< John 18 >

1 When Iesus had spoken these things, hee went foorth with his disciples ouer the brooke Cedron, where was a garden, into the which he entred, and his disciples.
Yesu mpwalapwisha kwamba walaya pamo nebeshikwiya bakendi kutala kwa cisapa ca Kedroni, nkobalakengila mulibala lya bitondo bya maolifi,
2 And Iudas which betraied him, knewe also the place: for Iesus oft times resorted thither with his disciples.
Uko Yesu nebeshikwiya bakendi nkobalikukumanina cindi conse. Neco Yuda walamuyaba walikwishiba musena wopelowo.
3 Iudas then, after hee had receiued a band of men and officers of the high Priests, and of the Pharises, came thither with lanternes and torches, and weapons.
Yuda walanyamuka pamo nebashilikali baku Loma nebamalonda baku Nga'nda ya Lesa abo balatumwa nebamakulene beshimilumbo neBafalisi. Nabo balaya kulibala uko kabalibamanta malampi ne nsakamwenge kayi ne byensho byankondo.
4 Then Iesus, knowing all things that shoulde come vnto him, went foorth and said vnto them, Whom seeke yee?
Nomba Yesu walikwinshiba byeshibimwinshikile. Weco nendi walemana patuba, nekubepusheti, “Nomba mulayandanga bani?”
5 They answered him, Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayde vnto them, I am hee. Nowe Iudas also which betraied him, stoode with them.
Balamukumbuleti, “tulayandanga Yesu waku Nasaleti.” Yesu walambeti, “Njame.” Yuda walamuyaba kubalwani bakendi, neye walikubapo.
6 Assoone then as hee had saide vnto them, I am hee, they went away backewardes, and fell to the grounde.
Yesu mpwalabakumbuleti, “Njame,” Balabwelela kunyuma nekuwa panshi.
7 Then he asked them againe, Whome seeke yee? And they sayd, Iesus of Nazareth.
Kayi Yesu walabepusha, “Nomba mulayandanga bani?” Nabo balambeti, “tulandanga Yesu wa ku nazaleti.”
8 Iesus answered, I said vnto you, that I am he: therefore if ye seeke me, let these go their way.
Yesu walambeti, “Ndamwambili eti njame, nomba na mulayandanga njame, aba balekeni bayenga.”
9 This was that the worde might be fulfilled which hee spake, Of them which thou gauest me, haue I lost none.
Walambeco kwambeti bikwanilishiwe mbyalambeti, “Ndiya kutayapo naba umo pali abo mbomwalampa.”
10 Then Simon Peter hauing a sword, drewe it, and smote the hie Priests seruant, and cut off his right eare. Nowe the seruants name was Malchus.
Shimoni Petulo walikukute cingwebe. Walasokolola nekukwempula litwi lyakululyo lya Makasi musebenshi wa shimilumbo mukulene.
11 Then sayde Iesus vnto Peter, Put vp thy sworde into the sheath: shall I not drinke of the cuppe which my Father hath giuen me?
Lino Yesu walambila Petulo, “Bwesha cingwebe cakobe mumukopa. Sena ulayeyengeti mbule kunwa nkomeshi ya mapensho njobalampa Bata?”
12 Then the bande and the captaine, and the officers of the Iewes tooke Iesus, and bound him,
Mushilikali mukulene nebashilikali bakendi, kayi nebamalondabamuNg'anda ya Lesa, balamwikata Yesu nekumusunga.
13 And led him away to Annas first (for he was father in lawe to Caiaphas, which was the hie Priest that same yeere)
Pakutanguna balaya nendi kuli Anasi, mupongoshi wa Kayafa, walikuba mukulene wa beshimilumbo bonse mucaka copeleco.
14 And Caiaphas was he, that gaue counsel to the Iewes, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people.
Kayafa eusa walambila bamakulene baBayuda kumasuba akunyuma kwambeti caina namuntu umo ufwa kupita kwambeti bantu bonse bafwe.
15 Nowe Simon Peter folowed Iesus, and another disciple, and that disciple was knowen of the hie Priest: therefore he went in with Iesus into the hall of the hie Priest:
Shimoni Petulo neshikwiya naumbi balamukonkela Yesu. Shikwiya naumbi uyo walikuba wenshibana neshimilumbo mukulene. Lino walengila pamo ne Yesu munga'nda ya shimilumbo mukulene.
16 But Peter stood at the doore without. Then went out the other disciple which was knowen vnto the hie Priest, and spake to her that kept the doore, and brought in Peter.
Nsombi Petulo walemana kunsa pepi necishinga, usa shikwiya walikuba wenshibikwa walapula nekuya kwamba nemutukashi pacishinga kwambeti ambile Petulo engile,
17 Then saide the maide that kept the doore, vnto Peter, Art not thou also one of this mans disciples? He sayd, I am not.
Nomba mutukashi musebenshi walepusha Petulo, “Sena obe ntobe umo wa beshikwiya bamuntuyu?” Petulo walambeti, “Ame? Sobwe.”
18 And the seruants and officers stoode there, which had made a fire of coles: for it was colde, and they warmed themselues. And Peter also stood among them, and warmed himselfe.
Kwalikuba kwatontola, neco basebenshi ne bamalonda balakunka mulilo ngobalikuyota bwimene, neye Petulo walayakwimanapo kayota mulilo.
19 (The hie Priest then asked Iesus of his disciples, and of his doctrine.
Pacindi copeleco shimilumbo mukulene walepusha Yesu sha beshikwiya bakendi, kayi nebintu mbyalikwiyisha.
20 Iesus answered him, I spake openly to the world: I euer taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple, whither the Iewes resort continually, and in secret haue I sayde nothing.
Yesu walambeti, “Ame ndalikwamba mwakutasoleka ku muntu uliyense. Ndalikwiyisha mumanda akupaililamo kayi ne mu Nga'nda ya Lesa, bantu bonse mobakute kubungana. Ndiya kwambapo bintu mwakusoleka sobwe.
21 Why askest thou mee? aske them which heard mee what I sayde vnto them: beholde, they knowe what I sayd.
Nomba lino mulanjipushilinga cani? Kamwipushani abo balanyumfwa bintu mbyondalikwamba bacishi ncendalikwiyisha.”
22 When he had spoken these thinges, one of the officers which stoode by, smote Iesus with his rod, saying, Answerest thou the hie Priest so?
Mpwalambeco, umo wa bamalonda walikuba wemana popelapo walamuma Yesu nekwambeti, “Ngokumbula aconi mushoboyo shimilumbo mukulene?”
23 Iesus answered him, If I haue euill spoken, beare witnes of the euil: but if I haue well spoken, why smitest thou me?
Yesu walamukumbuleti, “na ndamba bintu byaipa kobishumbula. Nsombi na ndamba byakubinga nomba ulangumininga cani?”
24 Nowe Annas had sent him bound vnto Caiaphas the hie Priest)
Lino Anasi walamutuma Yesu kaliwasungwa kuli Kayafa shimilumbo mukulene.
25 And Simon Peter stoode and warmed himselfe, and they said vnto him, Art not thou also of his disciples? He denied it, and said, I am not.
Simoni Petulo mpwalikuba wemana nkaciyota mulilo, nabambi balamwipusheti, “Sena obe ntobe umo wabeshikwiya ba muntusa?” Petulo walakaneti, “Sobwe ntame.”
26 One of the seruaunts of the hie Priest, his cousin whose eare Peter smote off, saide, Did not I see thee in the garden with him?
Musebenshi naumbi wa mukulene wabeshimilumbo bonse, mwanse muntusa Petulo ngwalakwempula litwi, walamwipusheti, “Sena ndiya kukubonapo mulibala musa nkoli nendi?”
27 Peter then denied againe, and immediatly the cocke crewe.
Petulo walakana kayi, pacindi copeleco kombwe walalila.
28 Then led they Iesus from Caiaphas into the common hall. Nowe it was morning, and they themselues went not into the common hall, least they should be defiled, but that they might eate the Passeouer.
Mumene mene bamakulene baBayuda balamumanta Yesu kufuma kuli Kayafa nekuya nendi kunga'nda ya mwendeleshi wa Loma. Bantu bangi balashala pansa, kutina kwambeti ningababa babulakuswepa, kayi nkabela kusuminishiwa kulyako Pasika.
29 Pilate then went out vnto them, and said, What accusation bring yee against this man?
Neco Pilato walapulapansa nekubepusheti, “Mulamucana nemulandu cini muntuyu?”
30 They answered, and saide vnto him, If hee were not an euill doer, we woulde not haue deliuered him vnto thee.
Nabo balambeti, “Nalabula kwinsa byaipa muntuyo netuliya kumuleta kuli njamwe sobwe.”
31 Then sayde Pilate vnto them, Take yee him, and iudge him after your owne Lawe. Then the Iewes sayde vnto him, It is not lawfull for vs to put any man to death.
Neco Pilato walabambileti, “Mumanteni mwenga mumomboloshe kwelana ne milawo yenu.” Nsombi Bayuda basa balambeti, “Afwe nkatwasuminishiwa kushina muntu sobwe.”
32 It was that the worde of Iesus might be fulfilled which he spake, signifying what death he should die.
Ibi byalenshika kwambeti maswi Yesu ngalamba sha lufu lwakendi akwanilishiwe.
33 So Pilate entred into the common hall againe, and called Iesus, and sayde vnto him, Art thou the king of the Iewes?
Pilato walengila munga'nda yakendi kayi, nekukuwa Yesu. Walamwipusheti, “Sena obe, njobe Mwami wa Bayuda?”
34 Iesus answered him, Saiest thou that of thy selfe, or did other tell it thee of me?
Yesu walambeti, “Sena kwamba kulico nikwenu mobene, nambi pali bantu balamwambilapo sha njame?”
35 Pilate answered, Am I a Iewe? Thine owne nation, and the hie Priestes haue deliuered thee vnto me. What hast thou done?
Pilato walambeti, “Sena ulayeyengeti njame Muyuda? Nibantu bakobe kayi ne beshimilumbo bamakulene endibo balakulete kulinjame, nomba walensa cani?”
36 Iesus answered, My kingdome is not of this worlde: if my kingdome were of this worlde, my seruants would surely fight, that I should not be deliuered to the Iewes: but nowe is my kingdome not from hence.
Yesu walakumbuleti, “Bwami bwakame ntebo bwapacishi capanshi sobwe. Bwami bwakame nebwanga bwapacishi capanshi pano batuloba bakame nebalandwaninini nkondo kwambeti babule kuntwala kuli bamakulene baBayuda. Nsombi bwami bwakame ntebo bwa pacishi capanshi sobwe.”
37 Pilate then said vnto him, Art thou a King then? Iesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a King: for this cause am I borne, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should beare witnes vnto the trueth: euery one that is of the trueth, heareth my voyce.
Pilato walambeti, “Lino ekwambeti njobe Mwami ntendimo?” Yesu walambeti, “Mulalyambili mobene kwambeti njame Mwami. Ame ndalesa pacishi capanshi pano kayi ndalasemwa nekwisa mucishi kusakwamba cancine ncine. Uliyense usuni cancine ncine ukute kunyumfwa maswi akame.”
38 Pilate said vnto him, What is trueth? And when he had saide that, hee went out againe vnto the Iewes, and said vnto them, I finde in him no cause at all.
Pilato walamwipusha Yesu, “Anu cancine ncine nicani?” Pilato mpwalamba maswi awa, walapula kunsa kwalikuba Bayuda, nekubambileti, “Ame ndiya kumucanapo ne mulandu uli wonse muntuyu.
39 But you haue a custome, that I shoulde deliuer you one loose at the Passeouer: will yee then that I loose vnto you the King of ye Iewes?
Nsombi kukonka cinga cenu, pacindi ca kusekelela Pasika nkute kumusungulwila muntu umo. Sena mulayandanga kwambeti ndimusungwilile Mwami waBayuda uyu?”
40 Then cried they all againe, saying, Not him, but Barabbas: nowe this Barabbas was a murtherer.
Popelapo nabo balolobesha nekwambeti, “Uyo sobwe nsombi Balaba.” Balaba walikuba cigabenga.

< John 18 >