< Joshua 24 >

1 And Ioshua assembled againe all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and called the Elders of Israel, and their heades, and their iudges, and their officers, and they presented themselues before God.
Bangʼe Joshua nochoko dhout Israel duto kama iluongo ni Shekem. Noluongo jodongo, jotelo, jongʼad bura kod jotelo mamoko mag Israel mi gidhi e nyim Nyasaye.
2 Then Ioshua said vnto all the people, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt beyond the flood in olde time, euen Terah the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor, and serued other gods.
Joshua nowachone ji duto niya, “Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye, ma Nyasach Israel wacho, Chon gi lala kwereu, motingʼo nyaka Tera ma wuon Ibrahim kod Nahor, nodak but Aora Yufrate kendo negilamo nyiseche manono.
3 And I tooke your father Abraham from beyond the flood, and brought him through all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seede, and gaue him Izhak.
Makmana nagolo wuonu Ibrahim oa e pinyno machiegni gi Aora Yufrate mi atelone e piny Kanaan duto kendo amiye nyikwayo mathoth. Ne amiye Isaka,
4 And I gaue vnto Izhak, Iaakob and Esau: and I gaue vnto Esau mount Seir, to possesse it: but Iaakob and his children went downe into Egypt.
to Isaka namiyo Jakobo kod Esau. Ne awalo piny Seir manie got ne Esau, to Jakobo gi nyithinde nodhi Misri.
5 I sent Moses also and Aaron, and I plagued Egypt: and when I had so done among them, I brought you out.
“‘Bangʼe ne aoro Musa gi Harun, kendo ne agoyo jo-Misri gi tuoche kanyo, bangʼe agolou oko.
6 So I brought your fathers out of Egypt, and ye came vnto the Sea, and the Egyptians pursued after your fathers with charets and horsemen vnto the red sea.
Kane agolo wuoneu Misri, ne uchopo e nam, kendo jo-Misri nolawou gi geche kod jogo mariambo farese nyaka e Nam Makwar.
7 Then they cryed vnto the Lord, and he put a darkenesse betweene you and the Egyptians, and brought the sea vpon them, and couered them: so your eyes haue seene what I haue done in Egypt also ye dwelt in the wildernesse a long season.
To ne giywakne Jehova Nyasaye mondo okonygi, omiyo ne oketo mudho e kindu gi jo-Misri; mi nam oimogi. Ne uneno gima ne atimone jo-Misri. Bangʼ mano nudak e thim kuom ndalo marabora.
8 After, I brought you into the land of the Amorites, which dwelt beyond Iorden, and they fought with you: but I gaue them into your hand, and ye possessed their countrey, and I destroyed them out of your sight.
“‘Ne akelou nyaka e piny jo-Amor manodak yo wuok chiengʼ mar aora Jordan. Negikedo kodu, to naketogi e lwetu. Ne atiekogi chuth e nyimu, mi ukawo pinygi.
9 Also Balak the sonne of Zippor King of Moab arose and warred against Israel, and sent to call Balaam the sonne of Beor for to curse you,
Kane Balak wuod Zipor, ma ruodh Moab, ne ikore mondo oked gi Israel, nooro Balaam wuod Beor mondo okwongʼu.
10 But I would not heare Balaam: therefore he blessed you, and I deliuered you out of his hand.
To ne ok anyal chiko ita ne Balaam, omiyo nogwedhou mogundho, mi nagolou oko e lwete.
11 And ye went ouer Iorden, and came vnto Iericho, and the men of Iericho fought against you, the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Girgashites, the Hiuites and the Iebusites, and I deliuered them into your hand.
“‘Bangʼe ne ungʼado aora Jordan mi ubiro Jeriko. Joma odak Jeriko, kaka jo-Amor, jo-Perizi, jo-Kanaan, jo-Hiti, jo-Girgash, jo-Hivi, gi jo-Jebus nokedo kodu, to ne achiwogi duto e lwetu.
12 And I sent hornets before you, which cast them out before you, euen the two kings of the Amorites, and not with thy sword, nor with thy bow.
Ne amiyo kibaji omakogi ma giringo e nyimu, kaachiel gi ruodhi jo-Amor ariyo. Ne ok utimo ma gi liganglau uwegi kod atungʼ.
13 And I haue giuen you a land, wherein ye did not labour, and cities which ye built not, and yee dwell in them, and eate of the vineyards and oliue trees, which yee planted not.
Omiyo ne amiyou piny mane ok utiyone kod mier madongo mane ok ugero; mi udak kanyo kendo uchamo olemb mzabibu kod zeituni ma bende ne ok upidho.’
14 Nowe therefore feare the Lord, and serue him in vprightnesse and in trueth, and put away the gods, which your fathers serued beyonde the flood and in Egypt, and serue the Lord.
“Omiyo koro luoruru Jehova Nyasaye kendo beduru joratiro kinde duto kutiyone. Wituru oko nyiseche manono mag kwereu mane gilamo yo Aora Yufrate kod e piny Misri, mondo uti ne Jehova Nyasaye.
15 And if it seeme euill vnto you to serue the Lord, choose you this day whome yee will serue, whether the gods which your fathers serued (that were beyond the flood) or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwel: but I and mine house will serue the Lord.
To ka dipo ni tiyone Jehova Nyasaye ok miu mor, to kawuononi yier aneuru ngʼama ubiro tiyone, kata ka en nyiseche manono mane kwereu tiyone e Aora Yufrate, kata en nyiseche manono mag jo-Amor, modak e pinygi. Makmana an gi jooda duto, wabiro tiyone Jehova Nyasaye.”
16 Then the people answered and saide, God forbid, that we shoulde forsake the Lord, to serue other gods.
Eka ji nodwoko niya, “Mad gima chal kamano kik timrenwa ka wajwangʼo Jehova Nyasaye, mondo watine nyiseche manono!
17 For the Lord our God, he brought vs and our fathers out of the lande of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and he did those great miracles in our sight, and preserued vs in all the way that we went, and among all the people through whome we came.
En Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachwa owuon mane ogolowa gi kwerewa e piny Misri, e piny mane wan wasumbini, kendo motimo ranyisi madongo-go ka waneno. Ne oritowa e wuodhwa duto kendo e kind ogendini duto mane wakalo eigi.
18 And the Lord did cast out before vs all the people, euen the Amorites which dwelt in the lande: therefore will we also serue the Lord, for he is our God.
Kendo Jehova Nyasaye ne oriembo ogendini duto e nyimwa, kaachiel gi jo-Amor, mane odak e pinyno. Wan bende wabiro tiyone Jehova Nyasaye, nikech en e Nyasachwa.”
19 And Ioshua saide vnto the people, Ye can not serue the Lord: for he is an holie God: he is a ielous God: hee will not pardon your iniquitie nor your sinnes.
Joshua nowachone ji niya, “Ok unyal tiyone Jehova Nyasaye. En Nyasaye maler, en Nyasaye ma janyiego. Ok obi wenu kuom wich teko maru kod richo mutimo.
20 If yee forsake the Lord and serue strange gods, then he will returne and bring euill vpon you, and consume you, after that hee hath done you good.
Ka ungʼanyo uweyo Jehova Nyasaye mi utiyo ne nyiseche manono, to obiro lokore mi okelnu thagruok kendo enotieku duto, kata obedo ni ne osedoko jakoru kamano.”
21 And the people saide vnto Ioshua, Nay, but we will serue the Lord.
To jo-Israel nodwoko Joshua niya, “Ooyo! Wabiro tiyone Jehova Nyasaye.”
22 And Ioshua saide vnto the people, Yee are witnesses against your selues, that yee haue chosen you the Lord, to serue him: and they sayd, We are witnesses.
Bangʼe Joshua nowacho niya, “Un uwegi usebedo joneno magu kuom yiero mondo uti ne Jehova Nyasaye.” Negidwoko niya, “Ee, wan joneno.”
23 Then put away nowe, saide he, the strange gods which are among you, and bowe your hearts vnto the Lord God of Israel.
Joshua nowacho niya, “Koro wituru nyiseche manono manie dieru mondo uchiw chunyu ni tiyo ne Jehova Nyasaye, ma Nyasach Israel.”
24 And ye people saide vnto Ioshua, The Lord our God wil we serue, and his voyce wil we obey.
To jogo nowachone Joshua niya, “Wabiro tiyone Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachwa kendo wanamiye luor.”
25 So Ioshua made a couenant with the people the same day, and gaue them an ordinance and lawe in Shechem.
E odiechiengno Joshua noketo singruok ne jogo, kendo kane gin Shekem nomiyogi chike monego gilu.
26 And Ioshua wrote these woordes in the booke of the Lawe of God, and tooke a great stone, and pitched it there vnder an oke that was in the Sanctuarie of the Lord.
Joshua nondiko gigo duto piny e Kitabu mar Chik mar Nyasaye. Bangʼe nokawo kidi maduongʼ mi okete maber e tiend yiend ober but kama ler mar Jehova Nyasaye.
27 And Ioshua saide vnto all the people, Beholde, this stone shall be a witnesse vnto vs: for it hath heard all the wordes of the Lord which he spake with vs: it shall be therefore a witnesse against you, lest yee denie your God.
Nowachone jogo niya, “Neuru! Kidini biro bedo janeno kuomu. Osewinjo weche duto ma Jehova Nyasaye osewachonwa. Obiro bedo janeno kuomu ka ubedo jo-miriambo ne Nyasachu.”
28 Then Ioshua let the people depart, euery man vnto his inheritance.
Bangʼe Joshua nogolo ji duto mondo odhi kuondegi mane opognigi.
29 And after these things Ioshua the sonne of Nun, the seruaunt of the Lord died, being an hundreth and ten yeeres olde.
Bangʼ mago duto, Joshua wuod Nun, jatich Jehova Nyasaye, notho ka en gi higni mia achiel gapar.
30 And they buried him in ye border of his inheritance in Timnath-serah, which is in mount Ephraim, on the Northside of mount Gaash.
Kendo ne giike e lope mane opogne, mantiere Timnath Sera e piny gode mag Efraim, mantiere yo nyandwat mar Gash.
31 And Israel serued the Lord all the daies of Ioshua, and all the daies of the Elders that ouerliued Ioshua, and which had knowen all the workes of the Lord that he had done for Israel.
Jo-Israel notiyone Jehova Nyasaye e ndalo duto mag ngima Joshua kod jodongo mane osedak higni moloye, kendo mane nigi lony kuom gik moko duto mane Jehova Nyasaye osetimo ni jo-Israel.
32 And the bones of Ioseph, which the children of Israel brought out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem in a parcell of ground which Iaakob bought of the sonnes of Hamor the father of Shechem, for an hundreth pieces of siluer, and the children of Ioseph had them in their inheritance.
To choke Josef, mane jo-Israel nobiro godo koa Misri, noiki Shekem e pinyno mane Jakobo ongʼiewo fedha mia achiel koa kuom yawuot Hamor, ma wuon Shekem. Ma nobedo kaka pok mar nyikwa Josef.
33 Also Eleazar the sonne of Aaron died, whome they buried in the hill of Phinehas his sonne, which was giuen him in mount Ephraim.
Eliazar wuod Harun bende notho kendo noyike Gibea, kama nopogne wuode Finehas e piny gode mag Efraim.

< Joshua 24 >