< Mark 3 >

1 And he entred againe into ye Synagogue, and there was a man which had a withered had.
Wasebuya engena esinagogeni, njalo kwakukhona lapho umuntu olesandla esitshwabheneyo.
2 And they watched him, whether he would heale him on the Sabbath day, that they might accuse him.
Basebemqaphela ukuthi uzamsilisa ngesabatha, ukuze bambeke icala.
3 Then he saide vnto the man which had the withered hand, Arise: stand forth in the middes.
Wasesithi kumuntu olesandla esitshwabheneyo: Sukuma uye phakathi.
4 And he saide to them, Is it lawfull to doe a good deede on the Sabbath day, or to doe euil? to saue the life, or to kill? But they held their peace.
Wathi kubo: Kuvunyelwe yini ngamasabatha ukwenza okulungileyo, kumbe ukwenza okubi? Ukusindisa impilo, kumbe ukubulala? Kodwa bathula.
5 Then hee looked rounde about on them angerly, mourning also for the hardnesse of their hearts, and saide to the man, Stretch foorth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hande was restored, as whole as the other.
Wasebathalaza ngokuthukuthela, edabukile ngobulukhuni benhliziyo yabo, wathi kumuntu: Yelula isandla sakho. Waselula, isandla sakhe sasesisiliswa saphila njengesinye.
6 And the Pharises departed, and straightway gathered a councill with the Herodians against him, that they might destroy him.
Basebephuma abaFarisi bahle bacebisana labakaHerodi bemelane laye, ukuthi bangambulala njani.
7 But Iesus auoided with his disciples to the sea: and a great multitude followed him from Galile, and from Iudea,
Kodwa uJesu wasuka wahamba labafundi bakhe ngaselwandle; ixuku elikhulu laselimlandela livela eGalili, leJudiya;
8 And from Ierusalem, and from Idumea, and beyonde Iordan: and they that dwelled about Tyrus and Sidon, when they had heard what great things he did, came vnto him in great number.
leJerusalema, leIdumiya, langaphetsheya kweJordani, labemimangweni yeTire leSidoni, ixuku elikhulu, selizwile izinto ezinkulu abezenza, leza kuye.
9 And he commanded his disciples, that a litle shippe should waite for him, because of the multitude, lest they shoulde throng him.
Wasetshela abafundi bakhe ukuthi umkolo umlindele ngenxa yexuku, ukuze lingamcindezeli.
10 For hee had healed many, in so much that they preassed vpon him to touch him, as many as had plagues.
Ngoba wayesilisa abanengi, baze bawela phezu kwakhe bonke abalezifo, ukuze bamthinte.
11 And when the vncleane spirits sawe him, they fel downe before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Sonne of God.
Njalo omoya abangcolileyo, lapho bembona, babesiwa phansi phambi kwakhe, bakhale besithi: Wena uyiNdodana kaNkulunkulu.
12 And he sharply rebuked them, to the ende they should not vtter him.
Wasebalayisisa kakhulu ukuthi bangamvezi.
13 Then hee went vp into a mountaine, and called vnto him whome he woulde, and they came vnto him.
Wasesenyukela entabeni, wabizela kuye labo ayebafuna yena; basebesiza kuye.
14 And hee appoynted twelue that they should be with him, and that he might send them to preache,
Wasemisa abalitshumi lambili, ukuze babe laye, lokuze abathume ukuyatshumayela,
15 And that they might haue power to heale sicknesses, and to cast out deuils.
futhi babe lamandla okwelapha imikhuhlane, lawokukhupha amadimoni.
16 And the first was Simon, and hee named Simon, Peter,
LoSimoni wamutha ibizo lokuthi nguPetro;
17 Then Iames the sonne of Zebedeus, and Iohn Iames brother (and surnamed them Boanerges, which is, the sonnes of thunder, )
loJakobe okaZebediya, loJohane umfowabo kaJakobe; wabatha amabizo wathi ngoBowanegesi, okuyikuthi: Amadodana omdumo;
18 And Andrew, and Philippe, and Bartlemew, and Matthewe, and Thomas, and Iames, the sonne of Alpheus, and Thaddeus, and Simon the Cananite,
loAndreya, loFiliphu, loBartolomewu, loMathewu, loTomasi, loJakobe okaAlfewu, loTadewu, loSimoni umKhanani,
19 And Iudas Iscariot, who also betraied him, and they came home.
loJudasi uIskariyothi, laye owamnikelayo. Basebengena endlini.
20 And the multitude assembled againe, so that they could not so much as eate bread.
Ixuku laselibuthana futhi, kwaze kwathi bona abasazange benelise lokudla isinkwa.
21 And when his kinsfolkes heard of it, they went out to laie hold on him: for they sayde that he was beside himselfe.
Kwathi abakibo sebezwile lokhu baphuma ukuyambamba; ngoba bathi: Uyahlanya.
22 And the Scribes which came downe from Hierusalem, saide, He hath Beelzebub, and through the prince of the deuils he casteth out deuils.
Lababhali abavela eJerusalema bathi: UloBhelezebhule, lokuthi: Ukhupha amadimoni ngenkosi yamadimoni.
23 But he called them vnto him, and said vnto them in parables, How can Satan driue out Satan?
Wasebabizela kuye, wathi kubo ngemifanekiso: USathane angakhupha njani uSathane?
24 For if a kingdome bee deuided against it selfe, that kingdome can not stand.
Futhi uba umbuso wehlukene umelene lawo ngokwawo, lowombuso ungeme.
25 Or if a house bee deuided against it selfe, that house can not continue.
Lendlu uba yehlukene imelana layo ngokwayo, leyondlu ingeme.
26 So if Satan make insurrection against himselfe, and be deuided, hee can not endure but is at an ende.
LoSathane uba ezivukela yena, ahlukane, angeme, kodwa uyaphela.
27 No man can enter into a strong mans house, and take away his goods, except hee first binde that strong man, and then spoyle his house.
Kakho ongangena endlini yesiqhwaga, aphange impahla yaso, uba engasibophi isiqhwaga kuqala, abesephanga indlu yaso.
28 Verely I say vnto you, all sinnes shalbe forgiuen vnto the children of men, and blasphemies, wherewith they blaspheme:
Ngiqinisile ngithi kini: Zonke izono zizathethelelwa kubantwana babantu, lezinhlamba loba ziphi abahlambaza ngazo;
29 But hee that blasphemeth against the holy Ghost, shall neuer haue forgiuenesse, but is culpable of eternall damnation. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
kodwa loba ngubani ohlambaza emelene loMoya oyiNgcwele, kalakuthethelelwa lanini, kodwa ulecala lokulahlwa okulaphakade; (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
30 Because they saide, Hee had an vncleane spirit.
ngoba bathi: Ulomoya ongcolileyo.
31 Then came his brethren and mother, and stoode without, and sent vnto him, and called him.
Kwasekufika abafowabo lonina, bema ngaphandle bathumela kuye, bembiza.
32 And the people sate about him, and they said vnto him, Beholde, thy mother, and thy brethren seeke for thee without.
Njalo ixuku lalihlezi limphahlile; basebesithi kuye: Khangela, unyoko labafowenu baphandle bayakudinga.
33 But hee answered them, saying, Who is my mother and my brethren?
Wasebaphendula wathi: Ngubani umama kumbe abafowethu?
34 And hee looked rounde about on them, which sate in compasse about him, and saide, Beholde my mother and my brethren.
Wasethalaza labo ababehlezi bemphahlile, wathi: Khangelani umama labafowethu.
35 For whosoeuer doeth the will of God, he is my brother, and my sister, and mother.
Ngoba loba ngubani owenza intando kaNkulunkulu, nguye ongumfowethu lodadewethu lomama.

< Mark 3 >