< John 9 >

1 And as Iesus passed by, he sawe a man which was blinde from his birth.
A Yeshu bhali nkupita gubhammweni mundu jumo, nangalole jwa shibhelekwa.
2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sinne, this man, or his parents, that he was borne blinde?
Bhai, bhaajiganywa bhabho gubhaabhushiyenje, “Mmaajiganya! Gani atendile yambi, jwene munduju eu bhankwetenje mpaka abhelekwe nangalole?”
3 Iesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents, but that the workes of God should be shewed on him.
A Yeshu gubhajangwile, “Lyeneli lyangakoposhela kwa ligongo lya yambi yakwe, wala yambi ya bhankwetenje, ikabhe ashibhelekwa na unangalole nkupinga mashili ga a Nnungu gabhoneshe.
4 I must worke the workes of him that sent me, while it is day: the night commeth when no man can worke.
Pabha kukanabhe pilila, tunapinjikwa kutenda maengo ga bhandumile bhala, kupililaga mundu akakombola kutenda liengo.
5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
Mobha guni pashilambolyo, nne shilangaya sha shilambolyo.”
6 Assoone as he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spettle, and anointed the eyes of the blinde with the clay,
Bhakabheleketeje genego, gubhaunile mata pai, gubhaeleye litope na mata gala, gubhampashile mmeyo nangalole jula,
7 And sayd vnto him, Go wash in the poole of Siloam (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came againe seeing.
gubhannugulile, “Jenda ukanabhe kulitanda lya Shiloamu.” Malombolelo ga Shiloamu, “Atumilwe.” Bhai, nangalole jula gwapite kunabha, kungai gwabhujile alilola.
8 Nowe the neighbours and they that had seene him before, when he was blinde, sayd, Is not this he that sate and begged?
Bhai, ashaatami ajakwe na bhammanyangaga kuti paliji nangalole nkujuga, gubhashitenje, “Bhuli, jweneju nngabha nkulaga atamaga na juga jula?”
9 Some said, This is he: and other sayd, He is like him: but he himselfe sayd, I am he.
Bhananji gubhashitenje, “Ni juju.” Bhananji gubhashitenje, “Ng'oo! Ikabhe ashilandanape.” Ikabheje aliji nangalole jula nigwashite, “Ni nne!”
10 Therefore they sayd vnto him, Howe were thine eyes opened?
Bhai, gubhammushiyenje, “Shanabhuli meyo gako pugashite lola?”
11 He answered, and sayd, The man that is called Iesus, made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and sayde vnto me, Goe to the poole of Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and receiued sight.
Jwalakwe gwabhajangwilenje, “Bhandu bhaashemwa a Yeshu bhala bhashinkualaya litope, gubhambashile mmeyo ninugulila. ‘Jenda ukanabhe kulitanda lya Shiloamu.’ Bhai, gumbite nabha, nigunolile.”
12 Then they sayd vnto him, Where is he? He sayd, I can not tell.
Gubhammushiyenje, “Bhenebho kubhali kwei?” Jwalakwe gwabhajangwilenje, “Nne ngakukumanya!”
13 They brought to the Pharises him that was once blinde.
Kungai mundu aliji nangalole jula gubhampelekenje kwa Ashimapalishayo.
14 And it was the Sabbath day, when Iesus made the clay, and opened his eyes.
Lyene lyubha libhaeleye litope a Yeshu nikunnamiya mundu nangalolejo, pulyaaliji Lyubha lya Pumulila.
15 Then againe the Pharises also asked him, how he had receiued sight. And hee sayd vnto them, He layd clay vpon mine eyes, and I washed, and doe see.
Bhai, Ashimapalishayo gubhammushiyenje jwene mundujo, “Shanabhuli pukombwele kulola?” Jwalakwe gwabhalugulilenje, “Bhashinkumbaka litope mmeyo, gunabhile nnaino ngulilola.”
16 Then said some of the Pharises, This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the Sabbath day. Others sayd, Howe can a man that is a sinner, doe such miracles? and there was a dissension among them.
Ashimapalishayo bhananji gubhashitenje, “Bhene bhandubho bhangakoposhela kwa a Nnugu, pabha bhakaakagula shalia ja Lyubha lya Pumulila.” Ikabheje bhananji gubhashitenje, “Mundu akwete yambi akombola bhuli kutenda ilangulo ya nnei?” Gugakoposhele malekano munkumbi gwabhonji.
17 Then spake they vnto the blinde againe, What sayest thou of him, because he hath opened thine eyes? And he sayd, He is a Prophet.
Gubhammushiyenje kabhili mundu aliji nangalole jula, “Pabha bhenebho bhashikulamya meyo, ukwaataya bhuli?” Jwalakwe gwabhalugulilenje, “Bhenebho ankulondola bha a Nnungu!”
18 Then the Iewes did not beleeue him (that he had bene blinde, and receiued his sight) vntill they had called the parents of him that had receiued sight.
Ashikalongolele bha Bhayaudi bhangakulupalilanga kuti jwene mundujo bhukala paliji nangalole na nnaino analola, mpaka pubhaashemilenje bhankwetenje.
19 And they asked them, saying, Is this your sonne, whom ye say was borne blinde? How doeth he nowe see then?
Bhai, gubhaabhushiyenje, “Bhuli, jweneju ni mwana jwenunji junkutinji pabhelekwe ali nangalole? Shanabhuli nnaino pakombwele kulola?”
20 His parents answered them, and sayd, We know that this is our sonne, and that he was borne blinde:
Bhankwetenje gubhajangwilenje, “Uwe tummanyi aju mwana gwetu na pabhelekwe ali nangalole.
21 But by what meanes hee nowe seeth, we know not: or who hath opened his eyes, can we not tell: he is olde ynough: aske him: hee shall answere for himselfe.
Ikabheje shanabhuli palolile, tukakumumanya na nkali annamiye meyojo, uwe tukakummanya. Mummuyanje nnyene, jwenejo jwankulungwa, shataye.”
22 These wordes spake his parents, because they feared the Iewes: for the Iewes had ordeined already, that if any man did confesse that he was Christ, he should be excommunicate out of the Synagogue.
Bhankwetenje bhashinkubheleketanga nneyo kwa ligongo lya kwaajogopanga ashikalongolele bha Bhayaudi, pabha ashikalongolelebho bhashinkulagananga kuti mundu jojowe shakunde kuti a Yeshu ni a Kilishitu abhingwe nshinagogi.
23 Therefore sayde his parents, Hee is olde ynough: aske him.
Lyenelyo ni ligongo lya bhankwetenje kubheleta kuti, “Jwenejo jwankulungwa, mummuyanje nnyene.”
24 Then againe called they the man that had bene blinde, and sayd vnto him, Giue glory vnto God: we know that this man is a sinner.
Bhai, gubhanshemilenje kabhili aliji nangalole jula, gubhannugulilenje, “Ubhelekete ya kweli gwaape ukonjelo a Nnungu! Uwe tumumanyi kuti abha bhandubha bhakwete yambi.”
25 Then he answered, and sayd, Whether hee be a sinner or no, I can not tell: one thing I know, that I was blinde, and nowe I see.
Jwenejo gwajangwile, “Monaga bhakwete yambi, nne ngaamanya. Ikabheje nishimanyi shindu shimo kuti, naliji nangalole na nnaino ngunalola.”
26 Then sayd they to him againe, What did he to thee? howe opened he thine eyes?
Bhai, gubhammushiyenje, “Bhakutendele nndi? Bhakulamiye shanabhuli meyo gako?”
27 Hee answered them, I haue tolde you already, and yee haue not heard it: wherefore would yee heare it againe? will yee also be his disciples?
Jwene mundujo gwabhajangwilenje, “Nimmalanjilenje, mmanganyanji mwangapilikanishiyanga, kwa nndi nnapinganga kupilikana kabhili? Bhuli na mmanganyanji nnapinganga kubha bhaajiganywa bhabho?”
28 Then reuiled they him, and sayd, Be thou his disciple: we be Moses disciples.
Bhai gubhantukenenje, bhalinkutinji, “Ugwe ni nkujiganywa jwabho, uwe tubhaajiganywa bha a Musha.
29 We know that God spake with Moses: but this man we know not from whence he is.
Uwe tumumanyi kuti a Nnungu bhashinkubheleketa na a Musha, ikabheje bhene bhandubha tukakukumanya kubhakoposhele!”
30 The man answered, and sayde vnto them, Doutlesse, this is a marueilous thing, that ye know not whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes.
Jwalakwe gwabhajangwilenje, “Sheneshi sha kanganigwa! Mmanganyanji nkakukumanyanga kubhakoposhele, ikabheje bhashinamiya meyo gangu!
31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him heareth he.
Tumumanyi kuti a Nnungu bhakakwapilikanishiyanga bhandunji bhakwetenje yambi, ikabhe jojowe akwaakunda na tenda gubhapinga.
32 Since the world began, was it not heard, that any man opened the eyes of one that was borne blinde. (aiōn g165)
Kuumila bhukala pa shilambolyo ikanabhe pilikanika kuti mundu ashilamya meyo gaka nangalole jwa shibhelekwa. (aiōn g165)
33 If this man were not of God, hee could haue done nothing.
Monaga bhene bhandubha bhangakoposhela kwa a Nnungu, bhakanakombole kutenda shoshowe!”
34 They answered, and sayd vnto him, Thou art altogether borne in sinnes, and doest thou teach vs? so they cast him out.
Gubhajangwilenje, “Ugwe ushibhelekwa na lelelwa muyambi jika, utujiganye uwe?” Bhai, gubhankanilenje kushinagogi.
35 Iesus heard that they had cast him out: and when he had found him, he sayd vnto him, Doest thou beleeue in the Sonne of God?
A Yeshu gubhapilikene kuti bhashikunkananga nshinagogi. Bhai, bhakammoneje gubhammushiye, “Bhuli, ugwe ulikunkulupalila Mwana juka Mundu?”
36 He answered, and sayd, Who is he, Lord, that I might beleeue in him?
Jwene mundujo gwajangwile, “Mmakulungwa, nnugulile jwenejo ni gani, ninkulupalile.”
37 And Iesus sayd vnto him, Both thou hast seene him, and he it is that talketh with thee.
A Yeshu gubhammalanjile, “Mumweni, akunguluka na mmwejo.”
38 Then he sayd, Lord, I beleeue, and worshipped him.
Bhai, jwene mundujo gwashite, “Mmakulungwa ngulikulupalila!” Gwabhatindibhalile.
39 And Iesus sayd, I am come vnto iudgement into this world, that they which see not, might see: and that they which see, might be made blinde.
A Yeshu gubhashite, “Nne njiika kushilambolyo kuukumula, nkupinga bhakaalolanga bhalolanje, na bhaalolanga bhabhanganje ashinangalole.”
40 And some of the Pharises which were with him, heard these things, and sayd vnto him, Are we blinde also?
Ashimapalishayo bhananji bhalinginji pamo na bhenebho gubhapilikenenje gene malobhego, gubhaabhushiyenje, “Bhuli, nkali uwe ashinangalole?”
41 Iesus sayd vnto them, If ye were blinde, ye should not haue sinne: but nowe ye say, We see: therefore your sinne remaineth.
A Yeshu gubhaajangwilenje, “Monaga nkalinginji ashinangalole, nkanakolanjeje yambi, ikabheje nnaino nkutinji. ‘Uwe tulilola,’ bhai launo nkwetenje yambi.

< John 9 >