< Luke 18 >

1 And he spake also a parable vnto them, to this ende, that they ought alwayes to pray, and not to waxe faint,
A lu tre ni tre ni bawu nitu duba ta bre Irji chachu nda na tie suu na.
2 Saying, There was a iudge in a certaine citie, which feared not God, neither reuereced man.
A hla ndi “Ni gbu ri, ndji wu han tre njanji ri a he wandi ana tie sissri Irji na, dana toh ndji ngame ni nfutu na.
3 And there was a widowe in that citie, which came vnto him, saying, Doe mee iustice against mine aduersarie.
Niki, iwari wu s'ro ri ason ni gbu'a ngame. A ta hi ni ndji wu han tre njanji chachu nda bre ndi, “Zome kpa ikrji mu niwo bi yo me ni shishi.
4 And hee would not of a long time: but afterward he said with himselfe, Though I feare not God, nor reuerence man,
A ban nton gbaa me ndana son zo na. A son ni vi ntor ri nda rhimre kikima, nda hla ni tuma ndi, “Mina ti sissri Irji na, nina ya ndji ni nfutu ngame na.
5 Yet because this widowe troubleth mee, I will doe her right, lest at the last shee come and make me wearie.
Nitu du iwayi na nne iya ni ye bre ma chachu na, Mi zo u kpa njanji ikrji ma nduna lo me kpa ni yema na.
6 And the Lord said, Heare what the vnrighteous iudge saith.
I Bachi a tre ndi “wo tre andi ndji wa ana han tre njanji na a hla.
7 Now shall not God auenge his elect, which cry day and night vnto him, yea, though he suffer long for them?
Zizan Irji ngame na nji njanji ye ni bi wa a chu ba, ndani yi yo'u chachu ni Irji mba ni chu na? Ani tie sesren ye gbagbla ni ba?
8 I tell you he will auenge them quickly: but when the Sonne of man commeth, shall he finde faith on the earth?
Mi hla yiwu ndi, ani ye ni njanji ni bawu gbagbla. Nikima vren ndji nita ye, ani ye toh nime ni gbungblu meme?
9 He spake also this parable vnto certaine which trusted in themselues that they were iust, and despised other.
Me a lu tre toh choloncho ni bari wandi ba yo suron ni gbengblen mba, ndi ba zren tsatsra ndani ya bari grji tu,
10 Two men went vp into the Temple to pray: the one a Pharise, and the other a Publican.
Ndji ha ba hon hi ni tra Irji nda hi bre, iri ana Farasi, i rhima bi kpa iban.
11 The Pharise stoode and prayed thus with himselfe, O God, I thanke thee that I am not as other men, extortioners, vniust, adulterers, or euen as this Publican.
Farasi a lu kri ni zande nda bre ni tuma ndi, 'Irji, mi ngyiri nitu mina he to ndji bari na - bi y'bi, bi lahtre, bi humba, ba bi kpa ban too ndi yi.
12 I fast twise in the weeke: I giue tithe of all that euer I possesse.
Mi zu kpa mu rhi biri nkpu ha ni sati. Mi nu zakka (iri nimi wlon) nitu wawu kpi ndi a ri nime.'
13 But the Publican standing a farre off, woulde not lift vp so much as his eyes to heauen, but smote his brest, saying, O God, be mercifull to me a sinner.
Ndji wu kpa ban'a a kri gbagban nda na nzu shishi hi ni shu mena, wru wo ni san nda tre ndi, “Irji, ya me ni lo suron, ndji wu lahtre.”
14 I tell you, this man departed to his house iustified, rather then the other: for euery man that exalteth himselfe, shall be brought lowe, and he that humbleth himselfe, shalbe exalted.
Mi hla yiwu, igu hi a kma hi kpama ni si suron zan ndi rima'a, nitu ndji wandi a nzu tuma hi shu, ba gbron grji, i wandi a ban tuma grji (nitu ana kpe na) ba nzu hi shu.”
15 They brought vnto him also babes that he should touche them. And when his disciples sawe it, they rebuked them.
Ndji ba basi'a nji mri tsitsa ni du sa wo ni tu mba, i mri koh bi nduma ba to ba nda puaha tre.
16 But Iesus called them vnto him, and said, Suffer the babes to come vnto mee, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdome of God.
I Yesu a yo ba ye ni kpama nda tre ndi, “Du mri bi tsitsa ba ye nime, na zu ba na. Ikoh Irji ni shulu a wu biwa ba he to mba.
17 Verely I say vnto you, whosoeuer receiueth not the kingdome of God as a babe, he shall not enter therein.
Tre njanji, ndji wa na kpa ikoh Irji to mri bi tsitsa na, ana ri mi na.
18 Then a certaine ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what ought I to doe, to inherite eternall life? (aiōnios g166)
I chu mba ri a mye ndi, “Ticha ndindi, mi tie ngye ri ni kpa ko Irji?” (aiōnios g166)
19 And Iesus said vnto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, saue one, euen God.
Yesu a hal wu ndi, “Nitu ngye wu yome ndji ndindi? Ndrjo na ndindi na se Irji kankle ma.
20 Thou knowest the comandements, Thou shalt not commit adulterie: Thou shalt not kill: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalt not beare false witnes: Honour thy father and thy mother.
Bi toh doka Irji na tie nka na, na wu ndji na, na y'bi na, na nu sheda che na, wo tre time mba yime.”
21 And hee saide, All these haue I kept from my youth.
Ichu a tre ndi “Mi zi hu kpi bi mba wawuu rhi ni nzemu.”
22 Nowe when Iesus heard that, he saide vnto him, Yet lackest thou one thing. Sell all that euer thou hast, and distribute vnto the poore, and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen, and come follow mee.
Yesu a woo nda tre ndi ikpe riri rhi don, hi le ni kpi wandi wu he niwu ni gah ni bi ya, i wu he ni lada ni shulu, ni ye huma.”
23 But when he heard those things, he was very heauie: for he was marueilous riche.
Ni wa ichu a wo tre, a loh suron kpukpome, nitu ana ndji wu wo.
24 And when Iesus sawe him very sorowfull, he said, With what difficultie shall they that haue riches, enter into the kingdome of God!
Ni wa Yesu a toh kma ti gbon me ni lo suron (gbugbu chiche tre vunvu ni Greek ba sa tu tre ndi a kma ta lo suron/ama gbugbu bari bana he ni lan kima na), a tre ndi, “Ani he ni du du ndi wu wo du rhi ni koh Irji.
25 Surely it is easier for a camel to go through a needles eye, then for a riche man to enter into the kingdome of God.
A he ni du ni ndi wu wo du ri ni koh Irji, zan du ra kumi ri zu ni shishi n'ro.”
26 Then said they that heard it, And who then can be saued?
Bi wa basi'a wa'a ba tre ndji. “I nha ni nawo?”
27 And he said, The things which are vnpossible with men, are possible with God.
Yesu a sa ndi “Ikpi wa ba he ni iya tie ni ndji bana he ni iya ni Irji na.”
28 Then Peter said, Loe, we haue left all, and haue followed thee.
Bitrus ngame a tre ndi, “Toh, ki bri wawu kpi mbu ndi hu.”
29 And he said vnto them, Verely I say vnto you, there is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children for the kingdome of Gods sake,
Yesu a kma tre ni ba ndi “Njanji, mi hla yiwu, ba ndji wa a don ikoh ma, ko wama, ko mri vayi ma, ko ba ti ma, ko ni mri ma nitu ikoh Irji,
30 Which shall not receiue much more in this world, and in the world to come life euerlasting. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
wandi ana kpa zan zizan na, ni vi ye, i vri rji wu sisenise.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Then Iesus tooke vnto him ye twelue, and said vnto them, Beholde, we goe vp to Hierusalem, and all things shalbe fulfilled to the Sonne of man, that are writttn by the Prophets.
A yo ndji wlon-don-ha ba ye ni kpama nda hla bawu ndi, “Toh, ki si yi ni Wurushelima, i wawu kpi wa anabawa ba tere nitu Vren Ndji'a ba tie toki.
32 For he shall be deliuered vnto the Gentiles, and shalbe mocked, and shalbe spitefully entreated, and shalbe spitted on.
Ba banwu nu biwa bana mri Israila na, ba nzau, nda nu shan nda ju nte sru niwu.
33 And when they haue scourged him, they will put him to death: but the thirde day hee shall rise againe.
Ba ti tsiwu, ba wuu, i ni vi wu tra ani lunde.”
34 But they vnderstood none of these things, and this saying was hidde from them, neither perceiued they the things, which were spoken.
Ba na mla to ikpi biyi na, i lan tre ana ri nibawu, niki bana mla toh ikpi wa a tre na.
35 And it came to passe, that as he was come neere vnto Iericho, a certaine blinde man sate by the way side, begging.
Niwa Yesu a ye wiewire ni Yeriko ndji wu infyen ri a son si bre ni nyu nkon,
36 And when he heard the people passe by, he asked what it meant.
ni wo kpaa ndji basi zren ni zu whiwhre niwu, a mye ka ngye si zren.
37 And they saide vnto him, that Iesus of Nazareth passed by.
Ba hla wu ndi Yesu wu Nazarat-akasi hi.
38 Then hee cried, saying, Iesus the Sonne of Dauid, haue mercie on me.
Ndji wu infyen a yra gro nda hla ndi, “Yesu Vren Dawuda, ya me ni lo suron.”
39 And they which went before, rebuked him that he shoulde holde his peace, but he cried much more, O Sone of Dauid, haue mercie on me.
Bi wa bisi'a zren ni ko shishi ba puatre ni ndji wu infyen nda hla niwu du son gbangbi. A kama nda si kpa gro ndi, “Vren Dawuda, ya me ni lo suron.”
40 And Iesus stoode stil, and commanded him to be brought vnto him. And when he was come neere, he asked him,
Yesu a kri kpenme nda nu tre du ba ji igu'a ye niwu. Niwa ndji wu infyen a ye whiwhre, Yesu a mye ndi,
41 Saying, What wilt thou that I doe vnto thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receiue my sight.
“Wu son du mi ti ngye ni wu?” A tre ndi, “Bachi, mi son toh ni shishi mu.”
42 And Iesus said vnto him, Receiue thy sight: thy faith hath saued thee.
Yesu a hla niwu ndi, “Kpa toh ni shishi me, kpanyime me a nu si kpa.
43 Then immediatly he receiued his sight, and followed him, praysing God: and all the people, when they sawe this, gaue praise to God.
Hari, a toh ni shishima nda hu si yo ise ni nzu nde Irji.

< Luke 18 >