< Judges 5 >

1 Then sang Deborah, and Barak the sonne of Abinoam the same day, saying,
Shu küni Deborah we Abinoamning oghli Baraq mundaq nezme oqudi: —
2 Praise ye the Lord for the auenging of Israel, and for the people that offred themselues willingly.
Israilda yétekchiler yol bashlighini üchün, Xelq ixtiyaren özlirini pida qilghini üchün, Perwerdigargha teshekkür-medhiye oqunglar!
3 Heare, ye Kings, hearken ye princes: I, euen I will sing vnto the Lord: I will sing praise vnto the Lord God of Israel.
Ey padishahlar, anglanglar, Ey emirler, qulaq sélinglar! Men, men Perwerdigargha atap nezme oquymen, Men Israilning Xudasi Perwerdigargha küy éytimen.
4 Lord, when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou departedst out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, and the heauens rained, the cloudes also dropped water.
I Perwerdigar, sen Séirdin chiqqiningda, Édomning yayliqidin chiqip yürüsh qilghiningda, Yer titrep, asmanlardin sular tamchidi, Shundaq, bulutlar yamghurlirini yaghdurdi;
5 The mountaines melted before the Lord, as did that Sinai before the Lord God of Israel.
Taghlar Perwerdigarning aldida tewrendi, Ene Sinay téghimu tewrinip ketti, Israilning Xudasi Perwerdigarning aldida.
6 In the dayes of Shamgar the sonne of Anath, in the dayes of Iael the hie wayes were vnoccupied, and the trauelers walked through by wayes.
Anatning oghli Shamgarning künliride, Hem Yaelning künliride, Chong yollar tashlinip qélip, Yoluchilar egri-toqay chighir yollar bilen mangatti;
7 The townes were not inhabited: they decayed, I say, in Israel, vntill I Deborah came vp, which rose vp a mother in Israel.
Israilda ezimetler yoqap ketti, Taki menki Deborah qozghilip, Israilda bir ana süpitide peyda bolghinimghiche.
8 They chose new gods: then was warre in the gates. Was there a shielde or speare seene among fourtie thousand of Israel?
[Israillar] yéngi ilahlarni tallidi; Urush derwazilirigha yétip keldi. Qiriq mingche Israilliqning arisida, Ya bir qalqan ya bir neyze tépilisichu?!
9 Mine heart is set on the gouernours of Israel, and on them that are willing among the people: praise ye the Lord.
Qelbim Israilning emirlirige qayildur, Ular xelq arisida özlirini ixtiyaren pida qildi; Perwerdigargha teshekkür-medhiye oqunglar!
10 Speake ye that ride on white asses, yee that dwel by Middin, and that walke by the way.
I aq ésheklerge min’genler, I nepis zilchilerning üstide olturghanlar, I yolda yürgenler, köngül bölünglar!
11 For the noyse of the archers appaised among the drawers of water: there shall they rehearse the righteousnesse of the Lord, his righteousnesse of his townes in Israel: then did the people of the Lord goe downe to the gates.
Su ekilidighan jaylarda olja bölüshüwatqanlarning jushqun awazilirini anglanglar! Ular shu yerlerde Perwerdigarning heqqaniy emellirini medhiyilep, Uning Israildiki ezimetlirining heqqaniy emellirini teriplishidu. Shu waqitta Perwerdigarning xelqi chüshüp derwazilargha yétip kélip: —
12 Vp Deborah, vp, arise, and sing a song: arise Barak, and leade thy captiuitie captiue, thou sonne of Abinoam.
«I Deborah, oyghan, oyghan! Oyghan, oyghan, ghezel éytqin! Ornungdin tur, i Baraq, Esirliringni yalap mang, i Abinoamning oghli!» — déyishidu.
13 For they that remaine, haue dominio ouer the mightie of the people: the Lord hath giuen me dominion ouer the strong.
Mana xelqning az bir qaldisi aliyjanablargha egishish üchün chüshti, Perwerdigarning xelqi yénimgha palwan kebi chüshüp keldi.
14 Of Ephraim their roote arose against Amalek: and after thee, Beniamin shall fight against thy people, O Amalek: of Machir came rulers, and of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer.
Mana, Efraimlardin Amalekte yiltiz tartip qalghanlar keldi; Mana, Binyaminlarmu qowmliringgha qoshulup egiship keldi; Makirdin emirler chüshüp keldi, Zebulundin serdarliq hasisini tutqanlar yétip keldi.
15 And the Princes of Issachar were with Deborah, and Issachar, and also Barak: he was set on his feete in the valley: for the diuisions of Reuben were great thoughts of heart.
Issakarning emirliri Deborahgha qoshuldi; Baraq néme qilghan bolsa Issakarmu shundaq qilip, Uning keynidin jilghigha tap basturup étilip chüshti! Rubenning aile-jemetliridikilerning arisida shunche ulugh niyetler qelblirige pükülgenidi!
16 Why abodest thou among the sheepefolds, to heare the bleatings of the flockes? for the diuisions of Reuben were great thoughts of heart.
Sen némishqa qotanlarning ichide turup, Qoylargha chélin’ghan neyning awazini anglashni xalap qalding? Rubenning aile-jemetliridikilerning arisida shunche ulugh niyetler qelblirige pükülgenidi!
17 Gilead abode beyonde Iorden: and why doeth Dan remayne in shippes? Asher sate on the sea shoare, and taryed in his decayed places.
Giléadlar bolsa Iordan deryasining u teripide turup qaldi; Danlarmu némishqa kémilerning yénida toxtap qaldi? Ashirlar bolsa déngiz boyida [jim] olturuwaldi, Déngiz qoltuqlirida turup qaldi.
18 But the people of Zebulun and Naphtali haue ieopard their liues vnto the death in the hie places of the field.
Zebulunlar janlirini ölümge tewekkül qildi; Naftalilarmu jeng meydanidiki yuqiri jaylarda hem shundaq qildi!
19 The Kings came and fought: then fought the Kings of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo: they receiued no gaine of money.
Padishahlar hemmisi kélip, soqushti, Qanaaniylarning padishahlirimu urushqa chiqti; Taanaqta, Mégiddoning su boylirida urushti. Lékin bir’azmu kümüsh olja alalmidi!
20 They fought from heauen, euen the starres in their courses fought against Sisera.
Asmanlarda yultuzlarmu jeng qildi, Orbitiliridin Siséragha qarshi jengge atlandi.
21 The Riuer Kishon swepe them away, that ancient riuer the riuer Kishon. O my soule, thou hast marched valiantly.
Kishon deryasining éqini [düshmenni] éqitip ketti; Shu qedimiy derya, u Kishon deryasidur! Ey méning jénim, pütün küchüng bilen algha basqin!
22 Then were the horsehooues broken with the oft beating together of their mightie men.
Ularning atlirining tuwaqliri takirang-takirang qilmaqta, Tolparliri chapmaqta, chapmaqta.
23 Curse ye Meroz: (sayd the Angel of the Lord) curse the inhabitantes thereof, because they came not to helpe the Lord, to helpe the Lord against the mighty.
Merozgha lenet oqunglar, deydu Perwerdigarning Perishtisi, U yerde olturghuchilargha lenet oqunglar, Qattiq lenet oqunglar; Chunki ular Perwerdigargha yardemge kelmidi, Zalimlargha qarshi Perwerdigargha yardemge kelmidi.
24 Iael the wife of Heber the Kenite shall be blessed aboue other women: blessed shall she be aboue women dwelling in tentes.
Ayallar ichide keniylik Heberning ayali Yael bext-beriketlensun, Chédirda turghan ayallar ichide u bext-beriket tapsun!
25 He asked water, and shee gaue him milke: she brought forth butter in a lordly dish.
Siséra su soriwidi, u uninggha süt berdi, Ésilzadilerge layiq bir qachida qaymaq tutti;
26 She put her hand to the naile, and her right hand to the workemans hammer: with the hammer smote she Sisera: she smote off his head, after she had wounded, and pearsed his temples.
U sol qolini chédir qozuqigha, Ong qolini tömürchining bolqisigha uzatti; Sisérani urup, Bash söngükini chéqip, Chékisidin yanjip ötküzüwetti.
27 He bowed him downe at her feete, he fell downe, and lay still: at her feete hee bowed him downe, and fell: and when he had sunke downe, he lay there dead.
Siséra uning ikki putining ariliqigha qiysaydi, U yiqildi, u [ölüktek] yatti, U uning ikki putining ariliqigha qiysaydi, u yiqildi, Qiysayghan yerde u yiqilip, jan berdi.
28 The mother of Sisera looked out at a windowe, and cryed thorowe the lattesse, Why is his charet so long a comming? why tary the wheeles of his charets?
Siséraning anisi penjiridin sirtqa sep saldi, U penjirining rujikidin towlap: — «Uning jeng harwisi némishqa shunche uzaqqiche kelmeydu? Jeng harwilirining atlirining tuyaq sadasi némishqa shunche hayal bolidu? — dédi.
29 Her wise ladies answered her, Yea. Shee answered her selfe with her owne wordes,
Uning dédekliri arisida danalar jawab béridu, Shundaqla, u derweqe öz-özige jawab béridu: —
30 Haue they not gotten, and they deuide the spoyle? euery man hath a mayde or two. Sisera hath a praye of diuers coloured garmentes, a pray of sundry colours made of needle worke: of diuers colours of needle worke on both sides, for the chiefe of the spoyle.
«Ular oljilirini yighip bölüshüwatqan bolmisun yene?! Herbir erkekke [ayagh asti qilishqa] bir-ikkidin qiz tegkendu, Siséragha rengdar kiyimler, Gül keshtilen’gen rengdar kiyimlerdin olja tegkendu, Bulangchining boynigha aldi-keyni keshtilen’gen rengdar kiyimler tegken bolsa kérek!
31 So let all thine enemies perish, O Lord: but they that loue him, shall be as the Sunne when he riseth in his might, and the lande had rest fourtie yeres.
I Perwerdigar, Séning barliq düshmenliring ene shundaq yoqutulghay! Lékin Séni söygenler quyashning örlewatqandiki qudritidek küchlük bolghay!». Shuning bilen zémin qiriq yilghiche tinch-amanliq tapti.

< Judges 5 >