< Joshua 9 >
1 And when all the Kings that were beyonde Iorden, in the mountaines and in the valleis, and by all the coastes of the great Sea ouer against Lebanon (as the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hiuites, and the Iebusites) heard thereof,
Kabar tentang kemenangan bangsa Israel terdengar oleh semua raja di sebelah barat sungai Yordan. Mereka adalah raja-raja dari bangsa Het, Amori, Kanaan, Feris, Hewi, dan Yebus, yang tinggal di pegunungan, kaki pegunungan, dan di dataran rendah sepanjang pesisir sampai ke gunung Libanon.
2 They gathered themselues together, to fight against Ioshua, and against Israel with one accord.
Karena itu mereka bersatu dan menggabungkan pasukan untuk berperang melawan Yosua dan Israel.
3 But the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Ioshua had done vnto Iericho, and to Ai.
Akan tetapi, ketika penduduk kota Gibeon, yang termasuk bangsa Hewi, mendengar apa yang sudah dilakukan Yosua terhadap kota Yeriko dan Ai,
4 And therefore they wrought craftily: for they went, and fayned themselues ambassadours, and tooke olde sackes vpon their asses, and olde bottels for wine, both rent and bound vp,
mereka memutuskan untuk menipu orang Israel. Mereka memuat keledai dengan bekal, karung-karung tua, dan kantong air anggur dari kulit yang sudah jelek, robek, dan ditambal-tambal.
5 And olde shoes and clouted vpon their feete: also the raiment vpon them was old, and all their prouision of bread was dried, and mouled.
Mereka memakai pakaian usang serta sandal yang juga ditambal-tambal. Roti yang mereka bawa sudah kering, bahkan berjamur.
6 So they came vnto Ioshua into the hoste to Gilgal, and said vnto him, and vnto the men of Israel, Wee be come from a farre countrey: nowe therefore make a league with vs.
Mereka pergi ke perkemahan orang Israel di Gilgal dan menemui Yosua. Kata mereka kepadanya, “Kami datang dari negeri yang jauh. Buatlah perjanjian dengan kami.”
7 Then the men of Israel said vnto the Hiuites, It may be that thou dwellest among vs, how then can I make a league with thee?
Namun, orang-orang Israel berkata kepada orang-orang Hewi itu, “Jangan-jangan kalian tinggal di dekat kami. Kami tidak mungkin membuat perjanjian dengan kalian bila kalian tinggal di dekat kami.”
8 And they said vnto Ioshua, We are thy seruants. Then Ioshua saide vnto them, Who are ye? and whence come ye?
Kata mereka kepada Yosua, “Kami adalah hamba-hambamu.” Jawab Yosua, “Siapakah kalian? Dari mana asalmu?”
9 And they answered him, From a very farre countrey thy seruants are come for the Name of the Lord thy God: for we haue heard his fame and all that he hath done in Egypt,
Jawab mereka, “Kami, hamba-hambamu ini, datang dari negeri yang jauh, karena kami mendengar tentang TUHAN, Allah kalian, dan apa yang dilakukan-Nya di Mesir.
10 And all that he hath done to the two Kings of the Amorites that were beyonde Iorden, to Sihon King of Heshbon, and to Og King of Bashan, which were at Ashtaroth.
Kami juga mendengar semua yang sudah dilakukan-Nya terhadap kedua raja Amori di sebelah timur sungai Yordan, yaitu Sihon, raja Hesbon dan Og, raja Basan yang tinggal di Astarot.
11 Wherefore our elders, and all the inhabitants of our countrey spake to vs, saying, Take vitailes with you for the iourney, and go to meete them, and say vnto them, Wee are your seruants: now therefore make ye a league with vs.
Itu sebabnya para tua-tua kami dan seluruh penduduk negeri kami berkata kepada kami, ‘Siapkan bekal dan pergilah melakukan perjalanan. Temuilah orang Israel dan sampaikan kepada mereka bahwa kami adalah hamba-hamba mereka. Kami ingin membuat perjanjian damai dengan mereka.’
12 This our bread we tooke it hote with vs for vittailes out of our houses, the day we departed to come vnto you: but nowe beholde, it is dried, and it is mouled.
Lihatlah persediaan roti kami. Roti ini masih hangat ketika kami berangkat, tetapi sekarang sudah kering dan berjamur.
13 Also these bottels of wine which we filled, were newe, and lo, they be rent, and these our garments and our shooes are olde, by reason of the exceeding great iourney.
Kantong-kantong air anggur ini masih baru ketika kami mengisinya. Namun lihatlah, sekarang sudah retak-retak. Pakaian dan sandal kami pun sudah usang karena jauhnya perjalanan.”
14 And the men accepted their tale concerning their vittailes, and counselled not with the mouth of the Lord.
Orang Israel pun memeriksa bekal mereka, tetapi tidak bertanya dulu kepada TUHAN.
15 So Ioshua made peace with them, and made a league with them, that he would suffer them to liue: also the Princes of the Congregation sware vnto them.
Lalu Yosua membuat perjanjian damai dengan mereka untuk membiarkan mereka hidup. Para pemimpin Israel juga bersumpah kepada mereka.
16 But at the end of three dayes, after they had made a league with them, they heard that they were their neighbours, and that they dwelt among them.
Tiga hari setelah perjanjian itu dibuat, barulah bangsa Israel tahu bahwa sebenarnya orang-orang itu tinggal di dekat perkemahan Israel.
17 And the children of Israel tooke their iourney, and came vnto their cities the third day, and their cities were Gibeon, and Chephirah, and Beeroth and Kiriath-iearim.
Orang-orang Israel berangkat, dan dalam tiga hari mereka tiba di kota-kota asal orang-orang tadi. Kota-kota itu adalah Gibeon, Kefira, Beerot, dan Kiryat Yearim.
18 And the children of Israel slewe them not, because the Princes of the Congregation had sworne vnto them by the Lord God of Israel: wherefore all the Congregation murmured against the Princes.
Namun, orang-orang Israel tidak menyerang kota-kota itu karena para pemimpin mereka sudah bersumpah kepada orang-orang itu di hadapan TUHAN, Allah Israel. Maka seluruh umat Israel mengeluh kepada para pemimpin.
19 Then all the Princes said vnto all the Congregation, We haue sworne vnto them by the Lord God of Israel: nowe therefore we may not touch them.
Jawab para pemimpin itu kepada umat Israel, “Kami sudah bersumpah di hadapan TUHAN, Allah Israel. Maka dari itu, sekarang kita tidak dapat menyakiti mereka.
20 But this we wil doe to them, and let them liue, least the wrath be vpon vs because of the othe which we sware vnto them.
Inilah yang akan kita lakukan: Kita akan membiarkan mereka hidup, karena bila melanggar perjanjian itu, Allah akan menghukum kita.”
21 And the Princes sayd vnto them againe, Let them liue, but they shall hewe wood, and drawe water vnto all the Congregation, as the Princes appoint them.
Para pemimpin berkata, “Biarkanlah mereka hidup.” Maka orang-orang itu dijadikan tukang belah kayu dan tukang pikul air untuk semua orang Israel.
22 Ioshua then called them, and talked with them, and sayd, Wherefore haue ye beguiled vs, saying, We are very farre from you, when ye dwel among vs?
Kemudian Yosua memanggil orang-orang Gibeon dan bertanya, “Kenapa kalian menipu kami dengan mengaku datang dari negeri yang jauh, padahal kalian sebenarnya tinggal di antara kami?
23 Now therefore ye are cursed, and there shall none of you be freed from being bondmen, and hewers of wood, and drawers of water for the house of my God.
Karena perbuatanmu itu, terkutuklah kalian! Kalian akan selalu menjadi budak-budak yang membelah kayu dan memikul air untuk keperluan rumah Allahku.”
24 And they answered Ioshua, and sayd, Because it was tolde thy seruants, that the Lord thy God had commanded his seruant Moses to giue you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land out of your sight, therefore we were exceeding sore afraid for our liues at the presence of you, and haue done this thing:
Jawab mereka, “Hamba-hambamu ini melakukannya karena kami mendengar kabar yang pasti bahwa TUHAN, Allah kalian, sudah berjanji kepada Musa, hamba-Nya, untuk menyerahkan seluruh negeri ini kepada kalian dan membinasakan semua penduduknya. Kami sangat takut kehilangan nyawa. Itu sebabnya kami berbohong.
25 And beholde nowe, we are in thine hand: doe as it seemeth good and right in thine eyes to doe vnto vs.
Sekarang, Tuan berkuasa atas kami. Perbuatlah terhadap kami apa saja yang Tuanku anggap baik dan benar.”
26 Euen so did he vnto them, and deliuered them out of the hand of the children of Israel, that they slewe them not.
Maka Yosua melarang orang Israel membunuh mereka.
27 And Ioshua appointed them that same day to be hewers of wood, and drawers of water for the Congregation, and for the altar of the Lord vnto this day, in the place which he should chuse.
Tetapi hari itu juga dia menjadikan mereka tukang belah kayu dan tukang pikul air bagi rakyat Israel, juga untuk keperluan mezbah TUHAN di mana pun Allah menempatkannya. Sampai kitab ini ditulis, orang-orang Gibeon masih melakukan pekerjaan itu.