< Mark 2 >
1 After a fewe dayes, hee entred into Capernaum againe, and it was noysed that he was in the house.
tadanantaraṁ yīśai katipayadināni vilambya punaḥ kapharnāhūmnagaraṁ praviṣṭe sa gṛha āsta iti kiṁvadantyā tatkṣaṇaṁ tatsamīpaṁ bahavo lokā āgatya samupatasthuḥ,
2 And anon, many gathered together, in so much that the places about the doore coulde not receiue any more and he preached the word vnto them.
tasmād gṛhamadhye sarvveṣāṁ kṛte sthānaṁ nābhavad dvārasya caturdikṣvapi nābhavat, tatkāle sa tān prati kathāṁ pracārayāñcakre|
3 And there came vnto him, that brought one sicke of the palsie, borne of foure men.
tataḥ paraṁ lokāścaturbhi rmānavairekaṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ vāhayitvā tatsamīpam āninyuḥ|
4 And because they could not come neere vnto him for the multitude, they vncouered ye roofe of the house where hee was: and when they had broken it open, they let downe the bed, wherein the sicke of the palsie lay.
kintu janānāṁ bahutvāt taṁ yīśoḥ sammukhamānetuṁ na śaknuvanto yasmin sthāne sa āste taduparigṛhapṛṣṭhaṁ khanitvā chidraṁ kṛtvā tena mārgeṇa saśayyaṁ pakṣāghātinam avarohayāmāsuḥ|
5 Nowe when Iesus sawe their faith, he saide to the sicke of the palsie, Sonne, thy sinnes are forgiuen thee.
tato yīśusteṣāṁ viśvāsaṁ dṛṣṭvā taṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ babhāṣe he vatsa tava pāpānāṁ mārjanaṁ bhavatu|
6 And there were certaine of the Scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts,
tadā kiyanto'dhyāpakāstatropaviśanto manobhi rvitarkayāñcakruḥ, eṣa manuṣya etādṛśīmīśvaranindāṁ kathāṁ kutaḥ kathayati?
7 Why doeth this man speake such blasphemies? who can forgiue sinnes, but God onely?
īśvaraṁ vinā pāpāni mārṣṭuṁ kasya sāmarthyam āste?
8 And immediatly when Iesus perceiued in his spirite, that thus they reasoned with themselues, he sayde vnto them, Why reason yee these things in your hearts?
itthaṁ te vitarkayanti yīśustatkṣaṇaṁ manasā tad budvvā tānavadad yūyamantaḥkaraṇaiḥ kuta etāni vitarkayatha?
9 Whether is it easier to say to the sicke of the palsie, Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee? or to say, Arise, and take vp thy bed, and walke?
tadanantaraṁ yīśustatsthānāt punaḥ samudrataṭaṁ yayau; lokanivahe tatsamīpamāgate sa tān samupadideśa|
10 But that ye may knowe, that the Sonne of man hath authoritie in earth to forgiue sinnes, (he sayde vnto the sicke of the palsie.)
kintu pṛthivyāṁ pāpāni mārṣṭuṁ manuṣyaputrasya sāmarthyamasti, etad yuṣmān jñāpayituṁ (sa tasmai pakṣāghātine kathayāmāsa)
11 I say vnto thee, Arise and take vp thy bed, and get thee hence into thine owne house.
uttiṣṭha tava śayyāṁ gṛhītvā svagṛhaṁ yāhi, ahaṁ tvāmidam ājñāpayāmi|
12 And by and by he arose, and tooke vp his bed, and went foorth before them all, in so much that they were all amased, and glorified God, saying, We neuer sawe such a thing.
tataḥ sa tatkṣaṇam utthāya śayyāṁ gṛhītvā sarvveṣāṁ sākṣāt jagāma; sarvve vismitā etādṛśaṁ karmma vayam kadāpi nāpaśyāma, imāṁ kathāṁ kathayitveśvaraṁ dhanyamabruvan|
13 Then he went foorth againe towarde the sea, and all the people resorted vnto him, and he taught them.
tadanantaraṁ yīśustatsthānāt punaḥ samudrataṭaṁ yayau; lokanivahe tatsamīpamāgate sa tān samupadideśa|
14 And as Iesus passed by, hee sawe Leui the sonne of Alpheus sit at the receit of custome, and said vnto him, Folowe me. And he arose and followed him.
atha gacchan karasañcayagṛha upaviṣṭam ālphīyaputraṁ leviṁ dṛṣṭvā tamāhūya kathitavān matpaścāt tvāmāmaccha tataḥ sa utthāya tatpaścād yayau|
15 And it came to passe, as Iesus sate at table in his house, many Publicanes and sinners sate at table also with Iesus, and his disciples: for there were many that followed him.
anantaraṁ yīśau tasya gṛhe bhoktum upaviṣṭe bahavaḥ karamañcāyinaḥ pāpinaśca tena tacchiṣyaiśca sahopaviviśuḥ, yato bahavastatpaścādājagmuḥ|
16 And when the Scribes and Pharises sawe him eate with the Publicanes and sinners, they sayd vnto his disciples, Howe is it, that hee eateth and drinketh with Publicanes and sinners?
tadā sa karamañcāyibhiḥ pāpibhiśca saha khādati, tad dṛṣṭvādhyāpakāḥ phirūśinaśca tasya śiṣyānūcuḥ karamañcāyibhiḥ pāpibhiśca sahāyaṁ kuto bhuṁkte pivati ca?
17 Now when Iesus heard it, hee sayde vnto them, The whole haue no neede of the Physicion, but the sicke. I came not to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.
tadvākyaṁ śrutvā yīśuḥ pratyuvāca, arogilokānāṁ cikitsakena prayojanaṁ nāsti, kintu rogiṇāmeva; ahaṁ dhārmmikānāhvātuṁ nāgataḥ kintu mano vyāvarttayituṁ pāpina eva|
18 And the disciples of Iohn, and the Pharises did fast, and came and saide vnto him, Why doe the disciples of Iohn, and of the Pharises fast, and thy disciples fast not?
tataḥ paraṁ yohanaḥ phirūśināñcopavāsācāriśiṣyā yīśoḥ samīpam āgatya kathayāmāsuḥ, yohanaḥ phirūśināñca śiṣyā upavasanti kintu bhavataḥ śiṣyā nopavasanti kiṁ kāraṇamasya?
19 And Iesus saide vnto them, Can the children of the marriage chamber fast, whiles the bridegrome is with them? as long as they haue the bridegrome with them, they cannot fast.
tadā yīśustān babhāṣe yāvat kālaṁ sakhibhiḥ saha kanyāyā varastiṣṭhati tāvatkālaṁ te kimupavastuṁ śaknuvanti? yāvatkālaṁ varastaiḥ saha tiṣṭhati tāvatkālaṁ ta upavastuṁ na śaknuvanti|
20 But the daies will come, when the bridegrome shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast in those daies.
yasmin kāle tebhyaḥ sakāśād varo neṣyate sa kāla āgacchati, tasmin kāle te janā upavatsyanti|
21 Also no man soweth a piece of newe cloth in an olde garment: for els the newe piece that filled it vp, taketh away somewhat from the olde, and the breach is worse.
kopi janaḥ purātanavastre nūtanavastraṁ na sīvyati, yato nūtanavastreṇa saha sevane kṛte jīrṇaṁ vastraṁ chidyate tasmāt puna rmahat chidraṁ jāyate|
22 Likewise, no man putteth newe wine into old vessels: for els the new wine breaketh the vessels, and the wine runneth out, and the vessels are lost: but newe wine must be put into new vessels.
kopi janaḥ purātanakutūṣu nūtanaṁ drākṣārasaṁ na sthāpayati, yato nūtanadrākṣārasasya tejasā tāḥ kutvo vidīryyante tato drākṣārasaśca patati kutvaśca naśyanti, ataeva nūtanadrākṣāraso nūtanakutūṣu sthāpanīyaḥ|
23 And it came to passe as hee went through the corne on the Sabbath day, that his disciples, as they went on their way, began to plucke the eares of corne.
tadanantaraṁ yīśu ryadā viśrāmavāre śasyakṣetreṇa gacchati tadā tasya śiṣyā gacchantaḥ śasyamañjarīśchettuṁ pravṛttāḥ|
24 And the Pharises saide vnto him, Beholde, why doe they on the Sabbath day, that which is not lawfull?
ataḥ phirūśino yīśave kathayāmāsuḥ paśyatu viśrāmavāsare yat karmma na karttavyaṁ tad ime kutaḥ kurvvanti?
25 And he saide to them, Haue yee neuer read what Dauid did when he had neede, and was an hungred, both he, and they that were with him?
tadā sa tebhyo'kathayat dāyūd tatsaṁṅginaśca bhakṣyābhāvāt kṣudhitāḥ santo yat karmma kṛtavantastat kiṁ yuṣmābhi rna paṭhitam?
26 Howe he went into the house of God, in the daies of Abiathar the hie Priest, and did eat the shewe bread, which were not lawfull to eate, but for the Priests, and gaue also to them which were with him?
abiyātharnāmake mahāyājakatāṁ kurvvati sa kathamīśvarasyāvāsaṁ praviśya ye darśanīyapūpā yājakān vinānyasya kasyāpi na bhakṣyāstāneva bubhuje saṅgilokebhyo'pi dadau|
27 And hee sayde to them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.
so'paramapi jagāda, viśrāmavāro manuṣyārthameva nirūpito'sti kintu manuṣyo viśrāmavārārthaṁ naiva|
28 Wherefore the Sonne of man is Lord, euen of the Sabbath.
manuṣyaputro viśrāmavārasyāpi prabhurāste|