< Job 41 >
1 Canst thou drawe out Liuiathan with an hooke, and with a line which thou shalt cast downe vnto his tongue?
“Ungambamba na uLeviyathani ngewuka loba uhitshele ulimi lwakhe ngentambo na?
2 Canst thou cast an hooke into his nose? canst thou perce his iawes with an angle?
Ungawufaka umkhala yini emakhaleni akhe kumbe ubhoboze umhlathi wakhe ngewuka na?
3 Will he make many prayers vnto thee, or speake thee faire?
Uzabe elokhu ekuncenga yini ukuthi umzwele? Uzakhuluma lawe ngamazwi apholileyo yini?
4 Will hee make a couenant with thee? and wilt thou take him as a seruant for euer?
Uzakwenza isivumelwano lawe na ukuthi abe yisichaka sakho kokuphela?
5 Wilt thou play with him as with a bird? or wilt thou bynd him for thy maydes?
Ungamenza abe yisifuyo sokudlalisa njengenyoni na kumbe umfake umkhungo adlaliswe ngamantombazana na?
6 Shall the companions baket with him? shall they deuide him among the marchants?
Abathengi bazabhejelana ngentengo yakhe na? Bazakwahlukaniselana ngaye na abathengi?
7 Canst thou fill the basket with his skinne? or the fishpanier with his head?
Ungasibhoboza yini isikhumba sakhe ngenhlendla loba ikhanda lakhe ngemikhonto yokuciba inhlanzi?
8 Lay thine hand vpon him: remember the battel, and do no more so.
Ungabeka isandla phezu kwakhe, uzahlala ukukhumbula ukutshukana kwenu ungaphindi futhi!
9 Behold, his hope is in vaine: for shall not one perish euen at the sight of him?
Ukucabanga ukuthi ungamehlula kuyize; ukumbona nje kodwa kuqeda amandla.
10 None is so fearce that dare stirre him vp. Who is he then that can stand before me?
Kakho ongaba lesibindi sokuthi alwe laye. Pho ngubani ongamelana lami na?
11 Who hath preuented mee that I shoulde make an ende? Al vnder heauen is mine.
Ngubani engilomlandu kuye othi kangihlawule na? Konke okukhona ngaphansi kwezulu ngokwami.
12 I will not keepe silence concerning his partes, nor his power nor his comely proportion.
Kangisoze ngikhawule ukubabaza izitho zakhe, amandla akhe langesimo sakhe esihle.
13 Who can discouer the face of his garmet? or who shall come to him with a double bridle?
Ngubani ongaxebula isikhumba sakhe na? Ngubani ongasondela kuye ngamatomu na?
14 Who shall open the doores of his face? his teeth are fearefull round about.
Ngubani ongaqunga isibindi avule iminyango yomlomo wakhe, ogqagqelwe zingavula zamazinyo na?
15 The maiestie of his scales is like strog shields, and are sure sealed.
Umhlane wakhe ulezinhlu zamahawu abophene silikici;
16 One is set to another, that no winde can come betweene them.
yilelo lithe mba kwelinye okuthi kakungeni moya phakathi kwawo.
17 One is ioyned to another: they sticke together, that they cannot be sundered.
Anamathelene ndawonye; abambene okokuthi angeke ehlukaniswe.
18 His niesings make the light to shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.
Ukuthimula kwakhe kukhupha inhlansi zomlilo; amehlo akhe anjengemisebe yokusa.
19 Out of his mouth go lampes, and sparkes of fire leape out.
Amalangabi omlilo alavuka emlonyeni wakhe; inhlansi zomlilo ziqhatsha ziphuma khona.
20 Out of his nostrels commeth out smoke, as out of a boyling pot or caldron.
Intuthu ithunqa iphuma emakhaleni akhe kungathi isuka embizeni ebilayo phezu komlilo wemihlanga.
21 His breath maketh the coales burne: for a flame goeth out of his mouth.
Ukuphefumula kwakhe kulumathisa amalahle, njalo kulavuka amalangabi emlonyeni wakhe.
22 In his necke remayneth strength, and labour is reiected before his face.
Amandla akhe asentanyeni yakhe; okuphambi kwakhe kuhle kuphele amandla.
23 The members of his bodie are ioyned: they are strong in themselues, and cannot be mooued.
Amavinqo enyama yakhe abambene nki; aqine nko kawehlukaniseki.
24 His heart is as strong as a stone, and as hard as the nether milstone.
Isifuba sakhe silukhuni njengelitshe, siqine njengengaphansi kwembokodo.
25 The mightie are afrayd of his maiestie, and for feare they faint in themselues.
Uthi nxa ephakama kwesabe amaqhawe ngokwawo; atshede ebalekela ukubhula komsila wakhe.
26 When the sword doeth touch him, he will not rise vp, nor for the speare, dart nor habergeon.
Inkemba leyo emfikelayo kayenzi lutho, kumbe umkhonto, loba umtshoko loba isijula.
27 He esteemeth yron as strawe, and brasse as rotten wood.
Insimbi uyithatha njengotshani lethusi kungathi luluthi olubolileyo.
28 The archer canot make him flee: ye stones of the sling are turned into stubble vnto him:
Imitshoko kayimenzi abaleke; lamatshe esavutha anjengomule kuye.
29 The dartes are counted as strawe: and hee laugheth at the shaking of the speare.
Induku kuye ingumuca wotshani; uyahleka esizwa ukukhenceza komdikadika.
30 Sharpe stones are vnder him, and he spreadeth sharpe things vpon the myre.
Ingaphansi yomzimba wakhe injengendengezi ezibukhali, itshiya umzila odakeni kungathi yisileyi esizunguzekayo.
31 He maketh the depth to boyle like a pot, and maketh the sea like a pot of oyntment.
Udunga inziki zamanzi ayabuke njengembiza enkulu ibila, aluvube ulwandle njengembiza yamagcobo.
32 He maketh a path to shine after him: one would thinke the depth as an hoare head.
Ngemva kwakhe utshiya umzila okhazimulayo; umuntu angazathi ulwandle luloboya obumhlophe.
33 In the earth there is none like him: hee is made without feare.
Kakukho emhlabeni okulingana laye, isidalwa esingesabiyo.
34 He beholdeth al hie things: he is a King ouer all the children of pride.
Ubakhangelela phansi bonke abathi bazithembile; uyinkosi phezu kwabo bonke abazigqajayo.”