< Judges 1 >

1 After that Ioshua was dead, the children of Israel asked ye Lord, saying, Who shall goe vp for vs against the Canaanites, to fight first against them?
Atamwalira Yoswa Aisraeli anafunsa Yehova kuti, “Ndani mwa ife ayambe nkhondo yomenyana ndi Akanaani?”
2 And the Lord said, Iudah shall goe vp: behold, I haue giuen the land into his hande.
Yehova anayankha kuti, “Fuko la Yuda ndilo liyambe kupita. Ndawapatsa dzikolo mʼmanja mwawo.”
3 And Iudah said vnto Simeon his brother, Come vp with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites: and I likewise will goe with thee into thy lot: so Simeon went with him.
Choncho Ayuda anawuza abale awo a fuko la Simeoni kuti, “Bwerani tipitire limodzi mʼdziko limene tapatsidwa kuti tikamenyane ndi Akanaani. Ifenso tidzapita nanu mʼdziko limene anakugawirani.” Ndipo Asimeoni anapita nawo.
4 Then Iudah went vp, and the Lord deliuered the Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hands, and they slew of them in Bezek ten thousand men.
Choncho Ayuda ananyamuka, ndipo Yehova anapereka Akanaani ndi Aperezi mʼmanja mwawo. Ndipo anapha anthu 10,000 ku Bezeki.
5 And they founde Adoni-bezek in Bezek: and they fought against him, and slewe the Canaanites, and the Perizzites.
Ku Bezekiko anakumana ndi ankhondo a mfumu Adoni-Bezeki ndipo anamenyana nawo, ndipo Ayudawo anagonjetsa Akanaani ndi Aperezi.
6 But Adoni-bezek fled, and they pursued after him, and caught him, and cut off the thumbes of his hands and of his feete.
Adoni-Bezekiyo anathawa, koma anamuthamangira ndi kumupeza, namugwira. Atamugwira anamudula zala zake zazikulu za ku manja ndi miyendo.
7 And Adoni-bezek said, Seuentie Kings hauing the thumbes of their hands and of their feete cut off, gathered bread vnder my table: as I haue done, so God hath rewarded me. so they brought him to Ierusalem, and there he died.
Tsono Adoni-Bezeki anati, “Mafumu 70 omwe anadulidwa zala zazikulu za ku manja ndi miyendo yawo ankatola nyenyeswa pansi pa tebulo langa. Mulungu tsopano wandibwezera zomwe ndinawachita.” Kenaka anapita naye ku Yerusalemu ndipo anafera komweko.
8 (Nowe the children of Iudah had fought against Ierusalem, and had taken it and smitten it with the edge of the sworde, and had set the citie on fire.)
Pambuyo pake Ayuda anakathira nkhondo mzinda wa Yerusalemu ndipo anawulanda. Anapha anthu ambiri ndi kutentha mzinda wonse.
9 Afterwarde also the children of Iudah went downe to fight against the Canaanites, that dwelt in the mountaine, and towarde the South, and in the lowe countrey.
Kenaka Ayuda anapita kukamenyana ndi Akanaani omwe amakhala ku dziko la ku mapiri, dziko la Negevi kummwera ndiponso mu zigwa.
10 And Iudah went against the Canaanites that dwelt in Hebron, which Hebron beforetime was called Kiriath-arba: and they slewe Sheshai, and Ahiman and Talmai.
Anakalimbananso ndi Akanaani amene ankakhala ku Hebroni (mzinda womwe kale unkatchedwa Kiriyati-Araba). Kumeneko anagonjetsa Sesai, Ahimani ndi Talimai.
11 And from thence hee went to the inhabitantes of Debir, and the name of Debir in olde time was Kiriath-sepher.
Kuchokera kumeneko, iwo anakathira nkhondo anthu amene ankakhala ku Debri (mzindawu poyamba unkatchedwa Kiriati Seferi).
12 And Caleb saide, He that smiteth Kiriath-sepher, and taketh it, euen to him wil I giue Achsah my daughter to wife.
Tsono Kalebe anati, “Munthu amene angathire nkhondo mzinda wa Kiriati Seferi ndi kuwulanda, ndidzamupatsa mwana wanga Akisa kuti akhale mkazi wake.”
13 And Othniel the sonne of Kenaz Calebs yonger brother tooke it, to whome hee gaue Achsah his daughter to wife.
Otanieli mwana wa Kenazi, mngʼono wake wa Kalebe, ndiye anawulanda. Choncho Kalebe anamupatsa mwana wake Akisa kuti akhale mkazi wake.
14 And when shee came to him, shee mooued him to aske of her father a field, and shee lighted off her asse, and Caleb saide vnto her, What wilt thou?
Tsiku lina atafika Akisayo, Otanieli anamuwumiriza mkazi wakeyo kuti apemphe munda kwa Kalebe abambo ake. Pamene Akisa anatsika pa bulu wake, Kalebe anamufunsa kuti, “Kodi ukufuna ndikuchitire chiyani?”
15 And shee answered him, Giue mee a blessing: for thou hast giuen me a South countrey, giue me also springs of water: and Caleb gaue her the springs aboue and the springs beneath.
Iye anayankha kuti, “Mundikomere mtima. Popeza mwandipatsa ku Negevi, kumalo kumene kulibe madzi, mundipatsenso akasupe amadzi.” Choncho Kalebe anamupatsa akasupe a kumtunda ndi a kumunsi.
16 And the childre of Keni Moses father in law went vp out of the citie of the palme trees with the children of Iudah, into the wildernesse of Iudah, that lieth in the South of Arad, and went and dwelt among the people.
Tsono zidzukulu za Hobabu, Mkeni uja, mpongozi wa Mose, zinachoka ku Yeriko mzinda wa migwalangwa pamodzi ndi anthu a fuko la Yuda mpaka ku chipululu chimene chili kummwera kwa Aradi ndi kukakhala ndi Aamaleki.
17 But Iudah went with Simeon his brother, and they slewe the Canaanites that inhabited Zephath, and vtterly destroied it, and called the name of the citie Hormah.
Kenaka anthu a fuko la Yuda anapita pamodzi ndi abale awo a fuko la Simeoni ndi kukagonjetsa Akanaani amene amakhala ku Zefati, ndipo mzindawo anawuwononga kwambiri. Choncho mzindawo anawutcha Horima.
18 Also Iudah tooke Azzah with the coasts thereof, and Askelon with the coasts thereof, and Ekron with the coastes thereof.
Anthu a fuko la Yuda analandanso mzinda wa Gaza ndi dziko lonse lozungulira, mzinda wa Asikeloni pamodzi ndi dziko lake lonse lozungulira, ndi mzinda wa Ekroni pamodzi ndi dziko lonse lozungulira.
19 And the Lord was with Iudah, and he possessed the mountaines: for he could not driue out the inhabitantes of the valleis, because they had charrets of yron.
Yehova anathandiza anthu a fuko la Yuda. Iwo analanda dziko la kumapiri, koma sanathe kuwachotsa anthu ku zigwa, chifukwa anali ndi magaleta azitsulo.
20 And they gaue Hebron vnto Caleb, as Moses had saide, and hee expelled thence the three sonnes of Anak.
Monga analonjezera Mose, Kalebe anapatsidwa Hebroni. Kalebe anapirikitsa mafuko atatu a Anaki mu mzindamo.
21 But the children of Beniamin did not cast out the Iebusites, that inhabited Ierusalem: therefore the Iebusites dwell with the children of Beniamin in Ierusalem vnto this day.
Koma fuko la Benjamini linalephera kuwachotsa Ayebusi, amene amakhala mu Yerusalemu. Choncho Ayebusiwo akukhalabe ndi fuko la Benjamini mu Yerusalemu mpaka lero.
22 They also that were of the house of Ioseph, went vp to Beth-el, and the Lord was with them,
A banja la Yosefe nawonso anathira nkhondo mzinda wa Beteli, ndipo Yehova anali nawo.
23 And the house of Ioseph caused to viewe Beth-el (and the name of the citie beforetime was Luz)
Anatumiza anthu kuti akazonde Beteli. Mzindawo kale unkatchedwa Luzi.
24 And the spies sawe a man come out of the citie, and they saide vnto him, Shewe vs, we praie thee, the way into the citie, and we will shewe thee mercie.
Anthu okazondawo anaona munthu akutuluka mu mzindamo ndipo anamuwuza kuti, “Tisonyeze njira yolowera mu mzindamu, ndipo ife tidzakuchitira chifundo.”
25 And when hee had shewed them the waie into the citie, they smote the citie with the edge of the sworde, but they let the man and all his housholde depart.
Choncho iye anawaonetsa njirayo, ndipo iwo anapha anthu onse mu mzindamo ndi lupanga koma munthu uja pamodzi ndi banja lake sanawaphe.
26 Then the man went into the lande of the Hittites, and built a citie, and called the name thereof Luz, which is the name thereof vnto this daie.
Ndipo iye anapita ku dziko la Ahiti, kumene anamangako mzinda nawutcha dzina lake Luzi. Mpaka lero lino mzindawo dzina lake ndi lomwelo.
27 Neither did Manasseh destroie Bethshean with her townes, nor Taanach with her townes, nor the inhabitantes of Dor with her townes, nor the inhabitants of Ibleam with her townes, neither the inhabitants of Megiddo with her townes: but the Canaanites dwelled still in that lande.
Koma a fuko la Manase sanachotse nzika za mzinda wa Beti-Seani pamodzi ndi mʼmidzi yake yozungulira, kapena nzika za mzinda wa Taanaki ndi mʼmidzi yake yozungulira, kapenanso nzika za mzinda wa Dori ndi mʼmidzi yake yozungulira. Iwo sanapirikitse nzika za mzinda wa Ibuleamu ndi mʼmidzi yake yozungulira, kapena mzinda wa Megido ndi mʼmidzi yake yozungulira. Choncho Akanaani anapitirirabe kukhala mʼdzikomo.
28 Neuerthelesse when Israel was strong, they put the Canaanites to tribute, and expelled them not wholly.
Aisraeli atakhala amphamvu, anawagwiritsa Akanaaniwo ntchito yakalavulagaga, koma sanawapirikitse.
29 Likewise Ephraim expelled not the Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer, but the Canaanites dwelt in Gezer among them.
Nawonso Aefereimu sanathamangitse Akanaani amene amakhala mu Gezeri, choncho Akanaaniwo ankakhalabe pakati pawo ku Gezeriko.
30 Neither did Zebulun expell the inhabitants of Kitron, nor the inhabitants of Nahalol, but the Canaanites dwelt among them, and became tributaries.
Azebuloni sanathamangitse Akanaani amene amakhala mu Kitironi kapena a ku Nahaloli. Iwo ankakhala pakati pawo ndipo ankawagwiritsa ntchito yakalavulagaga.
31 Neither did Asher cast out the inhabitants of Accho, nor the inhabitants of Zidon, nor of Ahlab, nor of Achzib, nor of Helbah, nor of Aphik, nor of Rehob,
A fuko la Aseri nawo sanathamangitse amene amakhala mu Ako, Sidoni, Ahilabu, Akizibu, Heliba, Afiki, ndi Rehobu.
32 But the Asherites dwelt among the Canaanites the inhabitantes of the lande: for they did not driue them out.
Choncho anthu a fuko la Aseri anakhala pakati pa Akanaani amene ankakhala mʼdzikomo popeza sanawapirikitse.
33 Neither did Naphtali driue out the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh, nor the inhabitants of Beth-anath, but dwelt among the Canaanites the inhabitants of the lande: neuerthelesse the inhabitantes of Beth-shemesh, and of Beth-anath became tributaries vnto them.
Nalonso fuko la Nafutali silinathamangitse anthu amene ankakhala ku Beti Semesi kapena ku Beti Anati. Koma Anafutaliwo ankakhala pakati pa Akanaaniwo mʼdzikomo. Koma anthu amene ankakhala ku Beti Semesi ndi ku Beti Anati anawasandutsa kukhala ogwira ntchito yathangata.
34 And the Amorites droue the children of Dan into the mountaine: so that they suffered them not to come downe to the valley.
Aamori anapirikitsira anthu a fuko la Dani ku dziko la ku mapiri popeza sanawalole kuti atsikire ku chigwa.
35 And the Ammonites dwelt still in mount Heres in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim, and when the hand of Iosephs familie preuailed, they became tributaries:
Aamori anatsimikiza mtima zokhalabe ku phiri la Hara-Heresi, ku Ayaloni, ndiponso ku Saalibimu. Koma a fuko la Yosefe anakula mphamvu ndipo anagwiritsa Aamoriwo ntchito yakalavulagaga.
36 And the coast of the Amorites was from Maaleh-akrabbim, euen from Selah and vpward.
Malire a Aamori anayambira ku chikweza cha Akirabimu nʼkulowera ku Sela napitirira kumapita chakumapiri ndithu.

< Judges 1 >