< John 16 >

1 These thinges haue I saide vnto you, that ye should not be offended.
N waani yi lani, ke lan da ti tua yipo tungbali bonla.
2 They shall excommunicate you: yea, the time shall come, that whosoeuer killeth you, will thinke that he doeth God seruice.
Bi baa ñani yi li balimaama diena nni. U yogunu kpendi ke yua n baa kpa yi, baa nua ke o kpiagidi U Tiene.
3 And these things will they doe vnto you, because they haue not knowen ye Father, nor me.
Bi baa tiendi yi lani kuli, kelima baa bani Baa, baa bani mini moko.
4 But these things haue I tolde you, that when the houre shall come, ye might remember, that I tolde you them. And these things said I not vnto you from ye beginning, because I was with you.
N waani yi lani ke li yogunu yaa ti pundi yin tiadi ke n den waani yi la. Mii den waani la hali mi cilima. Kelima n den ye leni yi.
5 But now I go my way to him that sent me, and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou?
Moala n caa yua n soani nni kani, ama yi siiga o bakuli naa buali nni, a caa le yo?
6 But because I haue saide these thinges vnto you, your hearts are full of sorowe.
Li paboanli cuo yi boncianla, kelima n waani lani.
7 Yet I tell you the trueth, It is expedient for you that I goe away: for if I goe not away, that Comforter will not come vnto you: but if I depart, I will send him vnto you.
Li baa hani yipo min gedi, kelima n yaa gedi o todikoa kan cua, ama n ya gedi n baa soani yipo o todikoa.
8 And when he is come, he will reproue the worlde of sinne, and of righteousnesse, and of iudgement.
O ya cua o baa paadi handuna ti tuonbiadi po, mi tegima leni li bujiali.
9 Of sinne, because they beleeued not in me:
Ti tuonbiadi po kelima baa daani nni.
10 Of righteousnesse, because I goe to my Father, and ye shall see me no more:
Mi teginma po kelima n caa Baa po ke yi kan go le nni.
11 Of iudgement, because the prince of this world is iudged.
Li bujiali po kelima handuna bado buudi jia no.
12 I haue yet many things to say vnto you, but ye cannot beare them nowe.
N pia mi maama boncianla, ki baa waani yi, ama yi kan fidi ki gama moala. O baagikoa, imoamoani fuoma yua,
13 Howbeit, when he is come which is the Spirit of trueth, he will leade you into all trueth: for he shall not speake of himselfe, but whatsoeuer he shall heare, shall he speake, and he will shew you the things to come.
o ya cua o baa gobidi yi, yin bandi imoamoani kuli, kelima o kan maadi o yuceli maama, ama o baa taa wan gbadi yaale ki waani, yaa bonla n baa cua.
14 He shall glorifie me: for he shall receiue of mine, and shall shewe it vnto you.
O baa kpiagidi nni, kelima o baa taa min pia yaale ki yaa wangi yi.
15 All thinges that the Father hath, are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shewe it vnto you.
Baa n pia yaala kuli ye n ya niinne, lanyaapo n teni ke n yedi: O baa taa min pia yaala ki yaa wangi yi.
16 A litle while, and ye shall not see me: and againe a litle while, and ye shall see me: for I goe to the Father.
Li ya pugini waamu, yi kan go le nni, ama li yaa yanwaamu yi go baa le nni. Kelima n caa Baa po.
17 Then said some of his disciples among them selues, What is this that he saieth vnto vs, A litle while, and ye shall not see me, and againe, a litle while, and ye shall see me, and, For I goe to the Father.
Lanyaapo ohoadikaaba siiga bi tianba den tua bi yaba: Wan tua li yaa pugini waamu yi kan go le nni, ama li ya go yanwaamu, yi go baa le nni, kelima n caa Baa po yeni mo bua ki yedi be yo?
18 They said therefore, What is this that he saith, A litle while? we know not what he sayeth.
Bi den tua: Lanwani be n bua ki yedi: Yogunu waamu yeni. Tii bani wan maadi yaa yaala.
19 Now Iesus knew that they would aske him, and said vnto them, Doe ye enquire among your selues, of that I said, A litle while, and ye shall not see me: and againe, a litle while, and yee shall see me?
Jesu den bani ke bi bua ki buali o, lane o den yedi ba: Yi buali yi yaba yaala n bua ki yedi: Li ya pugini waamu, yi kan go le nni ama li yaa yanwaamu yi go baa le nni.
20 Verely, verely I say vnto you, that ye shall weepe and lament, and the worlde shall reioyce: and ye shall sorowe, but your sorowe shalbe turned to ioye.
N waani yi, imoamoani yi baa buudi ki go mua, ama handuna yaaba baa mangi bi pala, yi pabiidili baa lebidi ki tua pamanli.
21 A woman when she traueileth, hath sorowe, because her houre is come: but assoone as she is deliuered of the childe, she remembreth no more the anguish, for ioy that a man is borne into the world.
O pua yaa baa maa yaa yogunu o yen le ti yanyagidi kelima o maa yogunu pundi, ama o ya mala waa go tiadi ofala po. Kelima o mala nisaalo handuna nni.
22 And ye nowe therefore are in sorowe: but I will see you againe, and your hearts shall reioyce, and your ioy shall no man take from you.
Li tie yene leni yinba moko, li pabiidili cuo yi, ama n go baa le yi ke yi pala baa mangi, o bakuli kan fie yi kani laa pamanli.
23 And in that day shall ye aske me nothing. Verely, verely I say vnto you, whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my Name, he will giue it you.
Laa daali ya pundi yi kan go buali nni li bakuli, n yedi yi imoamoani, yin baa mia Baa yaala n yeli nni kuli o baa payi la.
24 Hitherto haue ye asked nothing in my Name: aske, and ye shall receiue, that your ioye may be full.
Hali moala yi daa mia li bakuli n yeli nni. Mia mani yi baa ba, ke yi pamanli n dagidi cian.
25 These things haue I spoken vnto you in parables: but the time will come, when I shall no more speake to you in parables: but I shall shew you plainely of the Father.
N maadi yi lankuli leni mi kpanjama. Yogunu kpendi ke n kan go maadi yi leni kpanjama, ama n baa yaa maadi yi n Baa maama ke li doagidi cain.
26 At that day shall ye aske in my Name, and I say not vnto you, that I will pray vnto the Father for you:
Laa daali ya pundi, yi baa miadi o n yenli nni. Mii yedi yi ke n baa mia Baa yipo,
27 For the Father himselfe loueth you, because ye haue loued me, and haue beleeued that I came out from God.
kelima Baa wani o ba bua yi, kelima yi den bua nni, ki daani ke ñani U Tienu kani.
28 I am come out from the Father, and came into the worlde: againe I leaue the worlde, and goe to the Father.
N ñani Baa kani ki cua handuna nni, moala n ña handuna nni ki caa Baa po.
29 His disciples saide vnto him, Loe, nowe speakest thou plainely, and thou speakest no parable.
O hoadikaaba den yedi o: Moa a maadi ke li doagidi cain, haa taani leni kpanjama.
30 Nowe knowe wee that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should aske thee. By this we beleeue, that thou art come out from God.
Moala ti bandi ke a bani li bonla kuli, laa tiladi han guudi ke nilo ba n buali a, bonla bakuli, lanyaapo yo ke ti daani, ke ha ñani U Tienu kani ki cua.
31 Iesus answered them, Doe you beleeue nowe?
Jesu den yedi ba: Yi daani moala.
32 Beholde, the houre commeth, and is already come, that ye shalbe scattered euery man into his owne, and shall leaue me alone: but I am not alone: for the Father is with me.
Diidi u yogunu kpendi ke yi baa yadi ki ha nni, yua kuli n gedi o kaanu, ama n kan yaa ye n bebe, kelima Baa ye leni nni.
33 These thinges haue I spoken vnto you, that in me ye might haue peace: in the world ye shall haue affliction, but be of good comfort: I haue ouercome the world.
N waani yi lani ke yin baa mi yanduanma n niini. Yi baa le ofalabiado handuna nni. Ama yin paagi yi pala kelima mini paadi handuna.

< John 16 >