< Judges 12 >

1 And the me of Ephraim gathered themselues together, and went Northwarde, and saide vnto Iphtah, Wherefore wentest thou to fight against the children of Ammon, and diddest not call vs to goe with thee? we will therefore burne thine house vpon thee with fire.
Jo-Efraim nochoko jolweny mage, ma gidhi Zafon kendo giwachone Jeftha niya, “Angʼo ma omiyo ne idhi kedo gi jo-Amon ma ok iluongowa mondo wadhi kodi? Wadhi wangʼo odi ka in e iye.”
2 And Iphtah said vnto them, I and my people were at great strife with the children of Ammon, and when I called you, ye deliuered me not out of their handes.
Jeftha nodwoko niya, An kod joga ne wanie kedo mager gi jo-Amon, ne waluongou to ne utamoru biro resowa e lwetgi.
3 So when I sawe that ye deliuered me not, I put my life in mine hands, and went vpon the children of Ammon: so the Lord deliuered them into mine handes. Wherefore then are ye come vpon me nowe to fight against me?
Kane aneno ni ok unyal konya, nakawo ngimana e lweta mi angʼado adhi mondo aked gi jo-Amon, kendo Jehova Nyasaye nomiya loch kuomgi. Koro, angʼoma omiyo ubiro kawuono mondo uked koda?
4 Then Iphtah gathered all the men of Gilead, and fought with Ephraim: and the men of Gilead smote Ephraim, because they said, Ye Gileadites are runnagates of Ephraim among the Ephraimites, and among the Manassites.
Omiyo Jeftha noluongo jo-Gilead duto mi gikedo gi jo-Efraim. Jo-Gilead nonegogi nikech jo-Efraim nosewacho niya, “Un jo-Gilead un mana jonjore mane oa Efraim gi Manase.”
5 Also the Gileadites tooke the passages of Iorden before the Ephraimites, and when the Ephraimites that were escaped, saide, Let me passe, then the men of Gilead said vnto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay,
Jo-Gilead nomako kuonde miyorogo Jordan mondo jo-Efraim kik ngʼadi. Sa moro amora mane ja-Efraim dwaro ngʼado kanyo to ne okwayo ni yiene okadhi odhi loka cha. To kane okwayo kamano; to ja-Gilead ne penje ka bende en ja-Efraim. To kane odwoko ni ok en ja-Efraim,
6 Then said they vnto him, Say nowe Shibboleth: and he said, Sibboleth: for he could not so pronounce: then they tooke him, and slewe him at the passages of Iorden: and there fel at that time of the Ephraimites two and fourtie thousand.
to negiwachone ni mondo owach ni Shiboleth. To kane ok onyal luongo wachno maber, mi oluonge mana ni Siboleth, to negimake mi ginege e dho wath miyorogo aora Jordan. Jo-Efraim alufu piero angʼwen gariyo nonegi odiechiengno.
7 And Iphtah iudged Israel sixe yeere: then dyed Iphtah the Gileadite, and was buryed in one of the cities of Gilead.
Jeftha notelo ne jo-Israel kuom higni auchiel. Bangʼe Jeftha ma ja-Gilead notho, mi noyike e dalane man Gilead.
8 After him Ibzan of Beth-lehem iudged Israel,
Bangʼ Jeftha, Ibzan ja-Bethlehem notelo ne jo-Israel.
9 Who had thirtie sonnes and thirtie daughters, which he sent out, and tooke in thirtie daughters from abroade for his sonnes. and he iudged Israel seuen yeere.
Ne en-gi yawuowi piero adek kod nyiri piero adek. Nochiwo nyige monywom gi joma oko ma ok anywolane, to ne yawuote nokelonegi mon matindo obedo mondegi koa oko mar anywolane. Ibzan notelo ne Israel kuom higni abiriyo.
10 Then Ibzan died, and was buryed at Bethlehem.
Bangʼe Ibzan notho, kendo noyike Bethlehem.
11 And after him iudged Israel Elon, a Zebulonite, and he iudged Israel tenne yeere.
Bangʼ Ibzan, Elon ja-Zebulun notelo ne Israel kuom higni apar.
12 Then Elon the Zebulonite dyed, and was buryed in Aijalon in the countrey of Zebulun.
Eka Elon notho, kendo noyike Aijalon mantiere e piny Zebulun.
13 And after him Abdon the sonne of Hillel the Pirathonite iudged Israel.
Bangʼ Elon, Abdon wuod Hillel, moa Pirathon, notelo ne Israel.
14 And he had fourty sonnes and thirtie nephewes that rode on seuentie assecoltes: and he iudged Israel eight yeeres.
Ne en-gi yawuowi piero angʼwen kod nyikwayo ma yawuowi piero adek, mane nigi punde piero abiriyo ma giidho. Notelo ne Israel kuom higni aboro.
15 Then dyed Abdon the sonne of Hillel the Pirathonite, and was buryed in Pirathon, in ye lande of Ephraim, in the Mount of the Amalekites.
Eka Abdon wuod Hillel notho, kendo noyike Pirathon man Efraim, e piny got mar jo-Amalek.

< Judges 12 >