< Luke 7 >

1 When hee had ended all his sayings in the audience of the people, he entred into Capernaum.
Uganiya sa Yeso ma mari kondi nyani ahira anabu, manno maribe uhana ukafarhum.
2 And a certaine Ceturions seruant was sicke and readie to die, which was deare vnto him.
Urere uruna niza, mazi uhuma ba ma haku uwono.
3 And when he heard of Iesus, hee sent vnto him the Elders of the Iewes, beseeching him that he would come, and heale his seruant.
Sama kunna abanga a Yeso, una niza ni ginome tumi ara ananu a yahudawa ahira Yeso waka gunna mē ma eh, ma buri urere umeme ma hazu uwono.
4 So they came to Iesus, and besought him instantly, saying that hee was worthy that hee should doe this for him:
Uganiya sa wa eye mamu nan Yeso, wa igizo me inka dure, unuguna, “unu gino ma bari uguna awuzi me anime.
5 For he loueth, said they, our nation, and he hath built vs a Synagogue.
Barki sa me unu hem in manyanga maru mani, mani ma barin duru udenge Asere.
6 Then Iesus went with them: but when he was now not farre from the house, the Centurion sent friendes to him, saying vnto him, Lord, trouble not thy selfe: for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter vnder my roofe:
Yeso manno ma dusa nigome nan we, uganiya sa ma eh mamu nan na kura me, una niza nigino ma tumi a gun in Yeso, “ugomo Asere da ma bari in wu we u eh akura am ba.
7 Wherefore I thought not my selfe worthy to come vnto thee: but say the word, and my seruant shalbe whole:
Ine ini ya wana da ma bari in eh ahira awe ba, buka tize cas urere um ma huma.
8 For I likewise am a man set vnder authoritie, and haue vnder mee souldiers, and I say vnto one, Goe, and he goeth: and to another, Come, and hee commeth: and to my seruant, Doe this, and he doeth it.
Barki mi nun mani unu bari, izin nanu nu nyara unipin adizi am, ida ke ugu unu ge, dusa ama dusa, in kuri ingu unigino 'aye' ama eh, inkuri ingu urere um, wuna ana, ama wu”
9 When Iesus heard these things, he marueiled at him, and turned him, and said to the people, that followed him, I say vnto you, I haue not found so great faith, no not in Israel.
Uganiya sa Yeso ma kunna anime, ma kunna ma aye kan, ma gamirka ahira de sa wa tarisame, magu, “ma buka shi, vat anyimo isar'ila da ma kem uye unu inko iriba kashi unu gino ba.”
10 And when they that were sent, turned backe to the house, they founde the seruant that was sicke, whole.
Abini ande sa atumi we, wa ze akura wa kem urere ma huma.
11 And it came to passe the day after, that he went into a citie called Nain, and many of his disciples went with him, and a great multitude.
Ban anime Yeso ma ha anire nipin agusa nini na'in, ahana ka tuma kameme nan are anu gbardang wa dusa nan me.
12 Nowe when hee came neere to the gate of the citie, behold, there was a dead man caried out, who was the onely begotten sonne of his mother, which was a widowe, and much people of the citie was with her.
Uganiya sa wa eh mamu nan ana tukum anipin me, wa iri ure unu acira me ukizi, me mani vana me cas ahira aco me. A ino me mazo unu ruma ba, anu gbardang anyimo anipin wazi nan me.
13 And when the Lord sawe her, he had compassion on her, and said vnto her, Weepe not.
Unu ira ume, ugomo Asere ma kunna ugogoni um,”kati ushiba.”
14 And he went and touched the coffin (and they that bare him, stoode still) and he said, Yong man, I say vnto thee, Arise.
Sa Yeso ma dara mawaga me sa anu cira me wa tunno, magu, “ma nyani hira.”
15 And he that was dead, sate vp, and began to speake, and he deliuered him to his mother.
Ikizi me idusa ihiri itungun tize, Yeso ma ziki vana me ma nya aino me.
16 Then there came a feare on them all, and they glorified God, saying, A great Prophet is risen among vs, and God hath visited his people.
Biyau bi dusa bi meku we, wa tunno unonzo Asere, wz gusi, “a hirz ure unudang anyimo aru” “Asere a iri anu ameme.”
17 And this rumour of him went foorth throughout all Iudea, and throughout all the region round about.
Tize tigino me ti Yeso ta dusa kode aba anyimo nipin nu yahudawa nan ti hira sa tizi mamu nan we.
18 And the disciples of Iohn shewed him of all these things.
Ahana akatuma ka yahaya wa buki me timumu tigino vat.
19 So Iohn called vnto him two certaine men of his disciples, and sent them to Iesus, saying, Art thou hee that should come, or shall we waite for another?
Yahaya ma titi ahana akatuma ka meme ana wa re, ma tumu we ahira ugomo Asere, wagume, “hama ni unu aye me nani uye mani sa ti di be u aye umeme?”
20 And when the men were come vnto him, they said, Iohn Baptist hath sent vs vnto thee, saying, Art thou hee that should come, or shall we waite for another?
Sa wa eh mamu nan Yeso, anu wa gu, “yahaya unu zorso anabu, ma tuman duru ti iki we,” “ha mani desa u aze, anani ti nyargi uye?”
21 And at that time, he cured many of their sickenesses, and plagues, and of euill spirites, and vnto many blinde men he gaue sight freely.
Uganiya ugino me mahumuza ina na ti koni gbardang nan anu ijasi ana na nu ibe ibur, arubo gbardang wa kem uhira ahira.
22 And Iesus answered, and saide vnto them, Goe your wayes and shewe Iohn, what things ye haue seene and heard: that the blinde see, the halt goe, the lepers are cleansed, the deafe heare, the dead are raised, and the poore receiue the Gospel.
Yeso ma kabirka magun we, uganiya sa ya dusa ika buka yahaya imum be sa ya kunna nan imum besa ya iri, arubu wa kem uhira ahira, anu dira uti buna wa hirsa, akuri a kpici anu dira uti boo, a turi wa kunna, ahirza anu wijo, buki anu dira tize turunta.
23 And blessed is hee, that shall not be offended in me.
Unu imumu iriri ini desa ma tunno unu nya iriba ahira am barki timumu tum sa in wuza.
24 And when the messengers of Iohn were departed, hee began to speake vnto the people, of Iohn, What went ye out into the wildernes to see? A reede shaken with the winde?
Uganiya sa ana kadure ka yahaya wa dusa, Yeso ma tubi boo anu ani ori tize anice ni yahaya me, nyani ni yaha ika ira anjame, tikpe tige sa ukpebu wazinu zuro me?
25 But what went ye out to see? A man clothed in soft rayment? beholde, they which are gorgeously apparelled, and liue delicately, are in Kings courtes.
Nyani ni yaha barki ika ika ira, unu turi in tiranga ti ubulubu? ira anu sa wa turi intirunga tini nonzo, wa zin in ti cukum tu kunna urunta wa ra ani kubu na gomo.
26 But what went ye foorth to see? A Prophet? yea, I say to you, and greater then a Prophet.
Barki nyanini ya hana inka ira unu bezi utize? ē in busa shi, ma ba teki unu bezi utize.
27 This is he of whom it is written, Beholde, I sende my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.
Igino me ine ini a nyetike a iza hume me, “ira itumu za vana uka dura kam aje aweme, de sa madi barki we unaa aje awem.”
28 For I say vnto you, there is no greater Prophet then Iohn, among them that are begotten of women: neuerthelesse, hee that is the least in the kingdome of God, is greater then he.
Inzinu boo ushi, anyimo ande sa aneh wa yozo we, azo desa ma teki yahaya unu gbardang ba. Vat in ani me, desa ma teki unu cingilin akura Asere, ma teki unu gbardang.
29 Then all the people that heard, and the Publicanes iustified God, being baptized with the baptisme of Iohn.
Uganiya anu vat wa kunna ani me, vat nan nanu kabisa ugandu, wa bezi Asere una kadure mani. Wazin unu wuza anime yahay ma zorso we.
30 But the Pharises and the expounders of the Law despised the counsell of God against themselues, and were not baptized of him.
A farisayawa nan ande sa wazin ini kara a yimo u inko utize tini ubu na ayahudawa, ande sa azo me mani ma zorso we ba, wa vete urusa wa Asere ni inace awe me.
31 And the Lord saide, Whereunto shall I liken the men of this generation? and what thing are they like vnto?
Yeso manno magu, idi bati anu unee uge me in nyanini? wa wuna kasi nyani ni?
32 They are like vnto litle children sitting in the market place, and crying one to another, and saying, We haue piped vnto you, and ye haue not daunced: we haue mourned to you, and ye haue not wept.
Wa zi kasi ahana sa wa zin in biranza ahira abiziza ziza, ande sa wa zin in tize ace awe wa gusa, ta wuza shi ahure, daya wuza murso ba. ta wuza tiyom izoni, da so ba.
33 For Iohn Baptist came, neither eating bread, nor drinking wine: and ye say, He hath the deuil.
Ane ani yahaya ma aye, da mare imumara ya Asere ba, da ma sa mei mu wungo ba, shi be ya guna, u bgergene mani ma tarsan ime.
34 The Sonne of man is come, and eateth and drinketh: and ye say, Beholde, a man which is a glutton, and a drinker of wine, a friend of Publicanes and sinners:
Vanu unu bu, ma aye, mare mazi na sa me, shibe, ya gashi me, igusa ira unu ita pash, unu sa u wango gbardang, uroni anu, kabisa ugandu nan anu amadini.
35 But wisdome is iustified of all her children.
Ingi aneni urusa wa Asere ubizi zi vat anu ameme.
36 And one of the Pharises desired him that hee would eate with him: and hee went into the Pharises house, and sate downe at table.
Ure uwui ure unu wa farisiyawa, ma iki Yeso maka re imimare nan me. Uganiya sa Yeso ma ribe akura ufariyawa me, ma cukuno ahira u iso imimare me, barki ma ri imimare.
37 And beholde, a woman in the citie, which was a sinner, when she knewe that Iesus sate at table in the Pharises house, shee brought a boxe of oyntment.
Ure uneh u madini ma eh, masuro anyimo anipin. Uganiya ma kunna Yeso ma ra akura ufarisiyawa, barki ma ri imimare, maziki ni ru ni mani mu nya urunta.
38 And shee stoode at his feete behinde him weeping, and began to wash his feete with teares, and did wipe them with the heares of her head, and kissed his feete, and anoynted them with the oyntment.
Ma tunno upuru u Yeso mazin ina so, ma tubi urumuzo itibuna in maje, maduku hummimtibuna tumeme in tice nume, maduku gwindiri tibuna me ma hummi tini mani mu nya urunta me.
39 Nowe when the Pharise which bade him, saw it, he spake within himselfe, saying, If this man were a Prophet, hee woulde surely haue knowen who, and what maner of woman this is which toucheth him: for she is a sinner.
Sa ufarisiyawa me ma titi Yeso me, ma ira anime, monnō ma basa anyimo iriba imeme unu guna, “da unu geme unu kurzo utiza mani” mada urasu uya ya umeh mani, unuge sa ma zinu darsa ume, me ina madini mani.
40 And Iesus answered, and saide vnto him, Simon, I haue somewhat to say vnto thee. And he said, Master, say on.
Yeso ma kabirka magu, “simon inyara ibuku we ire imum.” magu, “unu nyetike se ubuki.”
41 There was a certaine lender which had two detters: the one ought fiue hundreth pence, and the other fiftie:
Yeso magu, “ure unu unu nyiza ureme ma tarsa are anu ware ikirfi, uye tarsa uye isule akuru ukirau, uyenma kuri ma tarsa me isule a inu ucibi.
42 When they had nothing to pay, he forgaue them both: Which of them therefore, tell mee, will loue him most?
Ya cukuno wa zowe ini kirfi sa wa deke wa kurzo meni ba, mano ma cekiwe ni, vat uwe wa re me. Anyimo aweme wa re me, aveni anyimo awe madi teke unu hem unu ugino me?”
43 Simon answered, and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgaue most. And he said vnto him, Thou hast truely iudged.
Simon ma kabirka magu, “ubasa um kasi desa aceki me ikirfi idang me,” Yeso ma utize tini ukubu me rebi.
44 Then he turned to the woman, and said vnto Simon, Seest thou this woman? I entred into thine house, and thou gauest mee no water to my feete: but she hath washed my feete with teares, and wiped them with the heares of her head.
Yeso ma gamirka ahira uneh me, magun in simon, wa ira uneh ugino me. Ma ribe akura aweme, dawa nyam mei barki tibuna tum ba, uneh ma nyam, in maje ma meme ma kpico ti buna tum, ma vizi tini in tice tume me.
45 Thou gauest me no kisse: but she, since the time I came in, hath not ceased to kisse my feete.
Huda wa gwindirkom ba, me ma wuzi, dati uganiya sa ma ribe abame da ma ceki ugwindoro um ba.
46 Mine head with oyle thou didest not anoint: but she hath anoynted my feete with oyntment.
Hu dawa humuka nice num in mani ba, me ma humma tinbuna tum in mani mu nya urunta.
47 Wherefore I say vnto thee, many sinnes are forgiuen her: for she loued much. To whom a litle is forgiuen, he doeth loue a litle.
Barki anime, me sa mazin in ma dini gbardang ma nya gbardang, ma kuru ma bezi uhem gbardang, barki anime akpico madini ma meme cingilin, ma kuri ma bezi u hem cingilin.
48 And he saide vnto her, Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee.
Abi nime magun uneh me, “a kpico madini ma weme,”
49 And they that sate at table with him, began to say within themselues, Who is this that euen forgiueth sinnes?
Ande sa wa ciki ahira me nan me wa tubi tize ace awe me, “aveni ma zigino sa me ma kpijo madini?
50 And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saued thee: goe in peace.
Yeso ma gun unu neh me, n nya iriba iwe me ubenku we, dusa ini riba irum,”

< Luke 7 >