< Jonah 3 >

1 And the worde of the Lord came vnto Ionah the seconde time, saying,
Ndipo Yehova anayankhula ndi Yona kachiwiri kuti,
2 Arise, goe vnto Nineueh that great citie, and preach vnto it the preaching, which I bid thee.
“Nyamuka, pita ku mzinda waukulu wa Ninive ndipo ukalalikire uthenga umene ndikupatsa.”
3 So Ionah arose and went to Nineueh according to ye word of the Lord: now Nineueh was a great and excellent citie of three dayes iourney.
Yona anamvera mawu a Yehova ndipo anapita ku Ninive. Tsono Ninive unali mzinda waukulu kwambiri; wofunika masiku atatu kuwudutsa.
4 And Ionah began to enter into the citie a dayes iourney, and he cryed, and said, Yet fourtie dayes, and Nineueh shalbe ouerthrowen.
Yona analowa mu mzindawo, nayenda ulendo wa tsiku limodzi. Iye ankalalikira kuti, “Atsala masiku makumi anayi kuti Ninive awonongedwe.”
5 So the people of Nineueh beleeued God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth from ye greatest of the euen to the least of them.
Anthu a ku Ninive anakhulupirira Mulungu. Analengeza kuti aliyense, wamkulu ndi wamngʼono yemwe asale zakudya ndipo avale chiguduli.
6 For worde came vnto the King of Nineueh, and he rose from his throne, and he layed his robe from him, and couered him with sackecloth, and sate in ashes.
Mfumu ya ku Ninive itamva nkhaniyi, inatsika pa mpando wake waufumu, nivula mkanjo wake waufumu ndipo inavala chiguduli ndi kukhala pansi pa fumbi.
7 And he proclaimed and said through Nineueh, (by the counsell of ye king and his nobles) saying, Let neither man, nor beast, bullock nor sheep taste any thing, neither feed nor drinke water.
Tsono mfumuyo inalengeza mu Ninive kuti, “Mwa lamulo lochokera kwa mfumu ndi akalonga ake: “Munthu aliyense kapenanso nyama, ngʼombe kapena nkhosa, zisadye kanthu kalikonse; musazilole kuti zidye kapena kumwa.
8 But let man and beast put on sackecloth, and crie mightily vnto God: yea, let euery man turne from his euill way, and from the wickednesse that is in their handes.
Koma anthu avale ziguduli, ndipo nyamanso aziveke ziguduli. Munthu aliyense azifuwula kwa Mulungu ndi mphamvu zake zonse. Anthuwo asiye makhalidwe awo oyipa ndi machitidwe achiwawa.
9 Who can tell if God will turne, and repent and turne away from his fierce wrath, that we perish not?
Angadziwe ndani? Mwina Mulungu nʼkutikhululukira ndipo mwa chifundo chake nʼkuleka kutikwiyira, ifeyo osawonongedwa.”
10 And God sawe their workes that they turned from their euill wayes: and God repented of the euill that he had said that he woulde doe vnto them, and he did it not.
Mulungu ataona zimene anthuwo anachita, ndi mmene anasiyira makhalidwe awo oyipa, anawachitira chifundo ndipo sanabweretse chiwonongeko chimene anawaopseza nacho.

< Jonah 3 >