< John 18 >

1 When Iesus had spoken these things, hee went foorth with his disciples ouer the brooke Cedron, where was a garden, into the which he entred, and his disciples.
Yesu peamali kujova genago, akakupuka kamfuleni kekikemelewa Keduloni, pamonga na vawuliwa vaki. Pandu apo pavi na lidimba, Yesu akayingila pamonga na vawuliwa vaki.
2 And Iudas which betraied him, knewe also the place: for Iesus oft times resorted thither with his disciples.
Yuda, mweamng'anamukili Yesu, apamanyili pandu penapo, ndava Yesu ahambayi pamahele Yesu akonganiki na vawuliwa vaki kwenuko.
3 Iudas then, after hee had receiued a band of men and officers of the high Priests, and of the Pharises, came thither with lanternes and torches, and weapons.
Hinu, Yuda atoli msambi wa manjolinjoli va Chilumi na valonda va Nyumba ya Chapanga, kuhuma kwa vakulu va vateta na Vafalisayu, akabwela navu palidimba kuni vagegi hahi na lumuli na migoha na vibonga.
4 Then Iesus, knowing all things that shoulde come vnto him, went foorth and said vnto them, Whom seeke yee?
Yesu, kuni imanya gegakumkolela, akavahegelela, akavakota, “Mukumulonda yani?”
5 They answered him, Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayde vnto them, I am hee. Nowe Iudas also which betraied him, stoode with them.
Vene vakamyangula, “Yesu Mnazaleti!” Yesu akavajovela, “Nene, ndi mwene.” Yuda mweakumung'anamukila yula ayimili bahapo pamonga navu.
6 Assoone then as hee had saide vnto them, I am hee, they went away backewardes, and fell to the grounde.
Yesu peavajovili, “Nene ndi mwene.” Vakawuya mumbele vakagwa pahi.
7 Then he asked them againe, Whome seeke yee? And they sayd, Iesus of Nazareth.
Mwene akavakota kavili, “Mukumulonda yani?” Vakamyangula, “Yesu Mnazaleti!”
8 Iesus answered, I said vnto you, that I am he: therefore if ye seeke me, let these go their way.
Yesu akavayangula, “Nimali kuvajovela kuvya mwene ndi nene, ndava mukunilonda nene muvaleka ava vahamba.”
9 This was that the worde might be fulfilled which hee spake, Of them which thou gauest me, haue I lost none.
Ajovili genago muni gatimilayi geajovili gala, “Dadi vala vewanipelili nakumyagisa hati mmonga.”
10 Then Simon Peter hauing a sword, drewe it, and smote the hie Priests seruant, and cut off his right eare. Nowe the seruants name was Malchus.
Simoni Petili avi na upanga, ndi akauholomola, na kumdumula likutu la kulyela mtangatila wa Mteta Mkulu. Mtumisi mwenuyo liina laki Maluko.
11 Then sayde Iesus vnto Peter, Put vp thy sworde into the sheath: shall I not drinke of the cuppe which my Father hath giuen me?
Yesu akamyangula, Petili, “Wuyisa upanga muchihaku. Wu, chikombi cha mang'ahiso cheanipeli Dadi nikotoka kunywa?”
12 Then the bande and the captaine, and the officers of the Iewes tooke Iesus, and bound him,
Msambi wa manjolinjoli va Chilumi pamonga na vakulu vavi, na valonda va Vayawudi vamkamwili Yesu, vakamkunga,
13 And led him away to Annas first (for he was father in lawe to Caiaphas, which was the hie Priest that same yeere)
na kumupeleka hoti kwa Anasi, Anasi avi mkohanu wa Kayafa mweavi Mteta Mkulu mwaka wenuwo.
14 And Caiaphas was he, that gaue counsel to the Iewes, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people.
Kayafa ndi yula mweavajovili vachilongosi va Vayawudi kuvya mbanga mundu mmonga afwayi ndava ya vandu.
15 Nowe Simon Peter folowed Iesus, and another disciple, and that disciple was knowen of the hie Priest: therefore he went in with Iesus into the hall of the hie Priest:
Simoni Petili pamonga na muwuliwa yungi vamlandili Yesu. Muwuliwa mwenuyo amanyikini kwa Mteta Mkulu, akayingila pamonga na Yesu mu luvanja lwa Mteta Mkulu.
16 But Peter stood at the doore without. Then went out the other disciple which was knowen vnto the hie Priest, and spake to her that kept the doore, and brought in Peter.
Nambu Petili ayimili kuvala ya mlyangu. Yula muwuliwa yungi, mweamanyikini kwa mteta mkulu, akahuma kuvala na kujova na msikana mlonda wa mlyangu, akamyingisa Petili mugati.
17 Then saide the maide that kept the doore, vnto Peter, Art not thou also one of this mans disciples? He sayd, I am not.
Msikana mlonda wa mlyangu, akamkota Petili, “Wu, na veve mmonga wa vawuliwa va mundu uyu?” Petili akamjovela, “Nene lepi!”
18 And the seruants and officers stoode there, which had made a fire of coles: for it was colde, and they warmed themselues. And Peter also stood among them, and warmed himselfe.
Vatumisi na valonda vayota motu ndava kwavi na mbepu. Petili namwene ayimili na vayaki kuyota motu.
19 (The hie Priest then asked Iesus of his disciples, and of his doctrine.
Mteta mkulu akamkota Yesu kumvala mawuliwu gaki pamonga na vawuliwa vaki.
20 Iesus answered him, I spake openly to the world: I euer taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple, whither the Iewes resort continually, and in secret haue I sayde nothing.
Yesu akamyangula, “Nijovili na kila mundu hotohoto ligono kwa ligono. Magono goha navawulili munyumba za kukonganekela Vayawudi na mu Nyumba ya Chapanga, pandu pevikonganeka Vayawudi voha, na nakujova chamfiyu.
21 Why askest thou mee? aske them which heard mee what I sayde vnto them: beholde, they knowe what I sayd.
Ndava kyani ukunikota nene? Uvakota vala vevayuwini navajovili kyani. Vene vimanya chenavajovili.”
22 When he had spoken these thinges, one of the officers which stoode by, smote Iesus with his rod, saying, Answerest thou the hie Priest so?
Peamali kujova genago mlonda mmonga mweayimili papipi, akampamanda Yesu, akamjovela, “Wu, ndi chaukumyangula Mteta Mkulu?”
23 Iesus answered him, If I haue euill spoken, beare witnes of the euil: but if I haue well spoken, why smitest thou me?
Yesu akamyangula, “Ngati nijovili uhakau langisa uhakau wene, nambu ngati nijovili chakaka, ndava kyani ukunitova?”
24 Nowe Annas had sent him bound vnto Caiaphas the hie Priest)
Hinu, Anasi ampeliki Yesu kwa Kayafa kuni akungiwi, mweavi mteta mkulu.
25 And Simon Peter stoode and warmed himselfe, and they said vnto him, Art not thou also of his disciples? He denied it, and said, I am not.
Simoni Petili ayimili penapo kuyota motu. Hinu vakamkota, “Wu, veve mmonga wa vawuliwa vaki?” Mwene akabela na kujova, “Nene lepi!”
26 One of the seruaunts of the hie Priest, his cousin whose eare Peter smote off, saide, Did not I see thee in the garden with him?
Mmonga wa vatumisi wa Mteta Mkulu, muyaki yula mweadumuliwi likutu na Petili, akamkota “Wu, nene nakuwene lepi veve kulidimba pamonga naku?”
27 Peter then denied againe, and immediatly the cocke crewe.
Kangi Petili akabela kavili, bahapo lijogolo likavika.
28 Then led they Iesus from Caiaphas into the common hall. Nowe it was morning, and they themselues went not into the common hall, least they should be defiled, but that they might eate the Passeouer.
Kangi vakamtola Yesu kuhuma kwa Kayafa, vampeliki kunyumba ya chinkosi. Yavi hamba kucha, muni vanyambasika palongolo ya Chapanga. Vahotola kulya Pasaka vene vayingili lepi munyumba ya chilongosi wa Loma vakotoka kuhakaswa.
29 Pilate then went out vnto them, and said, What accusation bring yee against this man?
Pilatu avahumila chakuvala, akavakota, “Lijambu loki lemukumtakila mundu uyu?”
30 They answered, and saide vnto him, If hee were not an euill doer, we woulde not haue deliuered him vnto thee.
Vakamyangula, “Ngati mwenuyu kuvya abudili lepi ngatimletili lepi kwaku.”
31 Then sayde Pilate vnto them, Take yee him, and iudge him after your owne Lawe. Then the Iewes sayde vnto him, It is not lawfull for vs to put any man to death.
Pilatu akavajovela, “Ena, mumtola mumuhamula mwavene, kulandana na malagizu ginu.” Vayawudi vakamyangula, “Tete tivii lepi na uhotola wa kumuhamula mundu yoyoha afwayi.”
32 It was that the worde of Iesus might be fulfilled which he spake, signifying what death he should die.
Yakitiki ago gatimilayi malovi geajovili Yesu kulangisa yati ifwa namuna yoki.
33 So Pilate entred into the common hall againe, and called Iesus, and sayde vnto him, Art thou the king of the Iewes?
Pilatu akayingila kavili munyumba yaki, akamkemela Yesu na kumkota. “Ati veve ndi Nkosi wa Vayawudi?”
34 Iesus answered him, Saiest thou that of thy selfe, or did other tell it thee of me?
Yesu akamyangula, “Wu, genago maholo gaku amala vandu vangi vakujovili kunivala nene?”
35 Pilate answered, Am I a Iewe? Thine owne nation, and the hie Priestes haue deliuered thee vnto me. What hast thou done?
Pilatu akayangula, “Mwe! Myawudi nene? Vandu vaku na vakulu va kuteta vakuletili kwa nene. Uhengili kyani?”
36 Iesus answered, My kingdome is not of this worlde: if my kingdome were of this worlde, my seruants would surely fight, that I should not be deliuered to the Iewes: but nowe is my kingdome not from hence.
Yesu akayangula, “Unkosi wangu lepi wa mulima uwu. Ngati kuvya unkosi wangu wa mulima wenuwu, vandu vevamlanda Yesu ngavanikengelili, vachilongosi va Vayawudi ngavanikamwili lepi. Nambu hinu unkosi wangu lepi wa penapa.”
37 Pilate then said vnto him, Art thou a King then? Iesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a King: for this cause am I borne, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should beare witnes vnto the trueth: euery one that is of the trueth, heareth my voyce.
Pilatu akamjovela, “Hinu veve ndi Nkosi?” Yesu akayangula, “Veve ndi ujova kuvya nene ndi Nkosi. Ndava yeniyo nene nivelikiwi na nibweli pamulima kuvajovela vandu uchakaka. Mundu yeyoha wa uchaka akuniyuwanila.”
38 Pilate said vnto him, What is trueth? And when he had saide that, hee went out againe vnto the Iewes, and said vnto them, I finde in him no cause at all.
Pilatu akamkota, “Uchakaka ndi chindu kiki?” Pilatu peamali kujova ago, akavahambila kavili vachilongosi va Chiyawudi kuvala, “Akavajovela nene nichiwene lepi chindu cheabudili.
39 But you haue a custome, that I shoulde deliuer you one loose at the Passeouer: will yee then that I loose vnto you the King of ye Iewes?
Nambu ndi mvelu winu nene kuvadindulila, muchifungu mundu mmonga lukumbi lwa Pasaka. Hinu mwigana nivadindulila Nkosi wa Vayawudi?”
40 Then cried they all againe, saying, Not him, but Barabbas: nowe this Barabbas was a murtherer.
Penapo vakayangula. “Mwe! Lepi mwenuyo mdindulila Balaba!” Balaba avi mundu mweinyaga vandu vindu.

< John 18 >