< Lamentations 3 >

1 I am the man, that hath seene affliction in the rod of his indignation.
Ine ndine munthu amene ndaona masautso ndi ndodo ya ukali wake.
2 He hath ledde mee, and brought me into darkenes, but not to light.
Wandipititsa kutali ndipo wandiyendetsa mu mdima osati mʼkuwala;
3 Surely he is turned against me: he turneth his hand against me all the day.
zoonadi anandikantha ndi dzanja lake mobwerezabwereza tsiku lonse.
4 My flesh and my skinne hath he caused to waxe olde, and he hath broken my bones.
Wakalambitsa khungu langa ndi mnofu wanga, ndipo waphwanya mafupa anga.
5 He hath builded against me, and compassed me with gall, and labour.
Wandizinga ndi kundizungulira ndi zowawa ndi zolemetsa.
6 He hath set me in darke places, as they that be dead for euer.
Wandikhazika mu mdima ngati amene anafa kale.
7 He hath hedged about mee, that I cannot get out: he hath made my chaines heauy.
Wandimangira khoma kotero kuti sindingathawe, wandimanga ndi maunyolo.
8 Also when I cry and showte, hee shutteth out my prayer.
Ngakhale pamene ndifuwula kapena kupempha chithandizo, amakana pemphero langa.
9 He hath stopped vp my wayes with hewen stone, and turned away my paths.
Wanditsekera njira yanga ndi miyala yosema; ndipo wakhotetsa tinjira tanga.
10 He was vnto me as a beare lying in waite, and as a Lion in secret places.
Wandidikirira ngati chimbalangondo, wandibisalira ngati mkango.
11 He hath stopped my wayes, and pulled me in pieces: he hath made me desolate.
Wandikokera pambali ndi kundingʼambangʼamba, ndipo wandisiya wopanda thandizo.
12 He hath bent his bow and made me a marke for the arrow.
Wakoka uta wake ndipo walunjikitsa mivi yake pa ine.
13 Hee caused the arrowes of his quiuer to enter into my reines.
Walasa mtima wanga ndi mivi ya mʼphodo mwake.
14 I was a derision to all my people, and their song all the day.
Ndinakhala choseketsa cha anthu anga onse; amandinyodola mʼnyimbo zawo tsiku lonse.
15 He hath filled me with bitternes, and made me drunken with wormewood.
Wandidyetsa zowawa ndipo wandimwetsa ndulu.
16 He hath also broken my teeth with stones, and hath couered me with ashes.
Wathyola mano anga ndi miyala; wandiviviniza mʼfumbi;
17 Thus my soule was farre off from peace: I forgate prosperitie,
Wandichotsera mtendere; ndayiwala kuti kupeza bwino nʼchiyani.
18 And I saide, My strength and mine hope is perished from the Lord,
Choncho ndikuti, “Ulemerero wanga wachoka ndi zonse zimene ndimayembekeza kwa Yehova.”
19 Remembring mine affliction, and my mourning, the wormewood and the gall.
Kukumbukira masautso anga ndi kusowa pokhala, zili ngati zowawa ndi ndulu.
20 My soule hath them in remembrance, and is humbled in me.
Ine ndikuzikumbukira bwino izi, ndipo moyo wanga wathedwa mʼkati mwanga.
21 I consider this in mine heart: therefore haue I hope.
Komabe ndimakumbukira zimenezi, nʼchifukwa chake ndili ndi chiyembekezo.
22 It is the Lordes mercies that wee are not consumed, because his compassions faile not.
Ife sitinawonongekeretu chifukwa chikondi cha Yehova ndi chachikulu, ndi chifundo chake ndi chosatha.
23 They are renued euery morning: great is thy faithfulnesse.
Zimaoneka zatsopano mmawa uliwonse; kukhulupirika kwanu nʼkwakukulu.
24 The Lord is my portion, sayth my soule: therefore wil I hope in him.
Mu mtima mwanga ndimati, “Yehova ndiye zanga zonse; motero ndimamuyembekezera.”
25 The Lord is good vnto them, that trust in him, and to the soule that seeketh him.
Yehova ndi wabwino kwa amene amayembekezera Iye, kwa munthu amene amafunafuna Iyeyo;
26 It is good both to trust, and to waite for the saluation of the Lord.
nʼkwabwino kudikira chipulumutso cha Yehova modekha.
27 It is good for a man that he beare the yoke in his youth.
Nʼkwabwino kuti munthu asenze goli pamene ali wamngʼono.
28 He sitteth alone, and keepeth silence, because he hath borne it vpon him.
Akhale chete pa yekha, chifukwa Yehova wamusenzetsa golilo.
29 He putteth his mouth in the dust, if there may be hope.
Abise nkhope yake mʼfumbi mwina chiyembekezo nʼkukhalapobe.
30 Hee giueth his cheeke to him that smiteth him: he is filled full with reproches.
Apereke tsaya lake kwa iye amene angamumenye, ndipo amuchititse manyazi.
31 For the Lord will not forsake for euer.
Chifukwa Ambuye satayiratu anthu nthawi zonse.
32 But though he sende affliction, yet will he haue compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.
Ngakhale amabweretsa zowawa, Iye adzawachitira chifundo, chifukwa chikondi chake ndi chosatha.
33 For he doeth not punish willingly, nor afflict the children of men,
Pakuti sabweretsa masautso mwadala, kapena zowawa kwa ana a anthu.
34 In stamping vnder his feete all the prisoners of the earth,
Kuphwanya ndi phazi a mʼndende onse a mʼdziko,
35 In ouerthrowing the right of a man before the face of the most high,
kukaniza munthu ufulu wake pamaso pa Wammwambamwamba,
36 In subuerting a man in his cause: the Lord seeth it not.
kumana munthu chiweruzo cholungama— kodi Ambuye saona zonsezi?
37 Who is he then that sayth, and it commeth to passe, and the Lord commandeth it not?
Kodi ndani angayankhule zinthu nʼkuchitika ngati Ambuye sanavomereze?
38 Out of the mouth of the most high proceedeth not euill and good?
Kodi zovuta ndi zabwino sizituluka mʼkamwa mwa Wammwambamwamba?
39 Wherefore then is the liuing man sorowfull? man suffreth for his sinne.
Kodi nʼchifukwa chiyani munthu aliyense wamoyo amadandaula akalangidwa chifukwa cha machimo ake?
40 Let vs search and try our wayes, and turne againe to the Lord.
Tiyeni tisanthule ndi kuyesa njira zathu, ndipo tiyeni tibwerere kwa Yehova.
41 Let vs lift vp our hearts with our handes vnto God in the heauens.
Tiyeni tikweze mitima yathu ndi manja athu kwa Mulungu kumwamba ndipo tinene kuti:
42 We haue sinned, and haue rebelled, therefore thou hast not spared.
“Ife tachimwa ndi kuwukira ndipo inu simunakhululuke.
43 Thou hast couered vs with wrath, and persecuted vs: thou hast slaine and not spared.
“Mwadzikuta ndi mkwiyo ndi kutilondola ndipo mwatitha mopanda chifundo.
44 Thou hast couered thy selfe with a cloude, that our prayer should not passe through.
Mwadzikuta mu mtambo kotero mapemphero athu sakukufikani.
45 Thou hast made vs as the ofscouring and refuse in the middes of the people.
Mwatisandutsa zinyatsi ndi zinyalala pakati pa mitundu ya anthu.
46 All our enemies haue opened their mouth against vs.
“Adani anthu atitsekulira pakamwa.
47 Feare, and a snare is come vpon vs with desolation and destruction.
Ife tadzazidwa ndi mantha pakuti tagwa mʼdzenje, tapasuka ndi kuwonongedwa.”
48 Mine eye casteth out riuers of water, for the destruction of the daughter of my people.
Misozi mʼmaso mwanga ikungoti mbwembwembwe chifukwa anthu anga akuwonongedwa.
49 Mine eye droppeth without stay and ceaseth not,
Misozi idzatsika kosalekeza, ndipo sidzasiya,
50 Till the Lord looke downe, and beholde from heauen.
mpaka Yehova ayangʼane pansi kuchokera kumwamba ndi kuona.
51 Mine eye breaketh mine heart because of all the daughters of my citie.
Mtima wanga ukupweteka poona zimenezi chifukwa cha akazi onse a mu mzinda.
52 Mine enemies chased me sore like a birde, without cause.
Akundisaka ngati mbalame, amene anali adani anga, popanda chifukwa.
53 They haue shut vp my life in the dungeon, and cast a stone vpon me.
Ayesa kundipha pondiponya mʼdzenje ndi kundiponya miyala;
54 Waters flowed ouer mine head, then thought I, I am destroyed.
madzi anamiza mutu wanga ndipo ndinkaganiza kuti imfa yayandikira.
55 I called vpon thy Name, O Lord, out of the lowe dungeon.
Ndinayitana dzina lanu Inu Yehova, kuchokera mʼdzenje lozama.
56 Thou hast heard my voyce: stoppe not thine eare from my sigh and from my cry.
Inu munamva kudandaula kwanga. “Mundimvere kulira kwanga kopempha thandizo.”
57 Thou drewest neere in the day that I called vpon thee: thou saydest, Feare not.
Munafika pafupi pamene ndinakuyitanani, ndipo munati, “Usaope.”
58 O Lord, thou hast maintained the cause of my soule, and hast redeemed my life.
Inu Ambuye munandiwombola ku mlandu wanga; munapulumutsa moyo wanga.
59 O Lord, thou hast seene my wrong, iudge thou my cause.
Yehova, mwaona zoyipa zimene andichitira. Mundiweruzire ndinu!
60 Thou hast seene all their vengeance, and all their deuises against me.
Mwaona kuzama kwa kubwezera kwawo, chiwembu chawo chonse pa ine.
61 Thou hast heard their reproch, O Lord, and all their imaginations against me:
Inu Yehova mwamva kunyoza kwawo, chiwembu chawo chonse pa ine,
62 The lippes also of those that rose against me, and their whispering against me continually.
manongʼonongʼo a adani anga ondiwukira ine tsiku lonse.
63 Behold, their sitting downe and their rising vp, how I am their song.
Tawaonani! Kaya ali pansi kapena kuyimirira, akundinyoza mu nyimbo zawo.
64 Giue them a recompence, O Lord, according to the worke of their handes.
Inu Yehova, muwabwezere chowayenera, chifukwa cha zimene manja awo achita.
65 Giue them sorow of heart, euen thy curse to them.
Phimbani mitima yawo, ndipo matemberero anu akhale pa iwo!
66 Persecute with wrath and destroy them from vnder the heauen, O Lord.
Muwalondole mwaukali ndipo muwawonongeretu pa dziko lapansi.

< Lamentations 3 >