< Matthew 12 >
1 At that time Iesus went on a Sabbath day through ye corne, and his disciples were an hungred, and bega to plucke ye eares of corne and to eate.
Pabusuba bwa Sabata, bwakupumwina kwa Bayuda, Yesu walikapita mu libala lya maila pamo ne beshikwiya, beshikwiya bakendi balanyumfwa nsala, neco balatatika kuningula ngala sha maila ne kushilya.
2 And when the Pharises sawe it, they saide vnto him, Beholde, thy disciples doe that which is not lawfull to doe vpon the Sabbath.
Mpobalaboneco Bafalisi, Yesu balamwambileti, “Kamubonani ncobalenshinga beshikwiya benu pabusuba bwa Sabata cabula kusuminishiwa ne Mulawo”
3 But he said vnto them, Haue ye not read what Dauid did when he was an hungred, and they that were with him?
Nendi walabambileti, “Sena muliya kubelengapo ncalensa Dafeti, mpwalanyumfwa nsala pamo ne banendi mbwalikuba nabo?
4 Howe he entred into ye house of God, and did eate the shewe bread, which was not lawfull for him to eate, neither for them which were with him, but onely for the Priestes?
Ntepasa walakengila mu Ng'anda ya Lesa, kuya kulya shinkwa wishikubengwa kuli Lesa ico calikuba catonda, nkabalikuba basuminishiwa ne mulawo kulya shinkwa uyo sobwe, nsombi beshimilumbo.
5 Or haue ye not read in the Lawe, how that on the Sabbath dayes the Priestes in the Temple breake the Sabbath, and are blameles?
Mpani muliya kubelengapo mu Milawo kwambeti, beshimilumbo nabo balikupwaya mulawo pabusuba bwa Sabata ne kuboneketi baliya mulandu.
6 But I say vnto you, that here is one greater then the Temple.
Cakubinga ndamwambilishingeti, mpwali pano wapita Ng'anda ya Lesa.
7 Wherefore if ye knewe what this is, I will haue mercie, and not sacrifice, ye would not haue condemned the innocents.
Nshinga nemucishi bupandulushi bwa Maswi a Lesa alambangeti, ‘Nkandayandangeti bantu bampe milumbo sobwe, nsombi ndayandangeti bantu benshilenga nkumbo kubanabo. nsuni nkumbo, kupita milumbo, anu ne mutambili bantu babula bwipishi eti bakute bwipishi,’
8 For the sonne of man is Lord, euen of the Sabbath.
Pakwinga Mwana Muntu emwine busuba bwa Sabata.”
9 And he departed thence, and went into their Synagogue:
Mpwalafumapo Yesu walakengila mu ng'anda yakupaililamo,
10 And beholde, there was a man which had his hand dried vp. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawfull to heale vpon a Sabbath day? that they might accuse him.
Umo mwalikuba muntu watontola cikasa, bantu nabambi balikuyanda pakumucaninapo mulandu wakumubepeshela Yesu, balamwipusheti, “Sena Milawo yasuminisha kusengula muntu pabusuba bwa Sabata?”
11 And he said vnto the, What man shall there be among you, that hath a sheepe, and if it fal on a Sabbath day into a pit, doth not take it and lift it out?
Nendi Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Niyani palinjamwe ukute kambelele kamowa, welela kubula kukatampula kawila mucisengu pa busuba bwa Sabata?
12 How much more then is a man better then a sheepe? therefore, it is lawfull to doe well on a Sabbath day.
Nomba muntu ntewapita mbelele! Na nico ekwambeti Milawo yasuminisha kwinsa byaina pabusuba bwa Sabata.”
13 Then said he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it foorth, and it was made whole as the other.
Neco walamwambila usa muntu, “Tandabula cikasa cakobe!” Nendi walatandabula, popelapo cikasa cakendi calaba cena mbuli cinendi.
14 Then the Pharises went out, and consulted against him, howe they might destroy him.
Popelapo basa Bafalisi balapula kuya kupangana mobelela kumushinina Yesu.
15 But whe Iesus knew it, he departed thece, and great multitudes folowed him, and he healed the al,
Yesu mpwalanyumfweti balapangananga, walafumamo. Abo bantu bonse balikumukonkela walikubasengula malwashi onse.
16 And charged them in threatning wise, that they should not make him knowen,
Nomba nendi walabakonkomesha kwambeti, kabatamuyubululanga,
17 That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Esaias the Prophet, saying,
walenseco kwambeti ncalamba Lesa kumushinshimi wakendi Yesaya cikwanilishiwe cakwambeti,
18 Behold my seruant whom I haue chosen, my beloued in whom my soule deliteth: I wil put my Spirit on him, and he shall shewe iudgement to the Gentiles.
“kamubonani, musebenshi wakame uyu ngondalasala, Ndimusuni, moyo wakame wakondwa nendi, Ninkabike Mushimu mulyendiye. Nendi nakakambaukenga shalombolosho kubantu ba mishobo naimbi,
19 He shall not striue, nor crie, neither shall any man heare his voyce in the streetes.
Nteti akatotekepo, nambi kompolola sobwe, Paliya muntu eti akanyumfwepo liswi akendi munshila sha muminshi,
20 A bruised reede shall he not breake, and smoking flaxe shall he not quenche, till he bring forth iudgement vnto victorie.
Nendi nteti akatyokole litete lyomfwama, nambi kushima muniko ulayandanga kushimika, mpaka cancinencine cikakwane,
21 And in his Name shall the Gentiles trust.
Kupembelela kwa bantu bonse nikukabikwe mu lina lyakendi.”
22 Then was brought to him one, possessed with a deuill, both blind, and dumme, and he healed him, so that he which was blind and dumme, both spake and saw.
Panyuma pakendi bantu balaleta muntu washipilwa, kayi utacikonsho kwamba wekatwa ne mishimu yaipa, Yesu walamusengula, walatatika kwamba ne kubona cena.
23 And all the people were amased, and saide, Is not this that sonne of Dauid?
Bantu bangi balakankamana kabambeti, “Sena uyu nte mwanendi Dafeti?”
24 But when the Pharises heard it, they saide, This man casteth the deuils no otherwise out, but through Beelzebub the prince of deuils.
Nomba Bafalisi mpobalanyumfweco balambeti, “Sobwe, ngofu shakupulisha mishimu yaipa lashifulunga kuli belezebulu mukulene wa mishimu yaipa.”
25 But Iesus knew their thoughtes, and said to them, Euery kingdome deuided against it selfe, is brought to nought: and euery citie or house, deuided against it selfe, shall not stand.
Yesu mpwaleshiba ncebalikuyeya walabambileti, “Cishi ciliconse capansana mu makoto makoto ne kutatika kulwana, nkacela kwikalisha nsombi ngaconongeka. Nambi bantu mu munshi, ne mumikowa batatika kubukilana ne kulwana, uwo munshi nambi mukowa nkapelela kuba kunyumfwana sobwe.
26 So if Satan cast out Satan, he is deuided against himself: how shall then his kingdom endure?
Na bali mubwami bwa Satana kabapulishana palwabo bene, ekwambeti bapansana, inga bwami bwakendi Satana ngabuyumeconi?
27 Also if I through Beelzebub cast out deuils, by whom doe your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your iudges.
Na ame kamung'ambeti ndapulishinga mishimu yaipa ne ngofu sha belezebulu, inga beshikwiya benu balo balapulishinga mishimu yaipa ne ngofu shabani? Ecebo cakendi beshikwiya benu ebabanga bakamboni pacilubo cenu.
28 But if I cast out deuils by ye Spirit of God, then is the kingdome of God come vnto you.
Na ame ndapulishinga mishimu yaipa ne ngofu ya Mushimu wa Lesa, anu ekwambeti Lesa latatiki kubika Bwami bwakendi pakati penu.”
29 Els howe can a man enter into a strong mans house and spoyle his goods, except he first bind the strong man, and then spoile his house.
Paliya muntu welela kwingila mu ng'anda ya muntu wangofu kuya kumantamo buboni bwakendi, katanamusunga muntu wangofuyo. Enseco welela kuya kumantamo bintu mung'andomo.
30 He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth.
“Uyo labulunga kubela kulubasu lwakame latotekeshananga nenjame, uyo labulunga kunyamfwako kubunganya, nendi ni shikumwaya.
31 Wherefore I say vnto you, euery sinne and blasphemie shalbe forgiuen vnto men: but the blasphemie against the holy Ghost shall not be forgiuen vnto men.
Ecebo cakendi ndamwambilishingeti, Lesa nakalekelele bwipishi bonse, ne maswi aipa. Nomba ku muntu lanyanshanga Mushimu Uswepa, Lesa nteti akamulekelelepo.
32 And whosoeuer shall speake a word against the Sonne of man, it shall be forgiuen him: but whosoeuer shall speake against the holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiuen him, neither in this worlde, nor in the worlde to come. (aiōn )
Ni cimo cimo uliyense lambilinga Mwana Muntu maswi aipa, Lesa nakamulekeleleko, nomba uliyense lanyanshanga Mushimu Uswepa, Lesa nteti akamulekelelepo sobwe pacino cindi, nambi mucindi cakuntangu.” (aiōn )
33 Either make the tree good, and his fruite good: or els make the tree euill, and his fruite euil: for the tree is knowen by the fruite.
Na mwambeti citondo ici caina, ekwambeti ne bisepo byakendi byaina, kayi mwambeti, citondo ici caipa, ekwambeti ne bisepo byakendi byaipa, citondo cikute kwishibikwa kubisepo byakendi.
34 O generations of vipers, howe can you speake good things, when ye are euill? For of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Bana banjoka amwe! Ngamucikonsheconi kwamba byaina pakwinga mwaipa? Pakwinga mulomo ukute kwamba byesula mumoyo.
35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth foorth good things: and an euill man out of an euill treasure, bringeth forth euill things.
Muntu waina ukute kupulisha byaina kufuma pamulunda wa buboni bwakendi bwaina. Nendi muntu waipa ukute kupulisha byaipa kufuma pamulunda wa buboni bwakendi bwaipa.
36 But I say vnto you, that of euery idle word that men shall speake, they shall giue account thereof at the day of iudgement.
Ndamwambilishingeti pa busuba bwalombolosho, bantu ni bakacanike ne mulandu pa maswi abula kwelela ngobalikwamba,
37 For by thy wordes thou shalt be iustified, and by thy wordes thou shalt be condemned.
pakwinga nemaswi akobe nukacaniketi uliya mulandu, kayi maswi akobe nakakupeshe mulandu.
38 Then answered certaine of ye Scribes and of the Pharises, saying, Master, we would see a signe of thee.
Beshikwiyisha milawo ya Mose ne Bafalisi balamwambila Yesu eti, “Bashikwiyisha, tulayandanga mutulesheko cingashilo cishikukankamanisha.”
39 But he answered and said to them, An euill and adulterous generation seeketh a signe, but no signe shall be giuen vnto it, saue that signe of the Prophet Ionas.
Nomba nendi Yesu walambeti, Ha! Kwipa musemano uwu wabantu babula lushomo balayandanga kubona cingashilo cishikukankamanisha, Nomba nteti bakacibonepo sobwe cingashilo kupatulakowa cisa ca mushinshimi Yona.
40 For as Ionas was three daies and three nights in the whales belly: so shall the Sonne of man be three daies and three nights in ye heart of the earth.
Mbuli Yona usa ncalikuba mulibunda lya luswi lunene lusa masuba atatu, munshi ne mashiku, nendi Mwana Muntu na kabikwe panshi mubulongo masuba atatu, munshi ne mashiku.
41 The men of Nineue shall rise in iudgement with this generation, and condemne it: for they repented at the preaching of Ionas: and behold, a greater then Ionas is here.
Bantu baku Ninive, nibakapundukile pamo ne bantu ba musemanowu pa busuba bwa lombolosho, kwambeti bantu ba ku ninive bakabatotekeko, nte pasa balo balalapa mpobalanyumfwa kukambauka kwa Yona. Nsombi pano mpwali wapita Yona.
42 The Queene of the South shall rise in iudgement with this generation, and shall condemne it: for she came from the vtmost partes of the earth to heare the wisdome of Salomon: and beholde, a greater then Salomon is here.
Pa busuba bwalombolosho, mwami mutukashi waku Sheba nakapunduke pamo ne bantu bamusemanuwu, nakese akabatoteke. Pakwinga nendi walenda musuma, kwisa kunyumfwa kwamba kwa mano a mwami Solomoni, nomba pano pali wapita Solomoni.
43 Nowe when the vncleane spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh throughout drie places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
“Na mushimu waipa ulapulu mu muntu, ukute kuya kwendenda mucishi cabula menshi, kulangaula musena wakupumwininako, nomba nkaukute kucanika.
44 Then he saith, I wil returne into mine house from whence I came: and when he is come, he findeth it emptie, swept and garnished.
Neco ukute kwambeti, ndabwelenga kung'anda kwakame kusa nkondalapula, lino washika ukute ucana mung'anda musa muli tonto, mwapyangwa ne kubambwa cena.
45 Then he goeth, and taketh vnto him seuen other spirites worse then himselfe, and they enter in, and dwell there: and the ende of that man is worse then the beginning. Euen so shall it be with this wicked generation.
Ukute kuya kumanta mishimu inendi isanu ne ibili yaipa kupita walo, panyuma pakendi yonse ikute kuya kwingila ne kwikalilila mopelomo. Neco bwikalo bwa muntu uyo bukute kwipa kupita ncalikuba pakutanguna, nicikabeco kumusemanuwu waipa.”
46 While he yet spake to ye multitude, beholde, his mother, and his brethren stood without, desiring to speake with him.
Yesu kacamba ne bantu bangi basa, bakwabo ne banyina balashika, balemana pansa, balikuyanda kwambako nendi.
47 Then one said vnto him, Beholde, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speake with thee.
Lino muntu naumbi walakamwambila Yesu kwambeti, “Banyoko ne bakwenu bali apa pansa balayandanga kwambako ne njobe.”
48 But he answered, and said to him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?
Yesu walamukumbuleti, “Anu bama ni bani? Ne bakwetu nibani?”
49 And he stretched foorth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Beholde my mother and my brethren.
Mpwalambeco walatondeka kwalikuba beshikwiya bakendi ne kwambeti, Ame aba e Bama ne bakwetu,
50 For whosoeuer shall doe my Fathers will which is in heauen, the same is my brother and sister and mother.
Pakwinga uliyense lenshinga kuyanda kwa Bata ba kwilu, uyo emukwetu mutuloba, enkashi yakame, kayi e Bama.