< Luke 5 >

1 Then it came to passe, as the people preassed vpon him to heare the word of God, that he stoode by the lake of Gennesaret,
anantaraṁ yīśurēkadā ginēṣarathdasya tīra uttiṣṭhati, tadā lōkā īśvarīyakathāṁ śrōtuṁ tadupari prapatitāḥ|
2 And sawe two shippes stand by the lakes side, but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nettes.
tadānīṁ sa hdasya tīrasamīpē naudvayaṁ dadarśa kiñca matsyōpajīvinō nāvaṁ vihāya jālaṁ prakṣālayanti|
3 And he entred into one of the ships, which was Simons, and required him that he would thrust off a litle from the land: and he sate downe, and taught the people out of the ship.
tatastayōrdvayō rmadhyē śimōnō nāvamāruhya tīrāt kiñciddūraṁ yātuṁ tasmin vinayaṁ kr̥tvā naukāyāmupaviśya lōkān prōpadiṣṭavān|
4 Now when he had left speaking, he sayd vnto Simon, Lanch out into the deepe, and let downe your nettes to make a draught.
paścāt taṁ prastāvaṁ samāpya sa śimōnaṁ vyājahāra, gabhīraṁ jalaṁ gatvā matsyān dharttuṁ jālaṁ nikṣipa|
5 Then Simon answered, and sayd vnto him, Master, we haue trauailed sore all night, and haue taken nothing: neuerthelesse at thy worde I will let downe the net.
tataḥ śimōna babhāṣē, hē gurō yadyapi vayaṁ kr̥tsnāṁ yāminīṁ pariśramya matsyaikamapi na prāptāstathāpi bhavatō nidēśatō jālaṁ kṣipāmaḥ|
6 And when they had so done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes, so that their net brake.
atha jālē kṣiptē bahumatsyapatanād ānāyaḥ pracchinnaḥ|
7 And they beckened to their parteners, which were in the other ship, that they shoulde come and helpe them, who came then, and filled both the ships, that they did sinke.
tasmād upakarttum anyanausthān saṅgina āyātum iṅgitēna samāhvayan tatasta āgatya matsyai rnaudvayaṁ prapūrayāmāsu ryai rnaudvayaṁ pramagnam|
8 Now when Simon Peter saw it, he fel down at Iesus knees, saying, Lord, go from me: for I am a sinfull man.
tadā śimōnpitarastad vilōkya yīśōścaraṇayōḥ patitvā, hē prabhōhaṁ pāpī narō mama nikaṭād bhavān yātu, iti kathitavān|
9 For he was vtterly astonied, and all that were with him, for the draught of fishes which they tooke.
yatō jālē patitānāṁ matsyānāṁ yūthāt śimōn tatsaṅginaśca camatkr̥tavantaḥ; śimōnaḥ sahakāriṇau sivadēḥ putrau yākūb yōhan cēmau tādr̥śau babhūvatuḥ|
10 And so was also Iames and Iohn the sonnes of Zebedeus, which were companions with Simon. Then Iesus sayde vnto Simon, Feare not: from henceforth thou shalt catch men.
tadā yīśuḥ śimōnaṁ jagāda mā bhaiṣīradyārabhya tvaṁ manuṣyadharō bhaviṣyasi|
11 And when they had brought the ships to land, they forsooke all, and followed him.
anantaraṁ sarvvāsu nausu tīram ānītāsu tē sarvvān parityajya tasya paścādgāminō babhūvuḥ|
12 Nowe it came to passe, as he was in a certaine citie, beholde, there was a man full of leprosie, and when he sawe Iesus, he fell on his face, and besought him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me cleane.
tataḥ paraṁ yīśau kasmiṁścit purē tiṣṭhati jana ēkaḥ sarvvāṅgakuṣṭhastaṁ vilōkya tasya samīpē nyubjaḥ patitvā savinayaṁ vaktumārēbhē, hē prabhō yadi bhavānicchati tarhi māṁ pariṣkarttuṁ śaknōti|
13 So he stretched forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will, be thou cleane. And immediately the leprosie departed from him.
tadānīṁ sa pāṇiṁ prasāryya tadaṅgaṁ spr̥śan babhāṣē tvaṁ pariṣkriyasvēti mamēcchāsti tatastatkṣaṇaṁ sa kuṣṭhāt muktaḥ|
14 And he commanded him that hee should tell it no man: but Go, sayth he, and shew thy selfe to the Priest, and offer for thy clensing, as Moses hath commanded, for a witnes vnto them.
paścāt sa tamājñāpayāmāsa kathāmimāṁ kasmaicid akathayitvā yājakasya samīpañca gatvā svaṁ darśaya, lōkēbhyō nijapariṣkr̥tatvasya pramāṇadānāya mūsājñānusārēṇa dravyamutmr̥jasva ca|
15 But so much more went there a fame abroad of him, and great multitudes came together to heare, and to be healed of him of their infirmities.
tathāpi yīśōḥ sukhyāti rbahu vyāptumārēbhē kiñca tasya kathāṁ śrōtuṁ svīyarōgēbhyō mōktuñca lōkā ājagmuḥ|
16 But he kept himselfe apart in the wildernes, and prayed.
atha sa prāntaraṁ gatvā prārthayāñcakrē|
17 And it came to passe, on a certaine day, as he was teaching, that the Pharises and doctours of the Law sate by, which were come out of euery towne of Galile, and Iudea, and Hierusalem, and the power of the Lord was in him to heale them.
aparañca ēkadā yīśurupadiśati, ētarhi gālīlyihūdāpradēśayōḥ sarvvanagarēbhyō yirūśālamaśca kiyantaḥ phirūśilōkā vyavasthāpakāśca samāgatya tadantikē samupaviviśuḥ, tasmin kālē lōkānāmārōgyakāraṇāt prabhōḥ prabhāvaḥ pracakāśē|
18 Then beholde, men brought a man lying in a bed, which was taken with a palsie, and they sought meanes to bring him in, and to lay him before him.
paścāt kiyantō lōkā ēkaṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ khaṭvāyāṁ nidhāya yīśōḥ samīpamānētuṁ sammukhē sthāpayituñca vyāpriyanta|
19 And when they could not finde by what way they might bring him in, because of the preasse, they went vp on the house, and let him downe through the tyling, bed and all, in the middes before Iesus.
kintu bahujananivahasamvādhāt na śaknuvantō gr̥hōpari gatvā gr̥hapr̥ṣṭhaṁ khanitvā taṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ sakhaṭvaṁ gr̥hamadhyē yīśōḥ sammukhē 'varōhayāmāsuḥ|
20 And when he sawe their faith, he sayd vnto him, Man, thy sinnes are forgiuen thee.
tadā yīśustēṣām īdr̥śaṁ viśvāsaṁ vilōkya taṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ vyājahāra, hē mānava tava pāpamakṣamyata|
21 Then the Scribes and the Pharises began to reason, saying, Who is this that speaketh blasphemies? who can forgiue sinnes, but God onely?
tasmād adhyāpakāḥ phirūśinaśca cittairitthaṁ pracintitavantaḥ, ēṣa jana īśvaraṁ nindati kōyaṁ? kēvalamīśvaraṁ vinā pāpaṁ kṣantuṁ kaḥ śaknōti?
22 But when Iesus perceiued their reasoning, he answered, and sayd vnto them, What reason ye in your hearts?
tadā yīśustēṣām itthaṁ cintanaṁ viditvā tēbhyōkathayad yūyaṁ manōbhiḥ kutō vitarkayatha?
23 Whether is easier to say, Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee, or to say, Rise and walke?
tava pāpakṣamā jātā yadvā tvamutthāya vraja ētayō rmadhyē kā kathā sukathyā?
24 But that ye may know that that Sonne of man hath authoritie to forgiue sinnes in earth, (he sayd vnto the sicke of the palsie) I say to thee, Arise: take vp thy bed, and goe to thine house.
kintu pr̥thivyāṁ pāpaṁ kṣantuṁ mānavasutasya sāmarthyamastīti yathā yūyaṁ jñātuṁ śaknutha tadarthaṁ (sa taṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ jagāda) uttiṣṭha svaśayyāṁ gr̥hītvā gr̥haṁ yāhīti tvāmādiśāmi|
25 And immediatly he rose vp before them, and tooke vp his bed whereon he lay, and departed to his owne house, praysing God.
tasmāt sa tatkṣaṇam utthāya sarvvēṣāṁ sākṣāt nijaśayanīyaṁ gr̥hītvā īśvaraṁ dhanyaṁ vadan nijanivēśanaṁ yayau|
26 And they were all amased, and praysed God, and were filled with feare, saying, Doutlesse we haue seene strange things to day.
tasmāt sarvvē vismaya prāptā manaḥsu bhītāśca vayamadyāsambhavakāryyāṇyadarśāma ityuktvā paramēśvaraṁ dhanyaṁ prōditāḥ|
27 And after that, he went foorth and sawe a Publicane named Leui, sitting at the receite of custome, and sayd vnto him, Follow me.
tataḥ paraṁ bahirgacchan karasañcayasthānē lēvināmānaṁ karasañcāyakaṁ dr̥ṣṭvā yīśustamabhidadhē mama paścādēhi|
28 And he left all, rose vp, and folowed him.
tasmāt sa tatkṣaṇāt sarvvaṁ parityajya tasya paścādiyāya|
29 Then Leui made him a great feast in his owne house, where there was a great company of Publicanes, and of other that sate at table with them.
anantaraṁ lēvi rnijagr̥hē tadarthaṁ mahābhōjyaṁ cakāra, tadā taiḥ sahānēkē karasañcāyinastadanyalōkāśca bhōktumupaviviśuḥ|
30 But they that were Scribes and Pharises among them, murmured against his disciples, saying, Why eate ye and drinke ye with Publicanes and sinners?
tasmāt kāraṇāt caṇḍālānāṁ pāpilōkānāñca saṅgē yūyaṁ kutō bhaṁgdhvē pivatha cēti kathāṁ kathayitvā phirūśinō'dhyāpakāśca tasya śiṣyaiḥ saha vāgyuddhaṁ karttumārēbhirē|
31 Then Iesus answered, and sayd vnto them, They that are whole, neede not the Physician, but they that are sicke.
tasmād yīśustān pratyavōcad arōgalōkānāṁ cikitsakēna prayōjanaṁ nāsti kintu sarōgāṇāmēva|
32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
ahaṁ dhārmmikān āhvātuṁ nāgatōsmi kintu manaḥ parāvarttayituṁ pāpina ēva|
33 Then they said vnto him, Why do the disciples of Iohn fast often, and pray, and the disciples of the Pharises also, but thine eate and drinke?
tatastē prōcuḥ, yōhanaḥ phirūśināñca śiṣyā vāraṁvāram upavasanti prārthayantē ca kintu tava śiṣyāḥ kutō bhuñjatē pivanti ca?
34 And he said vnto them, Can ye make the children of the wedding chamber to fast, as long as the bridegrome is with them?
tadā sa tānācakhyau varē saṅgē tiṣṭhati varasya sakhigaṇaṁ kimupavāsayituṁ śaknutha?
35 But the dayes will come, euen when the bridegrome shalbe taken away from them: then shall they fast in those dayes.
kintu yadā tēṣāṁ nikaṭād varō nēṣyatē tadā tē samupavatsyanti|
36 Againe he spake also vnto them a parable, No man putteth a piece of a newe garment into an olde vesture: for then the newe renteth it, and the piece taken out of the newe, agreeth not with the olde.
sōparamapi dr̥ṣṭāntaṁ kathayāmbabhūva purātanavastrē kōpi nutanavastraṁ na sīvyati yatastēna sēvanēna jīrṇavastraṁ chidyatē, nūtanapurātanavastrayō rmēlañca na bhavati|
37 Also no man powreth newe wine into olde vessels: for then ye new wine wil breake the vessels, and it will runne out, and the vessels will perish:
purātanyāṁ kutvāṁ kōpi nutanaṁ drākṣārasaṁ na nidadhāti, yatō navīnadrākṣārasasya tējasā purātanī kutū rvidīryyatē tatō drākṣārasaḥ patati kutūśca naśyati|
38 But newe wine must be powred into newe vessels: so both are preserued.
tatō hētō rnūtanyāṁ kutvāṁ navīnadrākṣārasaḥ nidhātavyastēnōbhayasya rakṣā bhavati|
39 Also no man that drinketh olde wine, straightway desireth newe: for he sayth, The olde is more profitable.
aparañca purātanaṁ drākṣārasaṁ pītvā kōpi nūtanaṁ na vāñchati, yataḥ sa vakti nūtanāt purātanam praśastam|

< Luke 5 >