< Luke 21 >

1 And as he behelde, he sawe the rich men, which cast their giftes into the treasurie.
Yesu atayangʼana, anaona olemera akuyika mphatso zawo mu chosungira ndalama za mʼNyumba ya Mulungu.
2 And he sawe also a certaine poore widowe which cast in thither two mites:
Iye anaonanso mkazi wamasiye wosauka akuyikamo timakopala tiwiri.
3 And he sayd, Of a trueth I say vnto you, that this poore widowe hath cast in more then they all.
Iye anati, “Zoonadi, Ine ndikukuwuzani kuti mkazi wamasiye wosaukayu wapereka zambiri kuposa ena onsewa.
4 For they all haue of their superfluitie cast into the offerings of God: but she of her penurie hath cast in all the liuing that she had.
Anthu onsewa atapa mphatso zawo kuchokera pa zochuluka zimene ali nazo; koma uyu, mwa umphawi wake, wapereka zonse zimene ali nazo.”
5 Nowe as some spake of the Temple, how it was garnished with goodly stones, and with consecrate things, he sayd,
Ena mwa ophunzira ake ankachita ndemanga za mmene Nyumba ya Mulungu anayikongoletsera ndi miyala yokongola ndiponso zinthu zina zomwe anthu anapereka kwa Mulungu. Koma Yesu anati,
6 Are these ye things that ye looke vpon? the dayes will come wherein a stone shall not be left vpon a stone, that shall not be throwen downe.
“Koma zimene mukuziona panozi, nthawi idzafika pamene ngakhale mwala umodzi omwe sudzakhala pa unzake; uliwonse udzagwetsedwa pansi.”
7 Then they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what signe shall there be when these things shall come to passe?
Iwo anafunsa kuti, “Aphunzitsi, kodi zonsezi zidzachitika liti? Ndipo tidzaonera chiyani kuti zili pafupi kuchitika?”
8 And he sayd, Take heede, that ye be not deceiued: for many will come in my Name, saying, I am Christ, and the time draweth neere: follow ye not them therefore.
Iye anayankha kuti, “Chenjerani kuti musanyengedwe. Pakuti ambiri adzabwera mʼdzina langa nadzati ‘Ine ndine Iye’ ndi kuti ‘Nthawi yayandikira.’ Musadzawatsate iwo.
9 And when ye heare of warres and seditions, be not afraid: for these things must first come, but the ende foloweth not by and by.
Mukadzamva zankhondo ndi zipolowe, musadzachite mantha. Zinthu izi ziyenera kuchitika poyamba, koma chimaliziro sichidzafika nthawi yomweyo.”
10 Then said hee vnto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdome against kingdome,
Kenaka anawawuza kuti, “Mtundu wa anthu udzawukirana ndi mtundu wina, ndi ufumu kuwukira ufumu wina.
11 And great earthquakes shall be in diuers places, and hunger, and pestilence, and fearefull things, and great signes shall there be from heauen.
Kudzakhala zivomerezi zazikulu, njala ndi miliri mʼmalo osiyanasiyana, ndi zinthu zoopsa ndi zizindikiro zamphamvu kuchokera kumwamba.
12 But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, deliuering you vp to the assemblies, and into prisons, and bring you before Kings and rulers for my Names sake.
“Koma zonsezi zisanachitike, adzakugwirani ndi kukuzunzani. Adzakuperekani ku masunagoge ndi ku ndende, ndipo adzakutengerani pamaso pa mafumu ndi olamulira, ndipo zonsezi zidzachitika chifukwa cha dzina langa.
13 And this shall turne to you, for a testimoniall.
Umenewu udzakhala mwayi wanu ochitira umboni.
14 Lay it vp therefore in your heartes, that ye cast not before hand, what ye shall answere.
Koma tsimikizani mtima kuti musadzade nkhawa za momwe mudzadzitchinjirizire.
15 For I will giue you a mouth and wisdome, where against all your aduersaries shall not be able to speake, nor resist.
Pakuti Ine ndidzakupatsani mawu ndi nzeru kotero kuti palibe mmodzi wa adani anu adzathe kuwakana kapena kuwatsutsa.
16 Yea, ye shalbe betrayed also of your parents, and of your brethren, and kinsmen, and friendes, and some of you shall they put to death.
Inu mudzaperekedwa ndi makolo anu, abale, anansi ndi abwenzi anu ndipo ena mwa inu adzakuphani.
17 And ye shall bee hated of all men for my Names sake.
Anthu onse adzakudani chifukwa cha Ine.
18 Yet there shall not one heare of your heads perish.
Koma palibe tsitsi limodzi la mʼmutu mwanu lidzawonongeke.
19 By your patience possesse your soules.
Mukadzalimbikira ndiye mudzapeze moyo.
20 And when ye see Hierusalem besieged with souldiers, then vnderstand that the desolation thereof is neere.
“Mukadzaona Yerusalemu atazingidwa ndi magulu ankhondo, inu mudzadziwe kuti kuwonongeka kwake kuli pafupi.
21 Then let them which are in Iudea, flee to the mountaines: and let them which are in the middes thereof, depart out: and let not them that are in the countrey, enter therein.
Pamenepo amene ali ku Yudeya adzathawire ku mapiri, amene ali mu mzinda adzatulukemo, ndi amene ali ku midzi asadzalowe mu mzinda.
22 For these be the dayes of vengeance, to fulfill all things that are written.
Pakuti iyi ndi nthawi yachilango pokwaniritsa zonse zimene zinalembedwa.
23 But woe be to them that be with childe, and to them that giue sucke in those dayes: for there shalbe great distresse in this land, and wrath ouer this people.
Zidzakhala zoopsa nthawi imenewo kwa amayi oyembekezera ndi amayi oyamwitsa! Kudzakhala masautso aakulu mʼdziko ndipo anthu onse adzawakwiyira.
24 And they shall fall on the edge of the sword, and shalbe led captiue into all nations, and Hierusalem shalbe troden vnder foote of the Gentiles, vntill the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
Iwo adzaphedwa ndi lupanga ndi kutengedwa ukapolo kupita ku mayiko wonse. Yerusalemu adzaponderezedwa ndi anthu a mitundu ina mpaka nthawi ya a mitundu ina itakwaniritsidwa.
25 Then there shalbe signes in the sunne, and in the moone, and in the starres, and vpon the earth trouble among the nations with perplexitie: the sea and the waters shall roare.
“Padzakhala zizindikiro zodabwitsa pa dzuwa, mwezi ndi nyenyezi. Pa dziko lapansi, mitundu ya anthu idzakhala mʼmasautso ndipo idzathedwa nzeru pakumva mkokomo ndi mafunde a mʼnyanja.
26 And mens hearts shall faile them for feare, and for looking after those thinges which shall come on the worlde: for the powers of heauen shall be shaken.
Anthu adzakomoka chifukwa cha mantha, akadzamva za zimene zikubwera pa dziko lapansi, pakuti zinthu zamlengalenga zidzagwedezeka.
27 And then shall they see the Sonne of man come in a cloude, with power and great glory.
Nthawi imeneyo adzaona Mwana wa Munthu akubwera ndi mitambo, mphamvu ndi ulemerero waukulu.
28 And when these things beginne to come to passe, then looke vp, and lift vp your heades: for your redemption draweth neere.
Zinthu izi zikadzayamba kuchitika, mudzayimirire ndi kutukula mitu yanu, chifukwa chipulumutso chanu chayandikira.”
29 And he spake to them a parable, Behold, the figge tree, and all trees,
Iye anawawuza fanizo ili, “Taonani mtengo wamkuyu ndi mitengo ina yonse.
30 When they nowe shoote foorth, ye seeing them, knowe of your owne selues, that sommer is then neere.
Ikamatulutsa masamba, mumakhoza kudzionera nokha ndi kudziwa kuti dzinja lili pafupi.
31 So likewise yee, when yee see these thinges come to passe, knowe ye that the kingdome of God is neere.
Chimodzimodzinso, mukadzaona zinthu zonsezi, dziwani kuti ufumu wa Mulungu uli pafupi.
32 Verely I say vnto you, This age shall not passe, till all these things be done:
“Zoonadi, Ine ndikukuwuzani kuti mʼbado uno sudzatha mpaka zinthu zonsezi zitachitika.
33 Heauen and earth shall passe away, but my wordes shall not passe away.
Kumwamba ndi dziko lapansi zidzatha, koma mawu anga sadzatha.”
34 Take heede to your selues, lest at any time your hearts be oppressed with surfeting and drunkennesse, and cares of this life, and least that day come on you at vnwares.
“Samalani, kuti mitima yanu ingalemetsedwe ndi maphwando, kuledzera ndi kudera nkhawa za moyo uno, ndi kuti tsiku ilo lingadzakupezeni modzidzimutsa ngati msampha.
35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
Pakuti lidzafika pa onse okhala pa dziko lonse lapansi.
36 Watche therefore, and pray continually, that ye may be counted worthy to escape all these thinges that shall come to passe, and that ye may stand before the Sonne of man.
Khalani tcheru nthawi zonse ndi kupemphera kuti inu mudzathe kuthawa zonse zimene zili pafupi kuchitika, ndi kuti mudzathe kuyima pamaso pa Mwana wa Munthu.”
37 Nowe in the day time hee taught in the Temple, and at night hee went out, and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Oliues.
Tsiku lililonse Yesu amaphunzitsa ku Nyumba ya Mulungu, ndi madzulo ali wonse Iye amachoka kukakhala pa phiri la Olivi usiku wonse.
38 And all the people came in the morning to him, to heare him in the Temple.
Ndipo anthu onse amabwera mmamawa kudzamumva Iye ku Nyumba ya Mulungu.

< Luke 21 >