< Luke 2 >

1 And it came to passe in those dayes, that there came a decree from Augustus Cesar, that all the world should be taxed.
Men det skete i de dage, at en Befaling udgik fra Kejser Augustus, at al Verden skulde skrives i Mandtal.
2 (This first taxing was made when Cyrenius was gouernour of Syria.)
(Denne første Indskrivning skete, da Kvirinius var Landshøvding i Syrien, )
3 Therefore went all to be taxed, euery man to his owne Citie.
Og alle gik for at lade sig indskrive, hver til sin By.
4 And Ioseph also went vp from Galile out of a citie called Nazareth, into Iudea, vnto the citie of Dauid, which is called Beth-leem (because he was of the house and linage of Dauid, )
Og også Josef gik op fra Galilæa, fra Byen Nazareth til Judæa til Davids By, som kaldes Bethlehem, fordi han var af Davids Hus og Slægt,
5 To bee taxed with Marie that was giuen him to wife, which was with childe.
for at lade sig indskrive tillige med Maria, sin trolovede, som var frugtsommelig.
6 And so it was, that while they were there, the daies were accomplished that shee shoulde be deliuered,
Men det skete, medens de vare der, blev Tiden fuldkommet til, at hun skulde føde.
7 And she brought foorth her first begotten sonne, and wrapped him in swadling clothes, and laide him in a cratch, because there was no roome for them in the ynne.
Og hun fødte sin Søn, den førstefødte, og svøbte ham og lagde ham i en Krybbe; thi der var ikke Rum for dem i Herberget.
8 And there were in the same countrey shepheards, abiding in the fielde, and keeping watch by night ouer their flocke.
Og der var Hyrder i den samme Egn, som lå ude på Marken og holdt Nattevagt over deres Hjord.
9 And loe, the Angel of the Lord came vpon them, and the glorie of the Lord shone about them, and they were sore afraide.
Og se, en Herrens Engel stod for dem, og Herrens Herlighed skinnede om dem, og de frygtede såre
10 Then the Angel saide vnto them, Be not afraid: for behold, I bring you glad tidings of great ioy, that shalbe to all the people,
Og Engelen sagde til dem: "Frygter ikke; thi se, jeg forkynder eder en stor Glæde, som skal være for hele Folket.
11 That is, that vnto you is borne this day in the citie of Dauid, a Sauiour, which is Christ the Lord.
Thi eder er i dag en Frelser født, som er den Herre Kristus i Davids By.
12 And this shalbe a signe to you, Yee shall finde the babe swadled, and laid in a cratch.
Og dette skulle I have til Tegn: I skulle finde et Barn svøbt, liggende i en Krybbe."
13 And straightway there was with the Angel a multitude of heauenly souldiers, praising God, and saying,
Og straks var der med Engelen en himmelsk Hærskares Mangfoldighed, som lovede Gud og sagde:
14 Glory be to God in the high heauens, and peace in earth, and towards men good will.
"Ære være Gud i det højeste! og Fred på Jorden! i Mennesker Velbehag!
15 And it came to passe whe the Angels were gone away from them into heauen, that the shepheards sayde one to another, Let vs goe then vnto Beth-leem, and see this thing that is come to passe which the Lord hath shewed vnto vs.
Og det skete, da Englene vare farne fra dem til Himmelen, sagde Hyrderne til hverandre: "Lader os dog gå til Bethlehem og se dette, som er sket, hvilket Herren har kundgjort os."
16 So they came with haste, and founde both Marie and Ioseph, and the babe laid in the cratch.
Og de skyndte sig og kom og fandt både Maria og Josef, og Barnet liggende i Krybben.
17 And when they had seene it, they published abroade the thing, that was tolde them of that childe.
Men da de så det, kundgjorde de, hvad der var talt til dem om dette Barn.
18 And all that heard it, wondred at ye things which were tolde them of the shepheards.
Og alle de, som hørte det, undrede sig over det, der blev talt til dem af Hyrderne.
19 But Mary kept all those sayings, and pondred them in her heart.
Men Maria gemte alle disse Ord og overvejede dem i sit Hjerte.
20 And the shepheardes returned glorifiyng and praising God, for all that they had heard and seene as it was spoken vnto them.
Og Hyrderne vendte tilbage, idet de priste og lovede Gud for alt, hvad de havde hørt og set, således som der var talt til dem.
21 And when the eight daies were accomplished, that they shoulde circumcise the childe, his name was then called Iesus, which was named of the Angell, before he was conceiued in the wombe.
Og da otte Dage vare fuldkommede, så han skulde omskæres, da blev hans Navn kaldt Jesus, som det var kaldt af Engelen, før han blev undfangen i Moders Liv.
22 And when the daies of her purification after the Lawe of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Hierusalem, to present him to the Lord,
Og da deres Renselsesdage efter Mose Lov vare fuldkommede, bragte de ham op til Jerusalem for at fremstille ham for Herren,
23 (As it is written in the Lawe of the Lord, Euery man childe that first openeth ye wombe, shalbe called holy to the Lord)
som der er skrevet i Herrens Lov, at alt Mandkøn, som åbner Moders Liv, skal kaldes helligt for Herren,
24 And to giue an oblation, as it is commanded in the Lawe of the Lord, a paire of turtle doues, or two yong pigeons.
og for at bringe Offer efter det, som er sagt i Herrens Lov, et Par Turtelduer eller to unge Duer.
25 And behold, there was a man in Hierusalem, whose name was Simeon: this man was iust, and feared God, and waited for the consolation of Israel, and the holy Ghost was vpon him.
Og se, der var en Mand i Jerusalem ved Navn Simeon, og denne Mand var retfærdig og gudfrygtig og forventede Israels Trøst, og den Helligånd var over ham.
26 And it was declared to him from God by the holy Ghost, that he shoulde not see death, before he had seene that Anointed of the Lord.
Og det var varslet ham af den Helligånd, at han ikke skulde se Døden, førend han havde set Herrens Salvede.
27 And he came by the motion of the spirit into the Temple, and when the parents brought in the babe Iesus, to do for him after the custome of the Lawe,
Og han kom af Åndens Drift til Helligdommen; og idet Forældrene bragte Barnet Jesus ind for at gøre med ham efter Lovens Skik,
28 Then hee tooke him in his armes, and praised God, and sayd,
da tog han det på sine Arme og priste Gud og sagde:
29 Lord, nowe lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace, according to thy woorde,
"Herre! nu lader du din Tjener fare i Fred, efter dit Ord.
30 For mine eyes haue seene thy saluation,
Thi mine Øjne have set din Frelse,
31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people,
som du beredte for alle Folkeslagenes Åsyn,
32 A light to be reueiled to the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.
et Lys til at oplyse Hedningerne og en Herlighed for dit Folk Israel."
33 And Ioseph and his mother marueiled at those things, which were spoken touching him.
Og hans Fader og hans Moder undrede sig over de Ting, som bleve sagte om ham.
34 And Simeon blessed them, and saide vnto Mary his mother, Beholde, this childe is appointed for the fall and rising againe of many in Israel, and for a signe which shalbe spoken against,
Og Simeon velsignede dem og sagde til hans Moder Maria: "Se, denne er sat mange i Israel til Fald og Oprejsning og til et Tegn, som imodsiges,
35 (Yea and a sworde shall pearce through thy soule) that the thoughts of many heartes may be opened.
ja, også din egen Sjæl skal et Sværd gennemtrænge! for at mange Hjerters Tanker skulle åbenbares."
36 And there was a Prophetesse, one Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser, which was of a great age, after she had liued with an husband seuen yeeres from her virginitie:
Og der var en Profetinde Anna, Fanuels Datter, af Asers Stamme; hun var meget fremrykket i Alder, havde levet syv År med sin Mand efter sin Jomfrustand
37 And she was widowe about foure score and foure yeeres, and went not out of the Temple, but serued God with fastings and prayers, night and day.
og var nu en Enke ved fire og firsindstyve År, og hun veg ikke fra Helligdommen, tjenende Gud med Faste og Bønner Nat og Dag.
38 She then coming at the same instant vpon them, confessed likewise the Lord, and spake of him to all that looked for redemption in Hierusalem.
Og hun trådte til i den samme Stund og priste Gud og talte om ham til alle, som forventede Jerusalems Forløsning.
39 And when they had performed all thinges according to the lawe of the Lord, they returned into Galile to their owne citie Nazareth.
Og da de havde fuldbyrdet alle Ting efter Herrens Lov, vendte de tilbage til Galilæa til deres egen By Nazareth.
40 And the childe grewe, and waxed strong in Spirit, and was filled with wisedome, and the grace of God was with him.
Men Barnet voksede og blev stærkt og blev fuldt af Visdom: og Guds Nåde var over det.
41 Nowe his parents went to Hierusalem euery yeere, at the feast of the Passeouer.
Og hans Forældre droge hvert År op til Jerusalem på Påskehøjtiden.
42 And when hee was twelue yeere olde, and they were come vp to Hierusalem, after the custome of the feast,
Og da han var bleven tolv År gammel, og de gik op efter Højtidens Sædvane
43 And had finished the dayes thereof, as they returned, the childe Iesus remained in Hierusalem, and Ioseph knew not, nor his mother,
og havde tilendebragt de Dage, blev Barnet Jesus i Jerusalem, medens de droge hjem, og hans Forældre mærkede det ikke.
44 But they supposing, that he had bene in the company, went a dayes iourney, and sought him among their kinsfolke, and acquaintance.
Men da de mente, at han var i Rejsefølget, kom de en Dags Rejse frem, og de ledte efter ham iblandt deres Slægtninge og Kyndinge.
45 And when they found him not, they turned backe to Hierusalem, and sought him.
Og da de ikke fandt ham, vendte de tilbage til Jerusalem og ledte efter ham.
46 And it came to passe three dayes after, that they found him in the Temple, sitting in the mids of the doctours, both hearing them, and asking them questions:
Og det skete efter tre Dage, da fandt de ham i Helligdommen, hvor han sad midt iblandt Lærerne og både hørte på dem og adspurgte dem.
47 And all that heard him, were astonied at his vnderstanding and answeres.
Men alle, som hørte ham, undrede sig såre over hans Forstand og Svar.
48 So when they sawe him, they were amased, and his mother said vnto him, Sonne, why hast thou thus dealt with vs? beholde, thy father and I haue sought thee with very heauie hearts.
Og da de så ham, bleve de forfærdede; og hans Moder sagde til ham:"Barn! hvorfor gjorde du således imod os? Se, din Fader og jeg have ledt efter dig med Smerte."
49 Then said he vnto them, Howe is it that ye sought me? knewe ye not that I must goe about my Fathers busines?
Og han sagde til dem: "Hvorfor ledte I efter mig? Vidste I ikke, at jeg bør være i min Faders Gerning?"
50 But they vnderstoode not the word that he spake to them.
Og de forstode ikke det Ord, som han talte til dem.
51 Then hee went downe with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subiect to them: and his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.
Og han drog ned med dem og kom til Nazareth og var dem lydig og hans Moder gemte alle de Ord i sit Hjerte.
52 And Iesus increased in wisedome, and stature, and in fauour with God and men.
Og Jesus forfremmedes i Visdom og Alder og yndest hos Gud og Mennesker.

< Luke 2 >