< Leviticus 20 >

1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
UThixo wathi kuMosi,
2 Thou shalt say also to the children of Israel, Whosoeuer he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that dwell in Israel, that giueth his children vnto Molech, he shall die the death, ye people of ye land shall stone him to death.
“Tshela abako-Israyeli uthi: ‘Loba ngubani kwabako-Israyeli kumbe owezizweni ohlala kini onikela abantwana bakhe kunkulunkulu uMoleki, kumele abulawe. Izakhamizi kazimkhande ngamatshe.
3 And I will set my face against that man and cut him off from among his people, because he hath giuen his children vnto Molech, for to defile my Sanctuarie, and to pollute mine holy Name.
Mina ngizamdela lowomuntu, ngimkhuphe ebantwini bakibo; ngoba nxa enikele ngabantwabakhe kuMoleki, usengcolise indlu yami engcwele, wahlambaza lebizo lami elingcwele.
4 And if the people of the lande hide their eyes, and winke at that man when he giueth his children vnto Molech, and kill him not,
Nxa izakhamizi zendawo zingangamnanzi lowomuntu enikela umntanakhe kuMoleki zingambulali,
5 Then will I set my face against that man, and against his familie, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him to comit whoredome with Molech, from among their people.
mina ngizamhlamukela lowomuntu labomuzi wakhe, ngibakhuphe ebantwini bakibo, yena kanye labo bonke abahlanganyela laye njengeziphingi kuMoleki.
6 If any turne after such as worke with spirits, and after soothsayers, to go a whoring after them, then will I set my face against that person, and will cut him off from among his people.
Ngizamhlamukela lowo oya ezangomeni lezanuseni njengesiphingi sazo, ngokulandelana lazo. Ngizamkhupha kwabakibo.
7 Sanctifie your selues therefore, and be holie, for I am the Lord your God.
Zingcweliseni libengcwele ngoba mina nginguThixo uNkulunkulu wenu.
8 Keepe ye therefore mine ordinances, and doe them. I am the Lord which doeth sanctifie you.
Gcinani izimiso zami lizilandele. Mina nginguThixo olenza libengcwele.
9 If there be any that curseth his father or his mother, he shall die the death: seeing hee hath cursed his father and his mother, his blood shalbe vpon him.
Lowo othuka uyise loba unina kabulawe. Usethuke uyise loba unina ngakho usefanele ukufa.
10 And the man that committeth adulterie with another mans wife, because he hath comitted adulterie with his neighbours wife, the adulterer and the adulteresse shall die the death.
Nxa indoda ifeba lomfazi womunye, umfazi kamakhelwane, kababulawe bobabili isiphingi lesiphingikazi leso.
11 And the man that lyeth with his fathers wife, because hee hath vncouered his fathers shame, they shall both dye: their blood shalbe vpon them.
Nxa indoda ilala lomfazi kayise, isiyembule ubunqunu bukayise. Leyondoda lonina lowo kababulawe. Bafanele ukufa.
12 Also the man that lyeth with his daughter in lawe, they both shall dye the death, they haue wrought abomination, their blood shalbe vpon them.
Nxa indoda ilala lomalokazana wayo, kababulawe bobabili. Lokho asebekwenzile kulihlazo. Bafanele ukufa.
13 The man also that lyeth with the male, as one lyeth with a woman, they haue both committed abomination: they shall dye the death, their blood shalbe vpon them.
Nxa indoda ilala lenye indoda ingathi ilala lomfazi, bobabili benze amanyala. Kababulawe. Bafanele ukufa.
14 Likewise he that taketh a wife and her mother, committeth wickednesse: they shall burne him and them with fire, that there be no wickednes among you.
Nxa indoda ithatha umfazi, ithathe lonina, kubi lokho. Yona indoda labesifazane labo kabatshiswe ngomlilo ukuze kungabi lokuxhwala phakathi kwenu.
15 Also the man that lyeth with a beast, shall dye the death, and ye shall slay the beast.
Nxa indoda iphinga lesifuyo, kayibulawe, lesifuyo leso sibulawe.
16 And if a woman come to any beast, and lye therewith, then thou shalt kill the woman and the beast: they shall die the death, their blood shalbe vpon them.
Nxa owesifazane ehahabela isifuyo aphinge laso, mbulaleni owesifazane lowo kanye lesifuyo leso sibulawe. Kumele kubulawe kokubili ngoba konke kulomlandu.
17 Also the man that taketh his sister, his fathers daughter, or his mothers daughter, and seeth her shame and she seeth his shame, it is villenie: therefore they shall be cut off in the sight of their people, because he hath vncouered his sisters shame, he shall beare his iniquitie.
Nxa indoda ithatha udadewabo, indodakazi kayise loba ekanina balale bonke, kulihlazo. Kabaxotshwe kwabakibo. Isinqunule udadewabo ngakho isibelomlandu.
18 The man also that lyeth with a woman hauing her disease, and vncouereth her shame, and openeth her fountaine, and she open the foutaine of her blood, they shall bee euen both cut off from among their people.
Nxa indoda ilala lowesifazane esemfuleni, isinqunule umthombo walowomfula, lowesifazane lowo usewembulile. Bobabili kabaxotshwe ebantwini bakibo.
19 Moreouer thou shalt not vncouer the shame of thy mothers sister, nor of thy fathers sister: because he hath vncouered his kin, they shall beare their iniquitie.
Ungalali lodadewabo kanyoko loba okayihlo, ngoba kuyikunqunula isihlobo segazi. Lobabili lizakuba lomlandu.
20 Likewise the man that lyeth with his fathers brothers wife, and vncouereth his vncles shame: they shall beare their iniquitie, and shall die childlesse.
Nxa umuntu elala lomkamfowabo kayise, usenqunule umfowabo kayise. Balomlandu. Bazakufa bengelamntwana.
21 So the man that taketh his brothers wife, committeth filthines, because he hath vncouered his brothers shame: they shalbe childles.
Nxa indoda ithatha umfazi womfowabo, lokho kuyisenzo sokungcola; usembule ubunqunu bomfowabo. Bazakufa bengelamntwana.
22 Ye shall keepe therefore all mine ordinances and all my iudgements, and doe them, that the land, whither I bring you to dwel therein, spue you not out.
Gcinani zonke izimiso zami lemithetho yami, liyilandele ukuze lelolizwe engililethe ukuba lihlale khona lingalikhafuli.
23 Wherefore ye shall not walke in the maners of this nation which I cast out before you: for they haue committed all these things, therefore I abhorred them.
Lingabolandela amasiko ezizwe engizazixotsha phambi kwenu. Ngoba bazenza zonke lezizinto ngabenyanya.
24 But I haue saide vnto you, ye shall inherite their land, and I will giue it vnto you to possesse it, euen a land that floweth with milke and honie: I am the Lord your God, which haue separated you from other people.
Kodwa ngathi kini, “Lizalithumba ilizwe labo; ngizalipha lona libe yilifa lenu, ilizwe eligeleza uchago loluju.” Mina yimi uThixo uNkulunkulu wenu olenze lehluka kwabezizwe.
25 Therefore shall ye put difference betweene cleane beastes and vncleane, and betweene vncleane foules and cleane: neither shall ye defile your selues with beastes and foules, nor with any creeping thing, that ye ground bringeth forth, which I haue separated from you as vncleane.
Ngakho-ke kumele lazi umahluko phakathi kwezinyamazana ezihlanzekileyo lezingahlanzekanga; kanjalo lezinyoni. Lingazingcolisi ngezinyamazana loba ngezinyoni loba ngani ehuquzela phansi, lezo engiziphawule ngathi zingcolile kini.
26 Therefore shall ye be holie vnto me: for I the Lord am holy, and I haue separated you from other people, that ye shoulde be mine.
Kumele libengcwele kimi ngoba mina Thixo ngingcwele njalo ngilahlukanisile kwabezizwe ukuthi libe ngabami.
27 And if a man or woman haue a spirite of diuination, or soothsaying in them, they shall die the death: they shall stone them to death, their blood shalbe vpon them.
Indoda loba umfazi ovumisayo loba oyisanuse phakathi kwenu, kabulawe. Bakhandeni ngamatshe. Yindaba yabo.’”

< Leviticus 20 >