaryyasiṁhāsana upavēkṣyati, tadā yūyamapi dvādaśasiṁhāsanēṣūpaviśya isrāyēlīyadvādaśavaṁśānāṁ vicāraṁ kariṣyatha|
29 And whosoeuer shall forsake houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my Names sake, he shall receiue an hundreth folde more, and shall inherite euerlasting life. (aiōnios g166)
anyacca yaḥ kaścit mama nāmakāraṇāt gr̥haṁ vā bhrātaraṁ vā bhaginīṁ vā pitaraṁ vā mātaraṁ vā jāyāṁ vā bālakaṁ vā bhūmiṁ parityajati, sa tēṣāṁ śataguṇaṁ lapsyatē, anantāyumō'dhikāritvañca prāpsyati| (aiōnios g166)
30 But many that are first, shalbe last, and the last shalbe first.
kintu agrīyā anēkē janāḥ paścāt, paścātīyāścānēkē lōkā agrē bhaviṣyanti|

< Matthew 19 >