< Judges 3 >

1 These nowe are the nations which the Lord left, that he might proue Israel by them (euen as many of Israel as had not knowen all the warres of Canaan,
Og disse ere de Hedninger, som Herren lod blive for ved dem at forsøge alle dem af Israel, som ikke vidste noget af alle Krigene med Kanaan;
2 Only to make the generations of the children of Israel to know, and to teach them warre, which doutles their predecessors knew not)
kun for at Israels Børns Slægter kunde lære at forstaa sig paa Krig, kun de, som ikke tilforn havde kendt dertil:
3 Fiue princes of the Philistims, and all the Canaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hiuites that dwelt in mount Lebanon, from mount Baal-hermon vntill one come to Hamath.
Filisternes fem Fyrster og alle Kananiterne, og Sidonierne og Heviterne, som boede paa Libanons Bjerg fra Bjerget Baal-Hermon, indtil man kommer til Hamath.
4 And these remayned to proue Israel by them, to wit, whether they would obey the commandements of the Lord, which he commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses.
Og de bleve for at forsøge Israel ved dem, for at faa at vide, om de vilde lyde Herrens Bud, hvilke han havde budt deres Fædre ved Mose.
5 And the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites, the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hiuites, and the Iebusites,
Og Israels Børn boede midt iblandt Kananiterne, Hethiterne og Amoriterne og Feresiterne og Heviterne og Jebusiterne.
6 And they tooke their daughters to bee their wiues, and gaue their daughters to their sonnes, and serued their gods.
Og de toge sig deres Døtre til Hustruer, og deres Døtre gave de til deres Sønner, og de tjente deres Guder.
7 So the children of Israel did wickedly in the sight of the Lord, and forgate the Lord their God, and serued Baalim, and Asheroth.
Og Israels Børn gjorde det, som var ondt for Herrens Øjne, og forglemte Herren deres Gud og tjente Baalerne og Astarterne.
8 Therefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he solde them into the hand of Chushan rishathaim King of Aram-naharaim, and the children of Israel serued Chushan rishathaim eyght yeeres.
Da optændtes Herrens Vrede over Israel, og han solgte dem i Kusan-Risathaims Haand, som var Konge i Aram Naharaim, og Israels Børn tjente Kusan-Risathaim otte Aar.
9 And when the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lord, the Lord stirred vp a sauiour to ye children of Israel, and he saued them, euen Othniel the sonne of Kenaz, Calebs yonger brother.
Da raabte Israels Børn til Herren, og Herren oprejste Israels Børn en Frelser, og han frelste dem, nemlig Othniel, en Søn af Kenas, Kalebs yngre Broder.
10 And the spirite of the Lord came vpon him, and he iudged Israel, and went out to warre: and the Lord deliuered Chushan rishathaim king of Aram into his hand, and his hand preuailed against Chushan rishathaim.
Og Herrens Aand var over ham, og han dømte Israel og drog ud til Krig, og Herren gav Kusan-Risathaim, Kongen af Aram, i hans Haand, og hans Haand var stærk over Kusan-Risathaim.
11 So the lande had rest fourtie yeeres, and Othniel the sonne of Kenaz dyed.
Og Landet havde Ro fyrretyve Aar; og Othniel, Kenas Søn, døde.
12 Then the children of Israel againe committed wickednesse in the sight of the Lord: and the Lord strengthened Eglon King of Moab against Israel, because they had committed wickednesse before the Lord.
Men Israels Børn bleve ved at gøre det, som var ondt for Herrens Øjne, og Herren styrkede Eglon, Moabiternes Konge, imod Israel, fordi de gjorde det, som var ondt for Herrens Øjne.
13 And he gathered vnto him the children of Ammon, and Amalek, and went and smote Israel, and they possessed the citie of palme trees.
Og han samlede til sig Ammons Børn og Amalek; og han gik hen og slog Israel, og indtoge Palmestaden.
14 So the children of Israel serued Eglon king of Moab eighteene yeeres.
Og Israels Børn tjente Eglon, Moabiternes Konge, atten Aar.
15 But when the children of Israel cried vnto the Lord, the Lord stirred them vp a sauiour, Ehud the sonne of Gera the sonne of Iemini, a man lame of his right hande: and the children of Israel sent a present by him vnto Eglon King of Moab.
Da raabte Israels Børn til Herren, og Herren oprejste dem en Frelser, Ehud, Geras Søn, en Benjaminit, en Mand, som var kejthaandet; og Israels Børn sendte Eglon, Moabiternes Konge, Skænk ved hans Haand.
16 And Ehud made him a dagger with two edges of a cubite length, and he did gird it vnder his rayment vpon his right thigh,
Og Ehud gjorde sig et Sværd, og det var tveægget, en Alen langt; og han spændte det under sine Klæder paa sin højre Hofte,
17 And he presented ye gift vnto Eglon King of Moab (and Eglon was a very fat man)
og han førte Skænken frem til Eglon, Moabiternes Konge; men Eglon var en saare fed Mand.
18 And when he had now presented the present, he sent away the people that bare ye present,
Og det skete, der han var færdig med at fremføre Skænken, da lod han Folket fare, som havde baaret Skænken.
19 But he turned againe from the quarris, that were by Gilgal, and said, I haue a secret errand vnto thee, O King. Who said, Keepe silence: and all that stoode about him, went out from him.
Men han vendte tilbage fra Stenbrudene, som vare ved Gilgal, og han lod sige: Jeg har et hemmeligt Ord til dig, o Konge! Da sagde denne: Stille! og alle, som stode hos ham, gik ud fra ham.
20 Then Ehud came vnto him. (and he sate alone in a sommer parler, which he had) and Ehud said, I haue a message vnto thee from God. Then he arose out of his throne,
Og Ehud kom ind til ham, og han sad ene i sin Sommersal, og Ehud sagde: Jeg har Guds Ord til dig; da stod han op af Tronen.
21 And Ehud put forth his left hand, and tooke the dagger from his right thigh, and thrust it into his bellie,
Og Ehud udrakte sin venstre Haand og tog Sværdet fra sin højre Hofte, og han stødte det i hans Bug.
22 So that the hafte went in after the blade, and the fatte closed about the blade, so that he could not drawe the dagger out of his bellie, but the dirt came out.
Og Hæftet gik ogsaa ind efter Bladet, og Fedmen lukkede til efter Bladet; thi han drog ikke Sværdet ud af hans Bug, og Skarnet gik ud.
23 Then Ehud gate him out into the porch, and shut the doores of the parler vpon him, and locked them.
Da gik Ehud ud igennem Forsalen; og han tillukkede Salsdørene efter sig og lukkede dem i Laas.
24 And when he was gone out, his seruantes came: who seeing that the doores of the parler were locked, they sayd, Surely he doeth his easement in his sommer chamber.
Der han var gaaet ud, da kom hins Tjenere ind, og de saa, og se, Salsdørene vare lukkede i Laas; og de sagde: Han tildækker visseligen sine Fødder i Kammeret ved Sommersalen.
25 And they taryed till they were ashamed: and seeing he opened not the doores of the parler, they tooke the key, and opened them, and behold, their lord was fallen dead on the earth.
Og de ventede, indtil de skammede sig, og se, han oplukkede ikke Salsdørene; da toge de Nøglen og lukkede op, og se, da var deres Herre falden til Jorden og var død.
26 So Ehud escaped (while they taried) and was passed the quarris, and escaped vnto Seirah.
Men Ehud undkom, medens de tøvede; og han gik forbi Stenbrudene og undkom til Seirath.
27 And when he came home, he blew a trumpet in mount Ephraim, and the children of Israel went downe with him from the mountaine, and he went before them.
Og det skete, der han kom derhen, da blæste han i Trompeten paa Efraims Bjerg; og Israels Børn droge ned med ham af Bjerget, og han gik foran dem.
28 Then said he vnto them, Follow me: for the Lord hath deliuered your enemies, euen Moab into your hand. So they went downe after him, and tooke the passages of Iorden towarde Moab, and suffred not a man to passe ouer.
Og han sagde til dem: Følger efter mig, thi Herren har givet eders Fjender Moabiterne i eders Haand; og de droge ned efter ham og indtoge Jordanens Færgesteder for Moab, og de lode ingen Mand gaa over.
29 And they slewe of the Moabites the same time about ten thousand men, all fed men, and all were warriours, and there escaped not a man.
Og de sloge Moabiterne paa den Tid, ved ti Tusinde Mænd, hver trivelig og hver kraftig Mand; og ikke een Mand undkom.
30 So Moab was subdued that daye, vnder the hand of Israel: and the land had rest fourescore yeeres.
Saa bleve Moabiterne ydmygede paa den samme Dag under Israels Haand, og Landet havde Ro firsindstyve Aar.
31 And after him was Shamgar the sonne of Anath, which slewe of the Philistims sixe hundreth men with an oxe goade, and he also deliuered Israel.
Og efter ham var Samgar, Anaths Søn, og han slog Filisterne, seks Hundrede Mænd, med en Oksedriverstav; og han frelste ogsaa Israel.

< Judges 3 >