< Matthew 14 >

1 At that time Herod the Tetrarche heard of the fame of Iesus,
Uganiya me ugomo hiridus antitas makunna abanga a yeso.
2 And sayde vnto his seruaunts, This is that Iohn Baptist, hee is risen againe from the deade, and therefore great woorkes are wrought by him.
Magun nanu aka tuma kameme yohana ubaptisma mani. A hirza me a hira ani wono, ine ini ya wuna mazin una bari u wuza uti mum tidandand.
3 For Herod had taken Iohn, and bounde him, and put him in prison for Herodias sake, his brother Philips wife.
I rusa hiridus mā meki yohana ma tirzizi me ma han me akura ani rer barki hirudiya, unee u henu u filibus.
4 For Iohn saide vnto him, It is not lawfull for thee to haue her.
Barki sa mā buki me idda rizi me ma wuzi anya nan Hirudiya ba usuro u, inko utize.
5 And when hee woulde haue put him to death, hee feared the multitude, because they counted him as a Prophet.
Hiridus ma nyari uhuna ume, ma kunna biyau barki sa anu wa ziki me unu kurzuzo utize ta Asere mani.
6 But when Herods birth day was kept, the daughter of Herodias daunced before them, and pleased Herod.
Sa uwui uyo uhiridus wa kete uca u hirudiya ma wuzi morso anyumo anu Hiridus ma kunna urunta kang.
7 Wherefore he promised with an othe, that he would giue her whatsoeuer she would aske.
Ma inki me tize nan itono agi madi nyame vat imum me sa ma ikmo.
8 And shee being before instructed of her mother, sayde, Giue mee here Iohn Baptists head in a platter.
A ino me gun uca me ma nyame nice yohana unu baptisma a'ana me ayumo iso.
9 And the King was sorie: neuerthelesse because of the othe, and them that sate with him at the table, he commanded it to be giuen her,
Ugomo ma wu apuru abid, barki itono sa mamu wuza anyimo anu ma gu anyame.
10 And sent, and beheaded Iohn in the prison.
Ma tuburko akura anirere me a ha aka yoro nice ni yohana.
11 And his head was brought in a platter, and giuen to the maide, and shee brought it vnto her mother.
A en nice me anyumo iso a nya uca me maka nya a ino me.
12 And his disciples came, and tooke vp the bodie, and buried it, and went, and tolde Iesus.
Anu tarsa ume me wa ziki ikizi me waka vatti wa ha wa ka buka yeso.
13 And when Iesus heard it, hee departed thence by shippe into a desert place apart. And when the multitude had heard it, they followed him on foote out of the cities.
Sa yeso makunna ani me ma ribe uzirgi umei ma kata a ara hira sa madi cukuno in sisin me. Anu ati pinpin sassas wa tarsi me ati buna.
14 And Iesus went foorth and sawe a great multitude, and was mooued with compassion toward them, and he healed their sicke.
Sa ma tuno uzirgi me ma iri anu wa orno gbardang ma kunna ugogoni uwe ma hunzan are ana tikoni.
15 And when euen was come, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desart place, and the time is alreadie past: let the multitude depart, that they may goe into the townes, and bye them vitailes.
Sa uwunjoro wawuna anu tarsa ume me wa ka kem me wa gun me uwui wa mara ceki anu wa ka nyara ace awe imum yare ati hihira.
16 But Iesus saide to them, They haue no neede to goe away: giue yee them to eate.
Yeso magu, “Dakiya cukunnu gbass wa dusa ba, nyani we ire ium wa dusa ba, nyari we ire imum wari.”
17 Then saide they vnto him, Wee haue here but fiue loaues, and two fishes.
Wa gun me ubiredi unu cibi uni tizin nan icere ini ire cass.
18 And he saide, Bring them hither to me.
Yeso ma gu nyani mi.
19 And hee commanded the multitude to sit downe on the grasse, and tooke the fiue loaues and the two fishes, and looked vp to heauen and blessed, and brake, and gaue the loaues to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
Yeso ma gun nanu me wa cuku ati kpe. Ma ziki ubiredi unu cibi nan ni cere ini ire me, ma yese aje aseseri ma ringirka ma pussi ubiredi me ma nya anu tarsa ume me wa nya niura na nume.
20 And they did all eate, and were sufficed, and they tooke vp of the fragments that remained, twelue baskets full.
Vat wa re wa tii, wa orre ukasi me umyinca mugira belum.
21 And they that had eaten, were about fiue thousande men, beside women and litle children.
Anu sa wa re wa biki aru cibi ahana aruma sarki ane nan ahana.
22 And straightway Iesus compelled his disciples to enter into a shippe, and to goe ouer before him, while he sent the multitude away.
Sa wa mara yeso ma wu anu tarsa umeme wa ribe uzirgi mei bati wa kuri nikira, ma tonno bati ma gun we wa dusa.
23 And assoone as hee had sent the multitude away, he went vp into a moutaine alone to pray: and when the euening was come, hee was there alone.
Sa ma gunna we wa dusa ma nyene ani pana in nice nume uwuna ubiringara. A hira abee a me abini me in sisin me.
24 And the shippe was nowe in the middes of the sea, and was tossed with waues: for it was a contrarie winde.
Uganiya me sa uzirgi me wa biki atii uraba udandang, i barka imei nun zuro uzirgime, upebu in nishina nan we.
25 And in the fourth watch of the night, Iesus went vnto them, walking on the sea.
In na rumu a taru aniye wa iri yeso ma haka asesere a mei me tantu aye ukem uwe.
26 And when his disciples sawe him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit, and cried out for feare.
Sa anu tarse umeme wa ira me in tannu asesere amei wa kunna biyau wa gu, “Imoli ini,” barki biyau wa wu uhunu.
27 But straight way Iesus spake vnto them, saying, Be of good comfort, It is I: be not afraide.
Yeso ma buki we tize dibedibe ma gun we, “Katti ikunna biyau ba in mani natani muruba.”
28 Then Peter answered him, and saide, Master, if it be thou, bid me come vnto thee on the water.
Bitrus ma kabirka ma gun me “Ingi homani ugomo Asere wuna in ee ikem we asesere amei me.
29 And he saide, Come. And when Peter was come downe out of the shippe, he walked on the water, to goe to Iesus.
Yeso ma gun me, “Aye.” Sa Bitrus ma suro anumo uzirgi me, ma tunguno tanu asesere amei tantu ka kem u yeso.
30 But when he sawe a mightie winde, he was afraide: and as he began to sinke, he cried, saying, Master, saue me.
Sa Bitrus ma ira upebu me ma kunna biyau ma tubi upirsa ma wu uhunu ma gun, ''Ugomo Asere buram.”
31 So immediatly Iesus stretched foorth his hande, and caught him, and saide to him, O thou of litle faith, wherefore diddest thou doubt?
Yeso ma witti tari, dibedibe ma meki me ma gun me'' Hu unu hem ucin nyanini ya wuna we uhara iruba?
32 And assoone as they were come into the ship, the winde ceased.
Sa yeso nan Bitrus wa rube uzirgi me upebu me u tunno.
33 Then they that were in the ship, came and worshipped him, saying, Of a trueth thou art the Sonne of God.
An de sa wa rani uzirgime wa nonzo Yeso wa gun me, “Kadundura hu vana Asere mani.”
34 And when they were come ouer, they came into the land of Gennezaret.
Sa wa kafa wa tu a manyanga mu jansarat.
35 And when the men of that place knewe him, they sent out into all that countrey rounde about, and brought vnto him all that were sicke,
Sa ana nipin me wa rusa yeso mani wa tuni vat ana nyaga me a een na nu ati koni.
36 And besought him, that they might touch the hemme of his garment onely: and as many as touched it, were made whole.
Wa ikki me ca w dari udibi ume me, vat de sa maz dāri ma huma.

< Matthew 14 >