< Leviticus 2 >

1 And when any will offer a meate offering vnto the Lord, his offering shall be of fine floure, and he shall powre oyle vpon it, and put incense thereon,
“‘Munthu wina aliyense akabwera ndi nsembe ya chakudya kwa Yehova, chopereka chake chizikhala ufa wosalala. Ufawo ausakanize ndi mafuta ndi lubani,
2 And shall bring it vnto Aarons sonnes the Priestes, and he shall take thence his handfull of the flowre, and of the oyle with al the incense, and the Priest shall burne it for a memoriall vpon the altar: for it is an offering made by fire for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord.
ndipo apite nawo kwa ansembe, ana a Aaroni. Atapeko modzazitsa dzanja ufa wosalala uja kuti ukhale wachikumbutso pamodzi ndi mafuta ndi lubani ndipo atenthe zonsezi pa guwa lansembe kuti zilandiridwe ndi Yehova mʼmalo mwa chopereka chonse. Iyi ndi nsembe yotentha pa moto ndiponso fungo lokomera Yehova.
3 But the remnant of the meate offering shalbe Aarons and his sonnes: for it is most holy of the Lordes offrings made by fire.
Zotsala za nsembe ya chakudyazo ndi za Aaroni pamodzi ndi ana ake. Chimenechi ndi chigawo chopatulika kwambiri chifukwa chatapidwa pa chopereka chotentha pa moto cha Yehova.
4 If thou bring also a meate offring baken in the ouen, it shalbe an vnleauened cake of fine floure mingled with oyle, or an vnleauened wafer anointed with oyle.
“‘Ukabweretsa nsembe ya chakudya chophika mu uvuni, ikhale ya buledi wa ufa wosalala wopanda yisiti koma wosakaniza ndi mafuta, kapena timitanda ta buledi topyapyala, topanda yisiti koma topaka mafuta.
5 But if thy meate offring be an oblation of the frying pan, it shall be of fine flowre vnleauened, mingled with oyle.
Ngati nsembe yako yachakudya ndi yophika pa chitsulo chamoto, ikhale ya buledi wa ufa wosalala wopanda yisiti koma wosakaniza ndi mafuta.
6 And thou shalt part it in pieces, and power oyle thereon: for it is a meate offring.
Umuduledule bulediyo ndi kumupaka mafuta; imeneyo ndi nsembe yachakudya.
7 And if thy meate offring be an oblation made in the caldron, it shalbe made of fine floure with oyle.
Ngati nsembe yako yachakudya ndi yophikidwa pa chiwaya, ikhale ya buledi wa ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta.
8 After, thou shalt bring the meate offering (that is made of these things) vnto the Lord, and shalt present it vnto the Priest, and he shall bring it to the altar,
Munthu azibwera ndi nsembe za chakudya zimene wapanga ndi zinthu zimenezi. Atachipereka kwa wansembe, iyeyu adzipita nacho ku guwa.
9 And the Priest shall take from the meate offring a memoriall of it, and shall burne it vpon the altar: for it is an oblation made by fire for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord.
Wansembeyo atengeko gawo lina la nsembeyo kukhala ufa wachikumbutso kuti ilandiridwe ndi Yehova mʼmalo mwa nsembe yonse ndipo ayitenthe pa moto monga nsembe yopsereza ya fungo lokomera Yehova.
10 But that which is left of the meate offring, shalbe Aarons and his sonnes: for it is most holy of the offrings of the Lord made by fire.
Zotsala za nsembe ya chakudyayo zikhale za Aaroni ndi ana ake. Chimenechi ndi chigawo chopatulika kwambiri chifukwa chatapidwa pa chopereka chotentha pa moto cha Yehova.
11 All the meate offrings which ye shall offer vnto the Lord, shalbe made without leauen: for ye shall neither burne leauen nor honie in any offring of the Lord made by fire.
“‘Nsembe ya chakudya chilichonse imene ubweretsa kwa Yehova ikhale yopanda yisiti, pakuti suyenera kupereka kwa Yehova nsembe yotentha pa moto imene ili ndi yisiti kapena uchi.
12 In the oblation of the first fruits ye shall offer them vnto the Lord, but they shall not be burnt vpon the altar for a sweete sauour.
Ziwirizi ungathe kubwera nazo kwa Yehova ngati chopereka cha zokolola zoyambirira. Koma usazitenthe pa guwa kuti zikhale fungo lokomera Yehova.
13 (All the meate offrings also shalt thou season with salt, neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the couenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meate offring, but vpon all thine oblations thou shalt offer salt)
Zopereka zako zonse zachakudya uzithire mchere. Usayiwale kuthira mchere pa chopereka chako popeza mcherewo ukusonyeza pangano pakati pa iwe ndi Mulungu wako. Tsono uzinthira mchere pa chopereka chako chilichonse.
14 If then thou offer a meate offring of thy first fruites vnto the Lord, thou shalt offer for thy meate offering of thy first fruites eares of corne dryed by the fire, and wheate beaten out of the greene eares.
“‘Mukamapereka kwa Yehova chopereka cha chakudya choyamba kucha, choperekacho chikhale cha chipatso chatsopano chokazinga pa moto ndi chopunthapuntha.
15 After, thou shalt put oyle vpon it, and lay incense thereon: for it is a meate offring.
Uchithire mafuta ndi lubani pakuti ndi chopereka cha chakudya.
16 And the Priest shall burne the memoriall of it, euen of that that is beaten, and of the oyle of it, with all the incense thereof: for it is an offring vnto the Lord made by fire.
Tsono wansembe atenthe gawo la chopereka chopunthapuntha chija kuti chikhala ufa wachikumbutso ndi cha mafuta pamodzi ndi lubani yense kuti Yehova alandire mʼmalo mwa zopereka zonse. Ichi ndi chopereka chotentha pa moto cha Yehova.

< Leviticus 2 >