< Luke 14 >
1 And it came to passe that when he was entred into the house of one of the chiefe Pharises on the Sabbath day, to eate bread, they watched him.
Nongma Potthaba Numit amada Jisuna Pharisee-singgi luchingba amagi mayumda chaklen chanaba lengsinba matamda misingna mahakpu kupna yenglammi.
2 And beholde, there was a certaine man before him, which had the dropsie.
Aduga mapham aduda phugamna naduna makhong makhut pomthokpa nupa ama Ibungogi nakta laklammi.
3 Then Iesus answering, spake vnto the Lawyers and Pharises, saying, Is it lawfull to heale on the Sabbath day?
Maduda Jisuna Wayeng Yathanggi ojasing amadi Pharisee-sing aduda hanglak-i, “Potthaba Numitta anaba phahanbasi wayel yathangna yabra nattraga yadabra?”
4 And they held their peace. Then he tooke him, and healed him, and let him goe,
Adubu maduda makhoina paokhum amata piramde. Aduga Ibungona nupa aduda khut thambiduna naba phahanbiraga thakhirammi.
5 And answered them, saying, Which of you shall haue an asse, or an oxe fallen into a pit, and wil not straightway pull him out on the Sabbath day?
Adudagi Ibungona makhoida hanglak-i, “Nakhoi kanagumbagi nachanupa nattraga sal laba ama Potthaba Numitta komda tarabadi, nakhoina Potthaba Numit oirabasu khudak aduda madubu loukhatloidra?”
6 And they could not answere him againe to those things.
Adubu wapham asida makhoina paokhum amata khumba ngamlamde.
7 He spake also a parable to the ghestes, when he marked howe they chose out the chiefe roomes, and said vnto them,
Aduga chaklen aduda lenglaklibasing aduna ikaikhumnabasinggi phamphamsing adu khanba adu Jisuna ubada mahakna pandam ama piraduna hairak-i,
8 When thou shalt be bidden of any man to a wedding, set not thy selfe downe in the chiefest place, lest a more honourable man then thou, be bidden of him,
“Kanagumbana nakhoibu luhongbagi chaklenda kourabadi ikaikhumnabasinggi phampham aduda phamganu maramdi nangondagi henna maruoiba mi ama thouramduda kourambasu yai?
9 And he that bade both him and thee, come, and say to thee, Giue this man roome, and thou then begin with shame to take the lowest roome.
Karigumba kouramlabadi, yumbu aduna laktuna nangonda haigani, ‘Phampham asida nupa asibu phamhansi.’ Maduda nangna ikaiba nangbaga loinanana hanthaba phamphamda amuk phamgani.
10 But when thou art bidden, goe and sit downe in the lowest roome, that when he that bade thee, cometh, he may say vnto thee, Friende, sit vp hier: then shalt thou haue worship in the presence of them that sit at table with thee.
Madugi mahutta thouram yaobinaba nahakpu kourabadi, thoubu aduna laktuna nangongda, ‘Marup, henna phaba phampham asida kakhatpiyu’ haina hainanaba nahakna chattuna khwaidagi hanthaba phampham aduda phammu. Maduna chaklen aduda nahakka phamminariba pumnamakki mamangda nahakpu ikai khumnagani.
11 For whosoeuer exalteth himselfe, shall be brought lowe, and he that humbleth himselfe, shall be exalted.
Maramdi masana masabu chaohanjabasing adubu nollukhangani aduga masana nollukchabasing adubuna chaohanbigani.”
12 Then said he also to him that had bidden him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friendes, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsemen, nor ye riche neighbours, lest they also bid thee againe, and a recompence be made thee.
Adudagi Jisuna mahakpu lakpinaba koujariba yumbu aduda hairak-i, “Nahakna ayukki chaklen nattraga numidang charagidamak chakkouba matamda nahakki marup-mapang nachin nanao, sagei natei nattraga inakhunba yumlon keironnaba gi mibu kouganu maramdi makhoinasu nahakpu amuk kouraktuna nahakna toukhiba adugi laman hallakpasu yai.
13 But when thou makest a feast, call ye poore, the maimed, the lame, and the blind,
Adubu nahakna chaklen langba matamda laira-anangsing, soinairabasing, khongtekpasing amadi mitangbasingbu kou.
14 And thou shalt be blessed, because they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the iust.
Aduga makhoina nangongda amuk laman singba ngamjadaba maramna nahak yaiphaba oijagani. Maramdi achumba chatpasingna hinggatpa numit aduda Tengban Mapuna nangongda amuk hanbigani.”
15 Nowe when one of them that sate at table, heard these things, he said vnto him, Blessed is he that eateth bread in the kingdome of God.
Jisuga chaklen aduda phamminnariba amana madu tabada Jisuda hairak-i, “Tengban Mapugi leibakki chaklen aduda phamgadaba makhoising adu kayada yaiphaba!”
16 Then saide he to him, A certaine man made a great supper, and bade many,
Maduda Jisuna mangonda hairak-i, “Kanagumba mi amana achouba chaklen ama langladuna mi mayam ama koujare.
17 And sent his seruant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come: for all things are nowe readie.
Aduga chaklen adugi matam laklabada, mahakna manaising tharaduna mahakna lakpinaba haijakhibasing aduda asumna haihankhi, ‘Lakpiro, pumnamak thourang touduna leire.’
18 But they all with one mind beganne to make excuse: The first saide vnto him, I haue bought a farme, and I must needes goe out and see it: I pray thee, haue me excused.
Adubu makhoi pumnamak chap manana leithokpa houraklammi. Ahanba aduna hairak-i, ‘Eina loubuk ama leisillure aduna eina chattuna madu yengluba tare; aduna eibu ngakpinaba haijari.’
19 And another said, I haue bought fiue yoke of oxen, and I goe to proue them: I pray thee, haue me excused.
Atoppa amana amuk hairak-i, ‘Eina sal laba pabot manga leirure aduna madu chang yenglunaba ei chatlibani. Aduna eibu ngakpinaba haijari.’
20 And another said, I haue maried a wife, and therefore I can not come.
Adudagi atoppa amana amuk hairak-i, ‘Ei luhongbada ngairi, maram aduna ei lakpa ngamlaroi.’
21 So that seruaunt returned, and shewed his master these thinges. Then was the good man of the house angrie, and said to his seruant, Goe out quickely into the streetes and lanes of the citie, and bring in hither the poore, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blinde.
Adudagi minai aduna handuna pumnamaksing asi mapu aduda tamlare. Maduda mapu aduna saoraduna mahakki minai aduda hairak-i, ‘Houjikmak sahargi lambi lambida aduga leirak leirakta thuna chattuna laira-anangsing, soinaibasing, mit-tangbasing amadi khongtekpasingbu mapham asida purak-u.’
22 And the seruaunt saide, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is roome.
Madu pangthoklaba matungda minai aduna laktuna hairak-i, ‘Ibungo nahakna haibadu toujare adubu houjiksu mapham hangli.’
23 Then the master sayd to the seruaunt, Goe out into the hie wayes, and hedges, and compell them to come in, that mine house may bee filled.
Maduda mapu aduna minai aduda hairak-i, ‘Nakhoina khullakki lambising amadi leirak leirakta chattuna yum asi thannanaba misingbu mapham asida changhallak-u.
24 For I say vnto you, that none of those men which were bidden, shall taste of my supper.
Eina nakhoi pumnamakta hairi, madudi eina hanna lakpinaba haijakhiba makhoi amatana chaklen asigi mahao tangba phangloi.’”
25 Nowe there went great multitudes with him, and he turned and sayd vnto them,
Adudagi yamlaba miyam ama Jisuga loinana chatminnarammi. Aduga Ibungona makhoida onsillaktuna hairak-i,
26 If any man come to mee, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters: yea, and his owne life also, he can not be my disciple.
“Eigi inakta lakpa mi amana mahakki mama-mapa, nupi-angang, machin-manao, machal-mache aduga masamakki punsidagi phaoba henna eibu nungsidragadi mahakna eigi tung-inba oiba ngamloi.
27 And whosoeuer beareth not his crosse, and commeth after mee, can not bee my disciple.
Aduga kanagumba masagi crosspu pujadaba aduga eigi itung illaktaba mahak aduna eigi tung-inba oiba ngamloi.
28 For which of you minding to builde a towre, sitteth not downe before, and counteth the cost, whether hee haue sufficient to performe it,
Nakhoigi maraktagi kanagumba amana awangba yum ama saninglabadi nahakna phamthaduna madu saba loisinba phaobada konnagadaba nahakki sel leigadra haina changgadaba adu hanna pathokloidra?
29 Lest that after he hath laide the foundation, and is not able to performe it, all that behold it, begin to mocke him,
Maramdi nahakna madu toudragadi, yumphamdi hougatlaga awangba yum adu saba loisinba ngamloi; aduga madu awuba misingna nahakpu noknaduna haigani,
30 Saying, This man began to builde, and was not able to make an end?
‘Nahakna yum sabadi hougatlamlaga loisinbadi ngamdrene.’
31 Or what King going to make warre against another King, sitteth not downe first, and taketh counsell, whether he be able with ten thousande, to meete him that commeth against him with twentie thousand?
Aduga lanmi lising tara leiba ningthou amana lanmi lising kun puduna lakpa atoppa ningthou amaga lanthengnaba chatlabadi, chattringeigi mamangda mahakna ningthou aduga maiyoknaba ngamgadra haina mahakna hanna phamthaduna khantharoidra?
32 Or els while hee is yet a great way off, hee sendeth an ambassage, and desireth peace.
Aduga mahakna maipakloidaba oiragadi, atoppa ningthou aduna lapna leiringeida karamba phibhamda ingthaba purakpa yagadage haina hangnabagidamak mahakki pao pubasingbu manakta thagani.
33 So likewise, whosoeuer hee be of you, that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
Matou asigumna nakhoigi maraktagi kanagumbana mahakki areiba pumnamaksing adu hek thadoktriba makeidi mahakna eigi tung-inba oiba ngamloi.
34 Salt is good: but if salt haue lost his sauour, wherewith shall it be salted?
“Thumdi aphaba potni, adubu mahakna mahao mangkhrabadi madubu amuk karamna mahao leihangadage?
35 It is neither meete for the land, nor yet for the dunghill, but men cast it out. He that hath eares to heare, let him heare.
Mahao yaodraba thumdi leibakkidamaksu aduga leihaogidamaksu karisu kannade. Amasung madu langthoknei. Tannanaba manakong panba mahak aduna tajasanu.”