< Matthew 12 >

1 At that time Iesus went on a Sabbath day through ye corne, and his disciples were an hungred, and bega to plucke ye eares of corne and to eate.
Madugi matung ikui kuidana nongma potthaba numit amada Jisuna mahei maronggi loubuk phaoduna chatlammi. Amasung Ibungogi tung-inbasing aduna mapuk lamladuna gehu charong heklaga chaba hourammi.
2 And when the Pharises sawe it, they saide vnto him, Beholde, thy disciples doe that which is not lawfull to doe vpon the Sabbath.
Aduga Pharisee-singna madu ubada Ibungoda hairak-i, “Yeng-u, nahakki tung-inbasingna potthaba numitta mahei-marong hektuna Wayel Yathang thugaire!”
3 But he said vnto them, Haue ye not read what Dauid did when he was an hungred, and they that were with him?
Maduda Jisuna khumlak-i, “David amadi mahakka loinabasingna mapuk lamlabada David-na kari toukhibage haiba adu nakhoina Mapugi puyada padabra?
4 Howe he entred into ye house of God, and did eate the shewe bread, which was not lawfull for him to eate, neither for them which were with him, but onely for the Priestes?
Matou karamna mahakna Mapugi sangda changduna mahak amasung mahakka loinabasing aduna purohitsing khaktana chaba yaba Tengban Mapuda katpa asengba tal adu chakhibage haibadu nakhoina padabra?
5 Or haue ye not read in the Lawe, how that on the Sabbath dayes the Priestes in the Temple breake the Sabbath, and are blameles?
Aduga Mapugi Sanglenda thougal touba purohitsingna potthaba numit khudinggi potthabagi wayel adu thugairabasu makhoi maral leite haiba adu nakhoina Moses-ki Wayel Yathangda padabara?
6 But I say vnto you, that here is one greater then the Temple.
Eina nakhoida hairibasini, Mapugi Sanglen asidagi henna chaoba ama mapham asida lei.
7 Wherefore if ye knewe what this is, I will haue mercie, and not sacrifice, ye would not haue condemned the innocents.
Aduga, ‘Eina pambadi chanbiheiba aduni, iratpot adu natte’ haiba Mapugi puyagi wa asigi wahanthok nakhoina khanglamlabadi, nakhoina maral leijadabasing adubu lalhallamloidabani.
8 For the sonne of man is Lord, euen of the Sabbath.
Maramdi Migi Machanupa adu potthaba numitki Mapuni.”
9 And he departed thence, and went into their Synagogue:
Adudagi Jisuna mapham adu thadoktuna makhoigi synagogue-ta chatlammi.
10 And beholde, there was a man which had his hand dried vp. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawfull to heale vpon a Sabbath day? that they might accuse him.
Mapham aduda makhut nama pangtha-sithaduna naba nupa ama leirammi. Aduga Jisubu maral piba yanaba Pharisee-sing aduna Jisuda hanglak-i, “Potthaba numitta anaba phahanbasi Moses-ki Wayel Yathangna yabara?”
11 And he said vnto the, What man shall there be among you, that hath a sheepe, and if it fal on a Sabbath day into a pit, doth not take it and lift it out?
Maduda Jisuna makhoida hairak-i, “Nakhoigi naraktagi kanagumba amagi yao ama potthaba numitta kom amada tarabadi, mahakna madubu paiduna loukhatloidra?
12 How much more then is a man better then a sheepe? therefore, it is lawfull to doe well on a Sabbath day.
Adu oirabadi mina yaodagi kayada henna mamal leiba helliba? Maram aduna, eikhoina potthaba numitta aphaba touba wayel yathangna yai.”
13 Then said he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it foorth, and it was made whole as the other.
Adudagi Ibungona makhut nama pangtha-sithaba nupa aduda hairak-i, “Nahakki nakhut adu tingthok-u.” Maduda nupa aduna makhut adu thingthokcharammi amasung makhut adu atoppa makhut nama adugumna pungpha phajare.
14 Then the Pharises went out, and consulted against him, howe they might destroy him.
Adudagi Pharisee-sing aduna chatkhiduna Jisubu karamna hatsige haiduna wa tanarammi.
15 But whe Iesus knew it, he departed thece, and great multitudes folowed him, and he healed the al,
Adubu Jisuna madu khangbadagi mapham adudagi chatthokkhirammi. Aduga yamlaba miyamna Ibungogi tung injarammi. Amasung Ibungona makhoi pumnamakki anaba phahanbirammi,
16 And charged them in threatning wise, that they should not make him knowen,
Adubu mahakki maramda mi kanadasu haidokkanu haiduna makhoida yathang pirammi.
17 That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Esaias the Prophet, saying,
Masi Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpa maichou Isaiah-na haikhiba wa adu thungnanabani:
18 Behold my seruant whom I haue chosen, my beloued in whom my soule deliteth: I wil put my Spirit on him, and he shall shewe iudgement to the Gentiles.
“Yeng-u, eina khandoklaba eigi inai, Eigi thawaina penjariba, eigi nungsithoiraba. Eina mahakki mathakta eigi thawai pibigani, Amasung mahakna atoppa phurupsingda eigi achumba wayel laothokkani.
19 He shall not striue, nor crie, neither shall any man heare his voyce in the streetes.
Mahakna khatna-cheinabasu touroi, lao khongbasu touroi, Aduga lambisingda kananasu mahakki khonjel taroi.
20 A bruised reede shall he not breake, and smoking flaxe shall he not quenche, till he bring forth iudgement vnto victorie.
Puraktriphaoba mahakna, achumba wayelna lanngambadu, Thudekloi mahakna, kontharaba singwutpu, Mutthatloi mahakna, mutsi mutsi chakliba thaomeibu,
21 And in his Name shall the Gentiles trust.
Aduga Ibungo mahakki mingda, thamjagani asa mipum khudingmakna.”
22 Then was brought to him one, possessed with a deuill, both blind, and dumme, and he healed him, so that he which was blind and dumme, both spake and saw.
Adudagi mi kharana mamit tangba aduga marolsu thoktaba lai phattaba changba nupa amabu Jisugi nakta purakle. Aduga Jisuna mahakpu phahanbiduna mahakna wa ngangba amasung uba ngamjare.
23 And all the people were amased, and saide, Is not this that sonne of Dauid?
Maduda miyam pumnamak aduna ngaklduna hairak-i, “Mahak asibu David-ki Machanupa adu oigadouribra?”
24 But when the Pharises heard it, they saide, This man casteth the deuils no otherwise out, but through Beelzebub the prince of deuils.
Adubu touribasing adu tarabada Pharisee-singna hairak-i, “Mahakna phattaba thawaibu tanthokpa natte, adubu lai phattabasinggi mapu Satan-gi mapanna tanthokpani.”
25 But Iesus knew their thoughtes, and said to them, Euery kingdome deuided against it selfe, is brought to nought: and euery citie or house, deuided against it selfe, shall not stand.
Maduda Jisuna makhoina khalliba adu khangladuna makhoida hairak-i, “Leibak manungda tokhai tokhai tanaduna amaga amaga khatnaduna leiriba leibak khudingmak mang takkani. Aduga tokhai tokhai tanaba sahar nattraga imung khudingmak amata oina kuina leptuna leiba ngamloi.
26 So if Satan cast out Satan, he is deuided against himself: how shall then his kingdom endure?
Aduga Satan-na Satan-bu tanthoklabadi, mahak masamakki manungda tokhai tajare. Adu oirabadi mahakki leibak adu karamna panba ngamgadage.
27 Also if I through Beelzebub cast out deuils, by whom doe your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your iudges.
Aduga eina Beelzebul-gi mapanna lai phattaba tanthoklabadi, nahakki misingnadi kanagi mapanna makhoibu tanthokpage? Maram aduna nahak nasamakki tung-inbasingna nahak lali haibadu utchare.
28 But if I cast out deuils by ye Spirit of God, then is the kingdome of God come vnto you.
Adubu Tengban Mapugi Thawaigi mapanna eina lai phattabasingbu tanthoklabadi, Tengban Mapugi leibak adu nakhoigi nathakta laklabani.
29 Els howe can a man enter into a strong mans house and spoyle his goods, except he first bind the strong man, and then spoile his house.
“Aduga panggal kanba nupa amabu haanna punduna phajinba nattanadi kanana mahakki yumda changduna mahakki mapot macheisingdu munduna lougadage? Mahakna nupa adubu pullaba matung khaktada mahakki mapot macheisingdu munduna puba ngamgani.
30 He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth.
“Eibu yadaba mahak aduna eigi mayokta lei; aduga eiga loinana khomjinbagi thabak touminnadaba mahak aduna madubu chaikhai.
31 Wherefore I say vnto you, euery sinne and blasphemie shalbe forgiuen vnto men: but the blasphemie against the holy Ghost shall not be forgiuen vnto men.
Maram aduna eina nakhoida hairibasini, pap khuding amasung thina ngangba khudingmakpu kokpigani; adubu kanagumbana Thawai Asengbagi mathakta thina nganglabadi mahakpu kokpiroi.
32 And whosoeuer shall speake a word against the Sonne of man, it shall be forgiuen him: but whosoeuer shall speake against the holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiuen him, neither in this worlde, nor in the worlde to come. (aiōn g165)
Aduga Migi Machanupa adugi mathakta wa ngangba mahak adubu kokpigani, adubu Thawai Asengbagi mathakta ngangba mahak adubu houjikki mirol asidasu aduga lakkadaba miroldasu kokpiroi. (aiōn g165)
33 Either make the tree good, and his fruite good: or els make the tree euill, and his fruite euil: for the tree is knowen by the fruite.
“Upal amagi masak mahakna palliba mahei aduna tak-i. Upal aduna pharabadi mahakki mahei adusu phagani adubu upal aduna phattrabadi mahakki mahei adusu pharoi.
34 O generations of vipers, howe can you speake good things, when ye are euill? For of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
He lilgi chada-naodasa, nakhoina phattaba mi oiraga karamna nakhoina aphaba wa nganggani? Maramdi thamoinungda thanna leiribasing adu chinbalna ngangthok-i.
35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth foorth good things: and an euill man out of an euill treasure, bringeth forth euill things.
Aphaba mina mahakki aphaba thamoigi pukeidagi aphaba adu puthok-i, aduga phattaba mina mahakki phattaba thamoigi pukeidagi phattaba adu puthok-i.
36 But I say vnto you, that of euery idle word that men shall speake, they shall giue account thereof at the day of iudgement.
“Aduga eina nakhoida hairibasini madudi nakhoina ngangkhiba warem khudingmakki maram nakhoina wayenbagi numit aduda pigadabani.
37 For by thy wordes thou shalt be iustified, and by thy wordes thou shalt be condemned.
Maramdi nahakna ngangkhiba waheising adugi matung-inna nahakpu chumhanbigani nattraga nahakpu lalhan-gani.”
38 Then answered certaine of ye Scribes and of the Pharises, saying, Master, we would see a signe of thee.
Adudagi nongma Wayel Yathanggi oja khara amadi Pharisee-sing kharana Jisugi nakta laklaga hairak-i, “Oja nangondagi eikhoina angakpa khudam khara uning-i.”
39 But he answered and said to them, An euill and adulterous generation seeketh a signe, but no signe shall be giuen vnto it, saue that signe of the Prophet Ionas.
Maduda Jisuna makhoida khumlak-i, “Phattaba amadi thajaba yadaba mironna angakpa khudam thi! Adubu Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpa maichou Jonah-gi khudam adu nattana atoppa khudam amata nakhoida piroi.
40 For as Ionas was three daies and three nights in the whales belly: so shall the Sonne of man be three daies and three nights in ye heart of the earth.
Maramdi Jonah-na achouba nga adugi puknungda ahing ahum nungthil ahum leikhibagum, Migi Machanupa adunasu malem leisanungda ahing ahum nugthil ahum leigani.
41 The men of Nineue shall rise in iudgement with this generation, and condemne it: for they repented at the preaching of Ionas: and behold, a greater then Ionas is here.
Amasung wayenbagi numitta Nineveh-gi misingna ngasigi miron asiga lepminnagani aduga miron asibu lalhan-gani. Maramdi Jonah-na pao sandokpa matamda makhoina paptagi pukning hongjakhi; aduga eina nakhoida hairi madudi Jonah-dagi henna chaoba ama mapham asida leiri!
42 The Queene of the South shall rise in iudgement with this generation, and shall condemne it: for she came from the vtmost partes of the earth to heare the wisdome of Salomon: and beholde, a greater then Salomon is here.
Aduga wayenba numitta Sheba leibakki leimarembina ngasigi miron asiga lepminnagani aduga miron asibu lalhan-gani; maramdi mahakna ningthou Solomon-gi lousinggi wa tanaba mahakki laplaba maramdamdagi lakkhi; aduga eina nakhoida tasengnamak hairi madudi Solomon-dagi henna chaoba ama mapham asida leiri adubu nakhoina tade!
43 Nowe when the vncleane spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh throughout drie places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
“Phattaba thawai amana mi amadagi thoklakpa matamda mahakna potthapham thiduna leikanglagi maphamsingda koina chatli. Aduga mahakna mapham phangdrabada,
44 Then he saith, I wil returne into mine house from whence I came: and when he is come, he findeth it emptie, swept and garnished.
mathanta asumna haijei, ‘Eina thoklakkhiba yum aduda ei amuk hallage.’ Aduga mahakna hallakpa matamda yumdu ihang hangna, sittok-sengdoktuna ningthina thamlamba adu ure.
45 Then he goeth, and taketh vnto him seuen other spirites worse then himselfe, and they enter in, and dwell there: and the ende of that man is worse then the beginning. Euen so shall it be with this wicked generation.
Adudagi mahakna amuk chatkhiduna mangondagi henna phattaba thawai taret purakle, aduga makhoina mi aduda changduna mapham aduda leire. Aduga mi adugi akonbagi phibam adu hanna oiramba phibam adudagi yamna henna phalaktre. Matou asumna phattaba miron asidasu oigani.”
46 While he yet spake to ye multitude, beholde, his mother, and his brethren stood without, desiring to speake with him.
Adudagi Jisuna miyam aduda wa nganglingeida, mahakki mama amasung machin manaosingna mangonda wa khara hainingbadagi mapanda leptuna leirammi.
47 Then one said vnto him, Beholde, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speake with thee.
Aduga kanagumba amana Ibungoda hairak-i, “Yengbiyu, Ibungogi ima amasung inaosingna Ibungoda wa hainingbadagi mapanda leptuna leiri.”
48 But he answered, and said to him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?
Maduda Ibungona nupa aduda hairak-i, “Eigi ima kanano? Aduga eigi ichin- inaosing haibasina kanabuno?”
49 And he stretched foorth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Beholde my mother and my brethren.
Adudagi Ibungona mahakki tung-inbasingda khut thilladuna hairak-i, “Yeng-u! Makhoising asi eigi ima amasung eigi ichin inaosingni!
50 For whosoeuer shall doe my Fathers will which is in heauen, the same is my brother and sister and mother.
Maramdi swargada leiriba Ipagi aningba touriba makhoising adu eigi ichin-inao, iche-ichan amasung eigi imani.”

< Matthew 12 >