< Job 8 >

1 Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and saide,
UBhilidadi umShuhi wasephendula wathi:
2 Howe long wilt thou talke of these things? and howe long shall the wordes of thy mouth be as a mightie winde?
“Koze kube nini ukhuluma izinto ezinjalo? Amazwi akho angumoya ophenquzayo.
3 Doeth God peruert iudgement? or doeth the Almightie subuert iustice?
Kambe uNkulunkulu uyakuhlanekela ukulunga na? Kambe uSomandla uyakuhlanekela okuhle na?
4 If thy sonnes haue sinned against him, and he hath sent them into the place of their iniquitie,
Lapho abantwabakho besona kuye, wabapha isijeziso sokona kwabo.
5 Yet if thou wilt early seeke vnto God, and pray to the Almightie,
Kanti nxa wena uzakhangela kuNkulunkulu uncenge kuSomandla,
6 If thou be pure and vpright, then surely hee will awake vp vnto thee, and he wil make the habitation of thy righteousnesse prosperous.
nxa umsulwa ulungile, lamanje nje uzaphakama akusize akubuyisele esimeni sakho.
7 And though thy beginning be small, yet thy latter ende shall greatly encrease.
Lapho owaqalisa khona kuzakhanya sekukuncinyane, ngoba ngezinsuku ezizayo uzabe usuphumelela kakhulu.
8 Inquire therefore, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thy selfe to search of their fathers.
Buza izizukulwane ezingaphambili udinge ukuthi okhokho babo bafundani,
9 (For we are but of yesterday, and are ignorant: for our dayes vpon earth are but a shadowe)
ngoba thina sizelwe izolo nje, kasazi lutho, lezinsuku zethu emhlabeni zilithunzi kuphela.
10 Shall not they teach thee and tell thee, and vtter the wordes of their heart?
Kambe kaziyikukulaya zikutshele na? Kaziyikuletha amazwi okuzwisisa na?
11 Can a rush grow without myre? or can ye grasse growe without water?
Konje imihlanga ingakhula ibe mide ingekho exhaphozini na? Imizi ingaphila kungelamanzi na?
12 Though it were in greene and not cutte downe, yet shall it wither before any other herbe.
Nxa leyonqodi isakhula ingakaqunywa imane ibune masinyane kulotshani.
13 So are the paths of al that forget God, and the hypocrites hope shall perish.
Sinjalo isiphetho sabo bonke abakhohlwa uNkulunkulu; litshabalala kanjalo ithemba lalowo ongakholwayo.
14 His confidence also shalbe cut off, and his trust shalbe as the house of a spyder.
Lokho akuthembayo kufohlozeka lula; lokho eyeme kukho yibulembu besayobe.
15 He shall leane vpon his house, but it shall not stand: he shall holde him fast by it, yet shall it not endure.
Uyeyama kulobubulembu bakhe, kodwa bubhidlike; uyabambelela kubo, kodwa bukhithike.
16 The tree is greene before the sunne, and the branches spread ouer the garden thereof.
Unjengesihlahla esithelelwa kakhulu sikhula elangeni, esisabalalisa ingatsha zaso esivandeni;
17 The rootes thereof are wrapped about the fountaine, and are folden about ye house of stones.
sinxibanise impande zaso enqunjini yamatshe, sizama ukuzuza ukugxila kuhle ematsheni.
18 If any plucke it from his place, and it denie, saying, I haue not seene thee,
Kodwa singasitshulwa kuleyondawo, leyondawo isisilandula ithi, ‘Angikaze ngikubone.’
19 Beholde, it will reioyce by this meanes, that it may growe in another molde.
Ngeqiniso impilo yaso iyabuna, ezinye izihlahla zibe zilokhu zikhula emhlabathini lowo.
20 Behold, God will not cast away an vpright man, neither will he take the wicked by the hand,
Ngeqiniso uNkulunkulu kamlahli umuntu ongelasici futhi kaqinisi izandla zezigangi.
21 Till he haue filled thy mouth with laughter, and thy lippes with ioy.
Usazogcwalisa umlomo wakho ngohleko lezindebe zakho ngokumemeza ngentokozo.
22 They that hate thee, shall be clothed with shame, and the dwelling of the wicked shall not remaine.
Izitha zakho zizakwembathiswa ngehlazo, lamathente ababi azatshabalala.”

< Job 8 >