< Job 6 >

1 Bvt Iob answered, and said,
Kisha Ayubu akajibu na kusema,
2 Oh that my griefe were well weighed, and my miseries were layed together in the balance.
“Oo, laiti maumivu yangu makubwa yangepimwa; laiti misiba yangu yote mikubwa ingewekwa kwenye mizani!
3 For it woulde be nowe heauier then the sande of the sea: therefore my wordes are swallowed vp.
Kwa kuwa sasa ungekuwa mzito kuliko mchanga wa baharini. Kwa sababu hiyo maneno yangu yamekuwa ya haraka.
4 For the arrowes of the Almightie are in me, the venime whereof doeth drinke vp my spirit, and the terrours of God fight against me.
Kwa kuwa mishale ya Mwenyezi ipo ndani yangu, moyo wangu umelewa sumu; Vitisho vya Mungu vimejipanga vyenyewe dhidi yangu.
5 Doeth the wilde asse bray when he hath grasse? or loweth the oxe when he hath fodder?
Je punda mwitu hulia akiwa na malisho? Au ng'ombe huwa dhaifu wakati wa njaa ambapo anachakula?
6 That which is vnsauerie, shall it be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egge?
Je inawezekana kitu kisicho na ladha kulika bila chumvi? Au kuna radha yoyote katika ute mweupe wa yai?
7 Such things as my soule refused to touch, as were sorowes, are my meate.
Nakataa kuvigusa; kwangu mimi vinafanana na chakula kichukizacho.
8 Oh that I might haue my desire, and that God would grant me the thing that I long for!
Oo, kama nigeweza kupata haja yangu; oo, kama Mungu angeridhia jambo nilitamanilo sana:
9 That is, that God would destroy me: that he would let his hand go, and cut me off.
kama Mungu ingempendeza kuniangamiza mara moja, kwamba angeulegeza mkono wake na kuyakatilia mbali maisha yangu!
10 Then should I yet haue comfort, (though I burne with sorowe, let him not spare) because I haue not denyed the wordes of the Holy one.
Hii ingeweza kuwa faraja yangu hata sasa - hata kama nafurahia sana maumivu yasiyopungua: kwa kuwa sikuyakana maneno yake Mtakatifu.
11 What power haue I that I should endure? or what is mine end, if I should prolong my life?
Nguvu yangu ni ipi, hata nijaribu kusubiri? Mwisho wangu ni upi, utakao refusha maisha yangu?
12 Is my strength the strength of stones? or is my flesh of brasse?
Je nguvu zangu ni nguvu za mawe? Au mwili wangu umeumbwa kwa shaba nyeusi?
13 Is it not so, that there is in me no helpe? and that strength is taken from me?
Je si kweli kwamba sina msaada ndani yangu, na kwamba hekima imeondolewa mbali nami?
14 He that is in miserie, ought to be comforted of his neighbour: but men haue forsaken the feare of the Almightie.
Kwa mtu ambaye yu karibu kuzirai, inapasa uaminifu uonyeshwe na rafiki zake; hata kwake yeye aachaye kumcha Mwenyezi.
15 My brethre haue deceiued me as a brook, and as the rising of the riuers they passe away.
Lakini ndugu zangu wamekuwa waaminifu kwangu kama mkondo wa maji jangwani, mfano wa mifereji ya maji ipitayo mpaka pasipo kitu,
16 Which are blackish with yee, and wherein the snowe is hid.
ambayo imekuwa mieusi kwa sababu ya barafu juu yake, na kwa sababu ya theluji ambayo hujificha yenyewe ndani yake.
17 But in time they are dryed vp with heate and are consumed: and when it is hote they faile out of their places,
Wakati zikiyeyuka, hutoweka; kukiwa na joto, hutoweka mahali hapo.
18 Or they depart from their way and course, yea, they vanish and perish.
Misafara ambayo husafiri kwa njia yao hugeuka na maji; huzurura jangwani na kisha hupotea.
19 They that go to Tema, considered them, and they that goe to Sheba, waited for them.
Misafara kutoka Tema huitazama, wakati majeshi ya Sheba huitarajia.
20 But they were confounded: when they hoped, they came thither and were ashamed.
Wamevunjika moyo kwa sababu walitumaini kupata maji. Wakaenda huko, lakini walidanganywa.
21 Surely nowe are ye like vnto it: ye haue seene my fearefull plague, and are afraide.
Kwa sasa ninyi rafiki si kitu kwangu; mmeona hali yangu ya kutisha nanyi mwaogopa.
22 Was it because I said, Bring vnto me? or giue a rewarde to me of your substance?
Je nilisema kwenu, 'Nipeni kitu furani?' Au, 'nitoleeni zawadi katika mali zenu?'
23 And deliuer me from the enemies hande, or ransome me out of the hand of tyrants?
Au, 'Niokoeni toka mkononi mwa mtesi wangu?' Au, 'Nitoleeni fidia kwa watesi wangu?'
24 Teach me, and I wil hold my tongue: and cause me to vnderstande, wherein I haue erred.
Nifundishe, nami nitaishika amani yangu; nifanye nifahamu wapi nilipokosea.
25 Howe stedfast are the wordes of righteousnes? and what can any of you iustly reproue?
Jinsi gani maneno ya kweli yanavyo umiza! Lakini hoja zenu, jee hasa zimenionya nini mimi?
26 Doe ye imagine to reproue wordes, that the talke of the afflicted should be as the winde?
Je mnapanga kuyakemea maneno yangu, mnayachukulia maneno ya mtu mwenye kukata tamaa sawa na upepo?
27 Ye make your wrath to fall vpon the fatherlesse, and dig a pit for your friende.
Hasa, mna piga kura kwa ajili ya yatima, na kupatana bei juu ya rafiki yenu kama bidhaa.
28 Nowe therefore be content to looke vpon me: for I will not lie before your face.
Sasa, kwa sababu hiyo, tafadhari nitazame, kwa hakika sitasema uongo usoni penu.
29 Turne, I pray you, let there be none iniquitie: returne, I say, and ye shall see yet my righteousnesse in that behalfe.
Rudini, nawasihi; lisiwepo neno la uonevu na nyinyi; Hasa, rudini, sababu zangu ni za haki.
30 Is there iniquitie in my tongue? doeth not my mouth feele sorowes?
Je mna uovu ulimini mwangu? Je kinywa changu hakiwezi kungundua madhara?

< Job 6 >