< Leviticus 10 >

1 But Nadab and Abihu, the sonnes of Aaron, tooke either of them his censor, and put fire therein, and put incense thereupon, and offred strange fire before the Lord, which hee had not commanded them.
Nadab gi Abihu ma yawuot Harun nokawo tewnigi mag mach mi giketoe mach, kendo ne gioloe ubani, kendo ne gimoko makwero e nyim Jehova Nyasaye ma chik Jehova Nyasaye ok oyie.
2 Therefore a fire went out from the Lord, and deuoured them: so they dyed before the Lord.
Kuom mano mach nomuoch e nyim Jehova Nyasaye mowangʼogi kendo ne githo mana kanyo.
3 Then Moses sayde vnto Aaron, This is it that the Lord spake, saying, I will bee sanctified in the that come neere me, and before all the people I will be glorified: but Aaron held his peace.
Eka Musa nowacho ni Harun niya, “Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye nowuoyoe kawacho kama, “‘Ananyis kaka an Nyasaye Maler ne jogo masudo buta, kendo nyaka miya luor e nyim ogendini duto.’” Wachni nomako dho Harun.
4 And Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan the sonnes of Vzziel, the vncle of Aaron, and saide vnto them, Come neere, cary your brethre from before the Sanctuarie out of the hoste.
Musa noluongo Mishael gi Elzafan yawuot Uziel ma en owadgi wuon Harun, mowachonegi niya, “Biuru ka mondo utingʼ ringre oweteu ugol oko mar kambi oa e dho kama ler mar lemo.”
5 Then they went, and caried them in their coates out of the host, as Moses had comaunded.
Kuom mano negibiro ma gitingʼogi kendo gigologi oko mar kambi kaka Musa nochiko kapod girwako lepgi mag dolo miluongo ni tunik.
6 After, Moses saide vnto Aaron and vnto Eleazar and Ithamar his sonnes, Vncouer not your heads, neither rent your clothes, least ye dye, and least wrath come vpon all ye people: but let your brethren, all the house of Israel bewayle the burning which the Lord hath kindled.
Eka Musa nowacho ne Harun kod yawuote ma Eliazar gi Ithamar niya, “Kik uwe wiu bed mogar, bende kik uyiech lepu, nono to ubiro tho kendo Jehova Nyasaye iye biro wangʼ gi ogandani duto. To wedeu kaachiel gi jo-Israel duto to nyalo ywago joma Jehova Nyasaye osetieko gi mach.
7 And go not yee out from the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, least ye dye: for the anointing oyle of the Lord is vpon you: and they did according to Moses commandement.
Un to kik uwuogi ua e dho Hemb Romo, nono to ubiro tho, nikech un Jehova Nyasaye osewalou.” Omiyo negitimo mana kaka Musa nosewachonegi.
8 And the Lord spake vnto Aaron, saying,
Eka Jehova Nyasaye ne owuoyo gi Harun kowachone niya,
9 Thou shalt not drinke wine nor strong drinke, thou, nor thy sonnes with thee, when yee come into the Tabernacle of the Congregation, lest ye die: this is an ordinance for euer throughout your generations,
In kaachiel gi yawuoti kik umadh kongʼo kata gima mero ji e kinde ma udhi e Hemb Romo, nono to ubiro tho. Mano en chik momako nyikwau nyaka tiengʼ mabiro.
10 That ye may put difference betweene the holy and the vnholy, and betweene the cleane and the vncleane,
Nyaka uket pogruok e kind gik mowal ne Jehova Nyasaye kod gik ma ok mowal, bende gik ma ok ler gi gik maler,
11 And that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord hath commanded them by the hand of Moses.
kendo nyaka ipuonj jo-Israel chike duto mane Jehova Nyasaye omiyogi koa e dho Musa.
12 Then Moses saide vnto Aaron and vnto Eleazar and to Ithamar his sonnes that were left, Take the meate offring that remaineth of the offrings of the Lord, made by fire, and eate it without leauen beside ye altar: for it is most holy:
Musa nowacho ne Harun gi yawuote mane odongʼ magin Eliazar gi Ithamar niya, “Kawuru misango mar cham mane odongʼ kuom misengini mane ochiwne Jehova Nyasaye gi mago miwangʼo gi mach kendo uchame ka ok oketie thowi but kendo mar misango, nikech en gima ler moloyo,
13 And ye shall eate it in the holy place, because it is thy duetie and thy sonnes duety of the offringes of the Lord made by fire: for so I am commanded.
kendo nyaka uchame e kama ler mar lemo nikech en pokni kaachiel gi yawuoti. Ma en pok mogol kuom misengini miwangʼo gi mach ne Jehova Nyasaye nikech kamano e kaka nochika.
14 Also the shaken breast and the heaue shoulder shall yee eate in a cleane place: thou, and thy sonnes, and thy daughters with thee: for they are giuen as thy duetie and thy sonnes duety, of the peace offringes of the children of Israel.
To in kaachiel gi yawuoti gi nyigi unyalo chamo agoko mane olier mifwayo kaachiel gi bam mane ochiw e nyim Jehova Nyasaye. Chamgiuru kama owal ni Jehova Nyasaye, nimar osemiyigi in kaachiel gi nyithindo kaka pokni mar misango mar lalruok ne jo-Israel.
15 The heaue shoulder, and the shaken breast shall they bring with the offringes made by fire of the fat, to shake it to and from before the Lord, and it shalbe thine and thy sonnes with thee by a lawe for euer, as the Lord hath commanded.
Bam mane osechiw kod agoko mane oselier nyaka kel kaachiel gi boche mag misengini miwangʼo gi mach nobed misango mifwayo e nyim Jehova Nyasaye. Ma nobed pokni mapile pile in kaachiel gi nyithindi kaka Jehova Nyasaye nochiko.”
16 And Moses sought the goate that was offred for sinne, and lo, it was burnt: therefore he was angrie with Eleazar and Ithamar the sonnes of Aaron, which were left aliue, saying,
Kane Musa openjo wach diel mane otimgo misango mar golo richo, kendo kane onyise ni ne osewangʼe, mirima nomake gi Eliazar kod Ithamar magin yawuot Harun mane odongʼ.
17 Wherfore haue ye not eaten the sinne offring in the holy place, seeing it is most Holie? and God hath giuen it you, to beare the iniquitie of the Congregation, to make an atonement for them before the Lord.
Eka nopenjogi niya, “Marangʼo ne ok uchamo misango mar golo richo e kama ler mar lemo? En misango maler mane omiu mondo upwodhgo oganda kuom richogi e nyim Jehova Nyasaye.
18 Beholde, the blood of it was not brought within the holy place: ye should haue eaten it in the holy place, as I commanded.
Nikech remb diendno ne ok oter e Kama Ler mar lemo, mano emomiyo ne onego uchame ei hekalu kaka nachikou.”
19 And Aaron said vnto Moses, Behold, this day haue they offred their sinne offring, and their burnt offring before the Lord, and such things as thou knowest are come vnto mee: If I had eaten the sinne offring to day, should it haue bene accepted in the sight of the Lord?
Harun to nodwoko Musa niya, “Kawuono yawuota osetimo ni Jehova Nyasaye misango mar golo richogi giwegi kod misango miwangʼo pep, to kata kamano to koro neye gima osetimorena! To ka dine acham misango mar golo richoni kawuono, bende dine atimo maber e nyim Jehova Nyasaye?”
20 So when Moses heard it, he was content.
Bangʼ kane Musa osewinjo mae to ne oneno ni Harun ni kare.

< Leviticus 10 >