< Luke 2 >

1 And it came to passe in those dayes, that there came a decree from Augustus Cesar, that all the world should be taxed.
Matungo na mahiku nanso ukaisari Agusto au pumilye Ilago akaila holi ua ligwa waantu Ihi ni Ikie mihiyi.
2 (This first taxing was made when Cyrenius was gouernour of Syria.)
Ili aialyo lagwandiyo alitumilye matungo krenio amukulu wang'wa siria.
3 Therefore went all to be taxed, euery man to his owne Citie.
Kila muntu akalongola kukisali kao. Kenda kuhola ialo.
4 And Ioseph also went vp from Galile out of a citie called Nazareth, into Iudea, vnto the citie of Dauid, which is called Beth-leem (because he was of the house and linage of Dauid, )
Nung'wenso uyusufu akahega mukisali ka Nazareti ku Galilay nu kulongola ku Yudea mukisali ka Bethlehemu. nu manyikile anga kisali kang'wa Daudi. kunsoko au pumie muileli wang'wa Daudi.
5 To bee taxed with Marie that was giuen him to wife, which was with childe.
Au ulongae kung'wanso kenda kuhola ialo palung'wi nu Mariamu amuligilye nukumulindilya ung'wana.
6 And so it was, that while they were there, the daies were accomplished that shee shoulde be deliuered,
Naiakole kung'wanso imatungo nanso aialindie ung'wana alelywe.
7 And she brought foorth her first begotten sonne, and wrapped him in swadling clothes, and laide him in a cratch, because there was no roome for them in the ynne.
Akaleta ng'wana mugoha. Uleli wakwe wang'wandyo akamuimba inguo muili wihi kugilya impepo ung'wana. Akamuika muntua nakuliselya imitugo kunsoko aikutile ilyoma munyumba ya kila nzila.
8 And there were in the same countrey shepheards, abiding in the fielde, and keeping watch by night ouer their flocke.
Ihi ni anso aiakole iadimi naikie mumbuga akazelindila ikolo yao utiku.
9 And loe, the Angel of the Lord came vpon them, and the glorie of the Lord shone about them, and they were sore afraide.
Itungo malaika wa mukulu akapumila utemi wa mukulu ukelya nukupilimilya akatula nu oa.
10 Then the Angel saide vnto them, Be not afraid: for behold, I bring you glad tidings of great ioy, that shalbe to all the people,
Kululo umalaika akaaila, ''leki kogopi numuletee lukani luza, nulukuleta ilumbi ku antu ihi.
11 That is, that vnto you is borne this day in the citie of Dauid, a Sauiour, which is Christ the Lord.
Iie liyi, muguni uleilwe kunsoko anyu, mukisale kang'wa Daudi nuanso yuyo kristo mkulu!
12 And this shalbe a signe to you, Yee shall finde the babe swadled, and laid in a cratch.
Ike inge kilingasilyo mkupegwa, mukumu hanga ung'wana utungilye nguo uloe muntua akulisilya imetungo.
13 And straightway there was with the Angel a multitude of heauenly souldiers, praising God, and saying,
Itungo itumi akilunde ikaza idu ikatula palung'wi ikamusongelya Itunda, Ikalunga.
14 Glory be to God in the high heauens, and peace in earth, and towards men good will.
Ukulu wang'wi itunda mua migulya nu upolowa mihi nualoilye.
15 And it came to passe whe the Angels were gone away from them into heauen, that the shepheards sayde one to another, Let vs goe then vnto Beth-leem, and see this thing that is come to passe which the Lord hath shewed vnto vs.
Kuite inge ia malaika ai atuile kulongola kenda kilunde, iadimi akitambuile enso kua enso, Inge kweni ku Bethelehemu, kende kuone iku nikigee nu mukulu ukulagie.
16 So they came with haste, and founde both Marie and Ioseph, and the babe laid in the cratch.
Akakaya kung'wanso, akamuhanga mariamu nu Yusufu, ikamuona ug'wana ulae muntua nikilyesilya imetugo.
17 And when they had seene it, they published abroade the thing, that was tolde them of that childe.
Na iane uu akaaila iantu naiaiwe aya na ng'wana.
18 And all that heard it, wondred at ye things which were tolde them of the shepheards.
Ihi naigule alukani ulu ikakuilwa iko na ikitambuwe nu mudimi.
19 But Mary kept all those sayings, and pondred them in her heart.
Inge u mariamu akalongoleka, kusega kunsoko ihi nae wigule, akamaika munkola akwe.
20 And the shepheardes returned glorifiyng and praising God, for all that they had heard and seene as it was spoken vnto them.
I a dime ikasuka ikamukulya nukumulumbelya Itunda kitu naeigule nukuona, anga nae itambuwe, kung'wanso.
21 And when the eight daies were accomplished, that they shoulde circumcise the childe, his name was then called Iesus, which was named of the Angell, before he was conceiued in the wombe.
Naelipikile ulu hiku la munana ikatula matungo, akumutala kukedamu ung'wana, ikamitanga elina lakwe Yesu, elina naupewe nu malaika Inda naikilengila munda.
22 And when the daies of her purification after the Lawe of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Hierusalem, to present him to the Lord,
Naelipikile imahiku akuzepilingwa kitalao anga nai uzepeigwe malagelyo ang'wa musa, Yusuma na Mariamu akamutala mitekelo ku yerusalemu kumuika kuntongela ing'wi Tunda.
23 (As it is written in the Lawe of the Lord, Euery man childe that first openeth ye wombe, shalbe called holy to the Lord)
Anga naeiandekilye mumalago ang'wi Tunda, kila mugoha nulugue Inda ukitangwa naupumigwe wakfu wang'wi Tunda.
24 And to giue an oblation, as it is commanded in the Lawe of the Lord, a paire of turtle doues, or two yong pigeons.
Ne anso aiazile kupumwa isongelyo anga naelitambuwe milago la ng'wi Tunda.
25 And behold, there was a man in Hierusalem, whose name was Simeon: this man was iust, and feared God, and waited for the consolation of Israel, and the holy Ghost was vpon him.
Goza aukoli muntu ku yerusalemu zilina lakwe aukitangwa Simeoni. Umuntu nuanso aewatai nukumukulya Itunda. nuanso aizulindie muaili wa Israeli, nu ng'wang'welu aiukole migulya lakwe.
26 And it was declared to him from God by the holy Ghost, that he shoulde not see death, before he had seene that Anointed of the Lord.
Aituile kuhila kukiela kung'wa ng'welu kuiti nuanso sanga auzesha iza kuli kumuona U - kristo wang'wi itunda.
27 And he came by the motion of the spirit into the Temple, and when the parents brought in the babe Iesus, to do for him after the custome of the Lawe,
Luhuki lung'wi auzile mukate mitekeelo akazutongewe nung'wang'welu, Ateli ai amuletile ung'wana, yesu, kumtendela anga ilago.
28 Then hee tooke him in his armes, and praised God, and sayd,
Simeoni akamsingilya mumikono akwe, kumukulya Itunda akalunga.
29 Lord, nowe lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace, according to thy woorde,
Mulekele umitumi wako alongote kuhuili wa mukulu, kutula nulukani lako.
30 For mine eyes haue seene thy saluation,
Kunsoko imiho ane auona uza wako.
31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people,
Nuingee kumiho aantu ihi.
32 A light to be reueiled to the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
Nuanso ng'welu kunsoko akukunukulya ukumbigulu nu ukulu wa antu Israeli.
33 And Ioseph and his mother marueiled at those things, which were spoken touching him.
Ihe nu nyinga nia ng'wana ai akuiwe Inkani nai itambuwe kunsoko akwe.
34 And Simeon blessed them, and saide vnto Mary his mother, Beholde, this childe is appointed for the fall and rising againe of many in Israel, and for a signe which shalbe spoken against,
Smeoni akasongelya akalunga Mariamu, akwe ntegeelye kisa ung'wana uyu ite ukutula kunsoko kulimila kuguna iantu Idu ku Israeli inge kulingasilyo ku antu idu nia kuhita.
35 (Yea and a sworde shall pearce through thy soule) that the thoughts of many heartes may be opened.
Ingi upanga ukusonsa ikolo ako ue, maswgo amukolo igelekee!
36 And there was a Prophetesse, one Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser, which was of a great age, after she had liued with an husband seuen yeeres from her virginitie:
Munyakidagu musungu nai witangwa Ana hangi au koli mitekelo, nuanso ai munanso wang'wa Fanueli kupuma ulelwa wa ng'wa asheli, Aukite mahiku idu, nung'wenso ai ikie nu mugoha myaka mapungate nai ihoile.
37 And she was widowe about foure score and foure yeeres, and went not out of the Temple, but serued God with fastings and prayers, night and day.
Akatula muhimbe kumanyaka munana na unne Nuanso shanga aiwihega mitekelo akendelea kumukulya Itunda palung'wi nukupunga nukulopa, utiko nu mung'wi.
38 She then coming at the same instant vpon them, confessed likewise the Lord, and spake of him to all that looked for redemption in Hierusalem.
Matungo nanso akaza pang'wanso na iakoli akamusongelya Itunda akaligitya kunsoko ang'wa na kumuntu na mulindie ku Yerusalemu.
39 And when they had performed all thinges according to the lawe of the Lord, they returned into Galile to their owne citie Nazareth.
Naiamalile kila ekintu naealoilye kituma ilango la mukulu ikasuka ku Galilaya, kukesali, kao, Nazareti.
40 And the childe grewe, and waxed strong in Spirit, and was filled with wisedome, and the grace of God was with him.
Ung'wana akakula akatula ukete inguru akaongeleka mulikalo, Uza wang'witunda ukatula mingulya.
41 Nowe his parents went to Hierusalem euery yeere, at the feast of the Passeouer.
Ialeli akwe kila ung'waka enda ku Yerusalemu kunsoko amilundo wa Pasaka.
42 And when hee was twelue yeere olde, and they were come vp to Hierusalem, after the custome of the feast,
Nautuele myaka ikumi na ibili akalongoka hange naeipipile miko kunsoko amilundo.
43 And had finished the dayes thereof, as they returned, the childe Iesus remained in Hierusalem, and Ioseph knew not, nor his mother,
Naisigile matungo ehi kunsoko amilundo ikanza kusuka kito. Inge Umuhumba u-Yesu auasiga kunyuma mumo mu-Yerusalemu ialeli akwe shanga ikalinga ili.
44 But they supposing, that he had bene in the company, went a dayes iourney, and sought him among their kinsfolke, and acquaintance.
Aialiye ukoi palung'wi neinso naiakugenda aiagendile luhiku. Kululo akanza kumuduma Mwanya ndugu ao.
45 And when they found him not, they turned backe to Hierusalem, and sought him.
Naialemilye kumulija akasuka ku-Yerusalemu ikatula kumuduma kuko.
46 And it came to passe three dayes after, that they found him in the Temple, sitting in the mids of the doctours, both hearing them, and asking them questions:
Ikatula mahiku atatu ikamuhanga mutekelo akazimikie pakate pamanyisigwa akizu ategeye nuku akolya inkani.
47 And all that heard him, were astonied at his vnderstanding and answeres.
Ihi naiamigule akakuilwa umanyi wakwe nu usukeli.
48 So when they sawe him, they were amased, and his mother said vnto him, Sonne, why hast thou thus dealt with vs? beholde, thy father and I haue sought thee with very heauie hearts.
Nai amuine Ikakuilwa unyinya akamuila ng'waane, neke nukutenda nanso? Utata ako nu nene aikekuduma kuoa nuukulu.
49 Then said he vnto them, Howe is it that ye sought me? knewe ye not that I must goe about my Fathers busines?
Kunene, ''naimukunduma? sanga aimulingile kina kutula koli munyumba ang'wa tata ane?
50 But they vnderstoode not the word that he spake to them.
Singa alinga azu kuligitya nkanike izi.
51 Then hee went downe with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subiect to them: and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.
Sunga akalongala palung'wi ku nazareti kitalao hangi au gombile kitalao, Unyinya auikile inkani yihi munkolo akwe.
52 And Iesus increased in wisedome, and stature, and in fauour with God and men.
Sunga u Yesu akalongeleka kukula kimahala ni kimwili, niantu ang'wi Tunda ikamulowa.

< Luke 2 >