< Judges 10 >

1 After Abimelech there arose to defend Israel, Tola, the sonne of Puah, the sone of Dodo, a man of Issachar, which dwelt in Shamir in mount Ephraim.
Abimelech thijou hin Dodo chapa Puah chapa Tol'a hi Israelte huhdoh dingin ahung pangin ahi. Amahi Issachar phungmi ahin, Ephraim thinglhang gamsunga um Shamir khopia chengmi ahi.
2 And he iudged Israel three and twentie yeere and dyed, and was buried in Shamir.
Amahin kum somni le thum sungin Israelte lah a thutan vaihom’in anapang in ahi. Ama athi phatnin Shamir munnah ana kivuijin ahi.
3 And after him arose Iair a Gileadite, and iudged Israel two and twenty yeere.
Tol'a athijouhin Gilead na kon in Jair in kum somni le ni sungin Israelte thutan vaihom in ana pange.
4 And he had thirtie sonnes that rode on thirtie assecolts, and they had thirtie cities, which are called Hauoth-Iair vnto this day, and are in the land of Gilead.
Chapa somthum aneijin, amaho chun sangan somthum ana mangchaovin chuleh amahin Gilead gamsungah khopi somthum ma ana neijun ahi, hicheho chu tuni changeijin Jair khopi ho akitin ahi.
5 And Iair dyed, and was buried in Kamon.
Jair athi phatnin Kamon khopia ana vuijun ahi.
6 And the children of Israel wrought wickednesse againe in the sight of the Lord, and serued Baalim and Ashtaroth, and the gods of Aram, and the gods of Zidon, and the gods of Moab, and the gods of the children of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistims, and forsooke the Lord and serued not him.
Avellin Israelten Pakai mitmun thilse jeng anabol kitnun ahi. Amahon Baal le Ashtoreth milim doi semthu ana hou kitnun chule Ram, Sidon, Moab, Ammon chule Philistine te semthu pathen ana houvun ahi. Amahon Pakai chu ana nuse uvin houdin jong ana gotapouvin ahi.
7 Therefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he solde them into the hands of the Philistims, and into the handes of the children of Ammon:
Hijeh chun Pakai chu Israel chungah nasatah in ana lunghang tan ahileh amaho chu Philistine te le Ammon mite khut’ah ana pedohtan ahileh,
8 Who from that yere vexed and oppressed the children of Israel eighteene yeres, euen all the children of Israel that were beyond Iorden, in the land of the Amorites, which is in Gilead.
Hiche kumma patchun ana sugenthei lheh jengun ahi. Amahon Gilead gamsunga um Amor mite gam solam gamkaija cheng Israelte jouse chungah kum somleget sungin ana sugentheijun ahi.
9 Moreouer, the children of Ammon went ouer Iorden to fight against Iudah, and against Beniamin, and against the house of Ephraim: so that Israel was sore tormented.
Ammon miten Jordan lhumlam ajong ahung galkaijun Judah, Benjamin chuleh Ephraim hojong ahung bulu jiuvin ahi. Hitichun Israelte hin agentheinao chu ana thohlel lheh jeng tauvin ahi.
10 Then the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lord, saying, We haue sinned against thee, euen because we haue forsaken our owne God, and haue serued Baalim.
Athohlel behseh phat’un Pakai kommah panpi ngaichatna in ana kapjah jengun, “Pakai keihon nangma dounan kana chonse lheh jeng taove, ajeh chu keihon ka Pathennu nangma kana nuse uvin Baal doi semthu milimho kana hou taove” atiuve.
11 And the Lord sayd vnto the children of Israel, Did not I deliuer you from the Egyptians and from the Amorites, from the children of Ammon and from the Philistims?
Pakaiyin ahin donbutnin, “Keiman nangho hi Egypt mite akon, Amor mite akon, Ammon kitea kon chule Phileistinete tea konna kana huhdoh nahilou uham?
12 The Zidonians also, and the Amalekites, and the Maonites did oppresse you, and ye cryed to me and I saued you out of their hands.
Sidon mite Amalek mite leh Maon mitea konna jong kana huhdoh u hilouham? Amahon nabol genthei tenguleh panpi ngehna nahung kajah jeng jiuva keiman kana huhdoh jiu hilouham?
13 Yet ye haue forsaken me, and serued other gods: wherefore I will deliuer you no more.
Ahiyeng vang'in nanghon Keima ein use jiuva semthu pathen dangho joh nahoujiu hilouham? Hijeh chun Keiman nangho huhdoh taopou vinge,
14 Goe, and cry vnto the gods which ye haue chosen: let them saue you in the time of your tribulation.
Cheuvinlang nanghon nadeilhen joh u semthu pathen hojoh kommah gakap munlang nahahsat naova konhin kihuhdoh sahtauvin” atipeh joh tan ahi.
15 And the children of Israel sayde vnto the Lord, We haue sinned: doe thou vnto vs whatsoeuer please thee: onely we pray thee to deliuer vs this day.
Ahinlah Israelte Pakai komma atao teitei jengun hitin aseijun ahi, “Pakai keiho kachonse taove nangin nadeidan dannin nei engbol tauvin ahinla kagalmiteu vakon in tunin neihuhdoh teitei jun,” atiuve.
16 Then they put away the strange gods from among them and serued the Lord: and his soule was grieued for the miserie of Israel.
Hijouchun Israelten gamdang semthu pathenho chu apaimangun Pakai johchu ahoutaove. Hichun Israelte gimna chu avet’a ahileh Pakai jong along ahimolheh jeng tan ahi.
17 Then the children of Ammon gathered themselues together, and pitched in Gilead: and the children of Israel assembled themselues, and pitched in Mizpeh.
Hichepettah chun Ammon sepaite galsat dingin kikhom uvin, Gilead gamsunga chun panmun akisem un ahi, chuleh Israelte jong kikhomkhom uvin Mizpah munnah chun a panmun diu ana kisem un ahi.
18 And the people and princes of Gilead said one to another, Whosoeuer will beginne the battell against the children of Ammon, the same shall be head ouer all the inhabitants of Gilead.
Gilead lamkaiho chu khatle khat akihou sommun, “Koi hileh Ammon mite satmasa pen penchu Gilead mite chunga vaihommin pang jeng hen” atiuvin ahi.

< Judges 10 >