< Luke 12 >
1 In the meane time, there gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, so that they trode one another: and he began to say vnto his disciples first, Take heede to your selues of the leauen of the Pharises, which is hypocrisie.
Khu nsikhi ugwa amakhindiga ga vanu valundamane pupaninye nu khukhadana, akhatengula ukhunchova na vakhongi va mwene tasi, mwilolelage ni khiluve ikya Vafarisayo avuvene, “Viva vanyalubedo”
2 For there is nothing couered, that shall not bee reueiled: neither hidde, that shall not be knowen.
Sapakhave ne siri iyifihime iyiyo sayigubatuliwe, nikhunu khikyo khikhafihime, khile khe ukhuvonekha.
3 Wherefore whatsoeuer yee haue spoken in darkenesse, it shall be heard in the light: and that which ye haue spoken in the eare, in secret places, shall be preached on the houses.
Linio lola ilyumwa nchovaga vumilimuhisi, pulipuli khikha vulimu ndumuli. Nu vavenchaga vumukhu ganchova mumbulukhutu igati mu nyumba nchenyo ivikhungiwe filanchovaga khu kyanya khu nyumba.
4 And I say vnto you, my friendes, be not afraide of them that kill the bodie, and after that are not able to doe any more.
Nikhuvavulamincha vayangamula dwadaga avibuda umbili, ulwakhuva va livuvule ukhinu ikya khuvomba,
5 But I wil forewarne you, who ye shall feare: feare him which after hee hath killed, hath power to cast into hell: yea, I say vnto you, him feare. (Geenna )
Lino nikhuva vunga uvakhu dwada. Mudwadage ula uvuyakhiva ibuda nu anayelweli woni nu khutaga khujehanamu. Kweli, nikhuvavula umwe mudwadage ujwua. (Geenna )
6 Are not fiue sparowes bought for two farthings, and yet not one of them is forgotten before God?
limo shamoro5 savigunchi wa kundalama ivili? Pu asikhuli numo uvi yakhuva ga Nguluve.
7 Yea, and all the heares of your head are nombred: feare not therefore: yee are more of value then many sparowes.
Lino pu mulumanye ukhuta, injweli ncha twe gwinyo nchivaliwe mulwadwadaga. Umwe mulivavaha nukhu dwanchiwa. Khuvuvaha khisita ishomoro inyinyingi.
8 Also I say vnto you, Whosoeuer shall confesse mee before men, him shall the Sonne of man confesse also before the Angels of God.
Nikhuva, vula uviavenchoga uviyakhiva ikhunjidikha une khumiho ga vanu, nu Mwana va Adamu ayikhumwidikha khumiho ga vasung'wa va Nguluve.
9 But hee that shall denie mee before men, shall be denied before the Angels of God.
Umunu uvavenchaga uviyakhiva inchova ilimenyu ilivivi khu mwana va Adamu, ayisikhiliwa,
10 And whosoeuer shall speake a woorde against the Sonne of man, it shall be forgiuen him: but vnto him, that shall blaspheme ye holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiuen.
lino uvavenchaga, uviibeda khu mepo umbalanche, sakhasyekhiliwe.
11 And when they shall bring you vnto the Synagogues, and vnto the rulers and Princes, take no thought howe, or what thing ye shall answere, or what yee shall speake.
Vuyakhiva vikhuvahilikha khuvulongolo khu vavaha avasinagogi, na vatwa na vakhilunga mulwadwada nu khu nchova nu khunchova vu mukhitetela,
12 For the holy Ghost shall teache you in the same houre, what yee ought to say.
khikyo mwinchova, Pu umepo umbalanche ayikhuva manyisya umwa khunchovela khu sikhi ugwa.”
13 And one of the companie said vnto him, Master, bidde my brother deuide the inheritance with me.
Umunu umo nu lulundamano akhambula, “Umanyisi, umbule ulukhololwango angavile uluvafu lwango.”
14 And he said vnto him, Man, who made me a iudge, or a deuider ouer you?
U Yisu akhanda, veni uviambikhile ukhuva indamunchi nu khulihava imbulongolo winyo?
15 Wherefore he said vnto them, Take heede, and beware of couetousnesse: for though a man haue abundance, yet his life standeth not in his riches.
Pu akha vavula, mwilolelage mu mhombo iya vunogwe, ulwakhuva uvumi wa munu vusi khuli nu vumofu uwa finu ifi alinavyo.”
16 And he put foorth a parable vnto them, saying, The grounde of a certaine riche man brought foorth fruites plenteously.
U Yisu akhavavula ikhihwa na nicho, akhanchova akhata, ikyalo kya munu yumo utayili,
17 Therefore he thought with himselfe, saying, What shall I doe, because I haue no roume, where I may lay vp my fruites?
kya motikhe fincho, Akhivuncha mugati akhata, nelivuvule apakhuvikha imote yango?
18 And he said, This wil I do, I wil pul downe my barnes, and builde greater, and therein will I gather all my fruites, and my goods.
Akhanchova, nivomba ndeenidenyanya ifibana vyango ifidebe nu khunjenga ifibana ifivaha, nu khuvikha imote yoni ni finu ifinge vyoni.
19 And I wil say to my soule, Soule, thou hast much goods laide vp for many yeeres: liue at ease, eate, drinke and take thy pastime.
Nu khuyivula inumbula ukhuta,” numbula wivekhile ikhibana ne vinu vyooni khusikhi ikya miakha gimingi. Tama, nu khuhovokha, uliuchage nukhunjwa nu khuhovokha.”
20 But God said vnto him, O foole, this night wil they fetch away thy soule from thee: then whose shall those things be which thou hast prouided?
Lino UNguluve akhambula, uve vi munu ulipelwa, ikhilo iyi vinogwa inumbula yakho ukhuhuma khulyuve, ni finuvyoni ifiwavekhile fiva vyani?
21 So is he that gathereth riches to himselfe, and is not riche in God.
Vunyilava umunu nu munu uvivekha ikyuma ulekhe ukhwita yilisya khu Twa.
22 And he spake vnto his disciples, Therefore I say vnto you, Take no thought for your life, what yee shall eate: neither for your body, what yee shall put on.
U Yisu akhavavula avakhongi vamwene, pu lino nikhuvavula ukhuta, mlekhe ukhu susuvala khukya muhiitamile ginyo ukhuta mwilya khikhi, mufwala khikhi.
23 The life is more then meate: and the body more then the raiment.
Ulwakhuva imitamile khulutilile mukyakhulya, nu mbili gulutilile mumyenda.
24 Consider the rauens: for they neither sowe nor reape: which neither haue storehouse nor barne, and yet God feedeth them: how much more are yee better then foules?
Mulolage ifidege ivya khukyanya, safilina nu khubena. Valivuvule inyumba na khikhi bana ikya khuvikhila, lino uDada veto, ikhikhuvalisya. Umwe samuli vananu ukhulutilila fincho ndi fidege!
25 And which of you with taking thought, can adde to his stature one cubite?
Pu pwale veni uvi ikhigatancha imbutamilo wa mwene?
26 If yee then bee not able to doe the least thing, why take yee thought for the remnant?
Ingavesanuvomba imbombo indebe khikhukhwi gatancha na gange goni?
27 Consider the lilies howe they growe: they labour not, neither spin they: yet I say vnto you, that Salomon himselfe in all his royaltie was not clothed like one of these.
Mulolage amavuva - vugimela. Sagivomba nu khubota ulwakhuva. Nikhumbula, na yu Sulemani khu vuvaha wa mwene woni savikhiwe ukhuva vope pwale,
28 If then God so clothe the grasse which is to day in the field, and to morowe is cast into the ouen, howe much more will he clothe you, O yee of litle faith?
Ingave Unguluve si vikha vunonu ilinyasi khuvunambalililo, ne lelo pugale, khilavo vitaga khumwota. Lino silutilila ukhuvavikha umwe? Umwe mwi valwidikho ulusupi!
29 Therefore aske not what yee shall eate, or what ye shall drinke, neither hag you in suspense.
Mulagatalaga ukhuta twilya khikhi nu khunywa khikhi mulavenchaga nu vugwanchi.
30 For all such things the people of the world seeke for: and your Father knoweth that ye haue neede of these things.
Ukhuva avavaha va khilunga vigatanchiwa ne nchakhilunga. Nu Dada vito ulumanyile ukhuta mulonda ago.
31 But rather seeke ye after the kingdome of God, and all these things shalbe cast vpon you.
Lino mulondage uludeva tasi pu agange ikhuvongelenchaga,
32 Feare not, litle flocke: for it is your Fathers pleasure, to giue you the kingdome.
Muladwadaga, umwe mwikhipunga ikhidebe, ulwakhuva u Dada veto ihavokha ukhutupo ufwe uludeva.
33 Sell that ye haue, and giue almes: make you bagges, which waxe not old, a treasure that can neuer faile in heauen, where no theefe commeth, neither mothe corrupteth.
Gunchaga ikyuma kyoni nu khuvapa avaganchu, mwivikhile imepakho igisagisila ne lakhiba khu kyanya iyisayisila upu avalyasi savakhahedelele na yi nondo sayikhawese ukhubungua.
34 For where your treasure is, there will your hearts be also.
Ulwakhuva upunyilipo iakhiba puyilipo na yi numbula yakho.
35 Let your loynes be gird about and your lights burning,
Imwenda gieto give nutali give gikhungiwe nu khanda, gwa taa nchinyo nu khulola ukhuta nchikwe ndelela ukhwakha,
36 And ye your selues like vnto men that waite for their master, when he will returne from the wedding, that when he commeth and knocketh, they may open vnto him immediatly.
Nu khuva nda vanu avikhundola Utwa vavene ukhuhuma khuluhekhelo ulwa vutegulani, ukhuta aginche nu khuta, puvi khudindulila undyango na mbivi igele.
37 Blessed are those seruants, whom the Lord when he commeth shall finde waking: verely I say vnto you, he will girde himselfe about, and make them to sit downe at table, and will come forth, and serue them.
Vasayiwe avavombi avuvene Utwa ayikhuvavona valimiho. Lweli ayikhunga mienda imitali nu khanda, nu khuvatamikha pasi khukhulya nu khuvapa linchaga.
38 And if he come in the seconde watch, or come in the third watch, and shall finde them so, blessed are those seruants.
Ingave Utwa ikhwincha khusikhisikhi pu uvuloleli uwa pakhilo nu wa sikhi khadatu yu vuloleli nu khuvavona ukhuva viyandalile, viva vagatalufu avavombi avo.
39 Nowe vnderstand this, that if the good man of the house had knowen at what houre the theefe would haue come, he would haue watched, and would not haue suffered his house to be digged through.
Ukhulutilila nago, mungalumanye ukhuta umunu ikhwincha khuhincha sakhale ikhuyilekha inyumba vebomole.
40 Be ye also prepared therefore: for the Sonne of man will come at an houre when ye thinke not.
Muvenchage miho, ulwakhuva samulumanyile usikhi ugu ikhwincha umwana va Adamu.
41 Then Peter saide vnto him, Master, tellest thou this parable vnto vs, or euen to all?
u Petro anchovile akhata, “Itwa, vukhutuvula yufwe ifi khwani, nukhumbula umunu nu munu?
42 And the Lord saide, Who is a faithfull steward and wise, whom the master shall make ruler ouer his householde, to giue them their portion of meate in season?
U Twa akhavavula akhata, “Veni umbanda unonu nu nyaluhala, uve Utwa va mwene ikhu mbikha khukyanya khuva mbombo avange ukhuta avapinchage ikyakhulya kyavene khunsikhi ugwa venchaga?
43 Blessed is that seruant, whom his master when he commeth, shall finde so doing.
Asayiwe umbaha uvi Utwa va mwene anginche ivona ivomba imbombo yila iyakhambulule ukhuvomba.
44 Of a trueth I say vnto you, that he wil make him ruler ouer all that he hath.
Lweli nikhuvavula umwe ukhuta ikhu mbikha khukyanya khu kyuma kyoni.
45 But if that seruant say in his heart, My master doeth deferre his comming, and ginne to smite the seruants, and maydens, and to eate, and drinke, and to be drunken,
Lino umbaha ula anchovile munumbula mumwene, “Utwa vango inchelewa ukhukhilivu kha; pu akhatengula ukhuvatova avambombo voni, avagosi na vadala pu akhatengula ukhulya nu khunywa nu khugala,
46 The master of that seruant will come in a day when he thinketh not, and at an houre when he is not ware of, and will cut him off, and giue him his portion with the vnbeleeuers.
utwa vamwene nu mbanda ayikhwincha pa khigono ikhisakhivo nekha nu sikhi gugwa sugumanyile, nu mwene ayigida tusekhele tusekhele, nu khuvikha pupaninye na avasava vikhwelewa'
47 And that seruant that knewe his masters will, and prepared not himselfe, neither did according to his will, shalbe beaten with many stripes.
Umbaha, uvyalumanyile uvugane wa Ntwa wa mwene nu mwene sakhivikhe vuuonu nu khuvomba vuuonu nu vugane wa mwene, nu khutoviwa ne mbikhi inyingi.
48 But he that knewe it not, and yet did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with fewe stripes: for vnto whomsoeuer much is giuen, of him shalbe much required, and to whom men much commit, the more of him will they aske.
Lino umbaha uvesalumanyile uvugani wa NTwa va mwene, pu akhavomba agilondiwa, ayitova imbikhi ndebe, ulwa khuva uvivapile fingi, ifingi vikhufilonda u khuhuma khu mwene, nu mwene uvivamwamini khu fihele likhe, khu mwene ayufilondiwa ifihelelikhe ukhulutilila.
49 I am come to put fire on the earth, and what is my desire, if it be already kindled?
Ninchile khukhoncha umwoto mukhilunga, ninogwa guve gwakhile,
50 Notwithstanding I must be baptized with a baptisme, and how am I grieued, till it be ended?
Pu luno nelinulwoncho ulwa khwonchiva, nu khuva nulususuvalo ukhufikha khuvumalilo!
51 Thinke ye that I am come to giue peace on earth? I tell you, nay, but rather debate.
Lino, usaga mwita ninchile khukhuvapa ulwidikho mukhilunga? Bakho, nikhuvavulanincha, ukhuta neletile ukhulekhehana.
52 For from hencefoorth there shall be fiue in one house deuided, three against two, and two against three.
Ukhuma lino nu khwendelela yukhuva na vanu 5 munjengo yimo nukhugavaniya radatu viva khusana na vavili, na vavili viva khusana na vadatu.
53 The father shalbe deuided against ye sonne, and the sonne against the father: the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother: the mother in lawe against her daughter in lawe, and the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe.
Yuvikhigava, udada iva khusana nu mwana, nu mwana ayiva khusana nu dadaye, uvanina iva khusana nu ng'inchava mwene, nu vanina ukwive iva khusana nu khwive va mwene.
54 Then said he to the people, When ye see a cloude rise out of the West, straightway ye say, A shower commeth: and so it is.
U Yisu akha vavula avanyalulundamano nave, “Ukhuta vumuvona amafunde vugihumila khuvuhumo, mwinchova usikhi ugwa fula gufikhe vuyilivo vuyakhiva yiva,
55 And when ye see the South winde blowe, ye say, that it wilbe hoate: and it commeth to passe.
Ne mepo ukhuhuma khuvutegulilo wa khilunga nu khuluguto, mwinchova, pupalava na mafukhe amakhali, vuyilava.
56 Hypocrites, ye can discerne the face of the earth, and of the skie: but why discerne ye not this time?
Umwe mwe vanyagila, muwesya ukhulesya imigendele igiya khilunga na khukyanya, lino yuyiwa ndakhikhi samukhawese ukhwelesya usikhi ugupugule?
57 Yea, and why iudge ye not of your selues what is right?
Khikhi umunu nu munu alekhe ukhukhwihiga ilya lweli? Khu mwene ukhu vomba usikhi ugwalinago nu sikhi ugwakhuvomba evo?
58 While thou goest with thine aduersarie to the ruler, as thou art in the way, giue diligence in the way, that thou mayest be deliuered from him, least he drawe thee to the iudge, and the iudge deliuer thee to the iayler, and the iayler cast thee into prison.
Ungave vuluta nu vihegiwa vakhe khuvulongolo khwa uhakhimu, nitangage ukhwibatana nu vihigiwa vakho vulimumule mulinchila alekhe ukhukhuhilikha khwa akhimu, nu hakhimu akhuhilikhe khu ofisa, nu ofisa akhakhutaga khulumande.
59 I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence, till thou hast payed the vtmost mite.
Ni khuvavula, ukhuhuma ukhwa akhuhombile ukhuhuma khumwisyo ne senti iya mwisyo.