< Luke 10 >

1 After these thinges, the Lord appointed other seuentie also, and sent them, two and two before him into euery citie and place, whither he himselfe should come.
Baada ya mambo hayo, Bwana akachagua sabini wengine, na kuwatuma wawili wawili wamtangulie katika kila mji na eneo alilotarajia kwenda.
2 And he said vnto them, The haruest is great, but the labourers are fewe: pray therefore the Lord of the haruest to sende foorth labourers into his haruest.
Akawaambia, “Mavuno ni mengi, lakini wafanyakazi ni wachache. Hivyo basi muombeni Bwana wa mavuno, ili kwamba atume haraka wafanyakazi katika mavuno yake.
3 Goe your wayes: beholde, I send you foorth as lambes among wolues.
Enendeni katika miji. Angalieni, ninawatuma kama kondoo katikati ya mbwa mwitu.
4 Beare no bagge, neither scrippe, nor shoes, and salute no man by the way.
Msibebe mfuko wa pesa, wala mikoba ya wasafiri, wala viatu, wala msimsalimie yeyote njiani.
5 And into whatsoeuer house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house.
Katika nyumba yeyote mtakayo ingia, kwanza semeni, 'Amani iwe katika nyumba hii.'
6 And if the sonne of peace be there, your peace shall rest vpon him: if not, it shall turne to you againe.
kama mtu wa amani yupo pale, amani yenu itabaki juu yake, lakini kama sivyo, itarudi kwenu.
7 And in that house tary still, eating and drinking such things as by them shall be set before you: for the labourer is worthy of his wages. Goe not from house to house.
Bakini katika nyumba hiyo, kuleni na mnywe watakachokitoa, kwa maana mfanyakazi anastahili mshahara wake. Msihame kutoka nyumba hii kwenda nyingine.
8 But into whatsoeuer citie ye shall enter, if they receiue you, eate such things as are set before you,
Mji wowote muuingiao, na wakawapokea, kuleni chochote kitakachowekwa mbele yenu,
9 And heale the sicke that are there, and say vnto them, The kingdome of God is come neere vnto you.
na ponyeni wagonjwa waliomo humo. Semeni kwao, 'Ufalme wa Mungu umekuja karibu yanu'
10 But into whatsoeuer citie ye shall enter, if they will not receiue you, goe your wayes out into the streetes of the same, and say,
Lakini katika mji wowote mtakaoingia, na wasiwapokee, nendeni nje katika barabara na semeni,
11 Euen the very dust, which cleaueth on vs of your citie, we wipe off against you: notwithstanding knowe this, that the kingdome of God was come neere vnto you.
'Hata vumbi katika mji wenu lililonata miguu mwetu tunalikung'uta dhidi yenu! Lakini tambueni hili, Ufalme wa Mungu umekaribia.'
12 For I say to you, that it shall be easier in that day for them of Sodom, then for that citie.
Ninawambieni kwamba siku ya hukumu itakuwa ni usitahamilivu zaidi kwa Sodoma kuliko mji huo.
13 Woe be to thee, Chorazin: woe be to thee, Beth-saida: for if the miracles had bene done in Tyrus and Sidon, which haue bene done in you, they had a great while agone repented, sitting in sackecloth and ashes.
Ole kwako Korazini, Ole kwako Bethsaida! Kama kazi kuu zilizo fanyika ndani yako ingalifanyika Tiro na Sidoni, Wangelitubu zamani sana, wakikaa ndani ya nguo za gunia na majivu.
14 Therefore it shall be easier for Tyrus, and Sidon, at the iudgement, then for you.
Lakini itakuwa usitahamilivu zaidi siku ya hukumu kwa Tiro na Sidoni zaidi yenu.
15 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heauen, shalt be thrust downe to hell. (Hadēs g86)
Wewe Kapernaumu, Unafikiri utainuliwa mpaka Mbinguni? Hapana, utashushwa chini mpaka kuzimu (Hadēs g86)
16 He that heareth you, heareth me: and he that despiseth you, despiseth me: and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me.
Atakaye wasikiliza ninyi anisikiliza mimi, na yeyote atakaye wakataa anikataa mimi, na yeyote anikataaye mimi anmtakaa aliyenituma”
17 And the seuentie turned againe with ioy, saying, Lord, euen the deuils are subdued to vs through thy Name.
Wale sabini walirudi kwa furaha, wakisema, “Bwana, hata mapepo wanatutii katika jina lako.”
18 And he said vnto them, I sawe Satan, like lightening, fall downe from heauen.
Yesu akawaambia, “Nilimwona Shetani akianguka kutoka mbinguni kama radi.
19 Beholde, I giue vnto you power to treade on Serpents, and Scorpions, and ouer all the power of the enemie, and nothing shall hurt you.
Tazama, nimewapa mamlaka ya kukanyaga nyoka na nge, na nguvu zote za adui, na hapana chochote kwa njia yoyote kitakachowadhuru.
20 Neuerthelesse, in this reioyce not, that the spirits are subdued vnto you: but rather reioyce, because your names are written in heauen.
Hata hivyo msifurahi tu katika hili, kwamba roho zinawatii, lakini furahini zaidi kwamba majina yenu yameandikwa mbinguni.”
21 That same houre reioyced Iesus in the spirit, and said, I confesse vnto thee, Father, Lord of heauen and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and vnderstanding, and hast reueiled them to babes: euen so, Father, because it so pleased thee.
Katika mda uleule alifurahi sana katika Roho Mtakatifu, na kusema, “Ninakusifu wewe, Baba, Bwana wa mbingu na dunia, kwa sababu umeyaficha mambo haya kutoka kwa wenye hekima na akili, na kuyafunua kwa wasio fundishwa, kama watoto wadogo. Ndio, Baba, kwa kuwa ilipendeza katika machoni pako.”
22 All things are giuen me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Sonne is, but the Father: neither who the Father is, saue the Sonne, and he to whom the Sonne will reueile him.
“Kila kitu kimekabidhiwa kwangu na Baba yangu, na hakuna afahamuye Mwana ni nani ila Baba, na hakuna afahamuye Baba ni nani ila Mwana, na ye yote ambaye Mwana hutamani kujifunua kwake.”
23 And he turned to his disciples, and said secretly, Blessed are the eyes, which see that ye see.
Akawageukia wanafunzi, akasema faraghani, “Wamebarikiwa wayaonayo haya ambayo ninyi mnayaona.
24 For I tell you that many Prophets and Kings haue desired to see those things, which ye see, and haue not seene them: and to heare those things which ye heare, and haue not heard them.
Ninawambia ninyi, kwamba manabii wengi na wafalme walitamani kuona mambo myaonayo, na hawakuyaona, na kusikia kusikia mnayoyaikia, na hawakuyasikia.”
25 Then beholde, a certaine Lawyer stoode vp, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I doe, to inherite eternall life? (aiōnios g166)
Tazama, mwalimu fulani wa sheria ya Kiyahudi alisimama na kumjaribu, akisema, “Mwalimu, nifanye nini niurithi izima wa milele?” (aiōnios g166)
26 And he saide vnto him, What is written in the Lawe? howe readest thou?
Yesu akamwambia, “Kimeandikwa nini katika sheria? Unaisoma je?”
27 And he answered, and saide, Thou shalt loue thy Lord God with all thine heart, and with all thy soule, and with all thy strength, and with all thy thought, and thy neighbour as thy selfe.
Akajibu akasema, “Utampenda Bwana Mungu wako kwa moyo wako wote, kwa roho yako yote, kwa nguvu zako zote, na kwa akili zako zote, na jirani yako kama nafsi yako mwenyewe.”
28 Then he said vnto him, Thou hast answered right: this doe, and thou shalt liue.
Yesu akasema, “Umejibu kwa usahihi. Fanya hivi na utaishi.”
29 But he willing to iustifie himselfe, said vnto Iesus, Who is then my neighbour?
Lakini mwalimu, akitamani kujihesabia haki mwenyewe, Akamwambia Yesu, “Na jirani yangu ni nani?”
30 And Iesus answered, and saide, A certaine man went downe from Hierusalem to Iericho, and fell among theeues, and they robbed him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leauing him halfe dead.
Yesu akijibu akasema, “Mtu fulani alikuwa akitelemka kutoka Yerusalem kwenda Yeriko. Akaangukia kati ya wanyang'anyi, waliomnyang'anya mali yake, na kumpiga na kumuacha karibu akiwa nusu mfu.
31 Nowe so it fell out, that there came downe a certaine Priest that same way, and when he sawe him, he passed by on the other side.
Kwa bahati kuhani fulani alikuwa akishuka katika njia hiyo, alipo muona alipita upande mwingine.
32 And likewise also a Leuite, when he was come neere to the place, went and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
Vivyo hivyo Mlawi pia, alipofika mahali pale na kumuona, akapita upande mwingine.
33 Then a certaine Samaritane, as he iourneyed, came neere vnto him, and when he sawe him, he had compassion on him,
Lakini Msamaria mmoja, alipokuwa akisafiri, alipita pale alipokuwa mtu huyo. alipomuona, alisukumwa kwa huruma.
34 And went to him, and bound vp his wounds, and powred in oyle and wine, and put him on his owne beast, and brought him to an Inne, and made prouision for him.
Alimkaribia na kumfunga vidonda vyake, akimwiga mafuta na divai juu yake. Alimpandisha juu ya mnyama wake, na kumpeleka katika nyumba ya wageni na kumhudumia.
35 And on the morowe when he departed, he tooke out two pence, and gaue them to the hoste, and said vnto him, Take care of him, and whatsoeuer thou spendest more, when I come againe, I will recompense thee.
Siku ilyofuata alichukua dinari mbili, na akampatia mmiliki wa nyumba ya wageni na kumwambia, 'Muhudumie na chochote cha ziada utakacho tumia, nitakulipa nitakaporudi.'
36 Which nowe of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour vnto him that fell among the theeues?
Ni yupi kati ya hawa watatu, unafikiri, alikuwa ni jirani kwake yeye aliyeangukia kati ya wanyang'anyi?”
37 And he saide, He that shewed mercie on him. Then said Iesus vnto him, Goe, and do thou likewise.
Mwalimu alisema, “Ni yule aliyeonesha huruma kwake.” Yesu akamwambia, “Nenda na ukafanye vivyo hivyo”
38 Nowe it came to passe, as they went, that he entred into a certaine towne, and a certaine woman named Martha, receiued him into her house.
Sasa walipokuwa wakisafiri, waliingia katika kijiji fulani, na mwanamke mmoja jina lake Martha alimkaribisha nyumbani kwake.
39 And she had a sister called Marie, which also sate at Iesus feete, and heard his preaching.
Alikuwa na dada aliyeitwa Mariamu, aliekaa miguuni pa Bwana na kusikiliza neno lake.
40 But Martha was combred about much seruing, and came to him, and saide, Master, doest thou not care that my sister hath left me to serue alone? bid her therefore, that she helpe me.
Lakini Martha alijipa shughuli nyingi za kuandaa mlo. Alikwenda kwa Yesu, na kusema, “Bwana, haujali kwamba dada yangu ameniacha nihudumu peke yangu? Hivyo basi mwambie anisaidie.”
41 And Iesus answered, and said vnto her, Martha, Martha, thou carest, and art troubled about many things:
Lakini Bwana alimjibu na kumwambia, “Martha, Martha, una sumbuka juu ya mambo mengi,
42 But one thing is needefull, Marie hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
lakini ni kitu kimoja tu cha muhimu. Mariamu amechagua kilicho chema, ambacho hakitaondolewa kutoka kwake.”

< Luke 10 >