< Leviticus 12 >

1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
Hoe ty nitsara’ Iehovà amy Mosè,
2 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say, When a woman hath brought forth seede, and borne a manchilde, shee shalbe vncleane seuen dayes, like as she is vncleane when she is put apart for her disease.
Misaontsia amo ana’Israeleo, ty hoe: Ie miareñe ty ampela naho misamak’ ana-dahy, le haleotse re am-para’ ty andro faha-fito, manahake o androm-piambola’eo ty ho faleora’e.
3 (And in the eight day, the foreskin of the childes flesh shalbe circumcised)
Le ho tampaheñe ami’ty andro fahavalo ty ofo’e.
4 And she shall continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirtie dayes: she shall touch no halowed thing, nor come into the Sanctuarie, vntil the time of her purifying be out.
Hidoñe am-pitaià’e ao re hiefetse ami’ty lio’e telopolo andro telo amby, le tsy hitsapa raha miavake naho tsy hizilik’ amy toe-miavakey ampara’ te heneke o andro fitaià’eo.
5 But if she beare a mayde childe, then shee shalbe vncleane two weekes, as when shee hath her disease: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying three score and sixe dayes.
Aa naho mone misamak’ ampela re le haleotse hereñandro roe manahake i fiambola’ey, le hiefe-batañe andro enempolo-eneñ’amby ty amy lio’ey.
6 Nowe when the dayes of her purifying are out, (whether it be for a sonne or for a daughter) shee shall bring to the Priest a lambe of one yeere olde for a burnt offering, and a yong pigeon or a turtle doue for a sinne offring, vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation,
Ie heneke ty androm-piefera’e, ke te lahilahy ke te anak’ampela, le hengae’e amy mpisoroñe an-dalan-kibohom-pamantañañey ty vik’ añondry, lahi’e taoñe raike, hisoroñañe, naho ana-boromahilala ndra deho ho engan-kakeo.
7 Who shall offer it before the Lord, and make an atonement for her: so she shalbe purged of the issue of her blood this is the law for her that hath borne a male or female.
Le hengae’e añatrefa’ Iehovà, naho hijebañe aze, vaho halio re amy fiorihan-dio’ey. Izay ty fetse ami’ ty rakemba nisamake lahilahy ndra ampela.
8 But if she bee not able to bring a lambe, she shall bring two turtles, or two yong pigeons: the one for a burnt offring, and the other for a sinne offring: and the Priest shall make an atonement for her: so she shall be cleane.
Aa naho tsy lefe’e ty añondry le hindesa’e ana-boromahilala roe he deho roe; ty raike hisoroñañe vaho ty raike ho engan-kakeo; le hijebañe aze i mpisoroñey vaho halio re.

< Leviticus 12 >